Perth Gazette and Independent Journal of Politics and News (WA : 1848 - 1864), Saturday 12 August 1848, page 2

Wreck of the "Vixen.»»

We regret to announce the wreck of the schooner Vixen, belonging to this port, when almost within sight of her owner's residence. The catastrophe was discovered by the boats of the Fremantle whalers, who found the north coast strewed with the wreck and cargo. From her mail, which has been found, we gather the following European intelligence, which we intend completing from our last advices up to the 1st of May, in a Supplement on Monday, being of too interesting a nature to bear condensation The

leading events in Europe are of a most remarkable character, the revolutionary movement still makes progress.

There was war in Denmark between the

Danes and Germans, for Schleswig; a collision took place at Flensburg but the result was not known. The Danish government has called on England to assist her against the Germans. Fears were entertained in Hamburg that the Danes would blockade the Elbe except to English vessels.

Venice has organised its republican government.

It has been agreed by the German states that a national Assembly or Parliament for all Germany should meet in Frankfort on 1st May. It is stated that the German Russian provinces are sympathising with the movement in central Germany. Prussia

is resolved to rescue Holstein from the Danes. A dreadful revolt broke out at

Cassel and other places. The monarchy

still stood but trembled.

The house of Birley, Corrie & Co, Manchester has failed. In London an attempt was made to get up a revolution demonstration on 10th April. The troops were out and 28,000 special constables ready, but the meeting on Kennington Common passed over quietly.

In France fresh troubles and erneutes had taken place-the Clubs were opposed to the Government. Madrid was tranquil but under the domination of Narvaez, Dictator. The Emperor of Austria who fled to Pressure had returned to Vienna and declared war against the King of Sardinia. The news of the establishment of republican governments in Austria and Prussia has been confirmed only in part. Prince Metternich

had arrived at Amsterdam. Memade, in the Celebes, is to be declared a free port.

Rear Admiral Sir F. A. Collier has been

appointed Naval Commander in Chief in

the East Indies and China.

From Berlin we have news to April 20, at which date order was restored-the election petition demonstration which was to have taken place at 2 p.m. on that day, did not come off, the committee " to save effusion of blood" postponed it.

In France the Elections commenced on

Sunday, April 23rd, and were going forward peaceably. A letter dated 25th April says " The elections are still progressing ; the city and suburban sections exceed 350 for the 14 divisions of the Seine (Sceaux and St. Denis included). By means of this extreme division of the Scrutineers, each section will not have more than 1,200 to 1,500 ballot papers of candidates to be examined, - One of the Scrutineers will be

charged with the exclusive collection of all


the printed ballot papers which have not been altered by the electors ; the other ballot papers will be divided between all the Scrutineers, and the operation will be finished before this evening. the list will then be carried to each married, and thence sent in a collected form to the minister of the interior. The final result will not be known, it is supposed before the 27th. The provisional government has this morning notified that a credit has been opened of two millions of francs for the year 1848, in order to continue the Railroads from Paris to the German frontiers, between Hommarting and Strasbourg.

The treaty between the United States and Mexico had been ratified by a vote of four-fifths of the Senate ; the 15,000,000 dollars to Mexico is to be paid by annual instalments, and the claims of American citizens against Mexico have been set down at 3,250,000 dollars. Our latest dates from America are April 8th, with news from Mexico to March 21st. Fresh difficulties have arisen between Generals Scott and Worth. ,

On March 22nd General Narvaez, in the name of the Queen closed the cortes, suspended the constitution and declared Madrid to be in a state of seige. In every street there was fighting. Narvaez declared

himself Dictator.

From ITALY we have news to April 25. The Provisional Government of Milan had decreed the suppression of the Jesuits and the confiscation of their property. Lombardy is no longer a part of Austria. At Naples the elections had gone off well ; the parliament was to meet May 1st. Beyond the walls of Palermo all is described as anarchy and rapine.

SPAIN Madrid was tranquil on the 8th. The four military orders were to be suppressed and their property, and that of all confraternities and socialities, declared the property of the nation.

The Duke and Duchess de Montpensier have left Madrid en route for Seville, which is to be their place of exile, as the Dictator Narvaez finds danger in their immediate presence near the Queen. Spain has ordered in England the machinery for six


Our minister, Mr. Bulwer, having energetically remonstrated against the Dictatorship in Spain, the Duke of Sotomayer answered Mr. Bulwer by a description of the troubles in Ireland, and a reference to the Chartists, urging that England had enough to do at home, and had no business to interfere in other folks' quarrels. Mr. Bulwer quietly replied that Spain had not fought to establish nor been at cost to maintain the English constitution, as England had with that of Spain.

AUSTRIA.- The Jews have not been expelled from Warasdin:-the Papal Nuncio sustained a rough visit in Vienna the other day in retaliation of the affront of

ferred to the Austrian ambassador at Rome. " Pacificators " have been sent to

Lombardy. Several detected traitors have fled ; the state of trade continued dread-fully depressed, credit scarcely existed; and there were still many failures fast succeeding each other. "An Austrian army of 12,000 have obtained leave to pass through Ticino and the Grisons." says one paper, another represents the £2006 as Austrian prisoners of the Milanese. Sardinia has solicited the aid of 10,000 Swiss to serve against Austria in Italy. The Provisional Government of Milan is

well supported ; the taxes being payable in advance and many subsidies being volunteered.

The Piedmontese crossed the Mincio near Mantua to force General

Durand against Eadetzky. 30,000 stand

of arms had been received from France.

The Archduke Francis Joseph, who is not quite eighteen years of age, the eldest son of the heir presumptive to the throne, has been appointed Statthalter of Bohemia.

The Emperor and Empress of Austria, with the Archduke's, returned to Vienna from Presburg on the 11th. The Emperor has written an autograph letter to Count Eadetzky, a letter full of approval

of his course.

From Vienna the latest accounts are to the 7th. Kolowrath, Lubeck, and the Archduke Louis, have all resigned office. The Archduke John, vice Louis, is at the head of affairs ; Fiquelmont succeeds Kolowrath, as President of the Council; Krauss succeeds Lubeck in Finance and Marshal Zanini is Minister of War.

The Zeitmgs Salle of the 6th contains letters stating that Count Montecuculi; has left Vienna to propose peace to Lombardy £ yielding its independence on an engagement to bear a proportion of the Austrian debt, just war was to be continued strenuousty4'wïth Charles Albert,

and to be declared against the Pope and the Grand Duke of Tuscany 4 whose representatives had received their passports

and left Vienna.

The deputies to the Constitutional Assembly at Frankfort had been chosen: they left Vienna on the 4th inst.

PRUSSIA. Besides rescuing Holstein from the Danes, the national spirit has begun a movement against the despotism

of French tailors and their fashions. A

proposal is made, not for the first time, to adopt a truly national costume, and to throw off the " awkward and unmeaning " frock-coat and trousers which, like the tricolour, have made the tour of the


The Poles at Posen have made so bad a use of their restored weapons, that the German troops have been employed in disarming them.

The Prussian Diet had last week elected the national representatives to the contemplated Federal Diet ; but the proceed-ing excited great disapprobation both in and out of the assembly, and called forth formal protests. On the 9th, the king received a message from the Diet at Frankfort, stating that, by a decree of the 7th of April, the Confederation had returned to its first decision in favour of the system of direct election for the Diet, which is to meet on the first of May. One deputy should be elected for every 50,000 inhabitants. In the qualification of the electors

no distinction should be made between

classes or religious creeds. Every German, being of age, should be an elector in his own country and be eligible as a deputy in Germany, in consequence of this intimation the king resolved to cancel the

elections which had been made. On the 10th, the Diet concurred in this course, and resolved almost unanimously that its questioned proceedings were null and void. The Diet then took up the recommendations of the Finance Commission, to raise a loan of 15,000,000 thalers for external extraordinary expenses, and to give guarantees for the further sum of 25,000,000 thalers to be applied through various channels in support of private credit and commerce. After a debate, these recommendations were adopted almost unanimously.

The marshal called for three cheers for the

king, which were warmly given and then

the Diet was dissolved.

There was a flagrant outbreak at Mayence on the 6th. A large number of persons took position on the banks of the Rhine with some artillery, and stopped the passage of steamers, in order to restore the old occupation of tracking vessels up the river by horse and human power. Similar disturbances occurred at Cologne

on the 11th.

Posen continues in a most disturbed state.

HOLLAND. Prince Metternich has arrived

at Amsterdam, and intends staying there and at the Hague for a week.

It may be stated for the information of foreigners, that no traveller, whether by steamer, railroad, or diligence, will now be admitted into Holland without a passport, hitherto not required.

DENMARK The Danish government has called on that of England for the fulfilment of her guarantee of the peaceful possession of Schleswig. The Danes took 740 of the insurgents on the 12th.

In Sweden the public feeling is strongly in favour of Denmark; and a body of Swedish students have petitioned the government for permission to join the Danish army.

Much anxiety is felt on all sides for the declaration of the English government respecting the Holstein Schleswig question : it was expected by Friday's mail.

Much fear is entertained in Hamburgh that the Danes will blockade the Elbe against all except English ships. The government of Hamburgh has endeavoured, as far as possible, to remain neutral ; but belonging to the Confederation, the senate cannot avoid contributing a contingent of troops to the amount of 1,298 men. The inhabitants have already violated the pretended neutrality by organizing a free crops of 150 men for the relief of the Holsteiners.

A detachment of Prussian cavalry had been taken by railway from New Munster on the" 18th to Rendsburg, and 3,400

Prussian infantry were to start for the same place on the 19th. 1,300 men of the 12th Regt, had arrived on the 18th at Hamburgh from Berlin.

The Germanic Diet on the 17th urged Prussia to nominate without delay a commander-in-chief

for the Prussian forces and

at the 10th army corps in Schleswig-Holstein. * Prince Charles of Bavaria is the commont " dë*4n-chie£ of the 7th and 8th army corps

The Frankfort '. committee of fifty" has requested the Diet to allow 500 Poles to' pass through Germany en route for Poland.

Volunteers from Berlin, Cologne, Hanover, and other large places, are proceeding almost daily to SchlesWig-Holstein. During the last two days 400 have gone from Cologne alone.

FROM THE SEAT OF WAR, DENMARK The truce having ended a collision near Flensburg is announced, but with no particulars.

Mr. Milner Gibson has resigned his office as Vice-President of the Board of Trade. To this piece of news the Times adds, perhaps suggestively It is said that he will be succeeded by Mr. Wilson M. P. for Westbury," Such an appointment would occasion no surprise ; it might, however, explain some bitterness that has been manifested on the part of leading Free-traders towards the gentlemen who edited the Economist but supported the augmented Income-tax.

A declaration to be signed by every man between 18 and 60, able and willing to bear arms for Ireland if necessary, and ready to enroll himself in the National Guard of Ireland, for the preservation of order, is being very rapidly filled up.