Golden Age (Queanbeyan, NSW : 1860 - 1864), Thursday 8 January 1863, page 3

CRICIKETING MEETING. A GENERAL meeting of persons interested in the game of cricket was held in Mr. W. Lee's long room on Friday evening January 2nd. About 25 persons were present; and on the motion of Mr. H. M. Davis, seconded by Mr. DeLissa, J.J. Wright, Esq., was voted to the chair. Mr. H. M. Davis first addressed the meeting, explaining that their object was the establishment of a club in Quean beyan, to pay yearly in advance, in order to prevent the breaking down, such as other clubs had, by the trouble of collecting monthly subscriptions. Mr. Davis then proposed, and Dr. Morton seconded,---'That a club be formed and called the Queanbeyan Cricket Club. Carried. Other resolutions followed, and were unanimously adopted, fixing the sub-scription for playing members at 10/. per annum in advance, and 10/. entrance, and for honorary members 10/. per annum; also resulting in the election of Mr. Wright to the office of president; Mr. W. Scrivenor, treasurer; Mr. DeLissa, secretary; and the following gentlemen to be members of committee: Messrs. Morton, Kinsela, Davis, and Doyle, the ofllicers of the club being ex officio members. Subscribers' names were then taken down, and the secretary announced amidst cheers that the sum of £18 had been subscribed in the room.; but next day the subscriptions had amounted to about £80 - a very encouraging sum to commence with. After a vote of thanks to the chairman, who in replying promised to give the newly-formed club all the support in his power;

Mr. Davis explained, that as some gentlemen had given money towards the purchase of bats and balls for their match the sums had been deducted from those gentlemen's subscriptions, and the materials become the property of the club. The meeting then separated. CRICKET. --- GININDERRA AGAIN. --- We are informed that the captain of the Gininderra club, W. Davis, Esq., will be on his march to Braidwood with his team to play the Braidwood club, on the 21st of this month. A NATURAL CUROSITY. --- We have in our possession a variety of leech which was found in the Queanbeyan river by one of the children of Mr. G. SOARES, and from alle we can gather it appears to be a' total stranger to every one in this district, nor have `we our-. selves ever heard or seen'or read of anything -of the kind. It is in its form and size si.l-i lar to the 'iariety used by'medical men, but is quite transparent, and the most' curious part " of its description is, that it carries a familypof about. fifty young leeches attached to its belly, These are of course more transparent than.' their parent,, and not only do they' constantly elongate and(contract themselves like the old: one, but occasionally leave their paroi;t.,anud' take an excursion through the water a little distance, and retain. and attach themselves`` again. Our firstimpression was tht it i'wai the legs of tob old !ledlh : wesaw es teh'dinigr' from either side, but on clser inspection we were convinced they were little leeches and not legs, as was proved beyond dispute when, one or two of them detached themselves-for a: time from the parent.. It seems: that :they. derive their sustenance from the parent, though they do pot quite illustrate the theory that "Great fleas.have little fleas upon thelriaeks e' bito 'ezt'" Andilittl fcleas have lesser fleas, and so ai itfiniur." HIS OWN BANKER! --- A niggardly old fellow named Kane had a case in the Small Debts Court on Tuesday last in which he sought judgment on a promissory note. He was his own lawyer, too; and when asked to produce the note, pulled out of his dirty, pocket a large roll of papers and money,. which he handed to their worships for the purpose of finding the document amongst themn. :.The note not being'there, the'old fer'low nonchalantly replied, "' I 'spose.''ve:li~?t it." Theiriworships cautioned him to lbd'hdioire careful of. such. papers, than to carry tlihi'' about on his person; and the Police' 'MaiaTs-': trate observed that it was not a long time inl that the old fellow lost a bundle of bank notes ' in the street just after leaving the policeoffice, and never found them'ngain. And about a year ago the same old fellow came to us with tears in his eyes saying that some ·'." t . ..r.;: , .. .'-- ' - .:. l . "~~ac'r , , i A' t'- : , • . "- '" rr ': . '-? "t t. 1: if U):,:!h 1t'+,1:"" .": i1 twelve months of the date of application, it shall be lawful for the conditional purchaser,by" notice in writing to the Land Agent for the District, to withdraw his applicationi, and' thereupon he shall be entitled to demand and recover back any deposit made by hin ; or the purchaser shall have the option of'having the land surveyed by a duly qualified licensed surveyor, and the expense of such survey?shall be allowed to such purchaser as: part payment of his purchase money; such aexpense to be allowed in accordance withth the scale of charges fixed or to be' fx'ed by the Surveyor General." POSTAL DELAY. --- Much disappointment was felt in town on Monday last by the nonarrival of the Saturday Sydney Mail-bags. A notice received from the Goulburn post-master intimated that they had not reached that office. To ourselves this oversight Is.. productive of much inconvenience, as it has also been to many of our men of busin'ess in town, as by it the Postmaster expected a supply of penny-etamps-a previous demand of ours for posting our Almanac, having cx-. hausted his snpply,-and the consequence was. that the Christmas accounts of the various local business establishments could not be posted till the arrival of'lat night's mall, TEMPERANCE MEETING. --- The monthly meeting of the Qeanbeyan Teetotallers was held on Monday evening, and was very well attended by members of the society and others. PThe principal business of tne evening wasn tbohe Selection of Mr. R. Mehegan to the oflco of Secretary; and the determination of the question as to what were intoxicatiing.driuns, and what beverages were allowable to meilohers. A new rule was also added, t.y whichl members breaking the pledge were not'agali" to be allowed tojointhe society until a certain neriod of nrobatifn. It is the in inntlini

of the society to invest its monthly mruetinhs with a special interest by making them the occasions of select readings, addresses,&c. HOSPITAL MEETING. --- Last Monday a meet-ing of the Hospital Committee was held in the Board-room of the new building, at which. the quarterly accounts were passed and some? other ordinary business despatched., OPENING OF THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, CANBERRA. --- Last Sunday this place of wor-ship was opened by the ccelebration of Divine service, by the Rev. W. F. Reid, the pastor of the church. The attendance was good, being about fifty at morning service, and c-: venty in the afternoon. Several of whom at-'^b tended from Queanbeyan, and:,othorrdistant:.. parts. The collections, and all else passed offi' in a very satisfactory manner. ASHTON'S CIRCUS. --- This troupe of per formers who arrived in town on Tuesday, performed last night in their large marquee, and will repeat their performance this even ing for the last time in Queanbeyann prior, to their departure for Monaro.