West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), Monday 22 September 1924, page 8


Fremaintle Committee's /Work.:

? Three estimates of the cost of 'erecting the.l'reinnntlelwar memorial on MonumentHiH were received;at a meeting of the memorial committee held: on Fridav

night, but no action was: taken,: owing to theVsmaJlj attendance^ of members. The highest tender was for £ 11,700; the next was for £8,774; ;. end the lowest was for : ^f G.450. ? At ? thc^previous cqnuiiittce meeting, in:, June-members expressed the hope that-. the. foundation .stone 'of the memorial, would, belaid on 'Armistice xDay, and the- general opinion was 'that the. loyjnjr of the stow wooJd stimulate- interest in the memorial, arid increase the: funds at the.d'spoKiu : of flic committee. ? ' ? :The chairmarHMr. F;E; Gibson) said that, since Uie-' last 'meeting. Mr. J. F. Allen had praoticaiJy rewritten the specie fications V- of;thb ; memorial.- but tihe:nl-' tcratibn«,. \voblil' not ? have: much., effec! upon : the . appearsBCe. . of the memorial, though' they,' 'would -considerably lessen the; cost .of. erection.' ,'?'- '.'.--? ' -i:: The secretory (Mr.A. J. Lea Holt) furnished a ; financial'' statement, which showed th:it cash in band amounted . to £1,G21. which was n part ^ .from' promised amounts fofalling £1.400. , . . ' : In malving known the prices of the. tenderers. Mr. Alli'n said tha.t when alter1 ing the spectfica'tioris he had' substitute1' ? concrete for certain., steel work,' omitted a/ spiral stairway. and«tone seats' at' thf base of the memorial, and had mortin-l other work. ?': Mtich Jower prices could be -obtained if ; it, were' 'decided to conSiruct the 'memorial of J Donnybrook jitotie instead .of: grn'mte..; The general opinion of .the tenderers' appeared' to .'he thiit the', time, occupied in the erectionof the ujemorial. would be about two mul/a half y«aps. ?'?:-;?' r ''??'? .,%?.'? ':??-.' .-'. ? ?''..'' -::.-iMr.S. Thomson proposed mat, in view; -of the'smalj attendance, consideration of the tenders should be. deferred for thrpc weeks, and that in the meantime^a subr committee, ' consisting ? of Messrs. Allen Gibson.Holt. and himself, should confav with- the lowest tenderer' in connection with certain aepects of the work. .' ... The committee adopted Mr. Thomson's suggestion, and. decided ''further to ask the tenderers to (ltiotejor carrjing , ou! the work-in t'onnybrook stone. ( ? ;'