Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Monday 26 October 1874, page 4

CESSION OF FIJI.—In the 5th page will be found full particulars of this most important event. We have respectfully to thank his Excellency Sir Hercules Robinson for kindly supplying the Fiji Government Gazette and other official documents, by which we are enabled this morning, in addition to our special correspondent's letter, to give ample details of the annexation of Fiji to the

British Crown.

THE GOVERNOR'S RETURN.—Sir Hercules Robinson returned from his mission to Fiji yesterday morning in H. M. S. Pearl, with the Hon. G. A. Lloyd, Colonial Treasuror; Captain Hixson and Captain St. John proceeded on board immediately after she anchored to welcome his Excellency, who, on leaving the vessel, was saluted with seventeen guns, the band playing the National Anthem. Thakombau, with one of his sons, and Mr. Secretary Milne are to come to Sydney in H. M. S. Dido, which is to leave Levuka on tho nth November, and we understand that they are to be guests at Government House. One of Thokambau's sons came to Sydney by the


SUPREME COURT.-Master's Office, This Day, at 10.30 : Bo M. Bowman, a porson, &c, ndjonrned to settle lease and report on Barns; Frico v. Devino, adjourned


THE VICTORIAN RIFLEMEN.-Yesterday af ter-ni un tho various Victorian competitors at tho noxt annual matches of .the Bille Association arrived by the steamer ll unga tira from Meibom no. Groat pre) arations have for some timo been on foot at tho Victoria Barracks for the reception of our visitors from tho sister colony. Booma in the central building bavo been fitted up comfortably for tho reception of tho Victorian Volunteer», and at tho officers' (marten " miss-room, smoking-room, &o., have boen prepared. Tho i.riHDgeuients taken altogether were such as to reiloot credit nj on tho Association, and there can be no doubt that every cliurt «ill bo inado to maka tho sojourn of the Victorians na pleasant aa possible. This, indeed, is nothing less than duo to them as a recognition of . the most courteous . and hospitable spirit in which ' our riflemen wore mtertained in Melbourne last year. It was anticipated the Knngatirn would arrive about 7 o'clock yesterday morning, «nd a little after that time the reception com-mittee delegated aeiemblcd at tho A. S.N. Company's Wharf. lbe«o included Liouteuant-Colonel ItiohardBon, Major; Aitey (N. B. W. Artillery), Major Baynea, (Ji.ptain Compton (Staff), Major iiaymuud, Captain ..strong, Lieutenant M'Uutcheon (V. Ii.), and others,

; betides several otlior officers of the force, and a fair number ut non-comuiicsioned officers and private members. A capacious omnibus, drawn by Jjmr spanking greys, had been chartered for the conveyance of tho visitors to their ijuartu s. However, as it appeared that tho «teamer had nut been Bigna led, there waB nothing for it but to adjourn io tho Barracks aud wait patiently. Tho much-looked lor vessel was announced at about half-past VJ o'clock, when Major Baymoml received tho follow-ing telegram :-" Steamer Jtangatira in sight eight niilPB oil." The Rangira arrived at about half-pa»t 2 o'ólock, bringing with ber tho ritlemen, who wera cordially wilco'uied by their Sydney confrères, nnd escorted to th« llnrrackf, where they were at'oncd inducted into their temporary home. Major Bull (tho otllcor in charge) withuut delay reported tho arrival of himself and thirty two Victorian oflieers and non-commissioned officers, namely :-Major Sleep, Major Trythall ; Capt.iin» bu allow, Greenfield, Buchau, King, B lanni rn, Wardill ; Messrs. Whitley, Astley, Scottsen, MoadeB, Patterson, » Munchei-ter, Dyer, Watton, Matron, Laoy, Marin, Hannay,

Dunne, ChiBtoll, M'Hutchison, AVoods, Ure, Hondoraoa, Bennett, Motifborough, 'Powell, Butcher, Marah, and Ballinger. In tho evening tho visitors wero entertained ut 1 the mesa.

THE SYDNEY MODEL LODGING-HOUSE COM-PANY.-A publiu meeting for tho purpose of explaining thu ot joete of this company was advertised to take placo in thc Victoria Theatre, at 3 o'clock on Saturday afternoon.

At half sn heur alter tho adversed timo thora were

tem eely lull personB in tho house altogether, and Sir Alfred I Stephen, who was to havo presided over tho rneoting, came I forward, und stated that ho hud como thero for tho purpofa

of advocating tho establishment of a society which, iu hts I judgment, would to of considerable sorvioe to tho working

men of this city, and which would inaugurate a sanitary ut, well as ti moral reform. Ho came prepared to show thu the estublii-hniint of model lodging-houses for singlo mon would he calculated to produce high moral results, and I would be productivo of extremo good. Ho should, howovor,

be very torry to KIO tuch an object fall through owinfj to u bud beginning, and bo thought they had better adjourn until tome day when they could have a bettor attendance, ! and he would especially like to see a orowdod houso of that ' C1I.FS whom it was particularly proposod to benefit, Ho 1 would Miggest that they should adjourn till Bomo other day,

of which fuller notice could bo given. Dr. Jackson then moved that tho meeting adjourn till some future date, which was seconded by Mr. Thomas, anji unanimously agreed to.

LICENSED VICTUALLERS' ASSOCIATION.-Tho nunuttl general meeting of this nssociition will be hold to-nton ow, at the Oddfellows' Hull, Elizabeth-street, when the annual report and other matters of importance will bo btoujiht forward.

CHURCH STRUCK BY LIGHTNING.-Yesterday evening, about half-past fi o'clock, during tho heavy storm whit h puBi-ed over the city, a Hash.of lightning struck tho f piro of tho Wesleyan Churoh, Glebe Hoad, and broke a t or lien of the pinnacle off. No other damage was done.

Da. DB JOHOU'B LiouT-Eaowrt COD LIVKH OIL.-Tho cuy titfcBtibllity of this oil is one of ita peculiar characteristics. In his evidence before the parliamentary committee on the adulter-ation of drug«, Dr. Lethcby, medioal officer of health to tho city if London, observed : " Dr. de J enirh's cod liver oil will stay fora

longer time on the stomach than any other; it My be' lecsuseof tbeoareusedln the preparation of lt, he may get ri« sf certain acrid principle» which we oannot reoognlae, bit ehlcti are apt to disagree with the stomach." Bold only In tapsulcd Imperial helf-puvU.plntfl, and quarti, by all ebernists, iMige'st*. »nd storekeepers. Bole consignee*, A ni ar, Harford, ltd Co,, 17, Btrtad. LOBÖOB.-ADV. - i

FATAL ACCIDENT.-About half-past 2 o'clock on 8atui day afternoon last a man named John Fisher reeding at Little Buoiinghaïu-atrcct. «hilo driving at»n<r Jlains-alreet, Pyrmont, had his nock broken bytheoart capsming over the embankment on thut »treat. l)oooa«ed's granddaughter, six years of nge, who wna in the cart at I »n° «>».> was injutcd and tiken to the Infirmary

An inquest will Lo held thin morning nt 9 o'olook at Beady « Southern Ciosa Holol, oornor of Elizabeth and

Devonshire, streets.

SUDDEN DEATH. — A man named Charles McGlynn, 63 years of age, a labourer, died suddenly at his residence, 255, Clarence-street, on Saturday morning last.

His wife states that she left him in bed about 6 a.m on that morning perfectly well, and on her return to the house about 7 o'clock she found him lying on the floor dead. Deceased had had convulsive ills some years ago.

COTIONER'S INQUEST.-The adjourned inquest on the t ody of William Pepper was resumed on Saturday morning, when the following evidence was taken : - Con stable William Weekes (stationed nt Terrara) deposed On Wednesday night, tho 20th instant, snnior-oonaUbla 1 liornas Grieves gave him instructions to fetoh doccasod to Darlinghurst gaol ; Grieves told him if deceased was worsa when ho gol him to Greenwood Point not to take him any further ; when he got as fnr as that point deceased appoarod about tho samo; ho got three of tho men off tho swimer' to ourry him from the oart to tho steamer, and ho took 'him downstairs, in the Bteorago end, and made him as comfortable as ho contd ; he put a pillow and a blanket under his head, and ho got a little brandy and water and gavo him a littlo two or three times; deceased could not eat anything ; ho saw him several times during tho day until his arrival in Sydney' deceased seemed to be in the same condition as when thor ?tarted ; on their arrival in Sydney, with tho asBistunco of thrco men, he got him into a c»b anil had hiuvconvayed to Darlinghurst gaol, whoro ho handed bim ovor to tho prints! pal warder; the time then was about 8 o'clock in tho evening ; the warrant produced waa tho authority under which he brought deceased to Darlinghurst gaol; ths deceased bad the wounds ia his throat when he brought hint fiom Nowra; ho had been in custody at Nowra from tho Saturday till Thursday morning, when ho took him away deccBeed waa in a very low feeble state at that time, »nd he was unable lo speak, and never spoke all the way hp to Sydney ; when he first saw deoeaacd about 2 o'clook on titturday afternoon ho had the wounds in his throat; thors was a towel around his throat, and upon his removal hs assisted another constable to nineo a sticking plaster on tb» woundB ; he heard deceased say in the watcabouse »t Nowra that ho inflicted tho wounds In hin throat himself, as he was tired of hin lifo and suffering from gravel ; do crated said his age waa 76 years; he believed he was an Eng. liehmsn; Wollongong WMB tho nearest gaol to Nowra, «boat sixty miles off; deceived was not soon by a msdiojl nun during the time he waa in the Nowra watbh-house ; at an carly hour on Sunday morning ho wont a distance of ssvoi miles to Cambawarra for Dr. Heed, who declined to go, saying ho had been ill and was not well ; ho told him what had leen done for deceased ; the doctor said he could do nothing more for him, but gave wi tuena a prescription ; he got ilie medicino and gave it to tho senior-constable inoharga of the watoh-houso in Nowra ; tho distance from Nowra to Sydney by water is,about 75 miles; when ho left Nowra the deceased was unable to walk, and tho senior-oonstable sad' ho had to carry him to tho cart and plaoa him in it; ho then hud to travel with deceased by cart to Greenwood Point, a distance of ten miles, where ho got the steamer, and, aa related above, obtained tho arsistince of three man to carry dece*»ed on board. At this »tage of tho prooaoi irjgB tho inquest was adjourned till Wednosday nott at 9


ENLARGEMENT OF ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST'S CHURCH, ASHFIELD -This church having been found inadequate to accommodate the members of the Church of England in the rising suburb of Ashfield, the Rev. J. C. Corlette, M.A., the incumbent, and his parish-ioners determined to enlarge it. On Saturday afternoon, tho foundation-stone of the addition was laid by the Bishop of Sydney, assisted by a number of the clorgy of the diocese. There was a large concourse of ladies and gentlemen present. Among them were the Revs. J. C. Corlette, J. Batnier, E. M. Saliniere, T. Unwin, Mert, Lumsdaine, Baker ; Canons Hulton King and Rich ; the Hon. J. Campbell, M.L.C., the Hon. C. Campbell, M.L.C., Mr. Holborrow, Mayor of Ashfield, Messrs. J. Sandy, R. Packer, J. Croker, J. Mills, H. T. Shadforth, Captain Fox, and Dr. Hogg. A service of praise, prayer, and Holy Scripture, specially printed for the occasion, was conducted by the Bishop and clergy. A copy of a scroll was road, stating the circum-stances under which the stone was laid, and naming the officers connected with the church, and, this having been duly deposited in the cavity prepared for it, together with

a copy of the Australian Churchman and Sydney Morning Herald, the Bishop of Sydney formally laid the stone. The Bishop then addressed those present. He said that the time was when the Church of St. John the Baptist of Ashfield was regarded as a marvel in ecclesias-tical architecture, and its erection was considered to mark a very extended progress in tho direction of supplying the ordinaces of religion on the western side of Sydnoy. It enjoyed tho assistance in the internal decoration of the artistic skill of the first incumbent, the Rev. Frederick Wilkinson. In the midst of the bush arose a speci-men of Australian architecture of that day, and was intended, doubtless, to be representative here of the village church of tho country parish in England. But the population of Sydney had invaded these sylvan shades, and for some years there had been a strong desire expressed that additional accommodation should be provided. That desire now found expression in the determined resolve that the en-largement should be carried out, and he congratulated those interested upon that which had been dono to-day, and upon the promises they had received of further assistance. They would not enjoy a grant from the Government, nor from the English societies, and they would not have that peculiar talent which belonged to the first incumbent. He was however glad to know that there were to be still preserved in the building those quaint and curious carvings, the result of his industry, ability, and taste. At the same time he felt that by their minister, who had left a monu-ment of his industry and success at Jamberoo, a taste had been displayed that would preserve them from any exaggerations in ecclesiastical architecture, and that the interior decorations would be carried out in consistent har-mony with the true Church of England feeling. He would take occasion to observe that those engaged in extending the limits of the Church enjoyed the further protection in that the proposed arrangements must satisfy the Bishop of the diocese for the time being. Experience had shown that it was necessary, and the law had sanctioned the usage, that in order to obtain consent for such extensions as these it was necessary that the Bishop should be consulted. That was what was termed a

faculty-a power by which. the churchwardens and the incumbent should be preserved from all the dangers which might arise from hasty action of this kind. lt was intended to be a protection on the one hand to the parishioners, and on the other to tho clergyman tai churchwardens. Ho congratulated them on the com-mencement of this enlargement, carried out in snob » mnnner aa it would be to allow of thu pullinfr down of the portion of tho building which existed whoa that should bi found ncceBsary, »nd trusted that the building would; for «gea to come, bo uted for tho promotion of religion. A collection was mudo at tho óiose of tho. proceeding«, »nd over £50 received. About £500 had boen promiset} Pro l ioilely. Tho enlargement, it is oxpected, will coat about £150. Tho musical portion of tho sorvice was conduoted by tho choir, assisted by membera of tho Cathedral choir. '.1 bo odditions as shown in plan are in tho gothio »tyla, »nd io le built of stono in Bix-inch courses'with foot drossinga.

Tho ground plan is oruciform in shapo, being formed by now transepts which measuro 51.J by 28 feet with ohsntsi. The scala of the new portion aro divided into four lays by three aisloa, commencing at doors in sido of transepts mid central aislo, from front of church, terminating vita e.tber aisles oppoeito chancel. Tho Bldo or transept end shows on elovation gableB 41 feet high, pierced in contra by a gothic window of two lights, ono at eaoh sido of butirosa which divides biimo, and filled in above with plate tracory. The windows aro moulded with labels torminated by bessel and rueuturo 19 feet in height. Tho end elovation or chancel end presents a gable pieroed by a noat gothic wm dow of three lights with plato tracery. This window u richly moulded with label around and supported by bosses, and finishing with label o°ul4 underneath enclosing Bunk quatrofoils. In the upper part of tho gablo there is «Iso. a email circular opening with gothio label, over. Tho internal olfect pro duced>y tho open roof of four colonial hardwood principals, deeply recessed chancel, and Btencilled and lottcrod binds with tho addition of plato tracery of windows, ÍB exp^íT tobo most »triking and effective. Tho roofs will beilinea with cedar at back of raftors. The (loora aro intondeito bo of hardwood. Tho whole of tho inside will bo plated, «nd arches marked out in red lines. A fino feature will be made of chancel arch, which is to ho moulded, and to «op on BhaftlolB with foliated caps and moulded buses, in» wholo of the lights to bo glazed with figured g»"» diamond lead quarrios, and ventilated by iron oasoutenti fixed to mullions. Tho addition will accommodate ¿av adults-total accommodation 446.

Gio EACH.-A four-oared gig race, between tho wholesalo warehouses of Messrs. Moore, Hemtoon, and Bowcher, and Mosers. Myers and Solomon, took pla-e on Saturday afternoon, tho course, being from vpn Macquarie, round Goat Island, and baok to the »t»"T* point. A good deal of intere.-t was taken ia tu race by tho friends of the competitors-and tho steamon NauUltiB, Our Quoin, and Leipoa, which {"»o«.»4 "J boats, were well freighted with passengers/ Tba- orapen crew consisted of Messrs. J. Dobsen (bow), J. A. Ho« hell (No. 2), H. Coles (No. 3), W. Binall (etrcko),»^ Longford '(coxswain)-tho establishment of MJJ» MycrB and Solomon bemg represented by J. Watson

"J. H. Jervis (No. 2), L.Mooro (No. 3), O.Dobson Mi*). BndG. (Solomon (coxswain.) Tho corseting boalar» upabrosstof the starter shortly, af 1er » ? °l°ok» aT Sr mediately afterwards the flag wa» dropped to. a very*T Btait. Both crows were, however, ll ««" that it was a considerable time totora ,uw managed to pull together. Myers and Solomo, t «? wero, however, tho first to settle down to t?°}r^«ïi. the drapers-who at time» indulged in a ^nuntin

were thc first fo thew in front. Off Dawe» Pom; M were a dear length ahead, and tney kept on' uioreadog.tW* Teed to tho finish. The losinB ,non puUei a pluora*, but neither of the coxswains aro to be complimenter their steering. At night thecrow» met «UbeOxrordHOK -where tho winners were presented with silver ? o»lM* chased at the eetaWiihmcÄt of Messrs. Hoffnung nndW., pitfatTCeV:, ? ' - -'. ? ; ' -l