West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), Wednesday 11 December 1889, page 3


To the Editor,

Sir, I see I have been given the credit of initiating the " Wilgie Sketching Club," to-gether with Messrs. Prinsep and Gibbs. Now Mr. Poole had an equal share in that work, and the remaining member of the com-mittee, Mrs. John Forrest, did far more than anyone else in its establishment.

As this is the first club of the kind in this colony, perhaps you will permit me to say a word about its working. Every member is expected each month to execute a sketch, illustrating one of the two subjects named by the Committee for that purpose, and a meet-ing is held once a month for a "time sketch" from a model or still-life group, when the criticisms of the Committee on the home sketches are read. These sketches are then sent out in a portfolio, each member sending them to the next on the list, after a day's interval, thus giving an opportunity of ex-amining them, and voting for the best in each class-figure, landscape, and still life. I ought to add that the criticisms of the Committee are chiefly directed to the subject of composition, both as to form and colour.

The club now numbers nearly thirty mem-bers, more than half of whom sent in sketches for November, and also attended and worked at the monthly meeting. Excursions will be made to picturesque spots, from time to time, for studies from nature. If the club be not successful in its aim of eventually founding a West Australian School of Painting, at any rate it will afford its members many

pleasant gathering for an interesting récréa-



Hon. Sec Perth, Dec. 10th.