West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), Tuesday 9 October 1888, page 3



The following aro the buying and selling prices of the various Stooks and Shares in the Perth; Share Market :?

BANKS. ? W.A. Bank (nominal), £25. Union (nominal), j£62.

National (nominal), jeiO 6s. .

New South Wales (nominal), .£64 10a. ... Commercial (nominal), j610 4s 6d. -

; ' ; "¦'? " ¦' Gas. ' ' ': ..'.'- '

Perth Gas Company, b 25s, s 27s. C*. Sale:

¦ 25s. '?' '-' ?-'¦

Fremantle G. & C- Coy., b 14s, b 17s. 6d. f'

'' Gold.

Lady Broome (paid), b 7s, s 10s; sales 10s 6d Lady Broome (con:), b'2s Cd, b 2s 9d. Phoenix, b.10a, s 12s. Gd.

Oriental (paid), b 8s Gd, s 18s.

Oriental (con.), b 3s (ki, s -ls Od; sales 4s. Ccntral.'b lC3,s 18s.; sales 17s.; 18a.

V-'o-oria, b 2s Gd, s 3s.; sales 2s. Od., 33. Imperial, b 2s, s 6s..

Yilgarn, b 3s,s 4s Cd; sales 4s. 3d. ; Adelaide, b 6d, sis; sales Cd. _' ' Fremantle, b 32s" Gd. ' G. Valloy, b Cd, s ls ; sales ls 3d.-^

Southern Crosa, bis, s ls. 6d.; sales ,1s.. Jackson^ R?ef, b ls Cd., s 2s'. sales 2s. 6d. Grosvenor,bis..," .

' SltiVEB. ':' Federal, b 3s, s 3s..Od

;-?;-, ;;.. MlSCKMiANEOUF. ;..?'.: WA. Fire.Company, b,16s, a 18s 9d. S. Soap and Candle, s 21s..

Swan Brewery-,' sales: 13s. 6d. ¦ : '' EagloJawk Coal (W.A.) sales .£5 10s.


The following calla have been mad;, pay-

able on October 10:?

Victoria G.M. Cor~ "".;. 0 0 2 Central G.M. Co. ... 0 0 6 Phamix G.M. Co. ... 0 0 3 Eureka G.M. Co. ... 0 2 6 Adelaide G.M. Cd. ... 0 0 3 Yilgarn G.M. Co. ... 0 0 4 Oriental G.M. Co. ... 0 0 6 Southern Cross G.M. Co. 0 0 1


[Br Bengalee.]

Mining matters here.still wear a promising aspect, and work is.being proceeded with on many claims with vigour and energy. There have-been several fresh finds last month on two or three claims, notably the discovery of a body of rich stone on the Waterhall area. The Newcastle Prospecting Company have also'struck a promising body of gold bearing atone in their drive. From the Southern Cross good nows is to hand. Messrs. Saw, Courthope and Mason have discovered a reef about four miles from the present work-ings, which shows gold freely, and crushes good results. At present we are well sup-plied with water at the Government tanks, but it will take more than one respectable day's rain to settle the water difficulty; in fact a disreputable old "Willy-Willy" or two, with-several "Cock-eyed-Bobs" every now and again would not settle it. At pre-sent there ia not a great amount of stone at grass, for a crushing plant to work on, but, by the time one was erected here, I am of opinion that it would be kept going for some time and with a payable result.

Another event here was the opening of Mr. Green's Nugget Hotel. AU hands were in-vited, and a banquet was got np that did infinite credit to both Mr. and Mrs. Green, not forgetting the cook. From fifty te sixty responded to thc hospitable invitation, and everything passed off without a hitch. The toasts were as follows: tho " Queen "pro-posed by Mr. Huggins, was loyally responded to; the ".Governor " proposed by Mr. Tuckey, and replied to by Mr. E. B. Conrthope; tho f' Water Committee" . proposed by Mr^ Harvey and responded to by Mr. Lukin ; "Our Visitors;' proposed by Mr. CG. Macan and roplied to by Mr. Lukin ; "Our Host and Hostess " proposed by Capt. Hughes, and re-plied to by Mr. Green. Several of ibo com-pany also favoured us with vocal ransic. The health of " The Ladies " waa proposed by Mr. Macan, and replied to by Mr. Harvey ; and "Mr. Colreavy, th3 discoverer of Golden Valloy" was proposed by Mr. Conrthope and repliod to by Mr. Huggins. Altogether a vory pleasant evening was passed. Mr. Huggins acted as chairman, and Capt. Hoghes as vice-chairman. AU the toasts were ac-

corded musical honours, and this the first re-' union at Golden Valley will probably be a pleasant remembrance to those present.

Golden Valley, Oct. Sud.


[By Telegraph.]

(From our Correspondent.)_ ROEBOURNE, Oct. 8.

Several good sized nuggets have lately beon fonnd at Piibarra.. The general opinion U that the country iaof,a raofiag nature, and therefor? a rush is- inadvisable.-' When' rain come* itis probable that a "larger area will be fonnd to be workable. Many of the miners are making money, but there" are several who have not boen suece3eful. Iu« formation front the Sold states tbat if. 1,000 men rush to tbe field at the present time, 900.of them will .come back starving. There is little doubt but that a very rich field will, ia time, bo developed, as indications of rich reefs are continually being found.


Mr. J. H. Monger intends' to forward the crushing machinery, imported by him, to Yoj.-k, by train to-day. Jt consists of a ten head stamper, together with the necessary steam powor, tho boiler for which is large enough to drivo thirty stamps. Upon-ar-riving at York, the machinery will be sent on to Yilgarn with as' little delay as ^possible, and it is expectod tbe work, of:. cruthing, will be commenced at Southern Cross. Messrs. H. R. Watson & Co. are also sending machinery, it being thnr intention to for-ward the prospectors' small crushing plant

to the field this week. -



''' ' [;Bt Telegraph.]

(From one Correspondent.)

: Yore, ; October 8. -, Messrs. Stephen Edwards, George Monger,: Heal, and a native returned from Mr. Par-ker's find on Saturday. They do not report so favorably as previous visitors. Tho country surrounding tba;tod is described as being barrett. Th] party suffered great hardships through the scarcity of water, and they also ran ont of provisions, with tbe ex-ception of flour npou which they subsisted for over two days. Mr. Stephens, of McAlis tet's party, returned from Golden Valley today and reports everything satisfactory on the field.' On the' opening day bf the hotel at the Valley, Mr. Green entertained about 60 persons at'1 a*.sumptuous repast; and a "most enjoyable day was spent at the expense of the worthy, host.. - .-¦ ?? ?:,

The weather is.very hot.. . .


. To the Editor.

Sir,?In reference to;y'dur'artielo bf Satur-day last, it ho3 been suggested to me that it would be well to supplement the abstract, which you. published some tjula since, of the' argehtiferoua rocks of New'South Wales by a similar abstract of the auriferous, which I therefore subjoin j but I may take this ocea sioa to express my satisfaction that Mr Woodward bas. bo favourable an opinion of the probably 'auriferous character of the country, to the north of ..Yilgarn,'as well as that nearer home, confirming the anticipa-tions expressed by me in my, preliminary report on the geology of'tba line of the eastern railroad, dated 6th December, 1887, and I have no doubt that, when he has op-portunity to visit tbe country to tbe south, he will have the same opinion of. that. also. I remark that some one of my name is ro ported by yon to ' have taken " crushing plant" to the north ; may I add, .therefore, that personally I have no connnection with any prospecting, crushing, or mining parties, though I have, always given to all who ap-ply to me such information, as I am posses-sed of in matters geological.

I am, Sir,. Ac , . ¦ , ,

,1 /--I. i C. G: NICOLAY. ' North Fremantle, 29th Sept, 1883.

The following! ls tho abstract ref orr ed to ¦? Taking only the rocks yielding more than loz to the ton of gold, this result is given in the last Report of the Department of Mines,

New South Wales.

Ferruginous porous quartz with pyrites? micacious schist^carbonate of copper?pyrit-. ons quartz with zijo bleipdo-J-sind frith galena, stilbite, $8hlphide£aud*~oxide of antimony? Quartzite with arsenical and iron pyrites and zinc blende?Gossan both spongy aridporbus

-ferruginous gossan?brown iron ore and with baryta. Iron ore porous, brown.and siliceous. Clay, slate with pyritons'iron. Clayey slate with green carbonate of copper. Copper (raotallio)?in- feldspathic bose? Bismuth (metallic).

The richest yiolds have boen in quartzite, 130oz to the ton, in ferruginous quartz 52 to 98oz?in siliceous brown iron ore 42?in

siliceous gossan 30oz?in quartz, with sul-phides of iron and zinc 26,and:inglassy quartz lOoz.

Tho .foliowing; are extracts from! the re .port referred to in the above letter -.?.

At Clackline,-however, a great'change is perceptible, a line of schists being found trending northward, I conclodo to extend as far,.at least aa the Moore; River. . The prin-cipal member of tbe series is quartz-schist, and it was where this cropped out near New-1 castlothat it has proved to,be auriferous. ;.

" : At Spencer's' Brook also, and from thence to Woodside, five (5) miles, schistose rocks are again apparent, forming portions of op-posite sides of anticlinals, the crowns of which ¦ have' beatL denuded ; '- and = as, from their dip, tkeso aro measurable, I am able to estimate the thickness as probably exceeding 200 feet. At Woodside I fonnd the colour of. gold accidentally (I wasinot looking for it): in tho quartz-schist, which here also is the principal member ef the series. .. .

Wide J ?.distribution! of ^metamorphic rooks (some of which are identical with thoso found iu the auriferous district discovered by Mr Ansioy) in tho Eastern district may lead to further profitable.research by the inhabit-




A meeting of gentlemen interested in the Yilgarn Goldfields was held in th's Shamrock Hotel, yesterday afternoon for tbe purpose of disenssing the new Goldfields regulation recently proclaimetUby His Excellency the Governor. Tho-, various * companies and syndicates, and tho mining public generally,

wore very largely represented, there being, present Messrs. S. H. Parker, M.L.C., W. E. Marmion, M LC, E. Scott, M.L.C., G. F. Salas, Webster, C. H. Rosen, CUD. Longson, Smith, E IC. Coarthope, Pringle; C.A. Pater-son, V. E. Nesbit, Mackie, H. Holman, R. Smith, Simpson, J. H. Drummond,'Woods, W. Maley, Solomon, J. Turton, W. Farmer, J. Brace, C. Crossland, F. Bennion, H. Saunders, J. Hurst, J. C. Hills, W. F. Stevens, F; N. Sherlock, C. Darley, Knowles, J. Graves, G:Park;.Clancy, Hunt;> and Rogers, and Dr. Jameson. Letters from Messrs'.' A. Forrest, and; Vf. '¦ H. Neelands were read apologising for. their absence,'dud expres-sing their sympathy with the object for which the.meoting was called.

Mr. W. E. Marmion was voted to "tho chair. Tho, Chairman, in. opening tho mooting said that os they were alt aware tho Govern-ment had proclaimed the Yilgarn Goldfield on the 1st of Ootober. and, no doubt, many of thom felt with himself upon tho subject of the expenditure which had taken place upon tbs field. A good dial of money bad boon spent, and a good deal dono on the fields, notwithstanding what had been said to tho contrary by some people. Tho GoVornor bad aUo issued a regulation, in which he had only given a short period of 50 days to en-able all those who had marked ont protection arcas beforo thoy bad to comply with those regulations. It sojmad to be tho general opinion that within 5fr" ?days, tho goldfields regulations would bo taken to apply to tho30 areas. He thought tho simpression amongst many of those who had dono nothing was tbat it was a good idoa because they thought they would be able to como in and reap the ad-vantage of the labours of others, bnt to those who bad spent so much upon them, it would be v;ry bard. Ho hoped the result of this meeting-would be that they should come to soma business-like recommendation which could bo presented to the Governor and the Logislativo Council, expressing a hops t-afc this regulation would be modified or' some other proclaimed that would give to those who had spent their'money,'and wonld bond fide go to work, some advantagesrwhiub thoy did not at present possess.

Mr. G. F. Salas, one of th? conveners of

>the Besting, suggested ibift,it wcnid^bb 'as well tb leave tho'legal aspect of the 'case alone. He thought they would get into end .less discussion if thiy were to consider whe-ther the Execativj hui any ri.^at to pass this regulation. ~ He thougut-they had batter look the matter.'in the face, and ascertain whether .leasing these areas was thc only thing op-m to them. Supposing a company leased a piece of ground, would tho Legisla-tive Council give them--partial exemption from the labour conditions ? If the request of those companies and syndicates who were bona fide workers would be considered?and he believed it would be favourably consider-ed,?they might rest assured they T7ould get a month's exemption'after the 50, days were up, and that they would get their leasos and partial exemption.from the labour conditions.

A prolonged discussion then took placo upon the efl oct of ' tho: regrilations:u'rJbn the holders of protection areas, both-within and outside the-limits of the proclaimed field, and also as to the nccossity of giving the holders of arcas within the'limit further protection as regards tho labour eouditions. It appeared to be. tba general faslirg that tho present position of attifiiS ifould be likely to press -very hardly upon those companies which have spent large sums of money in ascertaining tho value of tho areas held by them, and that, unless tho stringency of the labor conditions were, to somo extent, relaxed, and a further exemption granted, their security of tenure would' be endangered. Ultimately it waa decided, on the motion of Mr. J. Grave, seconded by Mr J. Hurst, that a committee, consisting of Messrs. S. H. Parker, E. Scott, W. E. Marmion; A.-Forrest,-J: Morrison, iM.L.C.'s, G: F. Salas,- H. Sunders, C. Cross-land, and W. Farmer, bo appointed to con-sult together as to the best steps to be taken with a; view to obtaining rthe wishes of the: meeting, and to wait upon tho Commissioner of. Crown Lands, after his return to the colony, and lay tho matter beforo him; the result of their interview to be roported to a future meeting. ? :";-'

This concluded the business, and the moot-ing adjourned sine die.