Queanbeyan Age (NSW : 1867 - 1904), Saturday 16 March 1895, page 2

Queanbeyan Borough Council. The fortnightly meeting of the Queanbeyan Borough Council was held in the Council Chambers on Thursday evening, when there were present-Aid. Land (Mayor), J. Pike, W. Pike, Beatty, Downey, Harris; and Knox. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. CORRESPONDENCE. The. following correspondence was read and dealt with :From the Principal Under-Secretary, stating that a public holiday had been gazetted for Wednesday, 27th inst., on the occasion of the opening of the Tharwa bridge.-Received. From G. T. Sheaffe, district surveyor, Cooma, stating that he had been asked to report on the Queanbeyan recreation reserve, and requesting the Council to inform him whether (1) any money on account of agistment was received, and (2) did the public contribute anything towards the maintenance or improvement of the reserve. The Mayorstated that he had instructed the Council Clerk to reply to the questions in the negative. From the auditors (Messrs. J. Lazarus and W. A. O'Neill) stating that they had audited the accounts of the Council, and found them correct.-Received. REPORTS. Ald. Harris read the report of the Finance Committee as follows:-General account, credit, £80 13s 6d. Accounts for payment : D. Wright, £5; P. Pooley, £2 3s 6d; AGE, £1 15s 6d; auditors, £2 2s. Lighting account, credit, £63 8s. He moved that the report be received and adopted. Ald. J. Pike seconded. An account from C. Black for 17s 6d for work at special neetings of the Council was here put in. Aid. W. Pike moved as an amendment " that Mr. Black's account be added to the Finance report." Ald. J. Pike seconded pro forma. Ald. Downey said the matter had been threshed out at a previous meeting, and some aldermen were opposed to the payment for extra work on the part of the caretaker. He understood that Mr. Black was paid to attend all meetings of the Council, and thought some agreement should be drawn up in order that there need be no further discussion on the matter. In reply to Aid. J. Pike the Mayor stated that Mr. Black was paid an annual salary of £6. The amendment was then pub to the meeting and carried, and the report as amended was adopted. The foreman of works (Mr. A. Lazarus) reported on the work he had done since last meeting, and on the motion of Aid. Downey, seconded by Ald. Harris, the report was received and adopted. MISCELLANEOUS. Aid. WV. Pike asked if the letter in reference to the debentures had been sent, and if so had any reply been received. The Mayor replied that the letter had been sent, but no reply received. At his request the Council Clerk read a copy of the letter. Aid. Downey moved " That the letter from the Hurstville Council be laid on the table for another fortnight." Seconded by Aid. J. Pike and carried. Aid. Harris, reverting to the caretaker's account for special work, said that it did not matter what salary was allowed the carecaretaker, but whatever it was it should be for attendance at all meetings of the Council, both general and special. An agreemeiit should be drawn up to that effect, and if necessary he would give notice of motion for next meeting that his suggestion should be carried out. Aid. J. Pike suggested that the Finance Committee should bring in a report on the subject at next meeting, and this was agreed to. Aid. Knox asked whether a report had been received from the Inspector of Sliaughter-houses. He understood that a report should be made once a month. The .Mayor replied that no report had been received. On the suggestion of Aid. WV. Pike it was decided to ask the owners of the hall to provide accomodation in the back premises. TENDERS. The Council then went into committe to consider the tenders received for the valuation of the rateable property in the borough, and for the lighting of the street lamps. On resuming, the Mayor announced that the tender of Messrs. H. Lazarus and D. Morton for valuation at £8 5s, and that of Mr. N. McInnes for lighting the street lamps at GAd per lamp had been accepted. The Council then rose.