Queanbeyan Age (NSW : 1907 - 1915), Friday 6 June 1913, page 5

QUEANBEYAN ROLLER FLOUR MILLS. NEAR RAILWAY STATION. FLOUR MILLERS. CASH BUYERS OF GRAIN. Makers of the Celebrated " BRILLIANT " FLOUR. ON SALE-Flour, Bran, Pollard, and Chick Wheat. GRISTING done in any quantity. 'Phone 3. Telegrams and Correspondence promptly replied to.C. C. H. BOWERS, MANAGER. - Moseley Tyres David Moseley & Sons Ltd., Manchester (Eng.) Tyrs are now offering their Britik-made Tyres for Moter Cars, Motor Cycle anud Bicycles to the Australian Public. and have established a Depot at , . . 52-84 YORK STREET, SYDNEY where Price Lists of these world-famous Tyres may be had on applicatien. David Moseley & Sons were the itst Makers of the Pneumatic Tyre, and Thing Moseley Tyre have been the Premier British Tyres evar slace. Australian Car Owners and Cyclists should insist on Moseley Tyres as betll the best suited to Australian Roads, their sound manmfacture and atrenttqh of material giving them a degree of "life" and shock absorbence which is absolutcly unique.

SCHUTE BELL &Co. LTD. Wool & Froduce Brokers First Season, 1906-7, 24,575 Bales Season 1911-12 ... 36,609 Bates PERSONAL ATTENTION by the Principals to every consignment, small or large, has increased tho Company's clients yearly. Hence the steady increase yearly in sales. Wool Store: Harris St., Pyrnmont Prcduco Store: Athlcne Place Cflces: 44 Biidge Stratd, Sidney WRITE FOR SCI:UTE E.LL'S ECCI:lT IOST FREE. IT IS YiOR1H READI;G LT OST, a pair Gold Rimmed Glasses. Finder please return to this Office. F OR SALE. Good stack of oaten straw. Apply, G. E. SHUM ACK, Weetangara. A GISTHENT. Stock of any kind taken for agistmont. Apply, G. E. SHUMACK, Weetangara.WANTED, WANTED, EXPERIENCED HOUSE. MAID. Apply Commercial Hotel. Department of Publio Instruction, Sydney, 28th May, 1913. TENDERS are invited for new Bathroom, Pantry, etc., Public School, Bungendore. Plane and specifications may be seen and tender forms obtained at this office and Publio Schools, Queanboyan and Bungendore. All tenders for works at or above £50 must be accompanied by a deposit in accordance with the conditions on back of tender forms, otherwise they will-be treated as informal. Tenders will be received at this office up till 2 o'clock p.m. on Thursday, 19th June, 191. P. BOARD, S3 368 Under Secretary. Department of Lands, Sydney, 2nd June, 1913. Lands for Crown Leases. THE following areas will be available on and after16th June,1913. Queanbeyan Land District, two blocks of about 110a'and 810i, parish of Molonglo, county of Murray, distant 10 miles"from IBungendore. 'Capital Vajues for first period of 15 years, including Crown Improvements £80 and £160. Annual Rents for first'period of 15 years £1 and £2. ' Survey fees £5/7/6 and a7/1716 respectively. All applicants for Crown Lelse lodged by the applicant in person, cr by hisagent in person duly authorised' in writing, and all applications in posted letters received by the Land Agent at any time on the 16th June, 1913, or at any time between the 16th June and the 21st June, 1913, inclusive, shall, where conflicting, together be deemed to be and to Shave been lodged.with such Land Agent simultaneously on the 16th June, 1913. ARTHUR J. HARE, 0 . "' Under-Secretary.5a203. COMMONWEALTH' OF AUS- - TRALIA, THE - COMMONWEALTH ELEC. TORAL AOT1 (SECTIpN 153), REFERENDUM '(OONSTITUTIONALTERATION) ACT.:OT OT E is bereby gi en that the Polling at the Polling Place of Jingera within the Division of Eden-Monaro, for the election of. three Senatorsi one member of the Hoiuse of Representatives and at the Referendums held in conjunction with theelection; has been adjourned until Saturday, the seventh day of June, 1913... Those electors only, who are enrolled for the Subdivision for which the Polling Place is prescribed, and who have not already voted, shall be entitled to vote at the adjourned Polling at that Polling Plaoe, W. G. MoTERNAN, Presiding Officer,. Preliminary Announcement SALE OF ALLOTMENTS In the Township of Queanbeyan. ~ LL that portion immediately opposite Dr. Blackall'e and the Commonwealth •Worke Depot, now being subdivided. Exceptionally easy terms to suit all. Under inetructions from Mr. Oscar Curtis, the 1 above will be sold by auction on an early date. . / :Watch local paper for date of sale. :- H.. COLLIER, ' S AUCTIONEER. Rabbit Skins. IC1ING all your Babbib and Fox skins, . etc., to us as we have a big contract to fulfil and guarantee Sydney prices. - Rabbit Skins good 15d per lb for next week Watch our pries. OLDFIELD BROS., SCmrawford Street I

WILSON'S CASH BARGAIN SHOP Has Just Opened in Orawford-street, opposite Triumph Picture Palace. Optical Goods, etc., etc.-Spectaoles to suit all sights. Sight Tested Free by best instruments. Rubber Stamps.-All kinds made to order. Your name in Rubber Type for marking linen, music and books complete with Ink Pad and Stamp for 2/6. Just Opened large stock of Boots, Rib. bone all shades, Embroideries and Ladies Neckwear, and; Stationery. Our Specialty Suits to measure. Overcoats-Latest Designs. Inspect our magnificent range of patterns and warm Woollen Coatings for the present winter season. Wilson's Bargain Shop, Crawford Street. Federal Sports Club. After attending the Carnival wind up an enjoyable day by patronising The Grand Ball under the management of the Federal Amusement Association, To be held in Duntroon Woolshed. Splendid Refreshments. Good Music. Double Tickets 7s 6d. Single 5s. J. HAYES, M. T. MOORE, Hon. Secs. Notice. ANY person found Shooting; Trapping or Trespassing on any land under my control will be proseouted. All :permission to trappers is hereby cancelled. A. G. MoKEAHNIE, Cuppacumbalong. H. COLLIER (Agent for Messrs. Curtis & Curtie, Ltd.) H? S pleasure in ,announcing he has opened business in premises opposite the Post Office, Queanbeyan, as a SPOOT CASH BUYER of .1ll kinds of SKINS and STATION PRODUCE. Highest market rates for Hfdes, Tallow, Sheepskine, Wool, Marsupial, Fox and Rab. bit Skins. We have a specially large order for first grade Rabbit and Fox Skins, and are prepared to deal handsomely with vendors for prime quality stuff Do not " risk the* market" when you can get Sydney prices in sovereigns at your door. A trial solicited. In the Assigned Estate of Thos. E. Woodger, (Woodger Bros.) i Queanbeyan. S.Soloion Has purchased for spot cash all the Stock. in?- Trade and Plant of the above, from. the Trustees, and will open again the- Store on SATURDAY, 25th,, Wit a aGreat Clearizig Sale at aiid under.. cost; The price H. loion Lpai for the albove aSto ,1enablintg him to tention is? to. frin out the Stockeinck iand lively for spot cash . . . :. ., The Great Oleariug JSale Starts 8 o'clock sharp -First in First Served. H. SOLOMON.

Don't forget to attend the Event of the Year. FEDERAL SPORTS CLUB'S SECOND Annual Carnival, King's Birthday, June 9, 1913, (Public Holiday), IN THE DUNTROON WOOLSHED PADDOCK. -(Right opposite Royal Military College). HORSE RACING, TROTTING, FOOT RACING, HUNTERS, MILITARY, AND NOVELTY _ EVENTS. A SPECIAL MILITARY ATTRACTION. Obstacle Races, Intersectional Flag Race, Inter-Company Relay Race, by Cadets, etc., etc. BRASS BAND IN ATTENDANCE. 125 RECORD ENTRIES 125 THE BEST SHILLING'S WORTH IN AUSTRALIA. iM' Visitors may arrive by mail train and return at night. GOOD FIELDS ASSURED. GrRAND RACE BALL In Woolshed at night. Don't miss attending. R. GORDON Hon Se >- "A. H. MOORE Hon. Secs. Hayes & Russell THE HOUSE OF DISTINCTION,. QUEANBEYAN. We have expended our LABOUR . in your Interests... We ask for your LIBERAL support. The anxiety of the Election being over, what about some comfort A comfortable Easy Chair, Smoking Louige. : Room Heaters, we stock the very best "' ' : Gortismoritadh arockerC ;: Porthis nisth.: Glassware' and Crockery :ridiculously cheap -.:,- : '. S What about. Furniture, Carpets, : Fenders, HearthRutgs, etc. Your Home:Furnished on the easielt of terms BIKES &MOTORS AT REDUCED PRICES. - he Care and worries take wing; the flight of time is forgotten. cWhen congenial companions match such as the sturdy Australian motorist, .And the No Trouble Triumph Motor Cyole, i. : Book your orders at once and you will not regret it. C ". B. & B. Express reduiced from £8 .ios to £6 Os. : : B. &. B. Model.3 reduced from £10 10s: to £9 10~.' r All tips plated, nickel rims, desigli of frami iiproved. F ·r -Model :A, B.S.A.: parts, reduced fr6nin 13 10s to~122-10s. SB. :B; Model fitted with i.3 speed geariid?ilugs plated, at B. a B. Stanidard, fitted with' Eadie Coaster, £fl ' :Modell; 1, fitted with 3 speed.geaf, at, £18.;,:: -Freebody Cyclesi built to your order, from £8 lo0s to £17. S:, Triuniph Motors, 3j4 hip.,itiotuble a machine, at £67 10s. Rudge-Whitworth at £67 1,0s. B.S.A. Motors, £67 s10s. 'r - ' ,e N B. BuA . e Booksdongaapplication. M 3 .J. .. M otors . .......... Big'Stock of Motor and Cycle Snhdrles, also Sporting Material.. All kinds of-Repairs to Motor Cycles. Work Guaranteed. W. 1. FREEBODY .' QOUEANBEYAN.

onlun onwnwcaltbtl k Iatth ot Liu~ tralia eranches are open for the trmaeaoaion of General Banking Business .thro::;:r Airolio Mew south Wales--ydney and anber.~t Victorls-M~ :hnrne. QueCnstand-i-:r+: s ne and Townileiie South Australia-A:e.A. Western Australia-e Tasmanla-ilart. and a c~yp 't Iiumo. o(-3c Nre inrod SLrrot. Lonoon OSble remittances aode to, and tdrta dr on o frZ.n O Ao sds d.irect Fir o hn I. io net :ated and eoliected. L.ttere ofCrrIedt a?d Cirl.&r N 2 r:" :?,n o cy part of thre world. ih.o nrtan::at: ? or forwanrded for -o?ec.uon. Bank.ng and Excannge F ;o:: ?es of every desnptuon ranaced a;n;n the Commonwealth, United KingdJom and foreg.n coun r;cs. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Agencies are open in practically all Post Oicas which issue Money Orders in the Australian Commonwealth and Papua. Withdrawals on demand my bfected for sums up to 1Oat any Office withln the Commonwealt 1/ Minimum 3o Rate of Interest on S Deposit all Deposits up to £300 JaUmwA. 1,11 DWsON uM MLER, Ggova HIGH-GRADE OVERCOATS FOR 1913. We were fortunate enough last year to clear out nearly every Overcoat we had, hence our stock this season is absolutely new and fresh. The general complaint is that prices' of Overcoats have gone up, but we bought largely and at an early date, and can give value just as good as previously. We have some grand Chesterfields in the latest cut. The materials are in rich grey, brown and tweeds ; some are waterproof, others are merely-to keep you warm. They are all smartly cut and will fit your figure handsomely. Prices are as follo ws :Tweed Overcoats 22s 6d, 25s, 27s 6d, 30s, 35s, 40s, 42s. Plain Cloth, 18s 6d, 45s. Rubber Overcoats, 25s, 27s 6d. RAIN COATS. Absolutely rainproof, light and heavy weights in different shades of khaki and brown, 25s, 27s 6d, 30s. OILSKINS. These will stand plenty of the hardest wear and remain absolutely waterproof for years. Prices very-attractive, as usual. 14s 6d, 17s 6d, 25s. CANVAS COATS 27s 6d, 32s 6d. P. C. HILL & Son, CHEAPSIDE, QUEANBEYAN. Piciurcs. Skating. TRIUMPH PICTUIRE CO'S "l, NEW. HALL AND SKATING RINK. -PICTURES-Every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday Nights. Specially Selected Programme each S performance. - . Splendid seating accomodation. Good Music and Good Managemient.- 1 SKATING-Every. Afternnoon in the week. Also every Monday, Tuesdajr, and Thursday Nights. Most up-to-dateFloor out of Sydney. I: LADIES ONLY every-Friday Afternoon. :Special attention given to beginners. SCALE OF CHARGiES.-Afternoon Sessions, admisNight Sessions-Admission 6d, Skates 61, Floorage 6d.) ,

What oh ! Queanlbeoyan! .COMINUSs of Sydney have opencd their: up-todate BEFRESHMENT ROOMS Choice Fruit, Confectionery, Australian and, imported ; American Sweets. Fresh Fish & Oysters Daily. :MEALS AT. ALL HOURS. Call in and inspect our large Dining RoOme Private Room foriLadies. COMINUS, Next door to Burn's Talloring Establish Sment, Monaro Street, Queanbeyan. To Federal Candidates. CNANDIDATES for Federal Election, and SSecretaries or Committees of Political Organisations are notified that our advertising rates for all matter connected with the Election will be 4. per inch. GALE & KNOX, Proprietors" Ago."

Marriage at our Store! MISS ECONOMY linked to MR. HIGH QUALITY. REJOICING THROUGHOUT THE NEIGHBORHOOD. It is not often you find Economy and Quality linked together. Mostly the cheap article is poor in quality and the good article is expensive. We have, however, so managed matters at our establishment that we are iu a position to give to our customers THE DOUBLE ADVANTAGE On every article they buy, be it a needle or a steam plough, or be it the commonest everyday necessity, or the most expensive article, it will be found with us at the Lowest Possible Price and of the Highest Possible Quality. We have now opened up all our AUTUMN & WINTER GOODS, And mean to have a record season this year. Until our re-building is finished we are making a Special Reduction on all Woollen Goods. LADIES, we have a full range of Wool Undervests, Golf Jerseys, Wool Coats, Blanket Tweed Jackets. Prices range 19/6 to 6o/. Children's Jerseys, Coats, Cashmere Dresses, and hundreds of other lines. Gentlemen, Something Extra Special We now have to show you, the CHIDLEY FLANNEL SHIRT. It is just what you require for the cold bleak winter. Remember, we are still turning out hundreds of Tailor Made Suits. Remember us for.your next. Parents may send their children to make purchases at this store with every confidence that they will receive, if anything, greater consideration than grown-ups. A child could not be cheated if it tried at H., SOLOMON'S,, UNIVERSAL PROVIDER, QUEANBEYAN. WHAT ! YOU CAN'T SEE TO READ ; THEN YOU NEED SPECTACLES. DELAY IS DANGEROUS. CALL AT ONCE AT MOORE BRos., THE LEADING OPTICIANS AND JEWELLERS, Our MR. HAMMOND will Test your Eyes Free lof Charge, and fit you up. with Spectacles exactly suitable to your case.. IMPORTANT. Don't allow inexperienced persons; to tamper with your Eyes. Don t wear other "peoples' glasses:, becauise they magnify. Mistakes. of this description maj~ ;lead to; per•manent loss of vision.. , CORRECTLY' PRESCRIBED SPECTACLES AND EYEGLASSES FROM 2/6 PER PAIR, Only at : MOORE BRiOS.,i I Opticians and Jewellers, Queanbeyani. CAPITAL STORES, QUEANBEYAN, Noted for Lucky Wedding Riigs.

We sell. Good Goods at Low Prices. Quality against quality our Prices. y Defy Competition. ~I~-I UIOLR U o py - GERS The House for Splendid Variety, for Sterling Value, and for Genuine Cheapness We solicit enquiries. Samples, Quotations, and all required particulars post free on application All Orders by Post, large or small, receive the promptest and most careful attentioni. CHARLES ROGERS & CO. Universal Proyiders, Goulburn'