West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), Friday 28 February 1890, page 3


THE total amount of the takings at the first day's exhibition of the WA. Horticultural Society on Wednesday was £19.

The northern telegraph lines became unwork-able eastward of Roebonrne at 5 p.m. on the 30th foot., but communication was restored


The following figures show the growth of the Socialist party both in Berlin and in Germany generally, within recent years. Their polling records in Berlin, dat-ing back' to 1867 are as follows : 1867,67; 1871,3,058; 1«74,11,279; 1877, 31,522 ; 1878, 56,147 ; 1881, 30,178 ; 18841 68,9,10; 1887, 90,107; 1890,115,000. The total poll of the Socialists for all Germany was, in 1884, 549,936 ; in 1887,778,128 ; and in 1890 we may estimate it at about 1,000,000. Mr. J. M.. CRAIG, the Chief Inspector of Stock, arrived in town on Sunday, states our

Geraldton oontèmporary of the 22nd inst. Although scab has been reported from a number of stations within the past few weeks, he regards the situation as less, grave than de the'terrified .settlers, and prediots that tuerewUlnet bea traoe'of the disease to be

found in the district after two months from date. ^'The' panic among the sneepowners will, he thinks, have a goad effeot, as it will keep 4hem on the alert. '

THE'IT. A. Horticultural" S. ooiety's autumn show re-opened, yesterday,'in the Govern¿tent Gardens. The attendance was not very 1 large daring the afternoon, but in the even-

ing both the interior of the Show tent and the (roundspresented avery animated appear-ance, owing to the presence of crowds of visitón. The M.B.V. Band were in attendanee both in the afternoon and evening. The prises were distributed amongst the successfal competitors in'the afternoon, and in the eteninf, towards the conclusion of the show, à large number of the exhibits were sold privately.

TBJE Perth Louai Court sat at eleven o'olook

yeiierday.' nfessrs. .}". C. H. James and B. A*. Qogeri were ''on the bench. ''Thirtyeight oases appeared on the plaint list, inoluding nine judgment summons. In the course of the day fifteen eases were either withdrawn, confessed, or settled out of court. The most important was one in whioh the benoh held that a purchaser of forfeited mining shares, offered for sale for cash would, in the event of his not ooaptetiag his share in the transaotion, be liable for any defioienoy whioh might arise on the shares being resold and fetching a lesest pries. A fall report appears in another ootann.

YESTEKDAT afternoon, a serious equestrian McideoV occurred Hear Perth. At 3.10 p.m. two boys were racing on horsebaok on the Monats Bay Bead. One of them, named Ernest Isles, aged nine years, was violently thrown td' the- ground, falling on bis hoad, Mr. K. Wansborough', fortunately, happened tobe driving along the road, near the spot, and with his aasietanoe the boy wa* conveyed to: Perth, Where he waa placed under treat-ment at the Colonial Hospital." Dr. A. E. Slomaa, resident médical officer of the hospi-tal,' states that the boy is suffering from ooneuesion of the brain, but not so seriously as to preciado hopes' of his recovery. Up to 9.30 last evening, Isles was still unconsoious. His parents reside in Perth.

ACCORDING to the offioial meteorological re-port for the 24 hoare preceding 9 a.m. yes*

terd¿y, '04 rain fell at Derby. The weather was cloudy at A-jhbnrton, Northam, Vasse, Albany, Israelite Bay and Eyre ; fine but cloudy at Derby, La Grange Bay, Geraldton, Greenough, and Eucla ; overcast at Bunbury, Mount Birkor, and Bridgetown ; threatening at Bremor Bay and Espurance Biy, ' and generally fine at all other observing stations. The maximum temperature in shade during the'same period was as follows : Derby, 103 ; Cossack, 106; Ashburton, 111; Carnarvon, 89 ; Geraldton, 78 ; York, 82 ; Perth, 78 ; Fremantle, 76 ; Bunbury, 74 ; Albany, 64 ; and Esperance Bay, 75. The intercolonial reports were as follows : Adelaide, 92, fine but cloudy ; Melbourne, 95, cloudy ; and Sydney, 76/ fine and clear.

THE February number of the Centennial Magazine is decidedly up to this periodical's nsnal avorage of excellence. The opening article is by J. T. Hebblethwaite, and treats of some of the alleged effects of the " land monopoly " on industry.. " Dutch Remains at tho Cape " are attractively described by W. B. Worsfold. " Reporters, and their work " givoB a somewhat gloomy but not inaccurate description of the labours of this particular branh of pressmen in Australia, and reveals some^f the harrassing work entailed by daily journalism. Gilbert Parker, who, it will be remembered, lectured in Perth and Fremantle some weeks ago, gives a highly appreciative biographical account of George 'Rignold, the aotor. In the March number of the Centennial Magasine we are premised an article by Sir Henry Parkes on federation.

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THB funeral of the late Mr. Ebenezer Saw, took place yesterday at Perth. Shortly before the time appointed for the funeral to leave for the Congregational cemetery, the remains wore carried into the church, where the usual service was held, the Rev. J. Johnston ' officiating. At 4.39 the funeral procession left the church. The pall-bearers were Messrs. G. Randell (HL.C), G. A. Letoh, J. D. Manning, jon., and S. Hymus. The deceased was for a considerable time a member of the Congregational Chnrch, Perth. He was very much respected as a useful member of< the ohuroh, having held the ofitse of secretary for two years, and he officiated as deacon during the absence of Mr. G. Randell in England. He was abro greatly esteemed by all who knew him. For some years past Mr. Saw bad retired from active


THB annual Sunday school pio-nio of the scholars of the Presbyterian Charon, Fre-mantle, was held on Wednesday last at Rich-mond. Over 200 persons wero present, the children of the town and Beaconsfield sohools

meeting at the Town Hall, from whence they were convoyed in_drays to the pio-nio grounds. The weather was exceedingly fa-vourable for an out-door gathering, and young and old seemed to enjoy themselves heartily. Tea was served 'ont during the afternoon and fnll justice waa done to the refreshments provided. The thanks of the committee were

given to Messrs. Symon, Hammond^A Hnbble, Higham A 'Soak, "J. Doonan A Sons, T. Love, and G. Cooper, for. the .use of the drays, while Mr. Mcllroy kindly placed his bus at the disposal of the committee during the Whole of the day. Everyone returned home by 7 o'olook highly pleased with the day's onting whioh was nnmerred by any accident.

FBEMANTLE volunteers evidently intend to make a big show at the ensuing tournament, judging-by the energetic manner in, whioh they are practising for the various events. From the infantry a largo squad of picked volunteers has been chosen, and under the oharge ef Color-Sergt. Townsend' are per-fecting themselves in the aew bayonet exeroise and the physical drill. The Fre-mantle Artillery intend competing with the Perth Artillery in the sword exercise, and every night they are engaged in praotice. Mr. Stone and Mr. Hurst of the Perth Artillery, have been exceedingly kind in attending the drills, and giving the men many hints in this particular display. In addition to this a detachment is practising with the Indian Clubs, for the purpose 'of giving an exhibition, and the two guns are being dis-, mounted frequently with a view to the two detachments taking part in the dismounting competitions.

YiSTXUDaY, evening a publio meeting' of working men was held in the Oddfellows' Hall, Fremantle, to haar addresses from members of the Perth Eight Honrs Associa-tion, Mr. W. H. Neelands, President, was in the ohair, and delivered a short address descriptive of the objects of the Association. Mr. Byatt, hon. secretary, ia a few words, advocated organisation, with a view to securing the eight hours movement through, out the colony. Mr. W. H. James sympa-thised with the movement, and considered that they ought to achieve their ob-ject without the aid of the Legislature or by compulsory measures. Mr. J. Dickson gave some particulars of the establishment and progress of the Perth Society, whioh now numbered over 200 members. He urged the working men of Fremantle to be unanimous, and to assist in gaining the eight hours. A vote of thanks was given to the chairman, after whioh a largo number of men pre-sent formed a committee to establish an association.

THE Victorian Express of the 22nd inst. gives some additional particulars respecting the fate of one of Messrs. Sharp and Mawhin-ney's shepherds, already mentioned in our columns. From letters to hand by the East ward mail, it says, we learn that a flock of 1,100 sheep, the property of Messrs. Sharp and Mawhinney, of Wolleen (sic Wooleen) station, an their shepherd perished last month on the Murchison river about 50 miles west of the homestead from want of water. It is sup-posed the man died on or about the 29th of the month. His body was found by a servant of Messrs. Sharp and Mawhinney, named McGuire, and beside the body of the unfortunate shepherd a note was found stating that he was at the time of writing it, dying of thirst. It was only a few days after this that good rains fell generally throughout the district. The name of the shepherd was Templeton, a man well known at the Murchison and one who has had a long experience of the district. It wes pre-sumed that he struggled on with the sheep towards water in the hope of saving them as well as himself, and that owing to the tre-mendous heat his strength failed him before he 'achieved his purpose.' Had he left his flock a day or two before his death he might, easily have saved himself from the sad fate which overtook him. As it is, what is said of the Good Shepherd would appear to be literally true of him, vis., " That he gave up his life for his sheep," an act of bush heroism which deserves .our warmest admir-ation. Much sympathy is felt with Messrs. Sharp and Mawhinney in the loss which they have sustained. The flock of sheep which perished was one of ewes in lamb, and in-cluded a few valuable rams recently import

ed from Victoria.

THB Melbourne correspondent of the Sydney Morning Herald gives some interesting parti-culars of Sir Henry Parkes's illness, at the commencement of the reoent Conference, from whioh it would seem tha{ the life of the veteran statesman is in the most constant danger. The correspondent writing nnder date Feb. 9th, states :-" Sir Henry Parkes has greatly improved in health aince Friday night. There now seems to be,-every proapest of his being able to proceed with the resolution tomorrow. He hal passed through a oritical period, and the rapid recovery he has made is, apart from the skilful medical and other assistance exercised in regard to him, doe to the wonderful vigour of all his organs save that particularly effected-the heart. Sir Henry Parkes, who has been well aware for the last eight or nine years of his condition physically, was exceedingly ill on arrival here on Wednesday last. He, however, battled with his weak-ness to such an extant that, although fully conscious of ths risk to wbioh he, exposed his health, he made the speeoh at' the banquet on Thursday, the delivery of whioh occupied a- oonsidorabla time, Jcrei apecrtiva of the labour involved in the address, and that-incidental to exchanging views on some topies with several -of the delegates, as well as with . representative men ' of this colony, he has not done anything that neces-sitated exertion. Sir Henry's correspondence has necessarily been utterly disregarded by him, and all the newagapers have had, so far as he is concerned, to remain unread. Sir William Clarke, of Sunbury, called upon Sir Henry Parkes on Saturday morning, and a little later Lady Clarke, on behal' of herself »id Sir wr**Mn, sent an Wite-i

tion to Sir Henry to 'visit Bnpertswood, Lady Clarke pointing oat that he would find the weather ia the country I cooler than that of the metropolis, and that j in other ways a change might be beneficial.

Sir Henry Parkes felt extremely gratelful to Lady Clarke for her offer to secure him thorough repose and perfect ease, and feeling that the kindly care and attention with which he knew he would be surrounded at Bnpertswood would be infinitely better than remaining at an hotel, even although so well conducted BB Menzies is known to be, he was disposed to accept the invitation. If Sir Henry had been influenced by his own desires alone, he wonld have gone to Rupertswood, but Dr. Fitzgerald sternly forbade any at-tempt on his part to travel, and he bad perforoe to remain in bia apartment at Menzies. Dr. Fitzgerald took upon himBelf the responsibility of telegraphing to Sir William and Lady Clarke, stating that he could not allow Sir Henry to leave his room. On Fri-day Sir Henry Parkes was so thoroughly prostrated that his heart almost ceased to do its work, the circulation falling to the lowest possible degree necessary to sustain life. Some years btok Sir Henry Parkes sought the "advice of Dr. Fischer and Sir Alfred Roberts, of Sydney, and he then made a jour-ney to England, which was undertaken in oonsequenoe of the state of his health. Whilst in England be was seen by the family physician of the late Lord Beaconsfield,' who forbade him to speak in public or walk upbilL Sir Henry Parkes has, as most people know, done both things with impunity ever since the diagnosis made by the Sydney and the last-named physicians. Since Sir Henry waa stricken down on this occasion the diag-nosis of the Sydney and English physioians has been fully verified by an examination made by Dr. Fitzgerald of Melbourne, who found all the organs except the heart in a splendid state of constitutional soundness. It is prin-cipally owing to Sir Henry's unbroken con-stitution that he has been able to make such rapid progress towards reoovery. Since his arrival here Sir Henry Parkes baa not bsen able te write at all. This morning, however, he for the first time wrote a letter to Lady
