West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), Tuesday 14 April 1885, page 3


EIGHT drunken casas of no public in-terest were disposed of by the Police Magistrate yesterday.

TELEGRAPHIC information has been re-ceived that the Charlotte Padbury arriv-ed at London, all well, on the 9th inst.

NEWS has been received from York of the death on Saturday night c£ Mr. W. J. Clifton, J- P. The deceased gentleman has been in failing health for some time past.

WE hear of. splendid rains, the best known for many years, having fallen along the line of coast from Eyre's Sand-patch to Eucla. The guage is said to have registered nearly an inch of fall.

As will be 3een from a notice io our ad-vertising co'unvis, the adjourned meeting ofjtbe newly-formed Caledonian Society will be held this evening at 8 o'clock in St. George's Hall.

WE desire to draw attention to the very important and extensive sale of furniture and other goods, to be held this day by Messrs. Solomon & Co , at their new rooms in Essex-street, Fremantle.

THE Mayor of Fremantle has called a public meeting to be held in the Literary Institute on Thursday evening next, to consider the matter of the proposed Colo-nial Exhibition, and to appoint a local committee in connection therewith.

WE are i'equested to state that the Mr. 'G. C. Knight,' alluded to by 'Another Churchman' is his letter of yesterday, is a different person from Mr. Godfrey Knight, the Associate of the Supreme Court. * Another Churchman' referred, we believe, to Mr. George Knight of Wandering.

ABOUT a fortnight ago, at the Geraldton police conrt, some half-a-dozen Celestial rejoicing in the euphonious appellations of Chun-Chiang-Chu, Chug-Hing-Hah, Sang-Hi, Go-Chiang-Tik, Chu-a-Piur, and Khu-a-Tdang, were each sentenced to three months imprisonment, 'with hard labour, for refusing to return to the ser-vice of their employer, Mr. C. E. Broad-


THE general meeting of the parishioners of St. George's Cathedral parish, which was,to have been held last week, had, in consequence »f the scanty attendance, to be adjourned to this (Tuesday) evening at 8 o'clock, in the Cathedral schoolroom. The business before the meeting will be to review the report of the outgoing churchwardens, and to elect a church-warden and vestrymen for the ensuing twelvemonths. It is partieukrly hoped that there will bo a full attendance.

MR. Jangar, the manager of the Equit-able Life Assurance Society is at present in Perth, engaged in opening a branch of ' the Sceiety, and, beroi e he returns to Melbourne, we understand it is his inten-tion to deliver a lecture upon the princi-ples and working of his office. As th nature of Tontine Assurance is not gencr ally or clearly understood the lecturer will, no doubt, secu e a large audience who will listen with interest to his exposition of a system which has met

with much favor both in America and at home.

AN inquest was held at Geraldton be-fore Mr. C. Crowther, acting Coroner, and a jury composed <>f Messrs. J. Ait-ken, P. Hart, and H. E. Kenny, upon some human remains found by Mr. Thos. Morrissey upon his run rear Mount Erin, while burning the scrub, a few days be-fore. Evidence was adduced showing the remains to be tho^e of a shepherd named Alexander Thompson, commonlv known as ' Black Alicu,' who had been missing for the past twelve or fourteen months, , but no medical opinion could be furnish-

ed respecting the probible cause of death. The jurv returned a verdict iu accord-ance with the evidence.

THE telegraphic rum* iur, which reached the colony on Saturday night, is not, as a contemporary h s it, that 70,000 Russian troops ave belhned to be " advancing up-on Astrabad nsar Peujdeh." Astrabad is a,Persian town eL>se to the south eastern shores of the Caspian. Th. troop* in quest ion are supposed to be advancing upou Penj Dell from Askhi bad, a great Russian garrison on tae high road from the Oaspi m to Sarakhs and'the terminus of ta J neirly completed second section of the proposed railway from Michaelovsk to Herat.

THE first general meeting this season of the Union Football club of Fremantle was held at Herbert's Freemason's Ho-tel on Thursday evening last, Mr. J. H, Snook in the chair. Several new mem-bers were elected, bringing the total membership up to between 40 and 50. Messrs. Snook (captain), Humble (vice captain), and Hilton Sherlock (secretary) were reelected. Messrs. E. Back, R. Broomhall and A. Lockhart were elected a managing committee, and Mr. S. Nugent, treasurer. It was decided that the uniform of the club should be blue and white jersey and cap, blue knickers and scarlet stockings. The season will be opened on Wednesday afternoon next by a scratch match amongst the members to take place on the barrack field. The game to be played under the Rugby rules.

ANOTHER " Russian scare " has been caused by the report that a Russian sloop of war had quietly entered Princess Royal Harbor, King Georges' Souud, and anchored about dusk on Sunday evening. However the rumour arose it succeeded in imposing upon one or two prominent officials at Fremantle, who were supposed to be the local " best authorties " in such matters, and they perhaps incautiously spokejof it as being a fact, with the result that it became

generally believed until some enquiries by telegram proved the whole thing to have been a " hoax," without any found-


ADDITIONAL accommodation for the Wesleyan Sunday School at G-uildford having been for some time a much felt want, a number of the lady members of the congregation lately decided to deal with the financial side of the question by getting up a bazaar aud sale of gifts to be followed by a concert in the evening. By means of sewing meetings and a diligent canvass of the district, quite a large and

varied assortment of useful ornamental articles were got together for the sale held in the Institute Hall of the township on Baster Tuesday. Mesdames Hardey, Devenish, Read, and Halliday presided over the tables assisted by the Misses Har-dey, Markham, Patton, and Britten. The concert in the evening held in the " Old Depot " was a decided success, both in at-tendance, and in the performance of the long and varied programme. The best musical talent available had been secured, consisting of representatives from Fre-

mantle and Guildford-not the least plea-1 ing feature of the combination being that they also represented-in their private capacity-the Episcopalian, Congrega-

tional, and "Wesleyan Churches. Where | all did well it would be invidious to single out those who excelled ia compass or cul-ture of voico. The numbers wero credit-ably given in every instance, and the in-terest never flagged throughout-a result which considering the wretched acoustic qualities of the building, reflects great credit on the performers. The Secretary of the Ladies' Committee handed over to

the Trustees the substantial sum of £40t as the netfc proceeds of bazaar and concert.