West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), Tuesday 29 May 1888, page 3



The excitement and unrest which have pervaded the city ever since the contest for the honor of representing it in the Legislative Council began some twoortbree weeks ago were brought to a close, yesterday, by the return of Mr. Horgan at the head of the poll. The election was, if anything, livelier than any held in Perth before, the only election which, in that respect, might be compared with it being that which was held eleven or twelve years ago, when Dr. Hora contested the seat with Mr. S. H. Parker. It is need-less to say that during the whole polling-time the proceedings outside were carried on with the utmost good humour. Few serious disturbance occurred to mar the good feeling which reigned on both sides, and when partisanship manifested itself in the form of caustic raillery, and witticisms flowed with that spiciness of utterance characteristic of a crowd, these little pleasantries were taken in the same good part in which they were delivered.

The proceedings were opened at ten o'clock in the various polling-places, of which there were three in Perth. The central pollingplace was the Town Hall, the Returning Officer being Mr. Sheriff Roe, who was assisted by his clerk, Mr. A. Woodbridge. The scrutineers were Mr. C. D. Longson for Mr., Burt and Mr. F. O'Callaghan for Mr. Horgan. At the Government Boy's School, Mr A. W. Glover acted as Deputy Returning Officer, Mr D. Brennan as scrutineer for Mr. Burt, and Mr. Horgan jun., far Mr. Horgan} while at the Government Girl's School,' the part of Deputy Returning Officer was filled by Mr. A. Woodbridge, sen., the scrutineers being Mr. F. Collett, sen., for Mr. Burt, and Mr. J. Moffatt for Mr. Morgan. There was also a district polling place at the Canning, for the convenience of the electors resident in that locality. The proceedings having been opened in due form, the polling commenced. About sixty persons were present in the Town Hall at the beginning, and during the whole of the day a steady stream of electors flowed into the hall, which was the chief place selected by the working classes for the recording of their votes, while others, who wished to avoid the crush, availed themselves of the two other polling-places. Except in Howick-street, the- proceedings were at no time of the day very lively. Voters quietly dropped in by ones and twos, and, having performed their business, as quietly departed. But from the time the polling commenced, the scene in front of the Town Hall was very animated. Before 10 o'clock, the men mustered up in large num-bers, which was greatly increased at mid-day, when the working-men availed themselves of their dinner hour to do their duty as " free and; independent citizens." As we have already said, a good deal of pungent personality was indulged in. Eager and excited stump orators gathered small knots of listeners around them, and in language breathing the most fervent patriotism descanted upon the qualifications of Mr.

Burt, or Mr. Horgan, as the case might ' j be, and the fitness of their " man " to repre- f

sent the " working-man " in the Legislature, f, The glowing periods of the speakers did not a however, always produce entire satisfaction. The opposition would establish itself in the shape of a rival orator, close to the speaker, when the amusing spectacle of two men, each trying. to talk the other down, to the accompaniment of the cheers and groans of their listeners, would be witnessed. The noise and din was further augmented by the strains of brass band, which paraded the streets in a 'bus, and favoured the crowd with a selection

of popular melodies. Other music there was,

too, by Bomefconsidered as good as the band, in the shape of Punch, the bellman, and a rival professor of campanology, who however, buried their professional rivalries, and with bell and tongue invited the public to show

their regard for the public, weal by 'voting;

for Mr. Horgan. Perhaps one of the most ludicrous spectacles was that of a black, ^ retriever, which had been decorated with. Mr Morgan colours, blue and white, the former colour being tied round its neck, and connected by a streamer to a bow of white ribbon fastened to its tail. But, however greatly the exhibition was appreciated by the spectators, the object of their amusement failed to perceive where the joke came in, and made frantic but fruitless efforts to rid himself of his unusual embellishment.

During the afternoon the streets were a still gayer appearance. Numbers of persons obtained a half-holiday from their employers, and largely augmented the crowd. There were also many of the fair sex, and scores of juveniles of both sexes, most of the former being dressed in bright holiday attire, and some wearing the colours of the candidates. By five o'clock the fun grew fast and furious, the crowd nearly boiling over with merriment and argumentativene88, which made every knot of persons the centre of dispute, flavoured with a raciness of speech that

was a constant source of merriment. In front of the entrance to the hall several of the candidates' chief supporters ranged themselves, and fairly beset each elector as he ascended the staircase for his support for their candidate. Amongst the men by the entrance were all " the ginger-coloured gentlemen,"andthefunny,excitablelittlemanwhoon the previous Monday at the Town Hall meeting kept the people in roars of laughter over their grotesque extravagance of behaviour. A few yards away a small crowd had collected round two brothers, Yorkshiremen, one a " service " and the other a " Horganite," and assisted them in discussing their difference in true Yorkshire dialect. Not far from these, a little excitable man, with a lisp in his speech, was haranguing Mr. Burt to that gentleman's great amusement as well as that of the crowd. His address was, however, brought to an abrupt termination by the appearance of one of the Yorkshiremen already referred to, who scrambled a handful of small change amongst the youngsters near, and thus produced a regular hubbub, as the boys, and not a few of the adults, pushed and struggled for the coins

Naturally, during the afternoon, a good deal of speculation was rife, as to the chances of success possessed by one or the other of the candidates, and various were the rumours set afoot. At times it was stated that Mr. Burt was ahead of Mr. Horgan, and at others that, " the six hungry families " stood in a position akin to defeat, while. occasionally, judging by the numbers of the'cteclared adherents of the candidates who entered the hall, their chances were felt to be so nearly equal, that bets were made and taken upon the small number by which many felt one would outrun the other. When six o'clock, the hour for closing the poll, arrived, the feeling of suspense was very great. It being stated that the result of the voting would not be made known until half-past nine, a number of the crowd dispersed to their respective homes, but by far the greater number remained in front of the hall, evidently too excited and anxious to leave the street. The next three hours were spent by the people in an filling time as best they might, and the moon being hidden behind the' thick clouds, many of the younger members of the crowd availed themselves of the opportunity to indulge in a good deal of horse-play, with the almost inevitable result of a scrimmage. Shortly after nine o'clock, an attempt was made by a number of persons to obtain admission to the hall by the Barrack street entrance. The police who were stationed there remonstrated with, them, stating they had express orders to allow no one up the stairs, and for awhile it seemed as though their expostulations would prove effectual. Bat, after some discussion amongst themselves, and foreseeing that the crush would be very great at the Howick-street entrance, the crowd determined, whether contrary to orders, or not, to obtain admission by the doors facing Barrackstreet. A few led the way, and, followed by the crowd, gained the lobby, only to be met by a body of police, who requested them to go down. This they refused to do, and continued in the lobby, shouting and groaning loudly. Suddenly one of the doors was opened, and they at once availed themselves of the opportunity to literally fight their way

with each other to enter the hall. Once there, they were confronted by the officials, who informed them that the counting of the votes was not yet finished, and persuaded them to withdraw. They went no further than the lobby, however, and for fully half an hour remained there, during which time heated discussions arose between the partizans of

the candidates, amid most, deafening cheers |

and yells.. In the meantime, as the half- hour' drew, near, the other lobby | filled rapidly, and a, similar scene was enI acted there. When, at last, the doors were

opened, the people crowded in in great numbers, a pushing, straggling, yelling mass of ! humanity. In the Barrack street lobby the i doors were not opened for some time after

the others, and the cries of the crowd for admission were both loud and incessant. At last the cheers of those within roused their temper to such a pitch that about fifty of the foremost forced one-half of a door open, and then as they commenced pouring in, both fleets were opened, and the crowd surged in. Here a new difficulty awaited many, who wished to obtain accommodation on the platform. The steps were held by the police, who stuck to their posts manfully, and with invincible good humour, while those below tried by sheer force of muscle to dislodge them. A few were allowed by the bluecoated guardians to ascend the platform, these being the representatives of the press and Mr. Hensman, but most of those who were so fortunate, had to submit to a good deal of rough handling before they could win their way up, while the proceedings on the floor at times almost degenerated into a free fight. In the body of the hall, the cheering was tumultuous. Even before the numbers were read out, it became known that Mr. Horgan I had, scored a victory, and the enthusiasm expressed by one party and the

disgust ' localised by the other knew scarcely

any bounds. Some semblance of order being

at last restored, the Returning Officer |

stepped to the front of the stage, and an noticed the following result of the poll :

Burt . 417 Horgan . 420

Informal 35

. . ; - r . E

' ' ' ' Majority for Mr. Horgan 3

Mr. ROE therefore declared Mr. Horgan J duly elected, amid the loud cheers and counter- I

cheers of the electors.

Mr. HORGAN, who was greeted with tumultuous applause said: Gentlemen: This has been a great popular victory (cheers). It is a glorious victory (cheers). This is the first time you have asserted yourselves (cheers) and I hope you will only do it in the future, as you have done it to-day. (Cheers).

Union; is strength, and you have shown by I your'vOtSng to day what union is. (Cheers). We will do better next time. (Cheers). I don't value this so much for myself as for the people. (Cheers). I am so tired I will now conclude by moving a vote of thanks to the

Re turning Officer.' (Cheers). Mr.

ROBT, whose appearance was the signal for a storm of cheers and hisses, and who could not for about a minute gain a hearing,

said, in reply to their cries : Gentlemen I take it all in good part. JE hope' I am not j

altogether vanquished although I am defeated, (chews). I wish to say this, gentlemen,

I congratulate Mr. Horgan upon his victory I (cheers), and I wish to congratulate you upon the orderly manner in which you have conducted this election to day (cheers ) Yon will not expect a speech from me, and I will,

therefore second the vote of thanks to the | Returning Officer (cheers.), , , ¡'

Three hearty cheers were then given for Mr. Burt, and three more for Mr. Roe.

Mrand said he was much obliged to them for their kindness Although he had only done his duty, he heartily appreciated their acknowledgement of it.

Mr. HENSMAN, in response to the loud calls made

upon him, said Men of Perth ! I am proud to be acitizraof Perth to-day (cheers). You have fought for a great principle, and you have been victorious (cheers). I will say no more than this that this victory, to-day, will go throughout the length and breadth of this colony, and will, show that the time is coming when the will of the people will prevail. (Cheers). One word more. You will, I am sure, retire quietly to your homes, and every man who has voted for Mr. Horgan can lay his head upon his pillow and say that he has voted in favor of great Liberal principles(cheers)-and that he has done his duty to his country. (Cheers).

This concluded the proceedings, and the audience at once dispersed. A crowd was formed outside, and preceded by the band marched through the principal thoroughfares of the city, cheering for the greater part of the way, which brought the election to a close. "I " . .