Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954), Wednesday 13 April 1932, page 7


Victorian Ministry Defeat Probable


MELBOURNE. April 12.

Following a notice of motion of noconfidence moved by thc Leader of the Opposition (Sir Stanley Argyle) in the Legislative Assembly this afternoon, the discussions in thc lobbies Indicated that the Ministry would be defeated.

Slr Stanley Argyle's action arose out of an indefinite reply given by the Acting Premier (Mr. Tunnecliffe) to a direct question whether tho Ministry intended to re-enact the Financial Emergency Act, which, In effect, would mean a con-tinuance of the Premiers' plan.

Mr. Tunnecliffe said that he was not In a position to disclose tho tlnnncial policy of the Ministry.- as the financial year had not ended, and lt would be six months before tho budget fori the new year would bo Introduced.

When the debate ivas resumed on the Address In Reply, Slr Stanley Argyle vigorously attacked the Ministry, and moved his, hostile motion, explaining that he had been compelled to take such action owing to tho evasive reply given by Mr. Tunnecliffe.

Tho House adjourned until to-morrow. It was stated authoritatively that Mr. Glowrey (Independent) and Mr. McLachlan (Independent) would support the Opposition, which would bo suffi-cient to give a majority against tlie
