South Australian Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1858 - 1889), Saturday 27 December 1879, page 14


We regret to have to record the death of the Rev. W.G. Robinson, M.A., Trin. Coll. Dub., at the early age of 26. The deceased gentleman came to the colony two yean ago for the

purpose of improving his health, and he was then appointed supply chaplain to His Lordship, Bishop Short. In January of this year he was appointed to the curacy of St. Mary's, O'Halloran Hill. The deceased gentleman has always been in a delicate state of health, and he expired this morning at St. Mary's, the cause of death being consumption. He leaves a large circle of friends, by whom his decease will be greatly mourned. Mr. Robinson, who is said to have been one at the most clever mathematicians in the colony, had taken high honors in this and other subjects at home. The funeral took place on Friday, December 5, when his remains were interned is the North Road Cemetery. Tbe cortege started from town at about 4 o'clock, reaching Christ Ghurcb, North Adelaide, at half-past 4 o'clock. Tbe coffin having been conveyed into the church, a funeral service was held, Archdeacon Marryat officiating. At the grave there were present His Lordship Bishop Short, the Very Rev. Dean Russell, the Very Rev. Dr. Dendy, the Revs. R. Reid, M.A., J. Pollitt. H. M. Pollitt, F. S. Poole, M.A., C. M. Mudie, and Gibbs, Dr. Foster, Dr. D. Garlick (father-in-law of the deceased), Mr. Abbott (brother-in-law), and a number of gentlemen from Adelaide and the South-road who were intimately acquainted with tbe deceased. The remains of the late Mrs. Fletcher, wife of the Rev. W. B. Fletcher, M.A., were interred at the West-terrace Cemetery on Saturday afternoon, December 20. The deceased lady, who was much respected, died on Thursday even-ing, December 16. On Saturday thvcomn was first privately conveyed to Stow Conreh, whera aser viee was con<l acted by thetter. V. W. Ooz.aasisted by the Beys. 8. Moad, LL&, O. Copland, sod S. Knight, and tbe cortega started for the cemetery at about balf-past 3. About 30 members of the Adelaide Young lien's Society on foot preceded tbe beane, which was followed by two moarn iog-coaches containing me Bey. W. B. Fletcher aod his three sons aod other gentlemen, and about 30 vehicles. There was a large atten dance at tbe grave, the service being conducted by the Bey. V. W. Cos. who was assisted by tbe Vtry Bey. Dean Biusell. Amongst thaw pre sent at the interment were the .Beys. O. Cop land, C. Maathorpe, I. Hope, C. Hall, F. Searle, T. Lloyd. £. S. Uasdy, J. H. Lambert, 3. Ma*d, LL.B-, D. Paton, B.A, J. Lyall. L. G Carter, Ja*. Way, S. 3. Moocrieff, S. Wayland, J. J. Goodwin, and S. Knight, Professor Davidson, Mr. Berry (City Missionary), Hon. B. A. TarltoD, M.L.C., Mr. C. Xodd, C.M.G. (Psat master-General), Dr. Cleland, and Messrs. H. A. Crawford, C. Smedley, J.P., D Adamwn, H. Dean, A. Gore, B. Stockey. J. J. Bcoekey, G. Wilcox, A. Dewie, H. Giles, J.P., D. Robin, L. Grayson, W. Butt, T. Wilcox., C. N. CoUison, F. B. Borden, J. L. Booythoo, T. W. Harris, T. G. Ponton. J. Priced. U Phillip*. W. Dalton, B. Harper, W.C.Calder,J.F.Cleland,J.Witheriek, A.atow,B.M.Bteele, S. Whitman. J.Bowen, F. O. Chappie, RA, W.T. Flint, W.Olifent, G. S. Wright, J. Hoeart, H. Hocking, A. Waddy, W. Benny, J. M. Anderson, F. Turner, W. Fax, B.AIIea. J. Ballaatvne, A. McLean, A. O. Chambers, and H. Hallett. Funeral services were held in Stow Church on Sunday. The pnlpis and organ gallery were draped wish black, the folds of which were divided by narrow bands (A white Iv the morning the seivice was oondnsted by the Bey. W. F. Oox, who chose as the basis of his disconrse the words " Thongb He slay me, jet wfll I tmst ia Him"—Job ztii^ 15. Ha com mtneed by painting oat how the minds of men had been in all ages perplexed by the apparent inequalities of Divine Providence, so far as it is presented to tbe observer, tribulation and sorrow coming to those who seem the least deferring of it, while the guilty often eseap>. Although much might be- attributed to the breach of God's laws, behind all there waa the appalling mystery of aril ia the world, which baffled all our attempts to explain it. The ignorance of God's plan and purpose moat always be characteristic of tha finite mind that cannot comprehend the infinite, but the rev. gentleman forcibly urged that since the time of Job we, with tbe light of Christ's sacrifice thrown upon this dazk question, know enough to satisfy tbe yearnings of the humvi tool—enough for faith to rest on. Wish all the death and sorrow ia the world we kaoar, as Matthew Arnold said, that there U some thing not of us, bat outeida of us, which, "makes for righteousness;" and tha greatest consolation of all is to be found ia the blessed promises of Him who took death on Himself, and - all the ills that flash is aeir to^that He might redeem us from tha awful consequence of sin. Mr. Cox illustrated bis remarks by a reference to the death of Mrs. Fleteher. He spoke of her being called away in the prime of her life from a loving hnsbsnd and tbe dnties of a home; bat mysterious as waa tbe dispensation of Providence, he said no one could doubt God's wisdom and love. It was with her aa with Job," though He slay me, yet will 1 trust in Him," for death eoold not sunder her from her Saviour; and what seemed death to us was to ber only a birth into a higher and a better Ire- The sermon was listened to with tbe utmoat attention. In the evening the B«v. O. Copland conducted tha service. It is with regret that we announce the death of Mr. George Aldridge, the well-known landlord of the Prince Alfred Hotel, which took place on Friday evening. On the previous morning the deceased, who had been ailing slightly for some three months, during which time he had been under medical treatment, he came suddenly much worse; but it was not until Friday evening that his medical attendants thought there was any danger. A consultation was held about ten o'clock, and Mr. Aldridge died about half an hour afterwards, passing away peacefully and without a struggle. Mr. Aldridge was an old colonist, having come to South Australia from Sydney in the early days. For many years he lived in East Torrens, in which district, besides being a popular energetic and enterprising tradesman, he was very active in electioneering matters. He was always greatly respected for his uprightness and liked for his geniality and real kindness of heart. Few business men in the colony were more widely or favorably known, and the news of his decease will cause much sincere regret. He leaves a widow and a family of sons and daughters, most of whom are grown up. Tbe remains of the deceased gentleman were interred in the West terrace Cemetery on Sunday afternoon, Decem ber 14, the general respect in which he was held being testified by the very huge number of persons who attended the funeral, and by the numerous crowd which gathered at the cemetery and around the grave. The mourning coaches were occupied by Messrs. G. S. Aldridge, J. H. Aldridge, E. Aldridge, Frederick Aldridge, Charles Aldridge. and Frank Aldridge (sons of the deceased), Messrs. J. C. Bray, M.P., T. Worsnop (town clerk), A. E. W. Ebsworth. F.W. Hood, H. Noltenius, R. R. Knuckey, H. Fraser, MP, J. P. Stow, J.P., the Very Rev. Dean Russell, Messrs. W. O. Aldwell, W. B. Gilbert, J. H. Grainger, Theo. Bruce, Albert Hayward, J. LeM. F. Roberts, and C. McConnell. Amongst those present at the grave we also noticed Messrs. E. M. Bagot, J.P., W.K. Simms, M.P., A. Simms, J. Chambers, J.P., W. Cham bers, W. N. Crowder, W. Bickford, W. H. Burrell, Dr. C. Gosse, Dr. R. Peel, Dr. Renner, Messrs. H. Trew, A. Hubble, H. Ford. T. A. Stewart, J. McDonald, John Davis, W. W. Mills, W. Wigley, G. Bennet, H. Woodcock, A. McKenzie, W. R. Evans, W. Trennery, J. Lee, P. Levi, jun., F. Ringwood, R. N. Colley, R. Watson, B. Noltenius, G. Noltenius, C. Aubert, G. Oughton, H. Olifent, J. Stobie, L. H. Black more, V. E. R. Dumas, S. Knevett, E. S. Davys, T. Charlton, J. H. Parr, H. Parr, W. Kither, Leo von der Burch, A. Jepson, W. Blackler, T. G. Brown, J. M. Barrow, H. Squires, R. Hall, J. S. Stacey, D. C. F. Moodie, G, Thornton, A.

Adamson, R. H. Jones. G. C. Longson, A. W. Potter, W. G. Roberts, T. Kast. J. Tasker, G. Doolette, A. Cunningham, C. H. Manning, J. M. Soloman, J.P., T. Bastard, A. Klauer, J. G. Kirby, W. Cave, and a large number of others who were anxious to pay the last tribute of respect to the memory of the deceased. The burial service was read by the Rev. Jas. Pollitt. A number of beautiful wreaths of flowers were placed upon the coffin.