Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1931 - 1954), Saturday 24 August 1940, page 18

S.T.C.— a name renowned for its major installations a throughout the world — are contractors to the Royal a Australian Air Force and the British Air Ministry. A great ' £ tribute to a great organisation! Whether it is a mammoth ii installation to serve a nation, or a radio receiver for broad- | cast reception in your home, the same sincere research and " precision is evident. i: EVERY S.T.C. IS i r Yoor local dialer will tell you about Mp?frlP4girlijflKKpllViffi''l t tin special S.T.C. confidential easy Hk^Ee3<2i£^^^^H?S£|raH '-0 payment plan ... no third party ioisiTCrence. S.T.C maintain their ■^Bfl?^lSGlCtoSs^&El^l^l^l^l^l^l^BiSi?SMHH iatmtt i« the set you buy. ! Prices from: 13 GUINEAS. mS?^tM^mm^^^f^ "FOR TONE IT STANDS ALONE" \ Manufactured and Guaranteed by: — \ Standard Telephones and Cables Pftjltd. \ LENROCS, 211 Pulteney Street, | Sole Distributors S.A. C 8770 ;

SONOTONE 1 (Distributors for Angus & Coote Pty., Ltd., S Liberal Club Building, 175 Nor

THESE PEOPLE PRAISE THE WONDERFUL SERVICE RENDERED BY SONOTONE Hearing Aids Mrs. X , of Toorck Gordons, S.A.. writ- i' ing of her Sonotone:—"l can assure you since ] using the Sonotone I have received' cndlc<s H pleasure and enioyment—in fact, the Sonotone ! | has given me new life, and enables me to :, enjoy life as others blessed with hearing. 1 ; , will <jo my best to recommend it to anyone ' who is in the some position as myself." i] This and mony other such letters ore open !: for your inspection at the Sonotone Consulting ■ Rooms. If your hearing is not good, do try the Sono tone. There is no cost or obligation involved ! in so doing. Even if you can't coll at the ; Consulting Rooms the Sonotone will come to ; you, no matter where you live. Just send in your name and address. If you would find it morft convenient, you may ! buy your Sonotone on terms. Ask for particu- > BEARING AIDS Sole Australian Agents for Sonotone Hearing Aicki, i rth terrace, Adelaide. Phone Cl 512. |

STOCK AND VEHICLES iJt LL classes Horses, suitable ?v regnnrmf-nt?. X*. young and reliable: trials. Webster. Wal ttrrtlle. M 1322. • 4 ll classes vehicles, harness. Ford trheels. A agles. engines. Moore. 31 Sturt St.. Adelaide ALL CLASSES heavy, medium, farm, bob or chard horses alto excellent baker's cart horses and milk float ponies. GEO. H. MEDLOW. 134 Main Nortb-East tA.. Walkervllle, phone M 2783. ALL CLASSES HORSES. SO TO CHOO6E , FROM. STAG STABLES, EAST TER. ALSO V. HANN, CAMPBELLTOWN. F8287. ALL CLASSES HORSES, trials given. F2817. ■a HANN BROS.. Barnes rd- Payneham. AT stud. Direct Abdulla. 2.11, Direettray (Imp.)—DoraL Fee £6/6/-. Goldi. MagUL ALL classes vehicles, also repairs painting. •Qke's.' TOTrer St.. Nth. Atlel. C 2184. AJL SELL oulet family heifer, first P. Miller. Fulham Post Office. A GOOD young cow, fresh In, sound. Quiet. rich, cheap. 157 Ton-ens rd., Croydon. ALL classes reliable horses for sale. En 1 Hill's stables. Tavlstoclc St.. City. A NUMBER ol com and heifers lor sale. fresh in. Hughes. Fulham. LBl3l. BUY German waggon, in good order. Apply Downer. VToodside. '_ BEN Walla at the stud, fix guineas. R. Pryar. South Plympton. BITS' light trolley, masher, dray, sulky, har ness. CashoD. this office. i ■J7*OR sale. Red Globe, Globe Derby—WinnT^ I X fred, fall brother to Radiant Derby. I Qnldl. MagUL j YI1O& sale. 2 Jersey Cows. 1 Shorthorn, fresh I JL in, also two springers. Apply 37 Warwick' £t, WalkerviUe. j ~t7OR sale, 2 well trained ponies, suitable rid* J or drive. C 5772. 4710R sale, thoroughbred slalUofo. 10 yrs. JL sound, good hack. TJ3950. | Z^OR sale, good pedigreed Jersey heifers. X Apply C. T. Pfitzner. Address, Hampden. Scd&e £udunda 60. FOR sale. 2 good upstanding bread, cart horses. G. A. Tibb. Colonel Light Bakery. Goodwood rd. 'iVIKfaT-CLASS Jersey cow. 2nd call at foot.: J £8. Ring U5351. | GOOD horse. 8 yrs.. single, double harness, any trial. 7 Don ter.. MorphettvWe^ | HACK, well bred mare, rising flre }T ears old, ] saddle and bridle. &c. suit lady. Apply A. yaitburn. 17a Welland ?t., Welland South 1 _ 1 JERSEY cross cow, 3 palls, calt. quiet 1 ?J Foster. Cross rds.. Plympton. LOVELY pair pare young Jerseys. Jus: ealred. | guar. sound; can deliver. L 4544. 1 MAGNTFICENT stud shthn. bull. Kiama Sie-' nal. cost £25. 9 mthF.. mist sacrifice. L 4544 "PONY mare. 14 hands, single, saddlr. quiet. -C Jadr. children. £6,10/-: draughl Bcldine. young, active. £6. 10/-. 150 South rd.. Rich-T>ICK of 3 horsrs. 4 yrs., suit trolley or ftiF-Plympton. ' SELL, bay delivery gelding! Stewart. 64 Leader St., Forestville. ELL. horse, suitable woodvarrf. bakrr. Rood worker. 25 Third ay.. Alberton Ea.-T. STT.r. fmrT^ Grand Chance 7 33 mark; after 5. 16 Devon si.. Goodwood. SELL ONE OR TWO MILKING COWS. SOUND IN 5 WEEKS. ■• GALLONS APPLY P. BATES, REYNEIXA. SgT.r. juitv, trooii rjrdrr. Curixilniham. Eton rnsrt. North Brighton. SULKY. *Tnart pony mid harncEF. £9: light ircliry. £3. 33 GrorEe strTl. Nor-wood. O f-orp pijrf. GrilSrh.s nnp. CaTnpbeilto^n Courxll Cnambfr?. Hccto.'ville. _ S~ELL J(riFe-.rhrlfc-rT~Just in.'rxh and quiet. H. Richa'rd^on. Morphett rd.. Wnrradalc. SELL *rf?sh In cow C. Poulton GawJer roa.d_ Pooraka. TROLLIES, drays. MilkiPs. bucetcs. qardm plcugh. harncs-s. 307 King VVm. 5t., city. 1 R. Middl'eton. Findo'l'l road, woodville'. ' TwrWrrscy fij\ sound, milkin? well. £14 tio. E. Dutnn. Blackwood. Piionf 237. "\VAN:flED'=??<l^ia"r~Partlculars W nrice ?? to F. G. Mnuiricn. Vrrran. "\A*AN ItD two :rn**irir hikrt, nl7!^1 r>" Tron? ?? ?iri r:i-sp. 7 r:<-rhrr ".. Pnric 95/-, r-"\VHEET.* <S'j2i-ar.~nr7lY~s': 11.

"SO YOU TOO, FEEL FIT" "Of course . . . and after all those years of suffering and agony it took only three weeks' treatment with Warner's Safe Cure ..." Well, that's the kind of result which this remedy has enjoyed for over 60 years. Warner's Sale Cure must be good—it would not otherwise have stood the test of time. ' Rheumatism, backache, lumbago and Indigestion each can be relieved by Warner's Safe Cure. By stimulating the kidneys and liver to activity. Warner's Safe Cure helps these organs to properly perform their natural func tions and free the blood from wasie poisons which reaily cause so many of the regular diseases. Mr. Kempton, Selby, Vie. writes:— "In ISO!) I trrotc ynv ihnt eight -/Mrs '■ ■previously J irtus seriously ill with kidney coVe, and icith the aid of inn bottles of Snfc Cure and a phial nf Sa'r Pill* I van restored to -pe.rkn health. ' 1 ,now irish in tell you thnt I hare hid no return of ihnt dUtrr&sinn malady finer. Very occasionally I vs>e the .S o t> Cvre o? a lonie tor the brer, vhirh 'keeps v:c fit, and I always recommend it. to any one complaining of kidney trophic. Mv age is i 0 years, which fprahn rolumrx." This and thousands of other letters [from grateful patients prove that this remedy does do a job for humanity: it does make sick people well, and you. too, have this same opportunity ;of being classed Al in health. i Warner's safe Cure is sold by a)l ■leading chemists and storekeepers. | Large bottles 5/- and 2/9 in Concen trated Form. These small bottlrs I are really economical, the required dose i being so much Jess. I Write for a free booklet to H. H. • Warner & Co.. Ltd.. 532 Little Lonsdale street, Melbourne. I Take Warners Safe Pills for Con istapation—i.-per bottle. X BONUSES PAID IN FULL AT MARRIAGE Th:s lypc of Children's Policy Prudential. Write or coll. THE PRUDENTIALS^. 21-23 WAYMOUTH ST., ADELAIDE, Tnc Empire s Latgc't lnr-uroficc Co. R.A.A.F. Personnel Now 19,000 MELBOURNE, Angus: 23. Nearly 19.000 air crew nnri ground ■ personnel have joined th* R.A.A.F. .~ince '■ the outbreak of war. Two pools of re servists, comprising 6.405 air crew and 6,389 ground staff personnel, have also been created. The total number of recruits accepted for service with the R.&.A.F. is limy 31.787. More than 2.000 pilot:--, air ob servers and wiielesK air Runner trainers arc now receiving instruction at various training-schools throughout Australia. Aggregate numbers of men arcepirri in all States are as follows-— Queens land, 1.444 air crew. 3,234 airm«-n: Now .South Wales. 2.380 and 7.C3U; Victoria. 2.354 and 5.167; South Au.-traiin. 1 2!T and 2.!)23: Western Australia. 701 ami 3,298; Tasmania. 233 nnri i.n.'iO. '■ BOSTON' -In the qiiar:rr-fiii:i!r. n< the US, national tennis douhlf.-. Boh bit.t. and O'irrn--ov fliminafri Kis;s and van Horn, 6—2, 7—3, 3—o, 3—G.

IT'S MOMENTS >^ LIKE THESE YOU NEEG^--/ MinlieS ? THE UNIVERSAL SWEET M<fc ONLY by J«m Sufam - Hodoa'i Smcb Ud, •Smum- SsKbeij. K.S.W. ml AriWLHZ. For parts and mnilnctlm plans ta tnM "Jlinlt^- Itatrh Wi?4«ill. <rsrf uiiir. ?r w>lal M 4* I* tbr Tatar •« I/-. U ■«■! than «net« raH <n>4 I/- (?r rack.

JS^" "*?S-™-~-''«S:i*'-' ?.J?«^..?, -- .. . <[M|| ..- . :Viv^|^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ i,? "YES, MRS. SlMMS^^^^^^^^ . ADVERTISED GOODS \ 4K£ AtOKE RELIABLE"!

■ :ml^Bi :^^2^^^^& Don't take risks on unadvertised goods of - inferior product, for, unless his goods give | ou a'>out tnem should be wasted, and he BHP-?' jfIMWHMBIII f^^ would quickly go out of business. Advertised ■ manufacture in greater quantity and sell to > -ou at a l?wer price. }'«? get the saving in i ■Hipf' So T when buying, ask for the advertised ; ■•_-. « _. _«ff - brand, and be nrrr of satisfaction. JBuy oniy ADVERTISED GOODS . . . they just have to be Good i 372