Queanbeyan Age (NSW : 1867 - 1904), Saturday 13 July 1895, page 2

Criterion Comedy Burlesque Opera Company. This popular company, under the management of Mrn Irve H.ayman and Miss Kate Howarde, commences a two night season on Wednesday next 17th July, in the Protestant Hall, Queanbeyan. The initial produotion will be the wonderfully successful burlesque opera, Little 'Jack Sheppard.' The performance is interspersed throughout with the latest songs and dances, and will be mounted with new and appropri ite scenery.' The company is one of the largest that has visited this di'triot, and comprises some of the best metropolitan artists. Miss Kate Howard(, the young Australian Soubrctte, will assume the ROLL of Jack Sheppard, a part which she has mnare peculiarly our own, and judging from the very laudatory enconiums passed on her by our contemporuiries, playgoers hiave-a. treat in store. The names of the companies with which Miss Howards has at different times been associated are in themselves evidence of htir ability; they are Brough and Boucioalt's, Sheridan's (Fun on the Bristdj, Walter Bentley's, and latterly the Princess Opera Co. She has been fortunate to secure as managerial partner the very well known and talented actor-manager, Mr. Irve Hayman, who will asume* the part of ' Blue. skin.' Mr. Hayman'd name and' reputation are too familiar to need any comment. An. other greatfavoriteis Mr. Harry Craig, lately principal baritone of the Montague Turner Opera Company. Mr. Bert Bailey, a remarkably clever young comedian appears as Jonathan Wild. These mentioned, together with, Miss Ada ,Juneen, Miss Minnie Howarde, Miss Lilian Fenton, Mr. Harold Douglas and others. An entire change of programme will be given each evening. The box plan' for reserved seats is' now open at, Mrs.. Fallick bookseller.