CITIZEN LIST. It is requested that all persons claiming to be enrolled on the citizen list for the city of Sydney, or objecting to the enrolment of others, will deliver to the undersigned, at the legislative council office, in Macquarie-street, written notice thereof, in one or other of the forms following, as may be necessary, and, in case of objection, a similar notice to the party objected to, on or before the 15th day of September instant, as required by the provisions of the Sydney Corporation Act, 6 Victoria, No. 3. R. O'Connor, Town Clerk. Council Office, Sydney, 6th September, 1842. Notice of Claim. To the Town Clerk of Sydney. I hereby give you notice that I claim to have my name inserted in the citizen list of the city of Sydney; that I occupy (here describe the house, warehouse, counting house, or shop then occupied by claimant) in the city; and that I have been rated in ward (here state the ward, or several wards, and the time during which the claimant has been rated in each of them within the city, necessary for his qualification). Dated the day of in the year (Signed) John Allen, of (place of abode.) Notice of Objection. To the Town Clerk of Sydney (or the person objected to, as the case may be). I hereby give you notice that I object to the name of Thomas Bates, of Brook's Farm, in ward, of the city of Sydney (describe the person objected to, as described in the citizen list), being retained on the citizen list of the city of Sydney. Dated the ___ day of ___ in the year (Signed) John Ashton, of (here state the place of abode, and property for which he is said to be rated in the citizen list. ________ List of unclaimed letters for the month of August, 1842:— Miss Sarah Acers, J. S. Adams, Esq., surgeon ; John Air, Thomas Alston, mason; John Allen, police boat; Alexander Anderson, Edward Ander-son, Francis Andrews, Giles Andrew, J. Anderson, botanic gardens; Samuel Apthorf, Mr. Apleton, Messrs. Armstrong and Co., William Arron, George Ashdown, Thomas B. Atkin, Esq.; A. B. James Bally, Hunter's River; Charles Baily, Parramatta Road; Mr. Baird, William Bright, Mrs. Banks, Double Bay; James Barker, George Barron, carpenter; Thomas Baker, C. J. Baker, Esq.; Thomas Barclay, Austin Barnett, Angus Barnett, James Barnes, Mrs. Barns, Elizabeth-street; Sarah Barns, William Barker, John Barrett, Thomas Batwell, Esq ; John Batton, Joseph Bound, John Bagles, William Bagle, John Beaty, John Begg, joiner; Charles Beggs, Thomas Belcher, shoemaker; J. Anderson Bennett, Joseph Bennett, William Bentley, George Bergall, Malacky Berry, George Bidmead, Ann Bird, James Bishop, Mr. Robert Blakie, James Blackall, Miss Black, Surry Hills; Robert Blackman, Arthur Bloxham, Mr. Bolton, Spencer Bone, John Booth, Waterloo Estate; Philip Bourk, James Bowley, C. J. Brent, Ceaser Brennan, Esq ; John Brennan, Henry Briggs, Thomas George Bregham, - Brown, sawyer; Henry Brown, John Brown, Moses Brown, William, Brown, Thomas Browning, James Bruce, Robert Bryant, Uriah Bryant, George Buchanan, Joseph Edward Buham, John Butherworth, William Butler, Patrick Butler, Winfred Butler, John H. Burnside, John Burk, __ Burrows, Esq., surveyor; Miss Jane Burk, Patrick Burnett. James Cable, Mr. Callaway, Angus Cameron, Charles Cameron, joiner; Henry Cambridge, A. Campbell, Lewis Bay ; Thomas Campbell, James Cannavan, Thomas John Carlile, Ann Carr, Mary Ann Cassedy, Thomas Carter, South Head; Ruh Catt, Lane Cove; Ruhard Cavon, John Caril, Miss L Chapman, Joseph Chapman, Henry Chaple, Capt. Cheyne, Stephen Cheslet, William Church, John Clark, George Clarke, Mathew Clarke, John Clements, John Clifford, Dr. Clews, David Clont, George Cloaks, Ellen Cochrao, Mathew Cofler, Samuel Cohen, Robert Cole, Widow Coleman, Mary Collins, Cook's River; James Collins, Wm. Alfred Campagne, Miss A. Comely, John Connery, Daniel Connor, Redmond Connor, Matthew Coury, James Coutt, William Cooley, Margaret Cogan, Miss Coomber, George L. Cooper, James Cooper, Esq., Botany ; Thomas Cowlersham, Mr. Corton, James Costolo, Richard Cowan, Rev. Wm. Cowper, Miss Mary Crawfield, Catherine F. Crane, Thomas Cravan, R. Crawford, Julia Crisp, Mr. Crispo, Charles Crispin, carpenter, John Cronin, John Alexander Cruikshan, John Edward Cruitchfield, Edward Cunningham, John William Cunningham, Esq.; Margrate Curry, Mrs. Curtis, South Head. Thomas Dales, carpenter; J. H. Dart, Alexander Davidson, Edward Davis, North Shore; Mr. Day, chief officer Ann Gales; C. S. Deacon, Mrs. Wm. Delmore, Edward Dampley, Alexander Smith Dew, Charles Delandes, carpenter; Charles Dewhunt, blacksmith; Elenzie Dabbey. bricklayer; Mr. Do-nald, clerk of St. Peter's church, Newtown; George Donald, James Doolley, Thomas Drummond. John Druker, WVtliam H. Dudley, P. Duff, Miss Ellen Duggan, John Dyer. Thomas East, Lieutenant Edpington, Mr. Ed-wards, Middle Harbour; Fred. Robert Edwards, John Ells, Ann Ellis, Thomas Ells, Frederick Ellison, Esq.; William Eno, cabinetmaker; Hugh Enright, Mrs. Erskin, Newtown; W. Evans, com-mission agent; John Evans, J. B. Evans, Alex. Dunoheave Ewen. John Fairchild, Wm. Farron or Fannon, William Andrew Farrensworth. Mr. Feneley, Thus. Feltham. WV. Fennell,tailor; Thomas Fania, Elizabeth Fisher, Ann Fitzpatrick, Michael Fitzpatsick. carpenter; James Fitpatick, blichael FlIherly. Mtats C. Flaonlga, Augustnas Fletcher. Robert Folks, Mary Foley, John Foode, Alexander Forbes, Wstlliam L.

Forerman, William Foalkes, Charles Fowler, Esq.; Mrs. Sarah Francis, John Franklin, Simon Fraser, T. J. Freer, Mrs. E. A Freeman, Bridget Freeman, SJohn Fruker, Henry Frost, Alfred Fryctlcheld, Cha lea Furness. Nicholas Gallaher, Mrs. William Galom, Edwin Garrett, John Garrett. glazier; George Gardiner, W. G. Gard, Mr. Gaston. Monsieur Gourtrot, Benjamin Gawthorn, G. Giffin, James Gilbert, Edward Goheyan. William Gilbert, Joseph Giles, James Gilmore. Susan Gelleher, Domineck A. Gold, . Thomas Gould, Mary Gascombe, Ellen.Gleeson, Andrew Graham, Charles Graham, Lewis Grant, Patrick Grant, Esq ; Edward Grange, saddler; Henry Grashon, Mrs. Ann Graves, J.- Gril;ths, Thomas Griffin, Mr. Green, Liverpool Road, W. R. Green, James Grogan, Lawrence Guirg. William Hackey or Harkey, John Hadcuft, John Hadley, William Haigh, weaver; Francis Hall, John Hall, Francis Halliday, John Hawkin, Patrice Hannon, William Hanley, Mr. Hard or Waid, Mrs. IHarford, Mrs. Elizabeth Harding, James Hardie, Alexander Harrison, Robert Howard, Matthew Hargrave, Hugh Harperi Miss Elizabeth Harvey, William Harvey, Robert Hay, shoemake ; John Hay, milkman; George Hayward, Thomas Hayes, John Hawkins, John Head, James Heber, E. D. Hemsworth, Esq.; Edward Herbert, Mr. Hertage, North Shore; Edward Heweft, James Hill. sen.; Samuel Hill, David Howard, Miss Jane Hodgson, Duksen Hogarth, Esq ; Mr. Hogard, Wm. Holmes, Jonathan Hollinsworth. Thomas Holliday, Charles Holman, Michael Horan, William Hopkins, Robert Howie, ship carpenter; Joseph Hudson, Thomas Hughes, Edward or John Hughes, Miss Hughes. dressmaker; - Huon, Esq.; Miss Sarah Hutch-onson. G. Ingleheart, John Ireland, cooper. J. Jackson, Abraham Jacob, James Jemison, Mr. James, E. Jervis, Mr. Jeffries, Sorry Hills; Mrs. Jeffry, Mrs. Jenkins, Mrs. Jenkins, alias Ellen Drew, George Jell, Wil!iam James Jones, Samuel Jones, John Johnston. F. Jones, Robert Jones, Miss Johnson, Mr Johnson, music master, Thomas Jones, Mr. Jude. Mliss Alice Kay, Mary Kelling, MSr. Kelso, John King, Henry Kn?ght. builder; Samuel Knowles, blacksmith ; Mr. Kidd, government gardens ; R. Kerr, Miss Nanty Kennedy, John Kennedy, milk. man ; John Kendall, Michael Kelly, Michael Kelly, Bradley's Head; T. Kelly, Rose Brook; Joseph Kelf, Richard Kemp, Mr. Kearney. Mrs. Mary Ann Laffin, Edward Lakeman, Leo. pold Augustus Lamb, James Leman, Michael Laur, Alexander Langmore, Esq ; Mrs. Lackham, James Lawtell, Thomas Lea, Patt Leahey, Ellen Leaty, Edward Ledgan, cabinetmaker ; Mrs. Walter Chas. Lee, William Lee, Captain William Leslie, Sir. Lester, Thomas Llewellin. Robert Leal, Richard Lewis, Esq.; Charles Long, James Lodge, M1'Pher. son Logan, Mrs. Loughanne, George Lilley, Joseph Lowcock, James Lucas, T. and G. Luke, Albert Luscombe, Garrett M'Carthy Lynch. Miss MDonald, Ronald I. M'Donald, Mr. M'Kintosh, John Robert M'Farlane, lames M'Key, Duncan M'Lenoan, Michael Madden, Mary Ma-gread, Thomas Mahony, James Maiden, Catherine Mansfield, B Mansfield, James Manley, Charles Manley, Hyams Marks, William Marsh, James Marshall, Catherine Mary Martin, Samuel Marks, Edward Markham, Henry Marner, Miss Sarah Mason, W. A. Martin, John Matthews, John M'Cance, James M'Courty, Lewis M'Carrol, James M'Cluskey, James M.Cormack, Con. M'Cusker, John M'Cotchner, John M'Dougal, Maria M'Dono nell, Ewen M'Donald, mason; Patrick M'Enery, John M'Gowan, baker; John M'Graw, John M'Innis, John Neil M'Kenny, Esq.; William M'Kin, James M'Kevett, Mrs. M'Kennie, Archibald M'Leod, Esq. ; Bridget M'Loughlin, D. M'Leod, Bernard McManus, A. McNab, - Macnamara, John McNulty, John George M'Nally, Mary Ann M'Quade, Mr. M'Williams, carpenter; Daniel Meehan, smith; James Meek, Richard Robert Meek, James Mellan, carpenter; James Melvill, David Melvill, Abraham Miller, John Merrett, Patrick Milid, James Miller, John Mitchell, James Mofin, - Molloy, coastwaiter; Thomas Mooney, F. C. Montgomery, Esq. ; Mary Mooney, Captain John Moon, Henry Moon, James Moreland, Thomas Morin, waterman; Robert Morrison, Walter Morriss, C. B. Morton, Esq. ; Mrs. Joseph Mouritz, Richard Moyle, Monsieur Russel Moyer, R. H. Milner, J. P. Mumford, Robert Mudie, Esq.; James Muno, jun. ; Mr. Mundag, Captain E. D. Munro, John Murphy, stockade; Alexander Mur-phy, Mrs. Moses Murphy, Mr. Murray, John Murray, William Murray, Joseph Mulgrove Henry Norton, Mrs. Nicholes, Thomas Neston, William Nelson, Thomas Nuton, A. Neil. Esq.; Charles Nagle, Esq.; William Naughan, Thomas Newman. Timothy O'Brien, Mary O'Connor, Michael O'Connell, Molchy O'Donnell. Esq ; Mary O'Neal, Charles Olive, William Oliver, Miss Margaret O'Loan, Francis O'Neil, J. B. O'Neil, Esq., Cus-toms; John Oram, Miss O'Riely, John Osben, P. O'Sullivan, Hogh Ovens, Esq.; George Oxford, Michael O'Connell. Timothy Page, A. C. Park, Esq.; Henry Par-sons, Esq. ; Abraham Parkinson, William Parker, shoemaker; John Parkin, late 80th regiment; Tim-othy Paul, Messrs. Parker & Nebster, John S. Parker, John Paw, John W. Pass, John Crane Parker, Parslow, Mr. Paten, James Pearce, Wil-liam S. Perrort, G. E. Peacock, South Head; Mrs. Pearson, Botany; William Pearcy, George Pea-cock, Mr Pell, Samuel Penn, Jobn Perkins, late 80th regiment; William Perry, William Pettell, Eliza Phen, Miss Phillips, John Piper, John Pick-up, Thomas Plunkett, Richard Pluck, Edwin Pot. ter, Messrs. Pollock & Co.; Henry Polley, Samuel Poser, Mrs. Mary Pope, John Pritchard, Mrs. Mary Purcel, Jesse Pollen. Alexander Quinn. John Ralphs, Walter Raynor, Mr. Ranger, Mrs. James Ralphs, W. H. Roberts, Rowlings, Henry Reynolds, William Reily, John Reynolds. E. Reinhad, John Reid, William Rennie, coachman; John Revel, Daniel Reynold, Daniel Reid, Mrs. Redney, John Reily, Patt Reily, J. Reid, J. Reech, Balmain; Geo. Richardson, Royal George; Miss H. Richards, Edward Rice, John Riddell, William Rickets, or C. Wade. John Rowell, Mr. Robson, butcher; Mir. Robertson, Miss Jennett Robertson, Maurice Rock, Mangaa Rossie, carpenter; iR. C. Rogers, John Rowley, Mr. Robertson, baker; Patt Rochford, R. R C. Robertson, Esq.; Mrs. Robin-son, John F. Roche, Thomas Robinson, Charles Robinson, John Rockier, Thomas Robson, James Rogers, Miss Ross, Sampson Rogers. James Saddler, Mrs. Mary Saunders, William Saunderson, Thomas Seal, Captain A. Seymour, Arthur Scott, David Scott, William Scott, Eliza Shaw, William Shaw, Mrs. Maria Shipton, Jane Short, Mrs. Hugh Sinclair, William Silks, Benjamin Simms, William Smith Size, Miss Eliza Sircombe, Sarah Skildin, John Solomon, William Sowter, J. R. Spearing, Esq.; Edward Spinks, Emelia Smith, Catherine Smith, John Smith, Hugh Smyth, Thomas Smith, Bernard Smith, Edward Smith, John Smith, James Alexander Smith, Ralph Smith, William F. Smith, Joseph Smeeton, S. S., C. Staple, B. Stanley, John Stengreth, John St. Led-ger, carpenter; Mr. Styles, Joseph Stephens, George Stevens, William Stevens, John Stevens, James Stevens, Joseph Stroul, Mrr. Strutton, P. Strode, Peter Stewart, John Stroshers, Alexander Starr, Mr. Sutherland, William Sutherland, Nangoi; Davis Swindles. William Talbott, Peter Talbott, Charles Taylor, Miss Elizabeth Taylor, John Taylor, F. Taylor, Eaq.; Robert Taylor, Mr. Taylor, baker; James Taylor, William Ternin, John Terrell, G.Tegmer, R. Thompson. James Thompson, G. J. Thompson, John Knox Thompson. Richard Timothy, James Tiersey, Nicholas Tierney, William Tippet, rThomas Tipping, Mr. Tobin, Patrick Toole, Joan Toole, Mr. Tlownsend, Joseph Townsend, Peter Tresnan, Miss Caroline Tremle:t, F. Tucker, James Turney, A. B. Tuson, Esqs; Samuel Turobull, George Togg. Miss lUnderwood, Thomas Vieck, Miss Sarah Vincer, H. Vincer, Captain A. S. Waddle, Alfred Walker. Richard Walsh, Widow Walters, Jeremiah Walters, Esq.; Thomas Ward, Rebecca Warren, Joseph Waters, James Watt, Betsy Webster, P. Wedd, William Wenham, Francis West, Henry White, Esq.; Michael White, Mr. White, Joseph Whitehoose, Joseph Wyogatea. Mrs. John Whitelaw, John Whitfin, Mrs. Wickers, Catherine 'Wlson, Riichard Wilson. Coarles Wilson, William Wilson, John Wilson, B. Wilson, Esq. ; T. Wilson. Thomas Wilkie, Asher Wickbam, Edward Williams, M.r. Williams, John Williams, Ann Wilkins, Paul Winchurch. Brit. Windbham, Robin Willis, George Wilshire, Thomas Wilshire, John Wise, Robert Wood, Esq.; Richard Woolgford, Obidie Wood. stock, Mrs. Wotts, late of O'Connell.street; Mrs. Wright, Charles Wright, John George Wright. X. N., Post Office.

John Yard, H. B. Ya'e. Captain Robert Yaslin, Charles Edward Yates. James Yeomans. PacrZLS.-Rev. William Cowper ; BiKlasd Davidson; Henry Hadlow, grocer; Joseph Keen; William Lilburn, Melbourne; Richard Moyle; Joseph Speed; William Turner; Rev. F. Wil kinson.