West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), Friday 2 March 1888, page 3



Mr. Thomas Burges, one of our largest station holders, informs us, says the Victorian Express, that he has received news of splendid

rains at his Yuin station. Rain commenced

to fall at 5 p.m.' on the first of February and continued to fall hevily till 12 o'clock the next day. After this there were heavy inter-mittent showers until 12 o'clock the follow-ing day, when the Greenough River came down. It flooded all the buildings save the shearing shed and the store, waer being kept out of the store by the banking up of earth. The gable end of the overseer's cottage was washed away, also the kitchen and men's room, and some troughing and fencing was carried away. A flock of sheep wore hemmed in by the water for six hours, and were rescued with difficulty, but no losses of stock are reported. Mr. Burges says that very heavy rains are reported from the Sandford and Murchison districts, and both of these rivers have come down, Mr. Burges says he has not heard of any losses of stock as yet, and does not ex-pect many, as the native shepherds, guided by previous experience, wonld most likely get their flocks on to the high ground before the floods came down. Concerning the stop-page of the overland mail by reason of a flood, Mr. Burges says that there is a chain of lakes stretching east of Warra Warra to near Carnamah and that all the water from the country around falls into the lakes and from what he hears they must have joined together, and formed one large expanse of water, The Moore River, which is also stated to have overflown its banks, rises east of Berkshire valley and Walebing, one branch running down by Berkshire Valley, and the other between Walebing and Glentromie. This river occasionally runs very strongly, but it is unusual for it to do so at this time of the year. Mr. Thomas Burges has received telegraphic information from his son at Roe-bourne' that splendid rains have fallen throughout the North West Districtt, and that his own station at Woodbrook has been specially favoured in this'respect. The pre-sent may therefore be regarded as one of our good old fashioned seasons, and we may ex-pect a good lambing and a heavy clip as


Mr. A. G. Lacey, J.P., of Warra Warra, arrived in Town on Tuesday last, and reports splendid rains at his station, wbero no less than 14 inches of rain had fallen since 10th January last, and there was every indication of more rain as be came down the road, So far Mr. Lacy has not heard of his having lost any stook.

Rain is reported to have fallen very heavily about Beringarra and Milly Milly, and it would appear as if Dame Nature bad bestowed her favours in a very impartial manner.

From Messrs. M. A D. Ryan, who have a station on the Murchison River, Messrs. Wainwright and Co. have heard that they were on their way to the station, and on getting ten miles above the Geraldine Mine they were unable to proceed any further, as

the river was then running (February 4th) as high as it did three or four years ago. Messrs. Ryan Bros, state thp accounts from the Upper Murchison are very encouraging, and there is every prospect qf a goqd lambing. Green feed is starting up already about tho Geraldine Mine, and the bush is getting quite boggy. Writing later, the brothers say, "We have been ramped five days, unable to orosawith our teams. Yester-day we only crossed a little water-course where the water from the river has backed up as far as the crossing of the road, and the water mi running iuto the body of the waggon. To-day we are compelled to cut a new road to avoid the deep water in another watercourse, so that if tî)o river keeps on rising as it has done sinoe this day week we shall not arrive at our destination until about th|3 day four weeks."

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