Sydney Chronicle (NSW : 1846 - 1848), Saturday 5 June 1847, page 3

Wt tneotic JEntelligettce. Di)aTn cT CouNcrLs.-His Excellency the Governor directs it to be notified, that the under mentioned gentlemen have been duly certified to have been returned to serve as members of the dis trict councils, specified in connection with their re spective names, viz. :-Maitland. Messrs. Peter Green. and Thomas Evans; Windsor, Messrs. Michael M'Quade, and Laban White; Patrick's Plains, Messrs. John Brown and John Larnach ; Parramatta, Messrs. James Pye, James Houison, and George Robert Nichols; Illawarra. Messrs. Thomas Jessett and James Slhoobert; Merton and Muswellbrook. Messrs. Samuel Wright, Henry Now land, and John Henshall Bettington; Paterson, Jahn Herring Boughton. and Gilbert Cory ; Ray mond Terrace, Messrs. James King, William Brett, and James Rigg Dalyell ; Newcastle, Messrs. Wil liam Brooks and George Brooks.-Governmreni Gazette. DESTITUTION IN IRELAND AND SCOTLAND. -It will be seen by our advertising columns that a public meeting will be he!d in the City Theatre, on Monday afternoon, for the purpose of considering the best means of alleviating the distress in Ireland and Scotland We have already stated that the mode of relief proposed is the adoption of means to facili tate the inmigration of these distressed beings to New South Wales. Not only humanity, therefore, but self-interest should prompt all classes to aid in this work ; andi we trust the meeting will be nume rously attended. NcntOCL OF ARTS -Ir. I. W. Goodall will deliver his concluding Lecture on Fossil Re mains, in the theatre of the above institution, at half past seven o'clock on Tuesday evening next. TItE PttEss.-We have received the two first numbers of a new weekly journal published at Ulnhart Town, and called by the imposing title of ! 'flThe Guardian or True Friend of Tasmania." This paper is published by Mr. John Moore. formerly of Sydney, and very recently of New Zealand. Its declared object is to advocate. " earnestly and fear lessly," the contnuance of Transportation, and to this object its columns appear almost exclusively devoted. IMPORTANT TO AUCTION.ERS.-A case was heard before Mr. Windeyer at the police office about a fortnight ago which was.of considerable im portance to auctioneers. This case arose out of a sale of horses by auction, by Mr. S. Lyons, at the Dock-yard, under the authority of H. M. govern ment. The information was for a breach of the 26th section of the by-laws of the City Council, for regulating the hay and corn markets in Campbell street, and was laid by William Ellison, clerk and lessee of tile corn and cattle markets. The section of which it was complained a b eacth had been made, provides thatany person selling horses, cattle, sheep. goats, or swine at any other place in the city of Sydney than the market, shall be liable to forfeit and pay for every such offence any sum not more than five pounds. Tile case was argued by the Civil Crown Solicitor for the defendant, and by the City Solicitor for the comiplainant, and Mr. Windeyer took time to consider. On Wednesday last, Mr. Windeyer gave his decision, stating that he had looked through the acts bearing on the subject, and found that her Majesty's rights were fully reserved in all of them, and therefore hlr right to sell in her own dock-yard without paying dues was unimpeach able. He also found that she or her servant, on Iler account, were at liberty to sell for her in any market place referred to in these regulations, without paying the dues which are exigible from private parties or from agents selling for private pasties. The case was therefore dismissed. NEW MAGISTRATE.-His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint Lieutenant Frederick Montgomerie, of Her Majesty's 99tll regiment of foot, in co"mmand of tile division of the Mounted Police stationed at Goulburn, to be a ma gistrate of the territory and its dependencies. GRnAss.-Statemtent of the various de scriptions of grain held by Government on the 1st of June 1847:-'wheat, 30,014 bushels; maize, 0,040 bushels. B13ArURST QUAiRTERt SEsSIONs.-The court of general Quarter Sassions for the town and district of Bathurst, will commence its sittings at the court-house, Bathurst, on Thursday the 17th instant. Kt:nrstss's WVAREItousE,-Notice is here by given that that tile above premises are, by di rection of his Excellency the Governor, re-licensed for bonding purposes.-Government Gazette. Manslaughter -In the Chronicle of the 26th ult., it was stated that an inquest had been held on the body of one Patrick Foley, who was said to have been killed at a fight, but that no evi dence of the fact being adduced, tihe jury returned a verdict of accidental death. Four men respectively named Thomas Macarthur,' Alexander Macarthur, George Godfrey, and Patrick O'Brien, who had been taken into custody previous to the inquest, were accordingly discharged. Since then however, this matter has been minutely investigated by the Chief Constable of Parramatta, and these four men have not only been taken again into custody, but have been all committed for trial by the Parramatta Bench, on the charge of manslaughter. The ex amination took place on Wednesday, at which evi dence was given as at the inquest, that the deceased and these men were all engaged in a kind of indis criminate fight ; but it was also proved in addition to this, that one of the prisoners (O'Brien) had knocked deceased down, and had kicked him on the neck as he lay. After these kicks deceased never rose again, and upon the post mortem examination of the body a swelling was found on the part where these kicks were said to have been inflicted. The prisoners were all allowed ball. AssAuvrT.-Yesterday, a woman named Mary Dunbar was brought before the police bench on a charge of assault. From tile evidence, it ap peared that, on the previous day, the prisoner was drunk and was quarreling with another woman, tie prisoner had a child in her arms about six weeks ohl, whleic she threw at the other woman, and in her rage would have trampled it under her feet had not the otlher prevented her. Shie was ordered to pay a fine of 31., or to be Imprisoned for three montls. ?,a ?.?

CosnhtT Ar..--Yesterday, two men named Thomas Jolhnson and John Crawley, were commit ted to take their trial for stealing about 15(I lbs. of lead, valued at £3, the property of T. S. Friend. tinman, York-street. under whose window it was lying on the previous night. The men were ap prehended with the lead in their possession, and in their defence they said they had found it. House Ronn'any.-On Wednesday even ing about nine o'clock. a cane bottomed chair, and a scripture engraving were stolen from the front room of a house in Kent-street south, occupied by Mrs. Knox. who had gone out leaving the front doer of the house open. SADDLE STEALING. - On Wednesday night last, a saddle, value £6, was stolen from the livery stables of Mr. George Clarke, Pitt-street AN UNGORATEFUL LODnoE.-On Wed nesday evening last, a woman who stated her name to be Woods, went to the house of Ann James. in Kent-street, and asked for lodgings, which she ob tained. Early on Thursday morning she decamped. taking with her Mrs. James's pocket containing 23s. in silver. HIGHWAY RonaBER.-In the Report of Monday's proceedings at the Central Criminal Cotrrt, we omitted to state that Thomas Morrison and Jeremiah Brishnahen pleaded guilty to an indictment for assaulting and robbing Mr. J. W. Barrett. They were both remanded for sentence. STEALING -Yesterday, a woman named Bridget Graham was brought before the police bench, charged with having stolen several artic!es of wearing apparel from the house of one Ann Gray, on the North Shore, while Gray was in' Sydney. , A woman in tile neighbourhood saw Graham take the articles away, but she was discharged for want of suflicient proof. GOLD.-A- paragraph appeared . in our Tuesday's number, copied from a Vain Diemen's Land paper, announcing that gold had been recently discovered in this district, and that Captain Clinch, of the Flying Fslh, had brought over to that colony a sample of it. As we had heard nothing of the subject before, we stated that this valuable discove'ry " was news to us." and so it undoubtedly is; but it is nevertheless true ! The circumstances are these, as detailed to us by Mr. Forrester, the jeweller, Collins-street, in the presence of several gentlemen. About two months ago, a shepherd (unknown to him) came into his shop and shewed him some metal. which the shepherd thought was copper, and asked Mr. Forrester to test for him. The sample produced was about the size of an apple, and the shepherd said there was plenty more of it where that came from, but lie would give no particular information as to the locality, further than lie had found it under the roots of a large tree, which had recently been blown down, the ground heing thereby much torn up. The station. he said was about sixty miles from town. Mr. Forrester tried the metal by the usual tests, and found it to contnin sixty-five per cent. of virgin gold ; and lie has at tile present moment,in his pos session a sample of it in its pure, and another in its impure state. The stheplhird is expected in town in the course of a few days, with a much larger quantity of the metal than lie first brought; but as the ut most secrecy is observed by him in his movements respecting his discovery, we do not expect to learn any fresh information on the subject for some time to come.- P. P. Herold. ForT PIttLLtt',-T'he green which sur rounds Fort Phillip is bounded to the westward by a precipice, without the least guard, even a common rail to prevent any person unacquainted with the locality from falling over. The result of such a piece of shameful neglect as to a spot in tile centre of a populous city, is what might be expected, that two or. three persons have been killed, ani several more have been wounded. The attention of the Government has been repeatedly called to the state of this place, in various ways, and on one occasion a formal application for its repair was made by the Coroner, in consequence of the recommendation of a jury who had sat to investigate the death of a seafal ing man;, who lost Iis life by tile above means. Int reply to this application, it was stated by the Go vernment that instructions had been given to the proper iflicer to get the place securely fenced in. Although this is a very long time ago, the " proper ollicel" has not yet erected the much needed fence. We hope that this evil will inot be left much longer without a remedy.