Courier (Hobart, Tas. : 1840 - 1859), Wednesday 19 May 1847, page 2


New ZEALAND PINE.-The cargo of pine per Gipsy, sold on Monday by Messrs. Lowes and Macmichael, realized-For Courte, l#d. to 2d. per foot ; Karakatea, Id. and 1-16th per foot. The cargo realized nearly


AUCTION COMPANY.-We are informed that Mr. Maclean has sent a cheque to the Manager of the Auction Company for £931 us., being the amount of his pro rata shares, and has received from the Manager a legal acquittance from any further demands. This is a fair and honourable proceeding on both sides.

LITHOTOMY.-We understand the lateral operation was performed about a fortnight since by Mr. Crowther, in the presence of several medical men, and a calculus of considerable size extracted. The patient, a little boy of seven years^ has, we are happy to say, recovered without an unfavourable symptom. We believe this is one oí the first cases that ha*occurred iu private practice

in this colony. '

GOLD ORE.—We have been favoured, through the kindness of Captain Clinch, of the Flying Fish, with a specimen of gold ore, which he has obtained in a recent trip to Melbourne. The circumstances by which he obtained it were as follows :—A shepherd residing in the interior, paying a visit to Melbourne, brought a con-siderable quantity of the ore with him, and submitted it to the inspection of Mr. Forrester, formerly of this colony, who found it to contain 60 per cent. of pure gold, and from whom Captain Clinch obtained this specimen. The shepherd had refused to name the locality from whence he obtained it, and departed as soon as possible, leaving no clue to his whereabouts. Should a discovery take place of this rich metal in the Port Phillippian district, the advantages to the colonists will be innumerably increased, and it will indeed prove a source of the highest congratulation.

THE "PORT PHILLIP ARGUS."-In reply to our con-temporary's complaint with respect to our non-exchange of papers, we have only to observe that it is not cus-tomary to notice the establishment of new journals, except a copy has been sent to the journals of long standing. We have not received as yet a single copy of the " Argus," and consequently do not see any cause for

complaint, as far as regards the non-delivery of the

'. Courier."

CITY COMMISSIONERS.-We are obliged to postpone our notice of the City Commissioners' meetings of the 14th and 17th instant We shall, however, publish a report of their late proceedings, including some im-portant correspondence, in our next number.

¡ THE GUARDIAN.-The first number of a paper so

named made its appearance on Saturday last. Its pro-fessed object is the continuance of transportation to Ulis I colony with all its concomitant evil».


stone of this School was laid one 17th instant. We shall furnish full particulars in r next.

COMMISSARIAT.-Deputy»mmissary-General C. Palmer to be Commissary-Gen«. Assistant-Commis-sary-Generals J. E. Daniel, W.uomson, and J. Bland, to be Deputy-Commissary-General. Deputy-Assistant Commissary-Generals T.Turner, J. Campbell, J. Paty, G. Shepheard, R. Neill, W. H.Maturia, J. W. Bovell, R. Routh, M. Malasses, and P.Turner, to be Assistant

Commissary-Generals. Commi&ry Clerks F. S. Parker, T. Browne, F. W. Waldron, CfPotgieter, A. Moore, J. Coxworthy, J. H. Tubby, W. Wing, H. Bartlett, A. C. Crookshand, and H.Robinson^)be Deputy-Assistant Commissary-Generals.-Londotifasetle, Jan. 8.