South Australian Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1858 - 1889), Friday 30 January 1880, page 4

The Advertiser FRIDAY, JANUARY 30, 1880.

A few days ago a deputation waited upon the Commissioner of Public Works to solicit an extension of the water supply to those sections known as North Kensing-

ton and Kensington Park. The case made out was a fair one, and the Commissioner promised to do what he could, but he stated that it would be necessary that 10 per cent. should be paid on the cost of the works, or a guarantee for that amount given. He stated at the same time that the Government had to look to the revenue which was likely to be derived from the waterworks, and there was a strong feeling in the House when money was granted for new waterworks that the assessment should pay for the water, and to a certain extent the intermit on the cost of the work. To this view, taken by itself, there can be no objection. The advantages of a constant supply of water even to those places which have tanks and wells are so manifest that few if any object to pay for it. The public feeling in fact tends quite the other way. The universal demand for a supply from the waterworks, and for participation in the benefits it spreads far and wide, have caused the original water supply scheme to expand to such dimensions that it is no* longer a municipal affair, but a gigantic national undertaking. It is intended to connect the whole of tbe water supplies about Adelaide and the suburbs so as to bring them all into one system, a step .which will be of the greatest practical benefit to all the consumers. Somethingmone, however, as it appears to us, will require to be done is order to complete the usefulness of the waterworks. The-regalations under which water is delivered an* charged for demand some revision, and tha payments to the revenue required from consumers arranged on a basis different from that on which it now rests. The scale of rates for the current year levied by order of the Commissioner, according to a notice published in tho Government Gazette, is as follows:—The assessment on houses rated at or below £10 per annum is a minimum charge of 18s. a year; above that and up to £40 the rate is 9 per cent, per annum on tiie assessed yearly value; between £40 and £100 aa additional sum of £3 12s. per annum is charged, and additional on tho annual value above £100 a rata of £1 16s. per cent.; the rate on unoccupied tenements and -vacant lando is fixed at £2 4-35 per cent, per annum oa the assessment. On what principle thi*. tariff has been founded is not made apparent When the water was first brought into Adelaide the price of ls. 6d. per 1,000 gallons was fixed as the charge to large consumers, and this price has remained unaltered. The method of assessment now ia force bears no relation whatever to thia standard of ".value, and its effect is to chaige differential rates to different classes of tenements without reference to tha quantity of water that may be consumed by their occupants. Thus the occupier of a tenement rated at £5 would be retjuLsp4 to pay 18 per cent, on its value for whatever water he might use. A house rated above £10 would pay at the rate of 9 per cent, per annum, and so on up to £40. Aa 60on as this limit is reached a sliding scale*, comes into operation, under which tho charge for the water supplied decreases aa the Talue of the property increases. Thus a £50 house -pays £7 18s. _d. per cent.; at £60 the chaige ie £7 3s. lOd.- at £70, £6 14s. 5d.; at £80, £6 65.; at £I*o, £6 ; at £100, £5 12s. 2d.; at £200 it drops to £■_ los. 7d.;at £300 to£3 2e.3d.; at £400 to £2 15s. 9sd.{ at £600 it ia £2 lis-NML, and at £600 £2 9s. 2d. per cent. The position/if the Commissioner with regard to the public is very clear. He has to ascertain what amount will be -required in each year to provide the interest on the money expended in providing the water supply, and to pay the cost of maintaining the works in an efficient state, and tho expense _ management and the collection of the rates. The fairest way to amn at this appears to us to charge according to the quantity of water supplied. An assessment on the value of a property to which water may be laid on forms unquestionably no standard by which the value of the water can properly be estimated. This is the reason why so many complain that the rates they pay are is excess of tbe advantages they derive from the quantity of water they use. There is ouly one way of meeting the difficulty, and that is by compelling every consumer to have a meter, and to pay for the actual quantity of water consumed. In those cases where the consumption of water ia very small indeed, or where there ia no consumption at all, the owners of houses may fairly be required to pay samething towards the cost of the waterworks in order to make some return for the manifest increase in the value of their possessions which an availab— water supply causes, and for the protection it affords them from the risks of fire. Uadej- a system luck, M this the. water

.from tha waterworks would be dealt with •trictiy — a merchant—-:coi_iodity and -paidfor ewcordingly. In—me of tiie large towns_Englandt-n.plan-ofrating houses snd properties has been -superseded by the • - universal adoption of meters, ond the new ' \aystem is found to worif. advantageously both to the companies which supply water and to the consumers. The latter find that they receive all the water they require for -_n__eas and domestic purposes for less -money than they had paid previous to the agn-fw-i of the meter system, and the c*ompa__ or other waterworks proprietors find fliat tirey have more water at their . and are thus able to extend their ■ .operations over a wider area than they had ' been able to do. ' The only objection that can -be raised 1 against tiie adoption of meters is that of .espouse. We do not consider the plea of any value. Gas companies find meters for their customers, and waterworks proprietors can do the same. In point of fact if people claim to pay only for value received they moat bave them, and a water-meter t> measure the supply is as much a peat of the plaat of the concern as the pipe ihrough which it runs. For about £60,000 ths whole of the water-consumers could *bo accommodated in this way, and the rent charged for the use of the meters would aoon repay tiie outlay. Many persons who at present have meters say that they are not correct, and that they indicate more water as having passed through them than they ought to do. This may be the case in a few instances where the meters are out of order, but with an efficient inspection the risk of such an occurrence is reduced to a Tery small point. Wo hare no doubt tbat fhe meter system will eventuallyjbe adopted "by the waterworks authorities. If the meter system comes into force, or tatuer when it does, the Waterworks Comm—doner will find it necessary to deal more liberally with his customers than he does at present The cost of an ordinary voter meter, each as woald be ased •every where except in largo facto xias is we understand £2 15s. For tbe use of this instrument, which -remains the property of the Commissioner, Ac exorbitant rent of 12s. per annum, or close «n 32 per cent, per annum, is exacted, and this is maddition to the charge of 30a. for fix ing it and removiiig it if required. The rent ■of a gas meter —a much more expensive article, costing from £5 to £12 as we are told—is only 6_ per month, and there is no -charge for fixing it Now what a private company can afford to do the Government can afford to do. We may understand stiff charges on the part of a company to make their undertaking as profitable as possible, bnt there is no justification for those who are only trustees for the public to make private persons pay so exorbitant a charge as the present rent on so small an outlay as die origin— cost of the meter. Charges like this tend to discourage the _b or meters, whereas if the waterworks .officials studied the interests of the nnde* taking and of the consumer they would do . aU in their power tc promote their use. A . -proper system of meterage would enable the managers of the water distribution to ap portion and regulate the supply with toler ■-able certainty, instead of working as they now do in the dark, or at the best by mere gaeaswork.

Natural—r great interest is felt through -cmt the United Kingdom just now with re c *pect to the probable result of the next general elections. The triumphal tour of 7—r. Gladstone, and the public appearances -of leaser lights of the Liberal party in - -noons cities, towns, and hamlets, can only -te -regarded as movements in an electioneer ing campaign, and the question arises whether in this agitation there is not a great amount of energy, eloquence, and fiHuiiiiiiuni wasted. It is yet mice-tain -whether there -will be a dissolution of Fadiament this year, or whether the present Honse of Commons will lie allowed to die a natural death. One thing is certain enough, Lord TBeacon afield will not dissolve until it serves -the interests of .Ins party to do so. With the Afghan wax still unfinished, the Turkish difficulty unsettled, and with the -dadslonian demmciations -till ringing in utile popular ear, he could not consider this * good time to appeal to the country for .approval of his policy and the pledge of future support. Nothing is likely to be lost by delay, and very much may be gained by it. The Zulus are thoroughly defeated, are not likely to give serious trouble far yearn to come. Secoceni is a captive, and Morosi killed. The Boers are not strong enough to get up a great ■war; if they wished to figh -the English Government under tbe most _uro_fais circumstances, they ahould have joined Cetywayo when he was in the pride of his power, and flushed with the victory _at ______h__a. By themselves the Boers may irritate, bat ths task of reducing them to submission cannotbe a serious strain upon the resources of a great empire. The Afghan trouble over, the Beaconafield Go vern—Bbt can -aay that they have had to deal with Serious difficulties in Africa and Asia, but hare overcome them. Turkey, fcoth in _srepe and Aria, seems destined always to be a source of grief to John Bull, bat it if not probable ftbat affairs in the i^ttomaa dominions will be in a more un totis-actory state a year hence than now, and Aheytaay greatly improve before then. A fiattiiigton Mini-try going into power now would do so under favorable circumstauces. —bey would, not seriously depart from the foreign policy of their predecessors, and did they meet with reverses and rebuffs tiiey would blame tbe Conservative policy for which thay were not responsible; while •on the other hand, ahould they carry ths projects of Lord Beaconafield and Lord Salisbury to a successful issue they would lake the credit to themselves. Tbe Premier, of course, sees all this, and _riU only light in his own time and on e-round chosen by himself. - The great question, which presents itself is what aasae is to be tried at the hustings omdthe polling-booth. If it is the foreign -policy of the Government, Mr. Gladstone will probably find himself in a minority. "When in office he managed to isolate Eng land as Russia is now isolated. The voice •f Great Britain carried little weight in the councils of Europe, and treaties she was pledged to uphold were torn to pieces and flung in her face. All that has been altered under the management of the pre «ent QoTelW?ent, and &« appwiaage of

the British fleet in the Dardanelles has as potent an effect as had the threat of Cromwell that British guns should be heard at St. Angelo. Never since "Waterloo has England had so influential a position in Europe as daring the last three years. It is urged that the present Government has largely increased expendi ture. Wall, wara cannot be carried on -without money. A great amount -was spent too in preparing for a straggle with Russia, but sorely it is better to expend srii or eight millions in winning "peace with honor" than sixty or eighty millions in war either with or without honor. England has kept the Muscovite out of Constantinople; has added to the Grecian dominions, though tardily; has taken part in an arrangement by which Austria now opposes a barrier against Russian aggres siveness, and in all probability has indirectly helped to bring about that Austro-German alliance which is the best guarantee for the peace of Europe. In Afghanistan Russian duplicity has been xinmasked and Muscovite weakness ex posed, for it is now understood throughout all Asia that Russia promised to aid the Ameer in resisting the English, and dare not redeem that promise. It is on the domestic policy that the Be—o_field Ministry must be assailed, and here the majority of the electors are doubt less against them. The question is whether the people attach most importance to affairs -within or without the United Kingdom ; whether they most value domestic reforms or tha honor of the old country abroad. Lord Hartington and other Liberal leaders say they will and must accept the responsibility of all tiie engagements en tered into by ths present Administration, and if the Liberal candidates generally take this ground tiiey may yet succeed iv ousting the Conservatives from power, or at any rate thoroughly crippling them. There are, however, strange complications in British politics. The education ques tion will perhaps not give much trouble, but there axe the determined advocates of disestablishment, who may absent them selves from the polling-booth rather than vote for men who would not support their views in Parliament. The Home Rulers may in one constituency vote for a Conservative, ani in another for a liberal, guided only by the amount of concession the candidate makes to the principle of Ireland for the Irish. Then there are the follower, of Sir Wilfred lawson, who will sacrifice every thing to cold water, and would carry their point by another world-wide deluge were it in their power. Opposed to the teetotal organizations is the great beer interest, and the views of all who object to unnecessary curtailment of personal liberty. If great questions are to be fought out they must be taken one by one, but to put a multitude of issues before the constituencies for deci sion necessarily leads to confusion and un certainty.

Tbe customary comparative statement of the amount of the liabilities and assets of the banks in the province at the close of the quarters ending September .10 and De cember SI ispab_hed in the Gocernment Gazette of Thursday, January 2d. The averages of 1 labilities are as follow:— Notes in circulation —September, £429.573 3a. !?d.; December, £4-5,332 16s. 3d. Bills in circulation—September, £13,209 13s. 7_; December, £11,973 17a. lOd. Balances due to other banks—September, £88,031 Os. 7d.; December. £63-252 4s. 'Jd. Deposits b-Bri"g and not bearing interest— September, £3,024,279 2s. 2d.; December. £3.010,304 14s, lOd. Total average lia bilities—September, £3,555,093 os. Id.; December, £3,550,923 13s. Sd. The following shows the averages of assets at the same periods:—Coined geld, silver, and other metals — September, £343,077 12a. 9d.; December, £812,640 17s. Bd. Gold and silver in bullion or ingots— September, £5,441; December, £3,443 las. Od. Government securities — Sep tember, £25,000; December, £-5,000. Landed pro-perty and bank premises— September, £240,558 4s. 4d.; December, £240,988 10s. 7d. Notes and bills of other bank-—September, £40,191 ss. fld. - De cember, £47,862 Is. 4_ Balances due from other banks—September, £43,771125. Od.; December, £114,174 7s. Notes and bills discounted, and other debts to banks not before enumerated —September, £6,112.818 7a. lid.; December, £6,154,705 4s. Id. Total average assets — September, £7,121,858 35.3d.; December, £7,207,814 10a. 2d.

Mr. H. C. Mais, Engineer—-Chief, has been elected a member, and Mr. G. Ohamier on associate member of the Institution of Civil Engineers. It was exactly fifty years ago on Thurs day, January 29, since Coptoia tSturt reached the Nor—.West Bend on hia memorable voyage down, the Murray from New South Wales to Goolwa. The members of the Wesleyan Confe rence of Victoria, now in oessioD, bave contri buted over £1,000 as o commencement of o thank-giving fund for the reduction of circuit debt, ia that colony. We have received from Mr. Wm. McMinn. the architect of the new University building., a photographic copy of a drawing of the entrance porch of the structure. The design is very handsome, and the porch will be o fitting entrance to the imposing edifice. The city treasurer has handed to the Mayer of Adelaide the sum of £_ 4s. fid. on behalf of the Irish Belief Fund. This amount was given to the city treasurer by tiie employes of the corporation at tbe fortnightly pay day on Tuesday last. One especially liberally minded (D. O'Keefe) gave a donation of £5. The number of persons who arrived at Port Adelaide by sea during tiie week that ended on Saturday, January ti, was 173. Of these 51 came from Sydney, 1 from Hobart Town, 1 from London, 111 from Melbourne, and 9 from Western Australia. The nnmbeo w_ left by similar means daring the same period was 191. The crops in the neighborhood of Mount Gambier continue (states the Bordxr Watch) to astonish even tbe most sanguine. On Satorday, January 24, Mr. P. MacArthui, sen., threshed the produce of 26 acres on hi* Greenvale farm, and the result wa. 1,278 bushels, or on average of nearly 46 bushel* per sere. Complaints having been made to the Commissioner of Crown Lands by residents in the country that Government laud soles take place without their knowledge, Mr. Ployford has directed .the Surveyor-General to insert weekly in tiie Otroniclc and Obterte? aa abstract of the lands to be offered during the ensuing mouth. We are informed that a movement is on foot for the purpose of securing a memento ef the late Mr. T. McTurk Gibson, of Port Augusta, in the form of a portrait of the de ceased gentleman, the execution of which has been entrusted to Mr. A. MacGormae. Mr. Hiram Mildred, ef Commercial Chamber., ha. kindly consented to receive subscriptions .for the movement. We have been informed by the Post master-General and Superintendent of Tele graphs that on and after February Ist next ths rates for telegram* sent via Brett or via Va lentia, that is by the Anglo-American Telegraph Company's cables, will be reduced from Ss. par word to 6d. per word to New York, aad Is. Sd. to San Francisco. The charge for telegrams to other parts of America will be similarly re duofd- .

Mr. W. Harris, a resident of Kadina, informs tiie Watlaroe Times that he has dis covered a remedy for that aorenes. ot tits' eyes : which is unfortunately ao prevalent in tiie colony daring theaummer months. It consists of a decoction made by boiling the leaves of tiie white mallee, with which the eyes should be frequently bathed, and, in his own ease, a cure was effected by only two applications. A complimentary dinner wasgiven at tiie Albert— Hotel, Alberton, on Wednesday evening, January 28, to Mr. J. Corson, who has just resigned his position in the police force to fill the appointment of bailiff to the Port Ade laide Local Court. Mr. S. Burge (chairman of the Ou-enstown and Alberton District Council) was in the choir, aad there were about SO persons present. The usual loyal aud compli mentary toast, were drank, and Mr. Carson was presented with o gold albert chain. " Bj invitation of Mr. J. H. Angas, J.l\, a party of gentlemen visited the Quarantine citation at Torrens Island on Thursday after noon to inspect tbe shorthorns, pigs, aad sheep recently introdnoed into the colony by chat gen tleman. The company expressed the greatest satisfaction at the splendid character of the stock shown, ond on the return voyage from the island Mr. Angaa's health was drunk with cheer*. The stock hare received pratique from the quoronti— officials, and are to be re moved to-day. Mr. J. W. Daw, J. P., held an inquest at Salt Lagoon, Kangaroo Island, on January 21, on a fire which occurred at Emu Bay, on the property of Mr. Stokes. The fire consumed a house and its furniture, a barn, three acres of barley, and a quantity of fencing. Mr. M. Christie was chosen foreman of the jury. Several witnesses were examined, and the fol lowing verdict was returned: —" That the fire was caused by some person or persons unknown, there not being sufficient evidence to prove otherwise." The jurymen kindly gave their fees to Mr. Stokes. The Baptist periodical, Truth and Pro-gress, states that the Rev. W. Clare "feels com-pelled, through delicate health, to resign his charge at Angaston. Mr. Clare's ministry at Angaston has been greatly appreciated and attended with much success. All who know him will greatly sympathise both with him and with the Angaston church. We are sure that we utter the feeling of the entire denomination when we express the fervent hope that his re-tirement from the ministry will not be of long duration. We are informed that Mr. Clare will for the present take up his abode somewhere not very far from Adelaide.'' The following is Thursday morning's weother report oa tbe Adelaide end Port Darwin Telegraph line:—Beltane, NJJ, clear, fine; Farina,S.,*light, clear, fine; Strangway* Spring*. S.B, clear, fine; Peake, SJS., clear, fine; Charlotte Water*. Si, clear, fine; Alice Spring., Si, clear, fine; BarrowOreek, S.K, clear, fine, warm; TeanaatCreek,S.E., light, clear, fine; Powell Creek, calm, clear, fine; Daly Water*, calm, cloudy, dull, close; Riser Katharine, calm, cloudy, fine; Pine Creek, calm, cloudy, fine; Yam Oreek, calm, cloudy, dull, sultry; Southport, calm, cloudy, dull, sultry ; Port Darwin, N.IT., cloudy, fias. "Large quantities of wheat are,'* says the Wallaroo Times of January 28, ** arriving daily. The locomotive bring, down about 100 ton* every forenoon, while the tramway ia also fully employed. Messrs. Duffield k 00. have a gong of men busily engaged in removing the wheat from the narrow to the broad gauge trucks. Tha oomphss now brought down are said to he \ery good, although perhaps not quite so perfect as might be desired by those wno nave bought early and are now receiving the wheat with a falling market. Thi. at time* causes a little difficulty, and often delay, bat oa the whole the vessels are receiving quick dispatch.' Some time ago Mrs. Smith, of Rosaville. i submitted aome MS. containing interesting me morials ef the Boandik tribe of aboriginal*— ; who once occupied the Blount Gambier district —toaheOommissionerof Crown Land*, with a suggestion that he woald either purchase or publish tbem. Mrs. Smith is. states the Border Watch, now in receipt of on odor to the fol low ing effect: —That the Government will print j 500 copies of the MSS, tfee Government to re- I tain 100 copies aad present Mr*. Smith with 400. ' This offer has been oooapted. The MS. contain, j detail, of the tradition*, customs, habit*, ond i beliefs of the tribe, and a short narrative of Mn. i Smith', effort, to edocate end impart a know- 1 ledge of Christianity to several af them. On Thursday afternoon, January i'-5, an interesting cerec?ooy took place ot the Sir ■' John Barleycorn Hotel in connection with the Licensed Yiotaollera Association. The com- , mittee af that body aome time ago determined to mark their aense af the energetic efforts of ' the president (Mr. F. B. Backnoll j for the wel- i fare of tba aa*ociat-on, and commissioned Mr. i Solomon, of Bone*—otreet, to execute a portrait j af the genial president in oil*. The portrait 1 has only recently bees completed, ond wo* j handed to Mr. Backnoll oa Thursday of rernoon i by Mr. J. C. Bray, M.P- ia the presence of a I large body of persona, indnding Messrs. E. T ' Smith, MP. (Mayer of Adelaide). W. K. Simms' i M.P., and H. Feasor, K_. The gift was ac knowleged in awdest terms by Mr. Backnoll. Several speeches were made and toasts hooered. Our attention has been called to the abominable .teach arising from the water closets at the Part Adelaide Bail way Station. The closets them salve* ere as clean as it is po*7 able io keep tbem, but tha nuisance is cause by defective -frainege. At a meeting of the Port Adelaide Town Oouncii held on Xhuraday, January 29, a letter wa* read from the Com missioner of Grown Land* etating that the drain* in question bod been choked through St. Vincent-street being filled up, and requesting that the outlet be reopened or ether means adopted to remedy tbe evil complained of. The council, however, hove decided that storm waters only shall run from the railway atotion into the main sewer. The drainage of the place, iv question is a thing that ahoald ba at- I tended to at onoe, or the cousequenoee to health may be serious. At the Port Adelaide Police Court on Thursday, seven seamen belonging to the British barque Excelsior, now lying in the Port Stream, were charged witb assaulting the m.ster of the vessel, Frederick Brabhom, and the first and seoond officers. The evidence showed that tiie captain and his officer, were entertain ing a party of friend, on board the vessel on Tuesday evening, January 27, aad a screen hod been put up an the after part of the vessel, to prevent the crew from mixing with the oompany. At about 1 ajn. on Wednes day the men tried to force their way through the screen, and were ordered forward by the officer*. They afterwords attacked the captain and officer., with belaying pin. and other weapons, severely injuring them. The prisoners were sentenced to twelve weeks' im prisonment each with hard labor. Several leading merchants of Adelaide have lately been made the victim, of ootuowfaat extensive bauds by a man named William Christie Litchfield, who appeared at the Ade laide Police Court oa Thnrsday, Jaanary 29, to answer a number of charges af larceny. His tactic were to order by letter quantities of merchandise from wholesale houses in Adelaide to be sent to township* come diatonoe from the city, promising a cheque by return of post. Im mediately en receipt of the goods he dispoMd of them in the locality to fr^dfemaa and others, and then decamped to another neighborhood, where by similar means farther supplies awaited him. Communications asking him to forward cheques never reached him, as hi. stay at any one place waa not sufficiently prolonged, i Uo was committed for trial on four charge, of ! .tealing pref—red against him by Mean-*, i McLe*< Bros. Bigg & Co., R.H. Wiggle Son*, ' Gilbert Wood, Son,<c Co., and Thomson, Wells, aud Co. A number of further charges of a similar nature hod been laid against him by other firms, bat were not proceeded with. A representative meeting was held on Wednesday, January 88, at the German Club bouse, to consider what steps should be taken ta relieve those who ere suffering bythe t_-t,n. which is now prevailing in Silesia. The Genua ' Consul, Mr. A. yon Treuer, JJ?^ presided. Mr. F. Basedow, M.P., moved—"That immediate steps be taken to relieve th* distress in Silesia." He rood extracts from home papers giving particular* of tbe distress. The motion was carried unanimously. Mr. Theodor Scherk moved—" That aa energetic central committee and local committee* bs at ence appointed to raise subscription*, &c." Carried. The follow, ing gentlemen were then appointed:—]—. A. -on Treuer, chairman of the central committee; Mr. F. Basedow, hon. treasurer; Mr. Theodor Scherk, hon. secretary. Messrs. E.Pustkuchen, W. Nitschke, Dr. O. Goerger, Messrs. A. Kauff mann, G. Schedlish, and O. B. Tidemann, with Messrs. O. Kxoffke and Botte (as viee-saore taries), and the {-residents aud rice-presidents of all the German societies in South Australia. A subscription-list was at once opened, with very satisfactory results. The following telegram received from London, giving the names of some of the Irish disUess (elief. co-awittee, has beea seat to us. by

the Superiatende— of Telegraphs:—Messrs Edgar Gray, MJP. (Lord Mayor of Dublin); chairman ;Mourioe Brooks, M.P, Dublin city George Browne, M.P., Alderman Coohrone> James C. Oolville, UP., 3. E. D. H. Onrron, Colonel Dovoren, MJP, D. L. Darcy, George Delany, V. L. Dillon, Jan., David Drimmie, David Drummond, J.P, Lord figby, W. O. Findlater. James Froste, J_. (High Sheriff) County Clsre, the Right Hon.E.Gibson, M.P, Attorney-General fer Ireland. Mr. H.J. Gill, B.C, Sir Arthur Guinness, MP, Dablin city, DX, E.O-DX, Colonel King Harmon, M.P, DX, Alderman Harris, Messrs. W. Lone Joysh, D—B, H. Kinahan, J_, James F. Lombard, P. W. Digges Latouohe, Dr. Richard Martin, DX, Messrs. W. MaunseU, D.L.t", H. Meldon, the Bari of Meath, Alderman MoDermott, Viscount Monek, the *fr?—n Catholic Arch bishop of Dublin, Wm. M. Murphy, the O'Connor Don, M.P, Lord O'Hagan, Messrs. Alexander Parker. P. Thomas Pine, jun, J.P, tiie Hon. D. Plunkett, M.P, Mr. Ambrose Plunkett, Viscount Powerscourt, Messrs. J. Talbot Power, DX, Henry Boe, DX, H. Show, M.P, George Sigerson, M.D., P. J. Smyth, Esq, MP, the Provost of Trinity Oollege, Dublin, Alderman Hugh Torpey, J P, R. C. Trench (ths Protestant Archbishop of Dablin), A. V. W. B. K-rkpotrick, D.D, the Protestant aad Roman Catholic Archbishop* and Bishops of Ireland, and the Moderator of tbe General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church. At a meeting of the full committee of tbe whole City Coancil, held on Thursday, several important municipal matter, were discussed. The committee, after visiting the Old Adelaide Racecourse, ond there having pointed out to them the improvements which were intended to be made, resolved that the lease granted to the racing committee should be printed. The ten der, for the supply of rood metal for the various wards were discussed and settled. The consideration of the question of lighting the city with gas was defetred pending the submit tal of a modified proposal from the Gas Oom ; pany. The whole matter will be dealt with at the next meeting of the council. It was decided that the time hod not arrived for aonsidariug the erection of adorn across the Tarrens,ead the committee did not nee tlieir way clear ia tbe present finsnoia! condition of the oouncii to think of dealing with tbe sub ject of improving the Park Lands. Tha request of the Government in connec tion with the panting of load adjoining the railway line west of the Morpbett. atreet crossing for a site for a goods-shed, kc., wo. disc-seed, oad it wo. decide! that the mayor ahould be left to make arrangements with the Government. The conudoratioa of the ways sud mesas for the present year en gaged the attention of tbe committee far some time. In tbe,it*m* paving and roodmaking, ■beep and cattle market., paving and general repair*. olaughteduMue, and ;aew posts ond roils city, roods, reductions amounting in all to £1J.40 were made. The coniiderotion of one or two items was deferred. At a committee meeting of the Home for Incurable, held on Thursday afternoon, January 29, at tha Church Office, thers ware present Dr.Wylde in tbe choir, Mr.. Farr, Mrs. Fisher, Mr*. Downea, Mis* Poole, Colonel Downes,the Bey. Father Byrne, the Yen. Archdeacon Harryat.Mr. G. W. Hawkes.Dr. Way, the Rev. Jomeo "*4ra*i,and tiie hon. secretory. A letter was read from Mr*. Neville Blyth ex pressing satisfaction at the progress of the homo, and offering aasiatanee ia England; to be replied to with th-nfc- Mrs. Petonond tha Van. Archdeacon Morryot re signed tbeir positd—s on the committee, th. former from want at time and the latter because of his intention to visit England. Beth resig nation* were accepted with regret, ond nomi nations to supply tbe vacancies were directed to be mode at the next meeting of tbe committee. The home at Fnllortoa ara. reported to be going on satisfactorily under the management of the matron. Four death*, however, had unfortu nately taken plaoe ainee the last meeting, vis.: —Dr. J. J. Sly, of cancer, and William Law rence. Timothy Lyon*, and Margaret Falty, of consumption. The tieoauioi lead the balance sheet showing that the receipts sines lost meet ing were £163 3a. Od, aad tha funds avail—lo £1,685 16*. Sd. Aeoounts were pssesd, and wan—to signed for £146 Ds. fld. Elian Sinoock woo admitted an ■—?-*- of the home. Various gifts were reported of useful bedding, clothiag, and other as-fal articles received from different ladies and gentleman, including five tons of cool from Mr. Sinsyon, o parlor organ from Mn. Keville Blyth, a aaltsogene from Mr. Bi—ford, a pig froui Mr. Powall, aad two choirs from Mr. Howkes. The members -ef the Flinders-street Presbyteriao Ofaarab held their annus! meeting* on Wednesday evening, January 28. There were good attond.rmra ot both the social tea and the business meetisg which followed. Mr. R. Wilson wo* in the choir at the latter gathering. The secretary,Mr. J. 6. —uix,read tte report, in which reference sras mode to the completion of improvement, that hod beea .auctioned and commenced at the beginning of tha yaorj to tha envelope ayotem of eontribnting to the church funds, by whiah there were £90 an?ears; to ths nsof ulnes* of the leotnre hall, ond to theparehoo* of c handsome organ. The reportal—stat—that t—Dorcss Society hod met xagularly aad doos o good deal of r_rit*ble work; that the cl*_ roll of tha Sabho—acbool ahowed _3 aoholais. but only an avenge attendance of 116; that tba library contained over 300 volume*; that £96 hod been collect— by the juvenile Mis aSooary Society, arhich wa* divided a. follows: — Doyspring mission vowel, £13; City Mi—on, £6 1U..; and Aborigines' Friends Association, £6 IPs - that to the City Mission £28 lis. 6d. had been subscribed; thst the Mutual Improve ment Association -timbered 47 members end 7 lady associates, with a library of over 40 volumes; that a Total Abstinence Society bad been fonnod arith a membership of 67; aad that the addition* to the communion-roll had been 34, the present number of communicants being 246. Mr. B. Allen, the treasurer, sub mitted the balance-sheet, which ohowed. after paying aim cut ci peases, a deficiency of £23. Hie reports, which were adopted, were ordered to be printed. Tbe election of officers resulted in the re-election of Mr. R. Wilson as presi dent,sndMr. J. B.l_oxaaeecTet-ury. Mr. Allen declining to again stand for treasurer. Mr. W. Booth was appointed in his place. A achame waa unanimously adopted, that with a view to reducing the mortgage ot £2,500 oa the church property, mainly incurred by the erection of tiie lecture hall, 10s. shares be issued. The suggestion was also mode of the desirableness of : holding a bazaar, but a good deal af apathy was displayed ou the subject The obituary notices which we publish elsewhere include the announcement of the death of Mr. Edward Jones, a gentleman who was for 20 years, a well-known farmer at Finniss Point. He come to fhe colony in 1853 from Herefordshire in England where he was a lead ing agriculturist and breeder of stock. His experience and ability in these pursuits gave him an extended reputation and enabled him to accumulate a considerable amount of capital, which be brought with him to South Australia. Whilst here he never took a prominent part in public matters, but he always felt a deep interest in our politics, and in everything that concerned the well-being of the people among whom he lived. He was also much interested in English politics and in the great questions at present agitating the public mind in the old country. This fact is not to be wondered at when it is remembered that he was himself on eye-witness of many events which now form important features in the history of England. He recol lected the opening of the present century, being when he died in his eighty-eighth year. His death took place on Thursday morning, January 29, when he quietly passed away, lifes forces having apparently exhausted themselves.. He retained full possession of his faculties up to the last, and had always been hale and hearty. Mr. Jones has left quite on unusual roll of descendants. In addi tion to a widow, who has seen eighty summers, but is still active and genial, Mr. Jones leaves four sons, namely, Mr. T. P. Jones, JP, of Wil mington; Messrs Edward and Alfred Jones, of Port Addaide ; and Mr. J. B. Jones, J.P, of Gladstone; and five daughters, namely, Mrs. Cowderoy, of Melbourne; Mrs. Matthew Goode, now in England; Mrs. B. P. Goode, Mrs. H. A Goode, of Aldinga; and Mrs. William Goode, of Port Pirie. The grand children number fifty, and include Messrs. P. H. Burden, F. B. Burden, S. H. Goode, and E. B. Jones. There are also six greatgrand children. The deceased gentleman was much esteemed by all who were acquainted with him, and by those most who knew bim best. The funeral takes plaoe this morning from his lata residence in Hutt-street. | The first annual meeting of the members I of the Port Adelaide Rifle Oompany was held ot Sayers'a Hotel Port Adelaide, on I Wednesday evening, January 88. There j was a good attendance. Captain Lovely, the commanding officer, oocupied the chair. That 1 gentleman's report stated that tiie company | was enrolled under "The Rifle Oampanies Act 1878," on the llth February last year, and held Ha first meeting fer drill on the 21st of the same month, when 8 members were in at tendance, the oompany then numbering about 32. Who services of Sergeant-Mojor Oouaghan having been obtained aa instructor, the drill ; was wmt «n -« •oue|-iu*ntha uud« his

etipet--non, but since June the company hod been drilled entirely by itsownofficers. Taedrill ! attendance had been very good—far above the average of other companies, and considerable efficiency had been attained; but to moke the company really effective more drilling in the open was requisite. That want, however, would in a great measure be met bythe battalion drill proposed to be held monthly by the Lieutenant-Colonel. The class-firing on the whole had bseu ootufactory, and would also compare favorably witb the other returns forwarded co the counc of the association. Eighteen members had be come mark-men, 10 had passed into the first class, 19 into the second das., and 10 remained in the third class. The strength of the company hod steadily increased from the dote of formo mntion, tQI at the close of tha year it numbered of all ranks, after deducting -resignations ond 1 transferanoe,6B men. As the company increased in strength ao were the appointments to the various offices filled, so that the oompany had now, with the exception of a color-sergeant, its fall complement of officer*, viz.:—l captain, 2 lieutenants, 1 surgeon, 4 sergeants, aud 4 corporals. Daring the period under re view sundry matches had been fired, and a lively interest bad been exhibited by the company in everything pertaining to the use of the grille ond bearing upon the shooting qualities of the members. Iv October the South Australian National Rifle Association held a aerie, ef matches at the GlanviUe butt* when a number of members of jthe Port Rifle Oompany competed, and carried off a fair pro portion of the prizes, Sergeant Tolley having gained the silver medal of the association. Oa the 6th of December the first annual prize meet ing of the company was held, and passed off in a successful manner. At that meeting Lieut. Hall proved himself the best shot, winning the gold medal; and Private Burn, the second best shot, winning the silver medal. At the inspec tion held at Woodville by Colonel Djwneson December 12 the whole of the company was represented, except seven members who had pre viously applied for and hod been granted leave of,absence, ond one on the sick list. The inspec tion proved the company to be far more unsteady than was to have been expected from the pre vious performance of its members, but this was in a measure to be attributed to the foct that every man was in attendance—even the re cruits were in the ranks —'and to tha very few opportunities the company had of drilling with its fall strength outside. The Ohsinnsn expressed a hope that ths mem bers of all rank, would unite in endeavoring by steadiness at drill and excellence of shooting to moke that company the premier one of the oolony. The treasurer's report was then rood, and showed that tbe company was in a satis tory financial pooitian. The election of the committee for the ensuing year wa. then pro ceeded with, ond resulted in the previous com mittee — Corporal Davies, Privates H. Wilke, C. M. Todd. G. L. Young, and J. B. Smith being re-elected. Lieutenant Hall was ap pointed delegate to represent the company in the oouncii of tiie association. A meeting of shareholders in the Adelaide Steamship Oompany is to be held at the office, Nortb-tarraoe, this afternoon. The half-jearly meeting of share holders in the Steamtug Company is to be held at the office, Grenfell-.treet, this day, at noon. The annnal meeting of the members of the Prince Alfred Sailors' Home is to be held at the Home, Port Adelaide, this afternoon. A meeting on the subject of the distress in Ireland is to be held at the Council Cham-ber, Unley, this evening. The half-yearly meeting of shareholders in the Glenelg Bathing Company is to be held at 12 o'clock to-day, at the office, Morialta Chambers. A lecture, in connection with the St. Andrew's Young Men's Society, will bs given in 'St. Andrew's Hall thi* evening, by Mr. W. Green. .The.-übject is** Edgar Allan Poe." The Froliques entertainment at White* Boom, was well patronised on Thurs day evening. Tbe aong*. comic business, Mi*s Elliott*, skipping-rope donoe, ond the foots of the Voidi sisters were severally applauded to the echo. The seventh of the course of public lectures in connection arith the Children . Hos pital i. to be given by Dr. Curtis, of the inati tution. North Adelaide, this afternoon, the sub ject being, '- How to nursw croup and cheat diseases." Messrs. Lewis & Hick's Christ}- min ■trek appeared ot the town hall, Part Alielaide, on Thurodoy evening. Tha entertainment pre sented was of a miscellaneous character, and included a number of solos 'comic wag*, hoi lods,and donoes, the whale of which were well received by tbe audience. The gallery wo. filled, but there was not a large attendance in the body of tbe hall. Messrs.W.R. Wiglej, andF.E. Bucknall, the ge-tlamen appointed bythe committee of the Glenelg Yacht Club to measure tiie Hon.T. King* yacht Haidee, accomplished tiie task on Tuesday, Jannary 27, and found her measure meat ta be IS tons 5 Jth*. The Haidee ran in the second daat yacht race at Glenelg on the opening of the yacht club season a. n 15-ton boat, and waa declared to have won by 10 secs but tm the is only a 14-ton boat tbe actually won the race by one minute. There was a moderate attendance at the Academy of Music <m Thursday night, Jannary 29, to witness the entertainment given by the Black Diamond Minstrels for the benefit of the widow of the late Mr. William Evans. Eve one present seemed to fully appreciate the effort, of the company, ana rewarded them with very frequent applause. The Uncle Tom's Cabin troupe will appear at the Academy again this evening. " rygmalionand Galatea "and" Withered Leaves" were repeated at the Theatre Royal on Thut-day evening to a good house, and were thoroughly enjoyed. Miss Stammers, Miss Gordon, and Mr. Warda were repeatedly called before the ourtain for their admirable acting in the first-mentioned comedy, and tiie principals in the second coaaedy thoroughly deserved the appreciation af their efforts, which was oho wa in a aaarked degree by the audience. To-night tba suns pieces will be presented, and thoM who hove not aeon tbem should endeavor to do so. A grand concert is to be given at the Town Hall thi. evening in aid of the Iruh Relief Fnnd. The programme, which ha. been published, may be accepted a. an evidence of tbe willingness of all our local musical artists to do the best in tlieir po war to forward the sac cess of the charitable object in view. Messrs. Oughton and Mc?ride are the conductor*, ond there is a host of local talent. The Military fiend will give their assi*ta_e, and the concert is to be under the patronage of His Excellency tbe Governor, the Mayor ef Adelaide, and other influential gentlemen. The first of a series of open air concerts was held at Unley on Thursday evening, January 29. Although the weather was extremely boisterous a large number of people assembled and listened appreciatively to the strains of the Concordia Band which had been engaged for the occasion. After the band had ployed the first selection," Australia," Mr. W. Towns—M.P. (Mayor of Unley), at whose expense the concert was given, addressed those assembled, saying that as the council had seen fit to make him an allowance of £50 he was not disposed to put it his own pocket, but to spend it as far as he could for the betrefitot the "-evi dent, in the municipality. He bad thought that open air concerts such as the present would serve to enliven -the townspeople afford them pleasure and bring them eogether. If they approved of this concert he would n-akaarraiigernsntaforhodlingO?hsn. He had been in enmiannicatioa with 3_eet. Oughton, end he had every hope of being cMc te -scare the-rervices of the nUltary band. Three cheer. were given for Mr. Tawnsend, end the concert proceeded. Tbe band played a number of lively air* in coed style, and their performance, ap lieaiwd to be thoroughly enjoyed. A little otep donc—g waa iafatednoed by way of variety, and afforded no small amusement. In the course ef tiie eve-dag an adjournment was made to tiie counoil chaaaber, where refreshments had been provided. His Worship the Mayor gave the toast, "Success to the Municipality of Unley." and Mr. G. Styles, J.P., proposed the health of the mayor in terms of high praise. Mr. Towns-end responded, and expressed his intention of doing what he could for the benefit of the people in the municipality.