Monitor (Sydney, NSW : 1826 - 1828), Friday 15 September 1826, page 1

AN honest well-behaved man, of the name of Healey, who served Dr. Redfern a series of years as butler, at length became free, at the end of a servitude of seven years; and about the same time, his wife, a well-educated woman, who lived with the secretary of the Bank of Ireland, 17 years, with her family, came out to join him. They settled at Penant Hills, and Healey commenced timber-dealer — employed sawyers, procured a timber carriage and teams, and sold his boards, &c. to the mer-chants of Sydney. There is a convict stationed at a kind of public wharf in Parramatta River, near Penant Hills, and who, because Healey considered the bonus of grog exacted of the inhabitants by the said convict, (as a kind of permission to land and embark at the said public wharf) to be an imposition, with an independence which was creditable to him, refused to pay the same. The convict-wharfinger, however, being placed; there by the Authorities, was resolved to annoy Healey for his imper-tinence in not paying the said Christmas-box. Accord-ingly, though the road is a public crown road, on Mr. Marsden's farm, he obstructed Healey, and on one occa-sion struck his wife. Mrs. Healey (as above-mentioned) being an educated woman, made her complaints to the Parramatta Bench by letter, but the convict-wharfinger. was a place-man, and found favour in the eyes of the Clerk. At length, Healey and his wife attended at the Bench, and the following is a sample of the very fair and candid Police Reports which the clerk of' the said Bench makes to the Sydney Gazette, and in which he insults Mrs. Healy on account of that which is usually considered a title to respect; namely, her being able to make her injuries known in writing ! But it is all of a piece with the reports of the Parramatta Bench — and our readers will notice that the complainants were ordered to find securities for their good behaviour ! ! ! " PATRICK JENNING, wharfinger, Pennant-hills; appear-ed to answer John Healey and Mistress Lecretia, his es-poused rib, for preventing the said John and his rib from landing at the Government Pennant-hill Wharf; like-wise for inflicting a blow on the said Lucretia, against the peace of our Lord the King. It appeared in evi-dence, that Jennings had acted under the direction of Mr. Kinghorne, in the first case, and secondly, it did not appear that Jennings had committed an assault; in ad-dition, the said Healy was known to the court, to be liti-gious in every sense of the word. Mrs. H. was ex-tremely fond of the pen, a kind of scribendi cacoethis which had stored the police desks with huge volumes of complaints, vexatious, trifling; and seldom otherwise, introduced by Mrs. H. with all the eloquence she was mistress of. It was further proved, that Healey had as-saulted Jennings on one occasion. To prevent a recur-rence with parties, ordered to find securities for their good behaviour" (!!!)

DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE.— The designs of two cun-ning depredators were frustrated on Saturday night in rather a curious manner. One M'Cabe, a dweller in Market Street,. proprietor of a certain resorte of the thirsty souls, 'yclep't The Cottage, ornamented in true rustic style with a verandah, and an accommodating bench or seat beneath, was awakened from his slumbers by the dire alarms of the patrole who summoned him to disengage himself from the clutches of Morpheus and behold the work of devastation then performing. It appears that the aforesaid bench was the nightly resting place of the weary watch, and who repaired to their accustomed spot on the night in question — but behold, this commodious appendage was removed, and in lieu, bricks and brick-bats, and mortar, &c. were strewed up and down the vacant space. With their natural inqui-sitive disposition, they foraged into each corner, and be hold a man, immoveable for the moment as a statue, stationed in one of them!. Strong suspicions also ap-peared of another biped being not far distant. An aperture in the wall, beneath the window, pointed out a new ingress into the house, and subsequently, a fellow endeavouring to make his escape by means of the chim-ney, was discovered. Both of the intruders were safely lodged in the precincts of No. 6; and upon his exami-nation before the Bench, being free subjects, they were fully committed to take their trial, for the circumstances and things in which they were discovered as the per-petrators. POLITICAL arithmeticians have calculated the present income of individuals in Great Britain to amount to the enormous sum of five hundred millions of pounds ster-ling annually ! Some calculate it still higher. If this sum were converted into Spanish dollars, it would require a fleet of 120 ships of 500 tons burthen to carry it ! THE effect of the Snowy Mountains beyond Argyle, upon the waters at Mr. Cullen's station, was such this winter, that his overseer was obliged to keep a man em-ployed best part of his time in breaking the ice from day to day, to enable his cattle to drink. And he was assured that his loaded team, in crossing a small pond, went over without breaking the ice ! ! ! A CORRESPONDENT says— " A memorial has been pre-pared, signed by some of the most respectable inhabit-ants of Sydney, soliciting the sanction and patronage of the Governor to the proposed theatre. In the event of the approbation of His Excellency being obtained, the committee will proceed to active operation. The owner of a new and extensive building, not yet com-pleted, has, with a view to expedite this source of public recreation, expressed his willingness to accommodate them with the loan of the premises, until a more suitable edifice can be erected." THE case of two of the Sydney constables, charged with an illegal attempt to compromise with a woman named Gerrard, residing in Upper Pitt Street, fined on Tuesday se'nnight, in the sum of 25 l. for selling spirits. without a license, has been reported to the Governor. MACDONALD, whose disappearance was involved in mystery, and about whom various rumours were afloat, was accidentally brought to light on Thursday last, in the following curious manner. Information having been received by fthe police of the supposed concealment of two female.absentees in a house occupied by a woman named Jones, on the Race Course, thither two con-stables proceeded, but without a warrant, and civilly re-quested to look over the house; this was readily acceded to, except one room, where the hostess stated a female was in child-bed. Their suspicion being excited, one of them returned to the office in order to procure a warrant. The inmate of this hidden room, upon this, became uneasy of his lodging, and attempted to make a speedy exit through a back window. Here he was however foiled, and he was reduced, to the necessity of trying his fortune at the front way. Here the stationary constable recognized him as the absent gun-smith ; but still doubt-ful that there were females in the house who might es-cape if he left it, determined on remaining in statu quo, and towards the South Head Road, hied the man of metal — unfortunately for him, the other constable re-turned, and espying him under hasty step, pursued, and overtook him, near the sheriff's cottage. Embarrass-ment was the cause of his having secreted himself. Outstanding bills, at the time becoming due, he made Mrs. Jones's house his castle and strong hold, where he states he passed the last month.. He was brought up for examination on Friday and Saturday before the po-lice, and each time remanded. On the last occasion, while on his route back to the Barracks, he contrived to elude the vigilance of the constable to whose charge he had been committed, and escaped. We since hear he is in custody. A Coroner's Inquest was held on Friday morning, at Hyde Park Tavern, upon the body of Mr. John Rat-cliffe, of George Street, Hatter, who was found drowned on the preceding afternoon. The deceased had been for some time in a desponding state, which had increased by his having undergone a temporary incarceration of a few hours in the watch-house, for being found intoxicated at an unseasonable hour, and his person not being at the time recognized by the constables. He had frequently expressed apprehension of impending ruin, and made inquiries of his wife if his coffin were prepared? On Thursday morning he left his home, nor was ought heard of him, until his body was found lying at the water's edge, near Woolloomooloo Cove, where it was scarcely deep enough to cover his face.— Verdict — r;z :'! . : self in a state of mental aberration

THE danger of the practice of leaving wells uncovered, (a practice very prevalent in Sydney) is demonstrated by the melancholy fact of three or four children in Sydney having become the victims of this want of caution during the last 'twelvemonth. A child belonging to a young woman named Farthing, while playing in the garden of the house in which its parent resided, was suddenly missed, nor for a time could any tidings of the lost infant be gained, until the discovery of the body in the well cleared up the mystery, and left the unhappy mother to mourn the effects of her want of caution. MR. SIPPE intends taking his benefit shortly after the next regular concert. A rich treat is preparing for the cognoscevti of true harmony, the grand overture to Der Freitchutz, composed by " Von Weber, the Magical Von Weber." is in rehearsal. Upwards of forty instrumental per-formers will lend their aid to give it full effect. An accession of vocalists is expected, particularly a lady, of whose ability report speaks highly. THE Portland, which left the Derwent on the 29th ult. reports the arrival of the Earl St. Vincent, at that port, with 160 male prisoners. Captain Smith's detach-ment of the 39th regiment arrived per the ship Port-land, was the guard of the Earl St. Vincint. We are sorry to learn that the lady of Captain Smith died, while off the Island of Tristan D'Acunha. Her body has been conveyed to Port Jackson in the Portland. OUR Correspondent at Newcastle confirms the reports that have reached head quarters of the turbulent dispo-sition of the natives of Upper Hunter's River. Two men, servants to Captain Lethbridge, fell victims to their hostile attacks. The inmates of the house, at the time, consisted of three or four men and a woman, and two children. A party of blacks, in number about twelve, was descried approaching by a lad who was oc-cupied very near the house, their appearance betokening hostility. He immediately gave the alarm, and the fe-male concealed herself, with her child, under the bed. Two shepherds joined them, one of whom first received a spear wound, and as he fell, exclaimed, " I am a dying man," and expired. The other speedily met his com-panion's fate. His body, though perforated with a spear, still retained signs of animation, which the assailants perceiving. despatched him with a blow of a waddie, by which his skull was fractured. The person who super-intended the farm, was also slightly wounded. Having overcome all opposition, they entered the house, which they literrally stripped of every portable article, and betook themselves to flight. THE unforunate " Australian" lately ventured on poli-tical arithmetic — the most difficult thing in the world of which to procure accurate data; consequently, the most dangerous on which to reason. His lucubrations on the subject were so original, whether we consider the pre-mises or the conclusions drawn therefrom, that we judged it imprudent at the time to show cause why, &c. Still, however, we did not expect the editor so soon to become his own refuter. No less than two " errors of the press," acknowledged to, gentle reader, in his new political arith-metic! namely, four thousand pounds, for forty thou sand, (who ever heard of such a number as forty thou sand?) and one hundred and fifty thousand pounds for three hundred and fifty thousand ! and yet observe, ye novices in political economy ! who wish to learn of the Australian sage, the reasoning and conclusions are so downright plain and clear — so universally true — so cor-rect under any circumstances, that the addition to the premises in the first case of one thousand per cent, and in the last, of a hundred and thirty three per cent, makes no difference in the conclusion — there's a result for you, ye Sydney politicians ! conclusions right (mind) under all circumstances! demonstration slap-bang ! No wonder brother Howe can only get sixteen pence for as much political economy as the Australian gets two shil-lings for! As for ourselves, we acknowledge we are grateful for a shilling a week, after such prodigious spe-cimens of arithmetical skill and political profundity ! WE have to state the following as facts. A Catholic prisoner, by permission of the Governor, was married to a native girl; and since their marriage, the man is not allowed to live with his wife. We also know, that some women in the factory, having been informed while on board ship, married women enjoyed in the colony pe-culiar privileges, stated they were married women. Since which they have made, or are willing to make, oath to the truth — and yet are not allowed to be mar-ried. We also know, that a marriage was celebrated between two Catholics, with the permission of the Go-vernor, and that afterwards, it having been discovered that the man had once said aforetime, that his father was a Protestant and his mother a Catholic; and that he himself favoured Protestanism, he has since been refused his wife, unless he will consent to be married by a Protestant chaplain ; and so she still remains in the fac-tory, a bride without a husband. The man makes oath he is a Catholic, and says he cannot do so much violence to his conscience as to consent to be re-married by a Protestant clergyman. Now in all these cases, religious toleration is denied His Majesty's subjects, and persecu-tion is substituted in its place. A Miraculous escape was experienced on Friday, by a labourer employed in repairing the shafts of Steele's Windmill, on the Church Hill. One of them had been removed, and the corresponding one suddenly became unshipped, nearly overwhelming the unfortunate man in the wreck, who however providentially escaped with his life at the expense of a dreadfully shattered leg.

EXECUTION.— The wretched man, Smith, whose trial appears in another part of our paper, underwent the heaviest doom of the law, on Monday morning last. He was an English Catholic, a prisoner of the crown. He was sedulously attended by the Rev. J. J. Therry, without his being able to bring him to that due sense and feeling of his situation which it demanded. He confessed himself the perpetrator of the bloody deed, and ascended with as little temerity or apparent appre-hension, as though he were going to an entertainment. About twenty minutes before ten, the apparatus being properly adjusted, the signal was given, and the unhappy culprit was launched into eternity. A considerable de-gree of curiosity prevailed to witness the execution of Smith, from the peculiarly atrocious features which marked his case.