Western Australian Times (Perth, WA : 1874 - 1879), Friday 11 December 1874, page 3

Local and General.

A NUISANCE.—The bathing season has again come round, and gives promise of a re-petition of the nuisance which, in common with our contemporary, we have year after year drawn the attention of the authorities to. We

allude to the practice too commonly indulged in of bathing in the river at all hours of the day in full view of passers by. This indecent habit is not confined to little boys and girls, but to children of older growth, and it is one that requires prompt and decisive treatment. Were there a more active supervision in matters of this kind the evil would have been suppressed long ago. The steamer jetty and the road leading under Mount Eliza afford two of the most pleasant promenades in the city, especi-ally during the summer season ; but, under ex-isting circumstances, respectable females are prevented from enjoying them. Something should be done,—what, does not much matter —to abate if not to suppress the nuisance.

SOUVENIR.—His Excellency the Governor, on the eve of his departure, presented to the Convent Church of the Sisters of Mercy, a very beautiful souvenir in the shape of three stained-glass windows, than which, from an artistic point of view, nothing could be more admirable. We are informed that the original design was executed by Mrs. Weld.

ACCIDENT.—We have frequently drawn at-tention to the inconvenient and dangerous exit from Perth afforded by that steep declivity known as Mill Lane at the bottom of which, there is a stony drain, very distressing to carri-age springs and dangerous to travellers. Many are the accidents that have occurred at this spot, not the least serious of which happened a few days ago. Mr. Joseph Dyson, a baker, was driving his wife, an invalid, to visit her mother who resides under Mount Eliza, and the horse taking fright, bolted down the Lane. On reaching the bottom it stumbled, and the occupants of the vehicle were violently precipi-tated on the ground, the husband sustaining a compound fracture of his right arm-bone, and Mrs. Dyson being very severely shaken. Can nothing be done to improve this thoroughfare ? Perhaps the proprietor of the handsome pro-perty at the west side of the Lane could spare a small slice of it to the public, in which event,

the descent from Perth into the Fremantle

Road might be conducted down a gentle decli-vity, and many accidents thereby averted.

ENGLISH MAIL.—The P. & O. Co's. mail steamer Ceylon arrived at Albany from Point de Galle, on Sunday afternoon, being two days before contract time. The only passengers tor this colony were Sir Archibald P. Burt, Chief Justice, and Mr. Flindell. The mail cart reached Perth from Albany early on Wednes-day morning. The steamer with the colonial mails arrived at Albany yesterday morning, having on board Mr. Forrest and his party. The Georgette is expected to reach Fremantle on Monday morning.

MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS.—The various munici-palities of the colony elected their annual quota of representatives on Monday last. We gave the result of the election at Perth on Tuesday. At Fremantle the following officers were elected.—Mr. J. Thomas, Chairman; Messrs Higham, Davies, Harwood, councillors for West Ward; Messrs. B. C. Wood, J. Ches-ter, G. Pearse, for the North Ward; and Messrs. L. A. Manning, J. Snook, and Hicks for the South Ward. At Guildford, Mr. James Morrisson was re-elected as chairman, and the following councillors were appointed : — Messrs. W. B. Robins, S, I. Spurling, M. R. Meagher, N. E. Knight, J. B. S. Flindell, and C. H. Elliott. The auditors appointed were Messrs. Allpike and Chester ; and Mr. George Johnson was elected treasurer. At Bunbury, Mr. W. Spencer was re-elected chairman for the en-suing year, and the following councillors were duly elected for the same term :—Messrs. J. D. Gibbs, D. Hay, D. Costello, R. Delaporte, G. W. Floyd, and W. B. Mitchell.

SHIPWRECK.—Our Champion Bay correspon-dent in his letter published in our issue of Tuesday last says, " The Centaur is loaded with 200 tons of lead ore, and sails to-day (Dec. 2nd) for Melbourne." Last Wednesday evening intelligence reached Perth that the Centaur was wrecked, having struck on a reef, about 18 miles from Fremantle, exactly opposite Mr. Hamersley's station, four or five miles from shore. As it was known that the vessel had

passengers on board.—among others the Hon.

the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Mr. S.

Burt, M.L.C.,—considerable excitement pre-vailed in town, which was only allayed by the announcement that all lives were saved. This, happily, proved true, the state of the weather and the proximity of the shore enabling pas-sengers and crew to reach the land in safety. The vessel, it appears, experiencing contrary winds, was tacking, and run on a reef known as Little Island in broad daylight. The Cen-taur is an iron vessel, and belongs to the same owners as the Cleopatra, which, not many days ago, struck on the Abrolhos, and had to jettison a large quantity of her cargo, lead ore, with which, like the Centaur, she was


FATAL ACCIDENT.—A melancholy and fatal accident occurred at Guildford yesterday morn-ing. Miss Viveash, daughter of Mr. S. W. Viveash, late Resident Magistrate of the Swan, was driving in a trap, when the horse bolted the trap capsized, and the young lady was thrown violently against a wooden post, dis-locating her neck. Death was instantaneous.

ACCIDENT TO A NATIVE CONSTABLE.—On Wednesday the police were informed of the escape of a convict from the prison at Fre-mantle, and a native constable was engaged to track the fugitive. When the constable, who was on horseback, was coming out of the

prison gate, his horse bolted, and the black fellow was thrown with great violence to the ground, where he remained for some time be-fore any person was made aware of the accident. When discovered it was found that he had sustained serious injuries, and he was conveyed to hospital.

YET ANOTHER ACCIDENT.—"When sorrows come, they come not single spies, but in batta-lions." The same would seem to apply to ac-cidents. This column already contains the record of three or four, but our task is not yet completed. News reached his relatives and friends at Perth yesterday of the death by drowning at Shark's Bay of a young man named Jackaman, well known in this town, who some months ago went to the North West on a pearling cruise. Beyond the telegram of our Geraldton correspondent, and the current report that the deceased's boat was capsized, and that in swimming ashore his strength failed him and he sank, we have no further particulars to hand of the sad accident.

THE TRANSIT OF VENUS.—This long-talked of astronomical event duly took place on Wednesday last, as predicted. If, at the vari-ous stations selected for observing the phenomenon, the sky was as clear as that

overhead here, astronomers and savans will

have good reason to be joyful ; and if, us we have heard it mooted, it was the approach of Venus towards the sun that was responsible for the sickness which has been so prevalent of late, we are glad to think that the little darling has got t'other side of old Sol. May she keep there--until December 6th, 1882, at any rate.

Mr. John Forrest.--The Nubia, which arrived at Albany early yesterday morning brought as passengers, from the other colonies, Mr. John Forrest and his exploring party, and the telegraph wire was soon busily employed in flashing congratulatory messages to the gallant leader and his companions. We axe glad to note that active and energetic efforts are being made by the various committees appointed to make the necessary preparatititis for the party's reception on arrivaWin .Perth. The entry to the city, will probably take place on Monday, when, we trust, all the arrange-ments connected with the proposed demonstra-tion will be completed, and nothing be wanting to give due éclat to the' occasion. The publio banquet, it will be seen from advertisement, is fixed to take place on Wednesday, and the ball on the following evening. We believe also that preparations are making to eBoort Mr. Forrest from Fremantle to Perth. Many of his Perth friends will no doubt join the proces-sion. The thought of the dust, heat, and in-convenience of the journey by road, when per-formed by numerous vehicles and horses, might have suggested that it would have been better made by water, but in whatever way, we have no doubt it will be accomplished in a manner worthy of Western Australia and her young explorer.