West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), Wednesday 26 September 1894, page 2




A correspondent writes of the celebrations in connection with the opening of the Pingelly Hall, on Friday, the 21st inst., as follows :

The tamar hunt was well attended. The huntsman had good sport, bringing down 30 tamars, and a kangaroo, Mr. H. H. Sewell heading the list with eight. Thanks are due to the ladies for their kindness in preparing lunch, which waa appreciated by the sports-


The hunt dinner was held at the Southern Cross Hotel, and reflected great credit on the host and hostess. Among those present were the number for the district (Mr. C. Harper), and a good sprinkling of Beverley people.

After tha usual loyal toasts had been honoured, Mr. Harper proposed this toast of " The Pingelly Hall," and congratulated the people of Pingelly on having such a fine building.

The ball was held in the evening, and be-fore dancing began Mr. Harper, in a few suit-able words declared the hall opened. D anoing was kept up with vigour till daybreak, a.I present thoroughly enjoying themselves. The ladies again distinguished themselre« by pre-paring au excellent supper, and alao provided muaia for the dancers. h On the next day Pingelly was vmted by a contingent of the

ladies and gentlemen belonging to the Bever-. ley Tennis Club. Daring the afternoon a cake fair and promenade coneart was held, and was well attended. Ube business wai brisk and the results highly satisfactory. After tea dancing waa indulged in, inter«parsed with songs and duets, by Mra. G. M. Sewell, Mra. Livesey, ths Misses Gibbo», Se wall, and Messrs. Livesey, Taylor, Holyoake, Strickland. The overtura waa pleasantly rendered by Mrs. E. L- Smith, pianoforte duet by Miaste E. and B. Sewell, and accompani-ments by Mrs. Livesey, Misses Gibbon and Sew«'.L The enterta-'nments realised a sum of ¿8*5. . ,