South Australian Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1858 - 1889), Thursday 29 December 1864, page 3


Stewards-Sir J. H. fisher; (president), Hon. John Mor-<*> phett, Hon. G.C. Hawker. Hon. J. Baker. P. Levi, Esq, and J. Gilbert. Esq.; Judge, Edmund Bowman, Esq.; Starter, G. Bennett, Esq.

FIBST DAY—Wednesday, Decembeb 38. The Summer Kaoe Mf*tf"e of 18S4 commenced at Thebartoa on Wednesday, December 28. Toe weather prior to and woe time after the commencement of the sports wag very disagreeable, as a atrong wesUriy wind raised clouds of dost •round the Stand end course, bat later In the day tbe breeie lulled, and the efter-j noon was 000 l and enjoyable. ] As this was the commemoration day of tbe foundation of the colony, the great attraction for holiday makers was Glenelg. The attendance at Thebarton, however. woegcod* though sot so large as might have been expected on a, wellkept holiday. His Excellency the Governor, attended by Inspector Hamilton, arrived on the coarse Just prior to the start for the Town Plate, and evinced conslderablefnteregtin the sports throughout the afternoon. The Grand Stand was airly filled with ladles and gentlemen. The absence of a band of music was very noHoeable, as thte, forms co great a desideratum at r*oe meetings In relieving'the Intervals between tbe races. The arrangements, as usual, were efficient. Mr. Charles Tanner, in costume, acted as Clerk of the Course, and there were detachments of the mounted and foot police on the ground, but there was little occasion for their Interference. Mr. Aldrldge catered at the Grand Stand, and made very ample provision. The tables were well spread with an excellent luncheon, and the drinkables were of prime quality. The Maiden Plate was the first event on the card, and ell the horses came to the post. They tooted wen, and speculation seemed to lay between Lnolfer and the Dane, both of which were In Al condition. The result of this race surmised everybody. The Dane rapidly fell behind after startfne until be must have been nearly a distanoe in the rear, when be stepped out. and sained ground In a slashing manner at every stride until the finish, when he co closely cashed Lnolfer that It was doubtful how It had terminated1 until the telegraph proclaimed Lnolfer to be the winner, and The Dane second. Then followed the Town Plate, tor which Telegraph was scratched, as his owner was Baring him for the Handicap onThnrsday. Mack, the veteranor many a field, and Little John, who had proved himself to be a good horse, were the prime favorites before starting. Cupbearer was well spoken 01. bat It was doubted whether he had the staying q'aalitieeheoe?sary&raloiigrace. Ti? result proved that he had. Cupbearer ran exceedingly weiL In the first heat Slack soon appeared to be out of the race. aa4 he polled up lost Inside the distance, fhe contest between Mr. Bagot's and Mr. Prest's geldings, which was *xctttne, resulted in favor of Little John. In the second heat there was an equally severe contest, but Cupbearer was the winner by a head. Healso won the third heat easily amid cheers. The ffflrtd'ine for the Derby took place taext, and the field was reduced to three by the withdrawal of Mr. Hurt!* Fisher's colt. The Sign, who only arrived In tbe Coorong on Friday, end was not In a fit state to run. Mr. Gilbert's filly, Qaeen of Barossa, to a handsome creature, and was turned out In good trim by JemmyMuls. Prince Albert looked well, and has a good strong gallop. Robin Hood was In fine condition also. Her flWerty won eaelly. Prince Albert matins a fair second, Bod Robin Hood a bad third. The sports concluded with a hack race, for which there were four entries, and of which Mr. Mailtos'* r.g. Charlie was the winner. Subjoined are the details of the running :— FXBST RACK. Maiden Plate—Of 40 eovs., for hones that have never won. Entrance, 4 sore.; one mile. Weights. 2 yn. old, c at. s Ib.; 3 yn..Bst6ll>.; 4 yrs., 9 st. 10 lb.; syrs., lost; • yrs. and aged 10 st 4 lb. Oou.J. Baker's b.h. Lucifer. 6 yre., 10 et (Koblnson)-. l Mr. C. B. Fisher's br.c The Dane, S yrs., 6st albs. (Matthews) - - - 2 Mr. J. Gilbert's b?. Great Eastern, 4 yrs..? ?t. ?lbs. (Stevens). : Mr. O. Adcoek'a br.c Laurel. 3 yrs.. Set 8 lbs. (Shugg). Mr. G. C. Hawker's b.g. Canopna,? yre., 8 et 8 lbs. <J. Tucker). '. After two attempts Lucifer want away with the lead, The Dane all behind, and theothec 'three running together. Meanwhile the Dane fell rapidly In the rear, and Great Eastern challenged Lucifer for leadership. At the half mile, Laurel pushed Into second place, but Great Eastern i?nmpi?ntciy recovered It Canopus was at this timefourtb, and the Dane, though behind, was foickry lessening the space between himself and hiscompetit#B.ana the fire entered the [straight running In a very good Back, Lucifer still leading, the others well np, and the Dana/pushing ahead et every stride. The contest was a severe ctoe, but the Dane, who was brought op in splendid style by joins Matthews, had to content himself with second place, Dudfer winning by a head, although on the stand it Menun doubtful as to whether It ma not the Dane's race, until tfafe telegraph announced the Judge's decision. Great Eastern and Laurel rated well for third place, end Canopus was last Ihi time was not accurately kept In ttle not. SECOND BACE. Town Plate.—Of uo eova. Entrance, v ion.; two miles, heats. Weights, 3 yrs. old. est; 4yrs., & st. T lb.: s yrs.. to st, and 6 yrs and aged. 10 at 4 lb. Mr. J. Prest's b.g. Cupbearer, c yrs.. 9St. nibs. (Stevens) - ?• ... -211 Mr. E. M. Begot'e c g. Little John, aged, 10 st. 1 ib. (Feeler) ~ I a a Mr. J. Gilbert's br.g. Locomotive, 4 yrs., 9 St. 4 lbs. (Landcake) .- — — — — ...3 3 — Mr. J. Filgate'sb.c.Bacchus,3yrs., est.(Matthews). Mr. O. Adoock'e eg. Mack, aged, 10 st. l lb. (Simpson). Mr. G- Alston's b.g. Himalaya, aged, 10 st. i lb. (D. Alston). Mr. C. Jenkins's br.c. Telegraph, 4 yrs.. flsL 4 lbs. dr. First Heat—The lot got off In a row. but Bacohns and Himalaya soon tailed behind. Mack and Uttie John made play in the Grant, but Mack soon fell vS. On passing tbe stand for tbe first time Uttie John was leading, hard held. Locomotive second. Cupbearer third, Himalaya fourth. Mack fifth, and Bacohns last. At the turn Locomotive pushed into first place, Mack again making play for place Mo 3. Little John and Locomotive took op the running along the eastern side of tbe course, but at the corner Cupbearer challenged Locomotive for second position, Baochns passed Mack, Himalaya driving all before him. The four entered the running well together. Looomotive flogging, and Little John, who was leading, end Cupbearer, who was second, holding. In this manner they passed the post, Bacchus being fourth. Made and Himalaya pulled up Inside the distanoe. j. Time, 4 mln-2 seos. Second Heat—Himalaya was scratched for this heat After one attempt tbe pack got away. Mack leading, and Little John behind. On passing the Stand, however. Little John was first, Bacchus second. Mack third, nnd the others well np. Bating along the eastern sideof the paddock Mack pushed into second place, but was soon superseded by Cupbearer, who began drawing upon Little John. There wag a splendid finish, and Cupbearer was declared the winner by a head. Locomotive third, and Hack fourth. Time.4min. Third Heat;— Cupbearer led away from the Jump. After passing the balf-mile he began flagging, and at the mile and a half Little John challenged him, but It was without avail, as Cupbearer won by two or three lengths amid cheers. Little John's sides bore the evidence of severe punishing. Time, 4 mln. E sees. THIRD BACE. Derby.—A sweepstakes of 10 soys., 2'forfeit, with 100 bovb. added, for 3-yr.-olds. One mile and a-half. 3J nominations. Weights:-Colts, set.; fillies and geldings, B St 10 U>S. Mr. J. Gilbert's b.f. Queen of Barossa, 8 et. 10 lbs. {Stevens) — ... ?•• ... ?• ••• ?•• -? l Hon. J. Morphett's g.g. Prince Albert, c st 10 lbs. (Landcake) ~ - — s Sir. L: Barnard's br.c. Bobln Hood, flBt(Pegier) ... 3 There was en indifferent start, the Queen of Barossa being behind. She soon gave the " bold archer" the go by, and at the corner Her Majesty took up the running with a strong lead, and was never overtaken. She won easily, bands town. Prince Albert being second, flogging hard, and Bobln Hood a bad third. Time 3 miss. 2 sees. rOOBTH BACE. Hack Stakes.—Of 16 soys.; entrance. 1J soys.; for horses that have never started for publio money except back stakes; one mile and a-half. heats. Weight, est. Post Entrance. Mr. MuUlns'sr.g. Charlie (Mailtos) ... ... ... 3 1 I Mr. Harvey's em. Minna (Harvey, Jan.) l a a Mr. Adcock'6 p.m. Fanny (Shugg) ... — ...3 3 0 Hr.Stnckey's?Uusklook (Matthews)... - ... dis. First Heat.—Charlie 7J lbs. over. Minna led away, Charlie second, and Fanny and Blackloek all In the rear. Minna kept ahead, and won easily. Fanny being second, and Charlie abad third. Second Heat—Charley was backei by Young Matthews this heat. The running was all between Minna and Charlie, who kept clo?e company all the way round till nearing the Stand, when Charlie pushed a-ne&d and won the beat by two or three lengths. Mr. Harrey entered a protest against Charlie on the Round that He had declared ;j lbs. over In the first beat and bad put on a lighter weight for the second heat without making a declaration. Toe Stewards have not yet decided the protest Third Heat—Minna showed tbe way from tbe post, but after racing well together for three-fourths of a mile, tha roan was landed an easy winner. This concluded the day's sports. The events for to-aay are as follows, and the start for the first race will take place at l o'clock ?. — nBST BACE. Handicap of 50 soys. Nominations with 6 eova. ou December L Weights declared December 13. Acceptances with io soys. c weep on the night of general entry. One mill andahalfi Mr. E. M. Bsgot's eg. Little Joan, aged. 9 st. 6 Ib. Mr. J. Gilbert's cm. Cinderella. 6 yrs.. 0 at 1 lb. Mr. C. Jenkins's br.g. Telegraph, 4 yre., 8 st. 11 ib. Mr. L. Barnard's br.c. Bobln Hood, 3 yrs.. c st 8 lb. Mr. O. Adoook'e b.c Tim Whlffler, 2 yrs., 4 st. SECOND BACE. Shorts,of 30 eovs.; entrance. 3eovs. Half mile, heats, without dismounting. Weights -. -2yrs.. ? at. 3 lbs.; 3 yn.. 9 et.-, 4 yre. 9 st. 9 lbs-; 6 yrs., 9 at. 13 lbt.; c yn. and aged, io at 4 lbs. Mr. J. MolUos's g.h. Quicksilver. 6 yn. Mr. J. Baker's b!h. Lucifer. 6 yn. Mr. J. Gilbert's b.g. Great Eastern, 4 yw. Mr. J. Fflgate'e br.g. Sultan, aged. Mr. O. Adoock's br.c. Laurel, 3 yrs. Mr. J. Jewell's e.g. Captain, aged. Mr. Thomas Dodd'a blcg. Gamester. 6 yn Mr. J. Harvey "a bjn, Brenda, 5 yrs. THERD Italic. Hurdles, of 60 soys.; entrance, 6 soys. One mile and a-h?lf heats, over four bardies 4 ft. 6 In. high. Three yrs., SBt 2lbs.; 4yrs, list; 6 yrs., list. lalbs.; 6 yn.ana aged, 13 st 4 On. Mr. J. Prest's b.g. Sterling. 3 yrs. Mr. C. B. Burton's b.g. Ferryman, 3 yn. Mr. W. H.Simpson's bg.Leader, aged. Mr. G. O. Hawker's b.R. Cornet, 4 yrs. Mr. L. Barnard's eg. Gienooe, c yn. PODBTB BASE. Tbiaj. Stakes, of so soys.; entrance, 6 soys. On? mile and a-half heats. Three yn., Bst alb?. ; 4 yn., • st. 9 Ibi,: 6 yrs. and aged, Uet4lba. Mr. R. Holland's br.m. Bushgirl, 3 yrs. I Mr. J. GUberf c am. ClndereUa, 6 yrs. Mr. J. Filgate's br^. Sulbui, aged. Mr. G. C. Hawker's br.g. Fidget. 4 yn. Mr. W. H. Simpson's b.g. Oadstooklng. aged. Mr. E. M. Bagot'e <xg. Little John, aged. The only withdrawal which we have heard of is Captain,; who has been drawn for the Shorts. i

The Dutch Captain.—"One evening, when the clouds looked wild and whirling, I asked X if it was coming on to blow. 'No, I guess not,' said he; ' bumby the moon 1! be up, and " sooff away*' that ere loose stuff.' His intonation eet the phrase 'scoff away, in quotation-marke as plain as print. So I put a query in each eye, and be went on :— * Ther' was a Dutch cappen onot, an' his mate oome to him in the cabin, where he sot takin' hia eohapps, an' saye, "Oappen, it's a gittin' thick, an'looks kin* o' equally ; hedn't we's good's shorten sail ?" " Gimmy my alminick," says the cappen. So he looks at it a spell, an' says he," The moon's due in leas 'n half an hour, an' she'll scoff away ev'ytbin' dare again." So the mate he goes, an 1 bumby down he comes agin*, an' says, "Cappen, this 'ere's the aUfiredes, powerfullest moon't erer you did see. She's scoffed away the maintopgaUants'l, an* she's to work on the foretop?'l now. Ooesa you'd better look in the alminick agin, an fin* out when this moon sets." So the cappen thought 'twaa 'bout time to go on deck. Dreadful . alow them Dutch cappe&t be,'"

ANNIVEBSAJJY OF THE COLONY. THE FETE AT GLENELG. Glenelg was the special place of attraction on Wednesday, being the occasion on which the foundation of the colony was proclaimed. Early In the morning vehicles of every conceivable description were to be seen loaded with gaily orated holiday-seekers making their way to the Bay. The omnibuses, too, were completely crowded; and by 2 or 3 o'clock there must hare been several thousands of persona dispersed about on the seashore end promenading the Jetty. The weather was brilliantly fine; but the breeze was so strong as to be inconveniently tantalizing to the prevailing fashions, and rather annoying in many other respects. Bat the people were disposed to begood-bumored, and bore these little Ills that flesh is heir to with remarkable tang froid. The Bay was, according to annual custom, decorated with flags and other holiday regalia and auxiliaries. The beach and entrance of the pier wore occupied by numerous vendors of fruits and other refreshments. A Camera Obscara and a Diorama were placed on the Esplanade, and obtained a considerable amount of patronage. A band of mnslo was engaged for the occasion, and its enlivening Btraln? added greatly to the pleasures of the day. A booth was ereotei by Mr. Moeely on the Esplanade adjoining his hotel, and we understand chat be obtained permission of the Collector of Customs to erect a refreshment etall at the bead of the Jetty, which he accord-1 Ingly did; bat great objection was expressed at tins proceeding, as It considerably Interfered with the promenade of people along the Jetty. During the afternoon the steamers Young Australian, Eleanor, and lietty arrived from the Fort with fair complements of passengers, who dlsemba ked, and of coarse augmented the lesion at persons that bad already assembled at the Bay. On November 28 a Committee consisting: of Messrs. 8. Beck, Captain Doff, A. Cunningham, Crook, and Dawe. were appointed .to arrange a variety of sports in commemoration of the Anniversary Day, and It was expected they would therefore pass off with moon ecUU, but euob was not the case. Want of good preamngeinent or some other want occasioned great delays, which created much annoyance, and the wind was too strong for exciting boat sailing or racing. The programme was Initiated by a salute of 19 guns, which wen fired from two gnus by the Adelaide Artillery, under the command of Captain Bfackham. One of the Ores of the e>u>-wheel? came off neat the Black Forest, bnt the felloes kept together all the way down. The other tires aUo require looking to, and the guns will accordingly be left at Glenelg for repairs. Alter the saints a bony ekurry fore whip and spars took place on the beach. There were seven entries, and ?ttae race was won by lir. OUles's Polly. A dnok hunt was the next sport. Jemmy Barton, the veteran dock, filled the same position as be usually takes, and he was chased In a whale boat by a orew of four, consisting of Shepherd, J. Sugars, G. Sugars, and K. Boyals. Jemmy got entangled amid the boats and lost the contest A back race, for saddle and bridle, mile heats, was the next event on the programme. There were la entries. Mr. Bradford's Hammey won the first heat, and Mr. Giles'a Eelodeer the two last heats, and consequently the race. The shovel race —that is, men racing in boats and using shovels for oarswas an Rimming affair. There were three entries, two men being In each boat Peri, manned by Sugars and J. Burton, won the race. There were several entries for Jumping In sacks, and James Eagleton managed to .carry off the prize, The next sport that took plate was a dock bant, in whiab the same dnok and the sane boat's crew as In the previous race, took part, but the hunt thlstlme resulted In fiivor of the duck. A toot raze for £l is. followed. There were [five competitors, and the race was won by A. Harriott The next event on the programme was an Amateur Boat Race (seven oars), which, after some delay In getting entries, was started. Two boats entered for-this race—Mr. Barton's Telegraphand Mi. Shepherd's Conqueror—the last-named boat winning the pilze. £ 3. A Hack Baoe for a Indies' Parse of '8 soys. followed, which resulted in favor of Mr. Giles's Reindeer. The next event on the card was an amusing affair—a Tub Bace. There were four tuba entered. Soapsads (blue), G. Sugars; Washerwoman (red), B. Boyals; Soda (white). J. Barton; Starch and Blue (orown). J. Sugars. J. Barton took the lead at starting, and maintained it throughout, leaving his competitors far behind. Daring the race two or the tabs capsized, bnt tbelr occupants were picked up by the boats in attendance. The sports of theday were concluded by a duck hunt, In whloh the same boat's crew as in the two previous hunts took place, with the exception of G. Sugars, who was duck, and who after being chased for the prescribed time, succeeded In gaining the prise. £3. Mr. r. W. llodges superintended the aqnaUo sports, and Mr. J. W. Dawe the land sports. Daring the day Archery, Aont Sally. William Tell, and other popular eporte were indulged in to a great extent by the visitors. The sports passed off without accident.