Queanbeyan Age (NSW : 1907 - 1915), Friday 6 June 1913, page 2

Football. DUNTROON COLLEGE TEAM. PorFsSson V. J. MILES, of the Royal Military College, Duntroon, has notified the N.S.W. Rugby Union that the following team will represent the college against.the combined Great Public Schools in the preliminary games to the Maoris v Now South Wales match the King's Birthday holiday. Full-back, Wootten (N.S.W.) ; threequarters, N. Olowes (Q.) Steele (Q.), Jennings (N.Z.), Donald (Vic.) ; fiveeight, 0. Olowes (Q.), captain ; half. back, Nimmo (Q.); forwards, Broad. bent (N.S.W.), Lang (N.S.W.), Hison (N.S.W.), Byran (N.Z.), Kennedy (Vic.), Thorne (N.S.W.), Bosse (Q.),Biden *(N.S.W.). Reserve, Elliott (N.S. W.). The college team was undefeated in 1012, and numbered among its victories were King's School (26 to nil), Church of EnglAnd Grammar School (26 to 3), University, second and third team mixed (30 to 3). This year Grammar School were defeated by 28 to 8. To-morrow in. the local park two matches will be played between the Warrigals and Rovers and two teams from Eveleigh. The matches should provide an interesting afternoon's sport. The:Warrigals will be represented by: Full-Back, P.` Naylor; three-quarters, J. Royal, J.;Burn, L. Hatfield, E. Newman; five-eighth, W. Ha;weds; half, W, Freebody ; forwards,: Kelly, E. O'Rourke,, R Moore, T. Giles, J. Callaghan, J..O'Rourke, P. Hale and W.. Grady. Emergencies, M? Solomon and C. Gibbs. : SThe following piayers have been selleoted to represent the Rovers :-Fullback, U' Williams; three-quarters, Perkins, A Gordon,. :R. Annand,'- B' Navean; five.4ight, F Parker; half, T. Woodger; forwards, J Lawlea s: W Thompson, H Barber, E Smnith.W Greenwood, P flincksman, N Royal, J Woodger.