Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954), Saturday 29 September 1928, page 13


Owing to the unqualified success of this, our first Competition, and our desire to make it even a greater success, we have been requested by our large number of Customers on the North and ' North-West Coast to allow the above Competition to continue

for another 14 days.

The Management have now decided that they will be pleased to accede to the request of the North and North - West Coast Customers, and that the Competition: will close definitely on Oc-tober 13th, and that the key to the solution of this Competi-tion will be advertised on Monday, October 15th next.

The Special L®w-set


Ronaldson -Tippett Unloading & Pressure Regulating Valve

The Unloading and Pressute Release Valve keeps the pres-sure constant under all working


When the sprays are closed all the load is automatically taken off the Engine and Pump, the spray liquid returning to the vat through a bye-pass under only a few pounds pressure.

Thus, fuel consumption is re-duced and wear and tear on the Engine Is cut down to a


This valve also prevents undue pressure being exerted on the hoses-greatly lengthening their


The new low model "Ronaldson-Tippett" Spray Plant has been specially designed for Tasmanian conditions and

embodies such important features as;

High grade, Australian made, "Ronaldion-Tippett" 2 HJ?. Petrol Engine with all main working patts enclosed and running in oil bath. E-tcccdingly low fuel consumption guaranteed. The air and moisture filter, together with completely protected magneto and spark-plug, enables Engine to run even in heaviest spray mist. Self-oiling double plunger pump has all working paris completely enclosed and working in oil. Permanently porcelain-lined cylinders that never wear out. Travelling wheels independently supported by a double framework, relieving the vat oE all strains. Mudguards keep mud and dust off the top of the vat. Improved system of weight equalisation. Mechanical Agitator for full length of vat. Design, materials and workmanship are of the very best. Built in the largest and oldest Engine Factory ia the Southern


A complete stock o£ spare parts Sor both Engine and Pump

is Kept in Hobart.

Prices and Full Particulars from

Port Huon Fruitgrowers Bl'dg. DAVEY St.,HOBART. *

PHONE 2665

It's moments like these




View Nursery Rhymes


.MlíüteS* Magie Drawing Book.

with modern nursery rhyme»


Made ONLY by Janies Stedman-Hendenoa'a Swecta Lae», "Sweetacrca," Rothery, N.5.W.


»tlfUrté Trt44



Pyramids-white or coloured -are the finest handkerchief value in the world. See them at your outfitter's-colours, colour borders in wide variety, fancy white, and white with initial. Price 1/3 in all large towns.

And there's a new plain white -a marvel of value-at 1/Be sure you see the Pyramid label-that is your guarantee of dependable colours and lasting service.



Hurry. Mother I Remove poison* fro«

little «¿omach, liver, bowel«.

(Sim "Californie Syrup of Fîge* û

.noa if bilioiw or constipated.

Look at the tongue, Mother I If coated, ¡t is a sure sign that your little one's stomach, liver and bowels need a gentle, thorough cleansing at once.

When peevish, cross, listless,

pale, doesn't sleep, doesn't eat a/"ß\ or act naturally, or is feverish, (ßwiJS

stomach sour, breath bad ; has 5vTTp» stomach-ache, >^Víf I/Í sore throat, /¡tyA^ "^^¡L^f | diarrhoea, full f?}{y?*"' "^^ <%\\i of cold, give a jf\ i£XJ tSZl teaspoon ful of Yl $j¡C' F*V "California vi/fj' ¡j vapaeiTL ?' '' ' and ia a few ISr \^i\l\^ hours all the If * Vi$r/7i ^ foul, consti- J\*- Sil \ pated waste, vE^wj I

undigested If t/ V i food and sour "~* ,_

bite gently " **.

moves out of the little bowels wltKoul griping, and you bave a well, playful

child again.

You needn't coax sick children to tako mis harmless " fruity laxative " ; they love its delicious taste, ao4 it always makes)

them feel splendid.

Ask for " California «lyrup of Figs,'' which has direction* ne babies and children of all age» printed on bottle. Of chemists and stores, i/o-or a} times the quantity for 3/ii. Mother I You must «ay " California Syrup of Figs " (or >ou may get an imitation fig syrup), and look tor " Califig " oo the package. -


tete a Stop*

Weak Kidneys Make You

Grow Old Too Soon

NO one should suffer constantly at middle age with a lame aching

back, sharp pains, and annoying kidney irregularities. But hard work and worry do weaken the kidneys, and had kidnevs load up the blood with irritating urie poisons. There is a tendenev towards rheumatism, gout, and gravel! Bon't let weak kidneys make you old. You should be strone: and ¡lethe right uo to real old age. Use DOAN'S BACKACHE KIDNEY PILLS. They arc just for weak kidneys, and havo done quick, marvellous work for many thousands of cases, all over the wide world.


Mr. John Hoy, aenr., Wlndsor-street, Glenorchy. Hobart, says: "Some years ago, through nemo continually exposed to all weathers, I got a severe chill on my kldneya In consequence I suffered agony from lumbago, rheumatism, and bladder trouble.

The constant pain made me tired and languid, and Ufo was a misery to me. I was always taklnn medicine, but nothing did me any good, and 1 was beginning to think that the reriedy was not known that would cure mc, I was wrong, however, as a oourso of Doan's Backache Kidney Pills proved. These Pills were brought under my notice as a special kidney medicine, so I bought some, and they fixed me up very quickly, and I havo been as right as a bank ever since. I strongly recommend Doan's Backache Kidney Pills to all who suffer with their kidneys; they cured me, and willi I am sure, euro others."

Ton years lator, Mr. Roy aays: "I am still well and have only Doan's Backache Kidney Pills to thank for my freedom from kidney trouble. I always keep this medicine in the house, and tako a few doses from timo to time, and It does me a lot of good."

DOAN'S BACKACHE KIDNEY PILLS are sold by all chemists and dealers.

Foster-McCleltan Cou Pioprletore, 15 Hamilton-street, Sydney.

Backache Kidney Plus«

^ -^ WARD BROS." ! Iii '?'iTT^jSrl' 1928 Models'

nrTflHsSSSla] ^5 Advantages over I lrNsS5f/l\MJl»l others, yet lower in

ar*'""magl ^a" or wr'te to-day1 H^JKel for Catalogue. vmSEM T_ WARD BROS.

J * 117 Elizabeth Street


KfWM San and sotain for all Femila I

MWW .asst'lainta. Ewrr ladjr akooM kaes R ? r a bax In Uta huma. Cbamrita mai Stone i ? Mu (hem üironíiont tba worM. ., I B Proprietor! Marti«. CWkt, Wkn^t». E«r; M

/ ^ji^tM^. v;ufflill

Day^r£^f I

ßFullfleadM \

^ ^°" want Mc Job? You want the Pay? J

,. Unk "P QJ/VA ut ; ¿¿e ¿ftota Me u?o¿f. I

° International Correspondence J >! Schools (Australasia) Ltd» ? 0 399 GEORGE ST., SYDNEY X

, Sirs-Please send m© a froe Prospectus X

' ' ftivinâ full particu'are of all branches of the T ft profession or occupation before which I ? X jmve marked X. If your subject is not on ?

¡[ thin list, write it here .,. a Y -Architect, -Accountant, J 1 ^ -Building Contractor -General Bookkeeper; $

-Concrete Contractor, - Store Bookkeeper» A ? -Sanitary Engineer, -Station Bookkeeper, Y » -Structural Engineer, -?Store Managet, # . -Shire Engineer -Windon) Dresser, A ' -Surveuor, -Shoo) Card Writer, Y ? -Carpenter, - Motor Salesman, W

"Plan Drawer, -Outdoor Sale*mant ? ' "MotorMechanic, -Advertising \1gt, Y ? .-Motor Electrician, -Commercial Artist, W . "Electrical Engineer, -Sates Letter Writer, ? ' -RadioExperimenter,-Shorthand Writer, Y ? -Meeh. Draughtsman, -Journalist t W L -MechanicalEnginV, -General Education, A ' -CallleruEngtnecr, - French or Spanish, Y ? -Steam Engineer, -Milliner, W . -Befrlgcrat'nEngtn'r,-Dressmaker, ? ' (There are over 3.000.000 I.C S. student!, T » over 60,000 of the« being in Auitnlii.) V j ENQUIRIES COST NOTHING-WRITE NOW 4

r Nama. ?

? Ace.Occupation. *.. y ? Address.»M" 4

-**>^<*+^+>«m><&^+4>^**- ?

V Wu\ m IS9 II

|§|§k/,.y \ ^' Kill it quickly, ' "s*^HPs\J L/ surely. Kill it with

^^^^çv-v F L Y-T O X-the

3--^"TVe»? safe.clean,fragrant '

y f spray that rids the ¡

j^?¡- home of disease-1 I jQpT bearing insects. S


I&ftffll lSr Au"ra''an Diitnbutor*

fiiticura LSOAP

(iïticuraSoap ip1


Best For The Skin

Because it cleanses, invigor-ates and preserves the skin, scalp and hair. Used daily, assisted by Cuticura Ointment when required, it prevent» pore-clogging, pimples, black» beads, and other annoying


Soap 1i.,TaIcurala.3à'.,Oiirrreent la. nal 2a. For aample Soap and Ointment address: "R.Towna& Co., Sydnar. N.S.W. SÄT" Cuticura Sharing Slick la. M.