South Australian Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1858 - 1889), Saturday 21 August 1880, page 3


Number of INTETRCOLONIAL ARRIVALS at and DEPARTURES from Port Ade-<*> laide from August 7 to August 20, inclu-<*> sive:—

AiuuTAt-S. 24. Dktabitres. 14. Number of EXTKAOOLONL&X AKKIVALS at and DEPABTUBES from Port from Aagusi 7 to August 20. inclusive- — AItRITAU. Augusts. — CaiMBuRAZO. steamer. 2,413 tons, C. de la P^«r Treucii, fr^m rh mouth June 2a, St. Viuceat July 5, Cape Town July 3j. Joseph Stilling red Co., agents. Vvutngen— Mr. liobi. X Jmhins, in the saloon; alesws. U K. Tonk:n an! \V. B. Sovrlex, in the secuuJ *?loou ; Mr. Wolff, Mies C. Guttmaun. Mis* D. Sei.iem\ua, Mr. James Sylvester, Miv Mariou B>lveiUr, Wr. Beoi. Ferdinanda, llus Helen Biliatt. UUs Mary Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. Veaciug aud infant, XI it* Catherine Gregory, and Mr. Joha Yenning, ■v the third 6alooa; and 2u in toe steerage. August 10.—HOUISDALE,ship. l f i'oo tons, Daciel Bolt, from London Hay 15. Joseph StilliDg mnd Cu., ag^Dt*. Passengere—Four iv tl.c stt< rag p. Av.gutt 12 — LOCUIEL. baxqoette, 21(J tous, D. H. Ens, from M>utitiua July 11. Gbu. Jacobs and Son, Touu; t>. Mocatta, Port, Bgents. rasK-ugors—Mr. I*aac Sharp. Un. Emu anl inliut, in the cabiu ; anJ one 1a thy 6ti« August 15.—^^OTOX, barqae, 727 tons, Kobt HaHwin. fivm N\w York April 29. D. and W. Muiray. a^uts. Passengers—Mrs. UkJwin au] child, in the cmbin. August I!*.—KIKtiWOOD, barque, 310 torn, J. Ji. IJoberty, from St. Dcnuu, Hourboa, July IX. Morgan and Co., Tumi and Port, agents. In ballast. August 19.—GLANPADAKX. barqae, 1.032 loi.k.Kicbd Bvl>cni>. from London June 2. D. mdj. Fowler, City ?uJ l'ort, agents. August $J. — JOHN ELDEK, steamer, H.'Al ton?, C. I>. (>ruve&, commander, from l'hnuuth July 10. Cape Town August 2.' Psssecgcn — Mrs. A. Furniss, Miss FurLi?«, Mrs. Kay, Hits Kay. Mrs. Morier, Mr. O. Peg-t Mcore. Mr. Cecil lUwlins, Mr. hichmvii-J Sturdy, aud Mr. L. Waterhause, iv tie saluon ; Mr. James Abernethy, Mr. Cbillnrttj. Mu* Charlotte Drought, Miss Harriet Hill, Mj.J.O. Kirkwood, Mr. Matthew LcUuman, Mr. John Moody, Mr. Frederick A. Poolden, M?s Margaret Sladiiou.Mias Mary A. Sladden, and Mr. W. K. Bteph< nson, iv tbe second saloon; and 42 in tbe tliird-clast and steerage. Ksi-outs. GBAAF VAN BVLANDT—For R>tavia-37 cum jam. D. and J. Fouler; 50 bags wbo&t.&OO do flour. J. Hart and Co.; <>00do. do., \V. Duffield and Co.; 25 do. maize. M do. bras, T. Mitcbelmore; 250 do. flour, Eider and Co. For Sourabaja— l.MXi bags ai<d 11 cases flour, J. Hart end Co.; 100 barrels aud 95i bags do., Harrison and Co. JAVA, for United Kingdom—2.Vs3 bags wheat, J.Dunn aud Co. GAILUNNB, for Loudon-S3Obbo'sa o 's whett, .< 1. bags flour, 220 do. bark, 88 bales .-o.wpiiuf, 14 do. leather. 27 do. basiln. 1 do km. trto eliiu?, 11l do. wool, 1 do. rabbit. sLiaa, Iv < <3le. wire. DILAW mi, for London—l.ll6 cakes enper. WaUarco Mines; 162 ca«ks tallow, 0 Jo. wine, 1 *#« fruit, 6 do. pres&rres, 2 do. copper rivets, :,629 bags flour, 250 do. wheat, Harrold Bros.; i 3 ca§k« tallow, J. Cromptou ; 160 do. do., Luiu:eore aud Co.; 990 bags bark, H Wilke and Co.; 2,353 do. do., 142 bales wool. W. Peacock ?nd Sun ; 5 qr.-casks wine, T. Hardy; 17 bales v 001, J. Orice and Co.; 1,000 bags floor, D. and J.Fowler; rJ7odo. do., C 46 do. wheat, J. Mitchell and Co.; 1,467 do. do, J.IH. Angaa; 883 <10. do., Magarey aud Co ; 1,500 do. do., W. Duflibld and Co.; 3,423 £0. do., Morgan, Connor, and Glyde; 1,781 do. do., J. Dunn aud Co. BANKFIELDB,for United Kingdom-3,161 bags wheat, J. Darling and Son. SIOUKEN, for United Kingdom—l.l4o bags wheat, Morgan, Connor, and Glyde. OOPlDO.for Cape Town—69s bags wheat. llsrrold?ros. CITY OF ADELAIDE, for Loadou— 12J tons boura, W. Peacuck aud Son ; 3.19.5 uagscjpper ore, V.)'. Mining Company. EOLIB, for United Kingdom—3, Boo bag* w beat, G. Wit cox. KMPHEZA, for Mauritius—l 39 tons flour, 16 caske tallow. Fanniug and Co.; 10 tons flour, IiSA tons soap, Elder, Smith, and Co.; 506 bags « heat, 4U carks beef, 5o bags bark, 85 tone flour, 12 |kgt. lard, 20 bales hay, W. Duffield and Co. Depabtcees. Auyust 7. — GEAAF VAN BYLANDT, tteauier, 77S tcus, W. G. Swart, for Melbourne, Sj oncy, Port Darwin, Batavia, Sourabaya, and Samarang. Pas&engers—Mr. and Miss Quin, for Sydney; Mr. and Mrs. Gosse. Mrs. Johnttone aud infant, Miss McDonald, Messrs. A. Johns, Charles and G. Levi, B. C. DeLissa, B. Johns, M. Wilson, D. Francis. O. Fuller, A. G. Wood, and D. Kelly, for Port Darwin, in the cabin; and 2* in the steerage. August 14.—GARONNE, steamer, 2, 46^ O. Hilkirk, for london. Passengers — Mr. Hifcocks, Mr. and Mrs. Brabant, iv the first cabin; Mr. and Mrs. Hawkins and child, Mr. and Mrs. Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Brown and child, Messrs. Thompson, Wallace. Newland, Amery, and Tommy, in the second cabin ; and ten in tbe steerage. August 17.—BANKFIELDS, barque, 835 tons, T. Venus, for United Kingdom vis. Wallaroo. August 17.—CITY OF ADELAIDE, ship.79l tons, J. AlstoD, for United Kingdom via Port Augusta. Passengers—Mrs. Alston aud child. August 18.—DIliAWUfi, ship, 1,218 tons, J. Jamiesoo, for London. GLENELG SHIPPING. ABBTVED. Saturday, August 7.—8.M.5. JUiwi, 2,933 tons, W. E. Thompson, oommander, from Galle July 22, and King George's Sound August 3. Passengers — Messrs. A. Thompson and E. Savage, from Southampton; Mr. Wall, {com grjndisi. Elder, Sujith&Qo., agents. I

Sunday. August B.—B.UJB. Hzdaspm, %Mi tons, — Harvey, oon.mmdnr. from 'UeBMoHM. Paaseogers-lar.A. J. Wright and Mr. IT. A. Whitahead. Elder, Sniitk, and 00, agents. BAI!.KD. Saturday, August 7.—BJLS. Ualwa, 3.95S tons, W. E. Thomson, commander. For Melbourne.—Faseengers—C.oasrs. Hobson, A. Perring, A. Hawkins, Private Eelleton, and Mr. H. Feqiusson, from Bombej; Mr. Lewis flowaston, and Mrs. O. Aibedyhill, and infant, from Southampton; Messrs. E. Speger, Mr. O. ; and Mrs. Garfutti, and Mr. G.Noyhera, Mr. and Mrs. Ohrisman and infant,"Mr. • Aitalfani, Mr. and Mrs. P. Villanis, Messrs. G. Gerelta, B. Weitsel, and O. Lambo, from Venice; Mr. J. Wilkinson, from Brindisi; Mr. M. Ito and Mr. T.Toknaa. from Tokohama; Mr. H. Thsmpsoo, from Galle; Master Olifton and Mr. McKean, from King George's Sound. For Sydney: Private Ainsworth, from Baabury ; My. A. Haig, from Calcutta, Messrs. Williams. H. Krogman, and Wai?wrignt, from Galle. Elder, Smith,aad Co., agents. Suuday, August 8.—R.M.8. Htdaspbs. 2,084 tour. — Harvey, couimauder. for Galle. via King George's Sound. Passeogers—For Southampton : Mr. G. Suow and Mr. A. Hoerber. For Aden: Mr. and Mrs. Hudson, Misses V. de Gav.F.deGay.M. Burton. A. Maven, and Messrs. B. Glover, C. Holly, and H. Santley. For King George's Sound: Mr. FeUsead. Eider, Smith, aud Co., agents. PORT PIRIE SHIPPING. SAILED. August 9.—lron Dgkb, ship, for United Kingdom. August 12.— Alkht, barquette, for Natal. POET AUGUSTA SHIPPING. AJUUTED. August 15.—Golden Flebcb, barque, for United Kingdom. "WALLAROO SHI?MIfG. August 11.—Irr, barque, for United Kingdom.