South Australian Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1858 - 1889), Wednesday 16 December 1863, page 2


The election for Councillor for Hindmarsh Ward took place on Tuesday. The candidates were Messrs. E.S. Wigg and F.B. Carlin. During the morning various cars were employed for each candidate for

tlie purpose of conveying electors to the poll, which was token at the City Council Chamber. Mr. Councillor Buik acted as presiding officer. The following was the result of the poll:— F. B. Carlin 206 E. S. Wigg 72 Informal ... ... ... ... 2 Total 280 On Monday, December 14th, His Worship the Mayor of Adelaide (Samuel G-oode, Esq.) was sworn in at the Supreme Court as the Chief Magistrate of the city. The ex-Mayor—Thos. English, Esq.—was sworn in as a Justice of the Peace, iv accordance with an announcement in a late number of the Government Oazette. A lecture was delivered by the liord Bishop of Adelaide, on Tuesday evening, in the room at the Institute at present occupied by the Exhibition of the Society of Arts. There was a tolerable number of ladies and gentlemen present. His Excellency the Governor and Miss Daly arrived at 8 o'clock, attended by the Aide-de-Camp. The Lord Bishop then commenced his lecture, the subject of which was " Sculpture: its History, its Progress and Decline, and Modern Revival." The lecture wm tbe

same as that delivered by the Bishop on tlie Ist July before the Society of Artx, and as on tbat occasion we gave a full digest of it, a report is not neeeseary in this place. His Lordship wa9 loudly cheered at | the conclusion. The Rev. A. B. Russell then moved a vote of thanks to the Bishop; and, though be did not agree with some of His Lordship's criticisms, he thought the reading of such papers did good, as they promoted discussion. As to the | low foreheads of ancient sculpture, and particularly jof the " Clytie" exhibited, the rev. gentleman sugi gested that the hair over the brow might be typical of ; modesty and retiring grace. Ho did uot think either : Gibson or some other modern sculptors were open to the sweeping condemnation of the Bishop. Mr. Tomktnson seconded the motion, which was put to j the meeting by His Excellency the Governor, and carried unanimously. His Lordship expressed bis acknowledgments, and briefly replied to the remarks of the Rev. Mr. Russell. A vote of thanks to His Excellency the Governor was moved by Mr. A. Abrahams, seconded by Mr. C. Hill, and carried unanimouety. His Excellency said that lie regretted his other engagements did not permit him to be oforner present at similar meetings, but lie always felt gratified at presiding wherever the cause of education and useful knowledge was advocated. The meeting then broke up. The Stow Memorial Bazaar was open again Tuesday. The weather, though gloomy at first, was fortunately finer than that of the preceding day ; and Hie consequent result was a larger attendance of visitors. The business transacted was very considerable, but the stalls still seemed to contain enough of things both "great and small" to supply all needing visitors. The band played as usual in the evening ; and there was a large number of persons present. The total proceeds of the day amounted to about £190, making the gross sum realized during the two days £360. In the Insolvent Court on Tuesday, W. Unwin was awarded a second-class certificate without suspension. No opposition was entered against the insolvent. In the Police Court, on Tuesday, en information was heard, laid by Mr. S. Raphael againet Messrs. English & Brown for erecting the wooden building upon the Corporation Acre. Mr. Stow attended in support of the information, and argued that it was such a building as was included in the schedule of penalties in the Corporation Act of 1861. The Attorney-General quoted the 137 th section of the Act to which the schedule referred, and inasmuch as that section imposed no penalty and omitted the word " wooden roof," that the schedule of penalties was inoperative. He aiso quoted the section of the Act referring to " hoardings," and argued that the building in question was simply an ordinary hoarding to protect the foot-passengers passing along King William-street. Mr. Beddome gave his opinion in support of the information, but the majority of the Bench was against him, and in consequence the information was dismissed, but Mr. Stow gave notice of appeal. A charge laid by Mr. A. Jenkm against Mr. G. H. Giles, solicitor, for illegally pledging some Taliaker Mine shares, was heard and occupied the Court to a late hour, and was then adjourned for a week for the attendance of two witnesses. A general meeting of the members of the Old Scholars' Association, Adelaide Educational Institution, was held last evening, at Mr. J. L. Young's school room, Stephens-place; Mr. E. Cheetham occupied the chair. Satisfactory reports were received with reference to the success of the association. An intimation was made by the Secretary that the annual prize had been awarded to Edward Neale Wigg, and arrangements were made for its presentation on Friday next. The meeting then proceeded to the election of officers for the ensuing year, when the following gentlemen were chosen to act as a committee of management:—Mr. C. Peacock, President; Mr. M. L. Clark, Treasurer; Mr. Joseph Coulls, Secretary; and Messrs. E. Cheetham, Walter Samson, Wm. Bickford, A. K. Whitby, and G. Cottrell; all but the last-named gentleman being re-elected. A vote of thanks to the Chairman concluded the business of the evening. A meeting of the Central Road Board was held on Tuesday, when all the Commissioners were present. Dr.Browne attended to inform the Board of the impassable condition of tbe ferry at Wellington. He had 15,000 sheep which could not be crossed, and there was no probability of their being able to be taken over for three weeks unless a punt were sent up to Thomson's. Mr. J. Dunn presented s petition to tbe Board from the inhabitants of Monnt Barker and its vicinity, praying that tbe Board would raise tbe causeway above the level of the water so that cattle and passengers could cross. It was resolved to communicate at once with the Government, soliciting their sanction to the sending of a punt to Thompsons to meet the emergency. The Surveyors' reports of the South and South-Eastern Districts were read and approved. Dr. Burton ' presented a petition from the residents of Edwardatown, praying that the Board would prevent the breaking of stones on the footpaths in the neighbor-, hood, as it was very dangerous. The matter was] referred to the Surveyor, to do the best he could for the public convenience. A deputation attended with' a petition respecting the road from Clarendon to Kangarilla, and urging the expenditure of money upon it and the desirability of adopting a deviation they proposed. The Surveyor was desired to recollect the piece of road in his next appropriation. About the usual quantity of correspondence was gone through and dealt with, and the following tenders were accepted:—No. 861, for providing and delivering about 1,000 cubic yards of 2£-inch metal for repairs of road between the Forest Inn and the 6th milepost, South-road ; there were seven tenders, and that of S. Campaign at £320 16s. Bd. was accepted. No. 865, for providing and delivering about 1,000 cnbic yards of 2|-raetal for repairs between 6th and 9th mileposts SoutUroad. There were six tenders, and that of S. Cam- j paign at £320 16s. Bd. was accepted. No. 865, for providing and delivering about 1,000 cubic yards of 2g-metal for repairs between 9th and 12th mileposts, South-road; there were five tenders, and that of S. If. Hart at £362 10s. was accepted. No. 867, for providing and delivering about 1,000 cubic yards of 2|-icch metal for repairs between the 12th milepost and Noarlunga, South-road; there were four tenders, and that of W. Sandery, at £350, was accepted. No. 86S, for the construction of portion of road and building bridge at Finniss Vale, Rapid Bay; there were three tenders, and that of S. Taylor, at £259, was accepted. No. 869, for constructing portion of road between South-road, at Parker's, and Mr. Douglas's house, at Douglas's Hill, Bull's Creek-road; the tender of J. Donnell, at £459 lls. 3d., was accepted. No. 870, for forming aud metalling about 125 chains of road between Freeling and Nain, north-east branch of North-road ; there were five tenders, and that of J. Crank, at £1,696 16s. 6i, was accepted. It appears from an engraving in the lUiutratei London News that the Nottingham Robin Hoods, in their recent match with the Milang Rifles, made use of screens. The engraving is from a photograph. It has now become a matter of frequent occurrence for vessels to bring consignments of valuable stock on deck, and on board the Harwich are a number of beautiful rams, and a kennel of very well selected dogs. The Patriot of October 15 contains an appeal by the Rev. T. Binney on bahalf of the Stow Memorial Church Fund, and also a subscription list. The list is headed by Mr. A. Hay with £400, and by Mrs. Hay with £100. Messrs. 3. R. Mills, S. Morley, George Had field, and A. L. Elder, are down for £25 each; Mr. T. Barnes gives £20; Messrs. Spicer, Welsh, Rutt, Colman Somerville, White, aud Sir F. Crossley are down for £10 each, and there are numerous names for smaller sums. A Canadian paper states that the Marquis of Korinanby (late Lord Mulgrave) is to be succeeded in the Governorship of Nova Scotia by the Hon. Arthur Gordon, now Governor of New Brunswick. The Hon. J. Rose, Q-C, of Montreal, is to be the new Governor of New Brunswick. The same authority states that Captain Kennedy has been appointed Governor of Vancouver's Island in tbe room of Governor Douglas. The Straif* Times says that the Federal chase after the Alabama ia getting rather hot in that locality. The Wyoming, Vanderbilt, and Dacotah are on the watch. The tobacco crops at Java are said to be a total failure. Tbe performances at the Theatre, on Tuesday evening, were the same as on the previous night. Tliia evening the programme will be completely changed.