Queanbeyan Age (NSW : 1867 - 1904), Thursday 24 March 1870, page 4

THE ANGLO-AUSTRALIAN IN LONDON. A meeting of the SellingWool Brokers' Association was held on January 12th, at which a resolution was passed to the effect that the brokerage of one per cent., sanctioned hby the committee of the.New South. WVale~ and Van Diemen's Land Association, was a titir and legitimate but not excessive remuneration for the work done; and it was agreed .t adhere *to it -without a dissenting 'vote. Wool,. it is argued, stands in a different pdsition' from cotton, asait is sold in small parcels. 'Five or six hundred-bales of the latter may be sold by a single sample; while every 'bale ;of .the former has. to 0be gone through carefully.. There has, it is said, been a total ignorance on the part of the writers in Australia with regard to the brokerage on wool. One, individual is reported to have said at a meeting in the colony, that " the merchants hand "the' bills 'of lading over, and let- the brokers .manage the: business anyhow they' like." This is indignantly denied.: The merchants state that they sample every bale themselves, and put their own limits on it in regard to price. .There is at present a firm feeling in the wool market, but almost nothing doing. M lost likely there will be a slight improvement' at the "forthcoming sales, which commence on 'February 10, as there will probably be' a smaller quantity offered than for the corresponding period last year. The later time of the shipments, and the circumstance that the 'sales..are..a fortnight earlier, will have an influence. As far as '[can learn,,the supplies from South America will be very much less this year .than last, which will serve to enhance the price. In regard to the now wool warehouses at Mlillwall, of lessrs. Cousens, Renshaw, and Co., spoken of in my last, those gentlemen state that, amongst other things, the cheapness of the ground on, which they. are built enables them to support the great reduction, equivalent to * to 1 per cent., that

they hold out in warehousing charges. They will, they say, store all their wool on the ground floors, thus economizing outlay in hydraulic and steam power. In the town warehouses, all the wool has to be carted to them from the docks; but Messrs. Cousens, Renshaw, and Co. will save both cartage and dock dues. The brokers, it is urged, now lose much time in going from warehouse to warehouse to inspect samples, whereas at Millwall this will be obviated, so that the auction sales will be able to be held two hours earlier than at present. It is.said, on the other hand, that the large reduction in warehousing charges' proposed by Messrs. Cousens, Renshaw, and Co. can never be continued without ultimate ruin to that firm. In support of this the London Dock Company state that their usual business at present charges does not pay them 4 per cent., and the proprietors of private warehouses make analogous complaints. Having given 'both sides of the question, I must leave colonists interested in the subject to judge of it for themselves, premising that time will speedily bring about its solution. Leaving "this subject, I proceed to say a few words about new telegraphic projects. The British Australian Telegraph Company just started, has for the time being almost absorbed all other schemes. Its shares have been snatched up most eagerly. The whole capital was subscribed in three days. More than twice the number of the issue of the shares was applied for, and altogether the enterprise promises a most successful realisation. It is, I may mention, wbat is commonly called, "a contractor's company," that is to say, it has been really launched by the Telegraph Construction and Maintenance Company, of which the managing director is Mr. Sherard' Osborne. The proposed Anglo-Australian Telegraph Company spoken of in my last has been abandoned. Its principal promoter, Mr. Gisborne, was absent in Holland negotiating a concession in connexion with Java, when the British Australian Company was introduced to the public, and upset all his calculations; l'homme propose mals .Dieu d'sepose. The latter company only require a capital of £600,000. Mr. Gisborne's demanded £1,600,000, because, whereas the British Australiah Company begin operations at Singapore, he proposed starting from Calcutta. He indignantly objected to make his "a contractor's company; " but the fact is, under the circumstances, there seems hardly a fair chance for such a company started under any other auspices. It is gratifying to find that the southern telegraphic route to Queensland has now assumed a tangible shape, and will probably be completed by 1872. The other projected lines to Australia via Western Australia are likely to be finished about the same time. I am glad to announce that a company is proposing to connect the latter colony with Ceylon. The length of cable will be in three. divisions, so that the longest cable. will not exceed eleven hundred miles. These cables will have a communication with Singapore, and they as well as the land lines ought to be in the' hands of the colonial legislatures, and in all the contracts for subsidies a clause should be introduced for the purchase of them after a given period, and they should be leased in the meantime to the governments interested. In the various telegraphic projects on the tapis, New Zealand is not forgotten. Two-companies propose extension from Tasmania to the south of the Middle Island. The subject of emigration has monopolised great attention both in the press and elsewhere during the month. In the forthcoming parliamentary session the question of state aid to the movement will-be most likely broached; but it is hardly probably that the present government will seriously entertain it. On inquiry at the office of the emigration commissioners, I find that during 1869 the number of persons that emigrated from the United Kintrdom to Australia and New Zealand was 14,901. I spent some very pleasant hours on board a Queensland emigrant ship, the Planet, on January 22, the day of her departure from Gravesend for Brisbane. This is the last ship that will be sent out under the old Queensland Emigration Act, the new one being now in operation. The occasion had also interest from the fact that it was the final vessel despatched under the immediate superintendence of Mr. Wheeler, who has won golden opinions from all with whom he has come in business contact, by the urbanity, energy, judgment, and ability which he has brought to bear on his duties. Mr. Douglas in future will superintend the selection and despatch of emigrants. Mindful of the exceptional interest of the occasion, Mr. Taylor, on behalf of Messrs. Mackay, Baines and Co., gave a champagne dinner on board the Planet, when the prosperity of Queensland was drunk in flowing bumpers, and with three rounds of cheers. Mr. Douglas acknowledged it in a brief and eloquent speech, in which he paid some welldeserved compliments to Mlessrs. Mackay, Baines and Co., who have up to this time carried" nearly fourty thousand emigrapts to Queensland, the rate of mortality amongst them being reinarklably small. I need hardly say that the toast of the press was also drunk, to'which the " Anglo-Australian in London" duly responded. Mr. Douglas has taken large new offices at 82, Charing Cross, opposite the admiralty. He has been guided in his bchoice of locality partly by the fact that good rooms are much less expensive at the West End than in the heart of the city. He intends to devote one apartment to be a kind of reading-room for colonists, and he also proposes to form a sort of museum of Queensland products. He will probably Send out, under the new Immigration Act,.the Young Australia, with emigranrits, in March. The agent of Canterbury, Mr. Ottywell,. intends despatching another vessel on March 23, and after that a ship every two months, each carrying about one hundred and fifty emigrants. Mr. Verdon's next ship is the Crusader, which will leave for Melbourne on February 2... The Great Britain will start with emigrants for Victoria in the beginning of March. From what I can indirec'tly glean, I should think it is not improbable that the tender of Mosessrs. Gibbs, Bright, and Co., the owners of the latter vessel, for a line of steamers via the Cape to Melbourne will be the one ultimately accepted. A company is in the field for a passenger and mail service to Australia via Milford Haven, Portland, U.S., and San Franciseco. It is to be called the Atlantic and Pacific Steam Service Company. There is a very fair prospect of its realisation. Mr. Mort and Mr. Lloyd of Sydney are taking an interest in the project. The completion of the great railway system uniting the Atlantic and

Pacific Oceans ljas given rise to the enterprise. The company undertake to complete the whole journey between this country and Australia in forty days. If they realise only a tithe of their anticipations, as dilated upon in their little pamphlet now before me, their project can hardly help being a great success. Great complaints are being made in the London newspapers respecting the inconvenient departure of the Marseilles mail for Australia, the day previous to the arrival of the Southampton mail, thus seriously delaying the opportunity of replying to letters received by the latter. A controversy has been recently carried on in the press in respect to the relative merits of the tinned Australian meat and the cured meat sold by Mr. Tallerman, about which I. shall not at present venture an opinion. "A private meeting of colonists was called together by that gentleman on January 11, at Cannon-street Hotel, "to consider the best means of taking advantage of the present favourable condition of public feeling to yet further develope the trade in Australian meat." Lord Alfred Churchill presided. I understand that, amongst others, Messrs. Bell and E. Wilson, who were present, offered substantial pecuniary aid, if required, to assist in developing the trade. Punch tersely observes that after Mr. Tallerman's visit to the French Emperor, " no wonder that, he has been a Taller man ever since by several inches." The Queen has lately sent him a letter of encouragement in his enterprise, so that altogether he cannot complain of being left in the cold shade of neglect. Mr. Verdon is going to send out some samples of meat preserved by the process, stated to be a great success, of Professor Gamgee, to Melbourne, per Crusader. Amongst the passengers this time by the Somersetshire are the Heon. Arthur Blythe and Mr. Sewell. She also carries some of the passengers wrecked in the Great Victoria. Messrs. James Mc Ewan and Co. ship in her specimens of double-furrow ploughs of an improved make, for which a large sale is anticipated. These ploughs are coming into general use in this country., The Australian wine trade is making favourable progress here, but it behoves growers only to send home the very best vintages. Mr. Auld of the Auldana vineyards has given up his business at Walbrook House, and it is now carried on by Messrs. Leigh and Smith, two gentlemen who had retired on fortunes acquired in the colonies, but who have been now induced to embark in the trade, partly from a real love of the enterprise, and-in the firm belief that it is capable of being made a lever to develope one of the most valuable of Australian resources. Their intimate know-ledge of the capabilities of Australia for wine-growing will doubtless be of great ser-vice 'to them. The Royal Colonial Society held its first meeting this session on January 19. I had the pleasure of being present. The paper read had reference 'to the Red River settlement. The rebellion there, and the petition of British Columbia for annexation to the United States, are, as 'might be expected, being made capital of by the chagrined proposers and advocates of the abandoned colonial conference. The first meeting of the royal colonial society was a dull one. There were not very many present, and the discussion following the reading of the paper was tame and desultory. The only amusing incident was a speech by Mr. Beaumont, who, though not a fellow, claimed opportunity of speaking; and delivered a set oration which he had evidently got up for the Cannon-street meetings, the dissolution of which 'he was determined should not baulk his elaborately prepared rhetoric. What he said, as might be expected, had little or no practical connection with the question before the society. The next paper is to be read on February 2, and will be by Colonel Maude, C.B., V.C., on Colonisation and Emigration. From so able an authority on these subjects as the gallant colonel, one may anticipate an extremely interesting treatment of them. At the last meeting of the council of the society, a number of new fellows were elected, amongst whom I may mention, as connected with Australia, Messrs. J. Peter, A. Thozet, and C. H. Dick. The society intend as soon as possible removing to rooms at the Union Bank, corner of Suffolk-street and Pall Mall. Mr. J. V. Irwin has been very ener.getic in endeavouring to procure books for the society, and has himself presented a number of rare pamphlets and valuable publications on colonial subjects. Sir Charles Nicholson has lately given to it some interesting maps of the new gold-fields of Queensland. The Cerberus is fast approaching completion. Mr. Verdon has telegraphed to the Victorian government to appoint a successor to her late commander, Captain Norman. Mr. M?rckinnon, son of the proprietor of the Argus, goes out to Melbourne by the February mail, to represent his father. The following are amongst the literary publications of the month of interest to Australianes :-" Life of Daniel James Draper, lost in the London, with Chapters on the Aborigines and Education in Victoria," by the Rev. J. C. Symons, of Melbourne; ' Where not to Emigrate; or, Queensland as it is," by A. Carr; "Varieties of ViceRegal Life," by Sir William Denison, K.O.B.; "On the Confederation of the Empire," by Mr. Macfie, M.P.; "Lea Naufragds ou vingt mois sur un recif des Iles Auckland," par E. Raynal; "Australian Handbook and Almanac for 1870," by Gordon and Gotch, being the first publication of the kind in this country; '" Frank Oldfield; containing an Account of a Voyage to, and Incidents -in, South Australia." Amongst the Reviews, the Westminster, the Edinburgh, and the Quarterly have articles on the colonial question. The Leisure Hour of this month contains a Polynesian drama relating toCaptain Cook's visit to Mangara, and never before printed. The emigration articles which recently appeared in the VWeekly Dispatch, are being re-published in a pamphlet form. A Food Journal has recently been started, projected by Mr. Bevan, the London correspondent of a Melbourne paper. The published list of contributors includes the names of Dr. Richardson, Dr. Stallard, Mr. Plummer, and others. Mr. Buck, the emigration agent for Tasmania, who published some time ago a handbook on that colony, has-been inquired after lately by correspondents in the London papers, who did not know that he was located in Germany. Mr. Algar of Clement'slane, it appears, has undertaken to answer

inquiries on his behalf in London. There have -recently been various letters in the Times and other journals dilating on the attractions of Tasmania. The Penny Illustrated Paper of January 22 has engravings of Sydney and the entrance to Port Jackson, entitled Sketches for Emigrants. The Field of the same date has a picture of an Australian buckhunter, with an accompanying description of that equine phenomenon. Judy, of January 26, has a ludicrous cartoon of Mr. Childers as a cat's meat man, with the explanatory lines:-" Instructions have been received from the admiralty- at Portsmouth and Chatham to reduce the allowance of meat to the cats which are maintained at these yards for the destruction of the rats which infest the various buildings." The Emperor of the French is, according to the Gaulois, now one of the largest landed proprietors in Spain. He has been buying land in that country for the last ten years. . Baron Haussmann has declined all compensation on relinquishing his post as Prefeet of the Seine. The Paris press generally express great satisfaction at the removal of the baron, which event they consider as a striking evidence of the inauguration of parliamentary government. The Liberte, however, blames the measure. DECREES OF COr MERcE.-On January 10 the Journal Officiel published two decrees of the highest importance to the commercial community in England. The first enacts that pig-iron shall continue to be admitted under the temporary importation clause, as stipulated by the decree of February 15, 1862; but that iron castings will only enjoy that privilege so long as they are imported for the manufacture of cast-iron articles, and must be taken immediately to the works where they are to be used in charge of custom-house officers. The importation credits now existing will continue in force for six months; but no more will be granted, save with the consent of the board of arts and manufactures. The second decree notifies that four months after the date of this decree cotton tissues, mixed or unmixed, will cease to be admitted under the temporary importation clause. Charcoalmanufactured iron cannot be compensated for on re-exportation by coke-manufactured iron.-On January 13 the Senate discussed the interpellation moved by M. de Buttenval on the subject of the treaties of commerce. M. de Buttenval defended free-trade, and expressed his surprise at the imperial decrees inserted in the Official Journal on January 10. IM. Louvet, the minister of commerce, replied on behalf of the government, and in the course of his speech said :"The cabinet intends to walk in the path of progress, injuring as few interests as possible, and relieving as far as may be the lardships occasioned by our free policy." " No," he exclaimed further on, "I emphatically declare that we shall not withdraw from the treaty of commerce with England. In the interests of peace especially it is our duty to uphold that treaty, though at the same time the question of its continuance is subject to parliamentary inquiry." LARGE SALE OF DIAMONDS. - Some scandal has been caused within the last few days in the little Spanish colony at Paris by the sale of two immense diamonds, said to be worth half a million francs, for £180,000. These diamonds are supposed to have formed part of the crown of Spain, and to have been abstracted by some means at the time of the revolution. NEW JOURNALS.-NO less than one hundred and nine new journals were started in Paris during the year just closed. Three halfpenny productions, which founded their hopes of existence upon out-Rappelling the Rappel, were suppressed for having meddled with political matters without having paid the stamp and received the necessary authorisation. Twenty-eight died for lack of readers -the rest are still being published.. The total number of new journals started in France last year was one hundred and ninety-nine. In 1868 it was one hundred and thirty-seven, and in 1867 only seventy-four. SALE OF IMPERIAL OLD CLOTHEs.-The dresses worn by the Empress Eugenie during her oriental tour have been sold for the benefit of her Majesty's orphan school., The exhibition was held in the ironing-room of the Sous Sol of the Tuileries, and the dresses, two hundred and fifty in number, realised very small sums. The rose-coloured satin presentation-dress, divested of its trimmings, realised the highest sum, only one hundred and twelve francs. A muslin robe, trimmed with valenciennes, only forty francs, and so on with many more, some of them never worn at all, few worn more than once. The hats and bonnets were sold in lots, and of course went for trifling sums. M. LEDRU ROLLIN.-A report has been published, signed by M. Ollivier, minister of justice, proposing to grant permission to M. Ledru Rollin to enter France. This report was epproved by the Emperor, and the exile is daily expected to return. He is the son of a physician; his grandfather was a well. known conjuror and ventriloquist who had assumed the name of Comus, and plied his occupation with success until he was appointed professor of natural philosophy to the Enfants de France under Louis XV. The present member of the family, born February 2, 1808, was educated for a liberal profession. Having been received advocate in 1830, he decided, in order to distinguish himself from another of the bar, M. Charles Ledru, to add to his own name that of his grandmother, and so became Ledru Rollin. THE SON OF A PRINCE A DAY-BOARD.R.-Prince Napoleon, it seems, has resolved to give his son a Spartan citizen's education. The boy, who is just seven years old, has been sent as a day-boarder to a small school in Paris. His father gave strict orders that his son should be called simply Victor, and, as a recompense for good conduct, Napoleon Victor. His day's work is from eight in the morning to six in the evening, with two hours' recreation. His mother, the Princess Olotilde, who is extremely popular in Paris, accompanied her son to school on the first morning, and entrusted, with many recommendations, an extra pair of shoes to the matron, in case of her boy's coming in from the playground with wet feet. The young Prince's luncheon was to have consisted of dry bread; but, on the master's representation that all the other boys were allowed marmalade, the sterh father relaxed so far as to allow his son to .enjoy the same indulgence. THE ORDER OF T. MINCHAEL AND ST. amonan. - Colonial offioe, Downing-street,

January 15.-The London Gazette announces that the Queen has been graciously pleased to make the following appointments to the most distinguished order of St. Michael and St. George. To be an Ordinary Member of the First Class, or Knights Grand Cross of the said Order :-The Right Honorable Baron Lytton, formerly secretary of state for the colonies. To be Ordinary Members of the Second Class, or Knights Commanders of the said Order :--John Rose, Esq., late finance minister for the dominion of Canada; Thomas William Clinton Murdoch, Esq., one of, her Majesty's commissioners for colonial land and emigration. To be Ordinary Members ofthe Third Class, or Companions of the said Order :-John O'Shanassy, Esq., late chief secretary to the government of the colony of Victoria; Charles Sladen, Esq., member of the executive council of the colony of Victoria; Henry Ayers, Esq , late chief secretary to the government of the colony of South Australia; John Hart, Esq., late chief seeretary to the government of the colony of South Australia; George Stoddart Whitmore, Esq., colonel of the local forces in the colony, of New Zealand and member of the Legislative Council of that colony. WooL.-The importation of colonial wool into London for the year ending December 31, 1869, was as follows:New South Wales and Queensland 120,544 bales Victoria .. .. . .. 206,188 ,, South.Australia .. .. .; 66;097' " Western Australia. . 4,861 ,, Tasmania . .. .. .. 17,362 ,, New Zealand . .. 85,329 ,, Cape of Good Hope . .; 134,163 ,, Total,. .. 634,544 bales -From India the importation was 57,524 bales, against 53,353 bales in 1808. PROPOSED NEW STEAM SERVICE TO AusTnALIA.-A private meeting of influential merchants and others was held on January 26th at the London Tavern 'to discuss the projected steam communication with Australia and New Zealand via Milford Haven, Portland, and San Francisco, within forty days; Sir George Grey in the chair. It was numerously attended, and, after lengthened explanations of the details, the following resolution was unanimously adopted :-" That this meeting highly approves the proposed route to Australia and New Zealand via Milford .Haven, Portland, and San Francisco, and recommends that steps be forthwith taken to establish a company to carry the same into effect." THE QUEEN AND PENNY DINNERS.-The great interest which the Queen takes in the social welfare of the people has been frequently shown, and a further evidence of this interest was laid before a deputation of labouring men, who, a few days since, waited upon Mr. Tallerman, the manager of the above-named meat. agency, at Norton-Folgate, with respect to the adoption of the meat as a portion of their, meat supply. This evidence was in a letter written by command of her Majesty by Sir Thomas B3iddulph, who said, "it will be very gratifying to her Majesty if the colonists of Australia are enabled to furnish a supply of wholesome animal food at a price within the reach of the poorer classes of this country, and her Majesty will watch with interest the progress of such an undertaking." The "penny dinner" movement seems progressive, judging by the fact that large numbers of people, among whom are many above the workingmen order, are to be seen throughout the middle hours of the day enjoying savoury dishes to be had, with the facilities for eating, at the price named for each dish. REPORT OF THE SOOIETY OF ARTS ON AusTRALIAN MEAT.-The following correspondence has been published between the seecre tary of the Society of Arts and Lord Granville, with reference to the samples of preserved meats from Australia (boiled beef and boiled mutton in tins), by the colonial office for the consideration of the food committee appointed by that society :-Society of Arts, December 23, 1869.-In reference to your letter of November 1, enclosing copies of despatches from Victoria, relating to the samples of meat preserved in the colony, which accompanied your letter, and also in reference to your letter of January 14, I am directed to send you the report of the food committee of this society thereon. The committee, after careful examination of the samples, report as follows:1. The meat is thoroughly sound. 2. The fat is not excessive. 3. The gelatine is slightly defective, as compared with some other samples which the committee have formerly had from Australia. 4. The texture of the meat is good. 5. The flavour and nutritive qualities appear to equal those of other specimens from Australia which have come before the committee; but they are not equal to those of the sample from her Majesty's victualling-yard at Deptford, of meat preserved in that establishment by the process now in use there. The committee are unable, in their present state of information, to say with confidence whether this difference may be due to the nature and condition of the meat itself, previous to its preservation, to the climate in which it is preserved, or to the mode of preserving it. The committee are of opinion, and they venture respectfully to suggest, that it would be of advantage if specimens of the meat preserved in the Deptford viotualling yard wore sent to Australia, for the inspection of the meat-preserving companies in that colony, together with full details of the prooess o preservation adopted in the above establishment. P. La NEVE FOSTEa, Secretary. To Sir Francis Sandford, &o., &e., Downing-street, January 11, 1870. I have laid before Earl Granville your letter of the 24th ultimo, and I am desired by his lbrdship to express his thanks to the food committee of the Society of Arts for the report they have been good enough to furnish on the samples of preserved meat from Victoria, which were submitted to them. F. B. SANDrnOaR. P. La Neve Foster, Esq. WORKING MEN'S DnINNERs.-A branch of the association for providing the working classes with cheap dinners has been opened in St. George's-in-the-East. The peculiarity of this depot will be that none but English meat will be used, while the prices charged will be but little in advance of those charged elsewhere for Australian meat, from which, owing to its peculiar flavour, many persons have an unconquerable aversion. The charges will be ld. for soup, 2d. for mince and potatoes, and 2.d. for Irish stew. A considerable number of working men at once availed themselves of the dining-rooms, which are commodious premises situate at 166, Cable-street, one of the main thoroughfares of St. George's-in-the-East, a most central situation for the workmen of the London Docks, sugar refineries, and other manufactories of that crowded neighbourhood. Printed and .publirled by JeAnr Gale, old proprietor ast his ofDce, 2utledgE-strect, Queanewyan, in the oolony of Niw ~Bouti Walts.