Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Wednesday 18 January 1865, page 5



The annual meeting of the Ashfield and Five Dock Auxiliary to the Church Society was held in St. John's Church, Ashfield, on Monday evening last, the 16th instant, half-past seven. There was a good attendance of tho mm, and a few ladies were also present. The Very md ike Dean of Sydney took the chair, and called on Rev. W. Lumsdaine, the incumbent of the parish, to

tit ra«ting with prayer. Tho chairman thea od-ed the meeting, pointing out some of tho objects of the rr, od urging Its claims on every member of tho ci, tad called on the secretary, Mr. ROTOCH, to read «¿ty report aa follf>w» :

iwewatirig this report at the end of the fourth year tai uuiHary has been formed, thc committee have eaÊsUOary tank of stating that their expectation* Vj IO means been folly realised. The subscriptions * tia first year of the auxiliary amounted to LH Ü; during thc second, to £24 11s. dd. ; during á¿i t4 £35 Ss. 3d. ; and during that now closed, to k,lot although there has been each successive year

rf the hil amount of £n0, paid each year by the tb &ctttv towards supplementing the incumbent'» i; ay difference having had to be made up from the w ocamittce have been engaged during thc past t cai!¡U, amongst other things, in endeavouring to ?? a division of the parishes of Ashfield and Burwood, itKeh with their respective outlying districts of Five Dock and Enfield, have so very materially increased in the

number of their inhabitants as to call for the immediate ?? of an extra clergyman ; but they regret to say that [UnriooA impeding causea (chiefly in the scarcity of Wea ¡a the diocese, wising from tho departure of

from tho colony), no stops have, been taken »fca nott desirable object. They earnestly hope,

tba ly the end of this present year they may be Qfenogntalafe the pajiahioncra on somo arrongu«4á fand having been carried out. In conclusion.

Sceicry upon every member of tho congregation, ?*T confidently trust that daring thc present year =*T U adcepcr interest io ita work, and that ono and 7«-<*eraîe with them in summing and helping \srifeir liberality ned their prayers, tho labours of phiUt society, m aa under the Divine blessing to ?*3 fenner its great and glorious work of advancing "taffs kingdom in all parts of this colony,"

**tiw aovtd by Mr. Mum and seconded by Mr. .Witt, «vi carri«! unanimously-" That the report, *s fe adopted, and that the following gentlemen bo r***"1*T and committee for tho present year:

Rev. W. Lorasdafne ; Secretary, Mr. J. H. Treasurer, Mr. J. Croker ; Committee, Dr. jj «w>, Hogg, King, Budd, Adnam, Mackenzie,

Millett, Hancock, Muir, and thc Secretary and ^.a-offleio."

' VMAWIAS then read to the fleeting a letter 2i5n'*4 by the churchwardens of the parish, from '« »bop of Sydney, recommending an increase to Jf««nt'i stipend of fifty pounds a year ; and ft was g* noved by Mr. Woodhouse, and seconded by Mr. J> Tatt, a* * fetter had leen seat from the Bishop

to* wardens of this church, Mtraetting them to dergyman's stipend, this meeting resolves that year bc poid out of the Sanday collections,

¿** ttrthtr fifty poonda be raised by yearly snV .' *?a uepariiib, thus making the attributions from ' jp towards the clergyman's stipend, ima hand red

fer xarnun ;" upon which the following amendT* moved by Sir. Packer, and seconded by drfflL "Th*t fa andeatraWe that th* y¿JTf íkrgyman should be changed under present r***» sad that instead a piece of ground bo secured wt'*?**"" After some discussion, tho amendment ^ chairman and negatived, the original reaola^2Td by a majority of seven.

j1 o« mored, "That a copy of thc resolution just

.7*2* to every .eaiholder in the church of St. itr^T? ^ * ^ enHat their assistance le^**T*ntof the object contemplated," «nd on

gtna the chair, waa declared to be carried,

ii aS2 MO*ed' M*"- âumrM aeoonded, M ifcwf* 00 *' onc* eeinmenced, wfth a view to

Bahop'g request," bat « majority aroear

a, ut» resolution waa lost. On the motion at

^¡Wanoam by.Di. JlAT¿óin£,.\Eá. (hanjojî < teSÉL*** eoBT«'5'»d to the chalrine* for me kind-j 'S'S*,011 occasion, and the' Dean naring¡T^T^dged the same ead pwrnonaeed the benedle

,*t»í «eparUed,