South Australian Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1858 - 1889), Friday 23 January 1880, page 5


LONDON, January 20. COMMERCIAL. Consols are unchanged.

The market rate of discount is 1½ per cent, below the bank rate. The only change to report in colonial securities is an advance of £1 in the 4 per

cent. Victorian loan, which is now quoted at £96. In the metal markets tin has advanced £*2 ISs. per ton, and is quoted at £'--. Burra Copper bas advanced £115s. per ton, and is quoted at £'77 155., and Wallaroo copper has advanced^ 1 per ton, and is quoted at £78. Beef tallow has declined od., and is selling at 3.55. 6d. Best mutton tallow has also declined (id., and is quoted at o-_. Thk Mail uy thk Clt.cii. ' The Brindisi portion of the mail from .Australia by the &_s.Cu_co was delivered in JLondon to-day. LONDON, Janaary{2l. Terrible Co_l.ieb _ Explosion. ->V_ terrible explosion took place to-day at the Leyeett Colliery, Staffordshire. It is _nown that 79 of the workmen in the pit have perished. LONDON", January __. C^BCI. AGAIJ- TnitEATEXE-. A telegram is published in the Daily Keios to-day from their special correspondent in Afghanistan, stating that Mnhonnned Jan, the leader of the recent attacks against the British, has concentrated a huge farce of Afghans in the , vicinity of Cabul, and is now threatening : that city. The report is not yet confirmed from other sources. ■ Important Jlojie Rule Meeting. At an important meeting of Home Bulers held yesterday a rote was passed, on the motion of Mr. O'Donoghue, member for Tialee, expressing cordial sympathy with the peasantry of Ireland in their present distress, and also affirming tint the Home Rulers were resolved to maintain a strictly independent attitude in relation to the Liberal and Conservative parties in the British Parliament. LONDON, January 1.. Commercial. ■X'onso—i have advanced $, and are quoted at_7f. In Colonial Government securities the ~> vet cent New Zealand 10-40 loan has advanced £110s., and is quoted at £102 10s.-, tbe new 5 per cent. New Zealand loan is quoted at -£103 7s. Ud.; the 4 per cent. South Australian loan; 1894 to 1016, has advanced 10b., and is quoted at 04 10s.-, the 4 per cent. Queensland loan, I*_ to I'.tlC, has advanced £1, and is quoted at £fcB: andijie 5 per cent. New South Wales loan, with 2 per cent, annual drawings, has receded 10&, and ia quoted at £105. In the metal markets, tin is unchanged. There has been a still further advance in copper. Bum copper is selling at £79 10s. per ton, and ,Wallaroo copper at £81 10s. The next aeries of wool sales begin on February 17. The arrivals up to date are 60,000 hales. It is probable that the quantity catalogued >Hi not exceed 250,000 bales, and that should more arrive the sales will be limited to that amount. e> SPECIAL SHIPPING TELEGRAM. LONDON, January 20. Arrived—Hugo, barque, from Melbourne April 17, via Lacepede Islands. m COLONIAL TELEGRAMS. VICTOfUA_ IFromeurown Correspondent.} Melbourne, Jannaiy 23, Mr. Longmore proposes to make reductions in the land Office by which a saving of £10,000 per annum will be effected. About 85 officers w_l be dismissed. Mr. fieny. while accepting the Associated Banks' arrangement with reference to the public account, desires to make certain conditions, which the banks promise to consider. About £9,000 haa up to tbe present time bean inrotrfont-d towards the Irish Belief Fund which it is expected wfll amount to £12,000. Some of the officers of tbe Social Science Congress have been elected. Amongst them are the presidents of departments, which include Sir Wm. Stawell, Bishop Moorhouse, Dr. MoOrea, Hon. W. J. Clarke. M.L.0., Son. T. Loader, and Judge Barry. "Xbeouttageous proceedings ia the Haute ot

Assembly last night are the topic Jof general conversation. 7.80 p.m. At thp inquest to-day, at QueensoliS, on tb e body of the seaman teeter, who was poisoned by drinking bottled beer on Saturday last on board of a ateamer, several witnesses were called. The verdict 'returned was—" That the deceased Tho*™—. Lester came by his death by drinking beer, with which strychnine had been mixed, but how or in wbat manner ihe strychnine had beea pat in the beer there ia no evidence to show. Our opinion is that Fitzgerald and Ferrin are in no way to blame.** The jury aoded a rider to their verdict, requesting that the Attorney-General be asked to make it a misdemeanor for persons to carelessly dispose of bottles fn whioh poisoned beer bad been plaeed. Owing to the accidental outting of the telegraph wire near Chiltern a Kelly scare aet in, bnt on the police constables and black trackers arriving at the spot they found tbat the wire had been out by a thres__ag machine. The Bosedale bushranger Be Thouars was brought before'the Sale magistrates,'and remanded for a week. Sir J. MoOulloch declines definitely to stand for Korniagton. The following were tbe exports for the week eadpd January 81 -—Wheat, 12,000 bags; floor, 6J500 ; potatoes, _USOO. At the Inquest oa tbe body of Bensley, who committed suicide in the Suabuiy lock-up on Monday, bia wife deposed that he had been drinking heavily. Hia eommitted aa assault upon his daughter on Sunday, and she informed a clergyman, who informed the police, who arrested bim. After hi. arrest be cut his throat with a dinner knife. A verdict of temporary insanity was returned. A company is being formed to construct an aquarium at St. Kilda. The telephone has been introduced in the public o?ees, aad found to work satisfactorily. In the Assembly to-day Mr. Berry presented a petition, sighed by 5,000 persons, in favor of a north-western canal. Mr. Woods stated that a State carriage waa in oourse of construction for the Prinoe of Wales daring bis visit to Victoria. Mr. Berry said that during the recess the Government would consider the whole question of the Harbor Trust. The House then want into committee on the Estimates. -, Arrived—South Australian, from Adelaide. 11 p.m. The Assembly this erening waf engaged in discussing the Estimates for the Chief Secretary's Department. Sometimes there were disorderly scenes, and at intervals Mr. Mae-Intyre, the member for Sandhurst, fiercely attacked tbe Government eo the ground of tbair general maladministration. At the instance of Sir?. O'Loghleo, the galleries were chared, and the sitting was continued with closed doors. NEW SOUTH WALES. [/•ivtn our oa* Sydney 22. The horse show in connection with the international exhibition was commenced this morning. There are fUO exhibits. Ttie judging commences to-morrow.Very Very little interest is taken the cricket match which takes place on Saturday, between the Australian eleven and the.Sydney fifteen. Five persons were drowned in the Richmond River yesterday, through .the of the steam-drogher Vesta. Tbey were Mr. aad Kn. Marshall, W. Jabsley, James Hethcrington, and tbe engineer of the drogher. The cause of the accident is supposed to have beea the heavy deck cargo. Mr. Menscr, tbe Parramatta correspondent of the Jiathurti Serine!, has been rammitted for trial for a criminal libel on Mr. F. A. Artlett, a local upholsterer. 11.20 p.m. Business in the import market is slack. tn the Assembly the Stamp Duties Bill passed its seeond reading by a large majority. Xhuhrasgtcs bare staok up a Chinese camp at Gundagai. Tbe police are in pursuit. Arrived—Lusitania, Lyeemoon, and Hero, from M-tbbnrna; Balclutha, from Bockhampton. Sailed—'Bride, barque, for Foochow; James Patterson,forRockhampton. QUEENSLAND. [frvmtkmr awn Guriwsper lent.) Brisbane, January 22. A twelve-ounce nugget has been found on the .Voolfeu diggings.