South Australian Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1858 - 1889), Saturday 27 July 1878, page 4


Advertiser and chronicle offices. Friday evening, July 26.

WEEKLY EPITOME. Adtoiiter and Cknmde Offices, mday evening, July 38. GSHERU HBBOEUmiBB.

Badneasim tbe madrat Cor imputed goods baa nndagone no material altoabon, quietaieM senezaUyhaviaajbeaidie penailiiigfestmeof the week's opecations. Coruacks remain dull, with the quotation at Ba. 6d. Wootpada ara firmer, owing to the James Serrice, from Oal

cutta, with a. shipment for Port Adelaide, having been wrecked. They have been sold in trade lots at 3s. Bd. to 3s. 6d., and a few Luge parcels hare changed hands to arrive and on the t-pot at about these rates. Dried fruits are dulL Cement has been sold at higher rates. | Finesalt continues scarce. There is not much doing in teas. Two or three fair sales of galvanized iron are reported, but at rates withheld. Fencing wire is as last noted. Spirits on the whole are dull, but Henneasy's brandy in case continues scarce and wanted, llooth'a Old Tom in case has been sold to arrive at 15s. Malt liquors remain without change. A few parcels of O'Brien's Dagger stout were placed at Bs. 6d. A salt; of hams has taken place at Is. Id. One or two lines of D_ £. O. candles were quitted at about our quotations. Kerosine is dull in parcel at la. Sd. at Port store, bat a considerable sale has taken place to arrive at under that rate, delivery to be taken on the wharf. In sugars we note the arrival of the Francis and Hannah Nicholson, from Mauritius, with cargoes. That of the former was offered at auction on Thursday by Messrs. Townsend, Batting. & Co., when some 4,000 packages were disposed of, mostly white sorts, which realised from £34 ss. up to £35 12s. Od. Light counter brought £33 2s. 6d.; bright yellow crystal. £32 10s.; medium do., £31 155.; and browns, £34 10s. We have not heard what is to be done with the sugars ex Hannah Nicholson. Weekly Grain Rspobt. fj During the past week prices have remained almost stationary, and although to-day there are mor?> enquiries, mostly from millers who are running short of wheat, values can scarcely be said to have improved; ss. Id. would be paid for delivery at null doors for email lots to carry on with, but as there is little or none coming down the line, and as landing and delivery charges are fully Id. per bushel, our quotation remains virtually at ss. Flour has been sold at a price withheld for a partial cargo of sacks, half-sacks, and quarter-sacks for Natal, the remainder of the shipment being of wheat meal. Country flour has been fairly dealt in at £10 15a. to £1017s. 6d., and we quote town brands" at £U 10b. to £11 125.6 d. Bran is slightly better worth, and we hear of small sales at Is. Sd. New Zealand oats are 4s. lOd. to 55.; maize, 4s. 9d. to 4s. lid. CODWTKT COEK HABKBTB. The following Cjuotatbms an front the local papers and otheraources:— Aberdeen, Jnly 6-Wheat, 4a. «d. per bushel; flour. XUpertob. Auburn, Jnly 25—Wheat. 4s. 2d. to 4s. 3d per bushel; flour, £13 per ton. Bum. July 85.— Wheat. 4a. per bushel; flour, £11 per ton; £18s. per bag. j Caltowie, July 24.—Wheat, 4s. 2d. per bushel. Clare. Jnly 25.—Wheat, 4s. Id. per bushel; floor. £13 per con. Crystal Broak. July 18.—Wheat, 4a. SM. to 4s. 6|d. per bushel. Oawler. Jnlv 28. — Wheat. 4s. 6d. to 4s. 7d. per bushel; floor. £1115s. per ton. Qemgetowit ud Laura, July 18.—Wheat. 4s. 2d- to 4a. 3d- per bushel. Gladstone. July 23.-Wheat. 4s. Sd. to 4s. 3d. per busbd;flour.£l2los.per ton. Jamestown, Jnly 24.—Wheat. 4s. Id. par bushel. F^punda,Joly 25.—Wheat.4s. M.per bushel: flour.£l2 ss. per ton. Mount Gambler. July 23 —Wheat. 3.. 9*. to 4s. par bushel; floor. O2 10s. to £13 15s. July 22.-Wheat.4s. 9d. to 4s. lOd.par bnsbe*; floor. £13 per ton. Port Augusta, Jnly 11.—Wheat, 4s. 7d. per bushel. Fort Pine. July 25.—Wheat 4a. «d. to 4a. 7d. per bushel; floor, town, £11 15s. per ton ; country. £11. Strathalbyn, July 3.—Wheat, ss. to ss. Id. per bushel; flour, £13 10s. to £14 per ton. Tarcowie, July 15.—Wheat, 3«. KM. per bushel; flour. £11 10s. per ton ; £1 6*. per be j. The Jamesttncn Retina of July 25 says: — ** Ituyeta are ahowino; a greater disposition to operate, and prices for parcel* hare stiffened considerably. Tbe figures to-day are—Jamestown.4s. Id.; Caltowie, 4s. 2d.;" Pirie, 4s. 6M. to 4s. 7d. Sellers are inclined to ask a farther advance. Flour and chaff quiet. Quotations unaltered." Fabm ajo> Daibt Pbodcce. Wholesale, July 26.—Tne supply of fresh butter is in 4?——« of the demand. Rggs are rather more plentiful. Stocks of potatoes are light and prices firm. Wholesale buying prices are:—Butter.fresh, lOd. to lid.; salted, lOd.; cheese, old. Td-new, 6d.; bacon, Sd.; hams, 9*4 eggs. Is. 44. to Is. Bd.; lard. 7d.; gum 21a.; beeswax, la.: honey, 465.; obmms, colonial, none; imported, 23s^ potatoes, colonial, new, 10s. to 135.; Warmmbool. £6 55.; atacDonneU Bay, £6 to £6 55.; retail selling prices are—Butter, Is. 3d. to Is. 4d.; cheese, lOd. to Is.; bacon, lOd. to la.; hams. 15.t015.2d.; eggs,ls.6d.«bla. Bd.;lard,lou.; honey, 6d.; onions, 4d.; potatoes. Sd. per lb. 7s. per bag. Bat. City Hay Market, July ?.—Whe?ten hay, £4 15s. to £5; mixed, £4 10s.; Cape oaten. £4 10s.: wfld oaten, £8 10s. Fran, VKQffa?iJffl. *in> Gfhbbjll Pboducb. East-End Market. July SO.—A good supply and demand. VegeNhlca Artichokes. lftd. to 2d. per Ib.; beetmot, Is. to la. 6d per doarn; farocolL2i.to6s.per doiaa;cai>baget,ls. to 4s. per doaen; do. (Savoy). 3a. to 4s. per dosen; cabbage plants, 6d. to «d. per 100; capsicums, la. to Is. 3d. per lb.; cauliflowers. 3s. to 7s. per dosen; celery, la. to 6s. per dosen heads; chilies. Is. to Is. 3d. per lb.; horseradish. 6d. to 104. per lb.; garlic, 3d. to 4d. perlb.; leeks, 2?. to 4s. per doseo; lettuces, 6d. to la. per doaen ; marjoram. 6d_ to fid. per docen bunches; mint. 6d. to Bd. per dosen bunches; on inns, ISs. to 225. per ewt.; do. (green),6d. to Is. per dozen bundles; parsnips. Is. 6d. to 2s. 6d. per dos. bunches; peas, lOs. to ISs. per bushel: potatoes. 6s. to 7s. per ewt.; do. (new), 10s. to 12s. per ewt. ; do. (Warrnambool), 6s to 7a. per ewt.; radishes, 6d. to 9d. per dosen bunches; do. (turnip), fid. to9d. par docen bunches; rhubarb. 4s. to ss. oer docen lbs.; sage, fld. to Bd. per docan bunches: ahalota.3d.to4d. perlb.; thyme, 6d. per dozen bunches; tomatoes, la. to It. 3d. per dosea lbs.; trombones. 2s. to 6s. per dozen; turnips. Is. to Is. Od. per dosen bunches; vegetable marrows. 3s. to 6s. per dosen; watercress, 6d. per dozen bunches. Fruit—Almonds (hard shell), Id. to 3d. perlb.; do. (soft abell), 4d. to 6d. per lb.; do. (cracked). 7d.toBd.per Ib.; apples,2s. 3s. 6d. per bushel; Barcelona nnts, 7s. per dozen lbs.; cttrons, unsaleable; figs (dried), 7ftd. par lb.; lemons,6d. tola.6d. perdozen; median,3d. to 4d. per lb; oranges, 4d. to 2s. per docen; pears, 2s. wd. to ss. per bushel; shaddocks, nnnaieaHfi; walnuts. 7s. fld. per dosen lbs. Dairy Produce.— Bacon, lOd. to Is. per lb. ; butter (fresh), la. sd. to la. 6d. per lb.; cbeese* (English). Is. 6d. to la. od. per lb.; do. (colonial), Sd. to 9d- per Ib.; dairy pork. 7dL to fid. per Ib.; ducks. ss. per pair; eggs, Is. Bd. to Is. lOd. per doaen; fowls. 3s. 6d. to 4s. Cd. per pair ; geese. 6s. each; hams, la.per lb.; lard. Sd.per lb.; turkeys, 6s. to 12s. each. Miscellaneous—Beeswax, la. to la. 3d. per Ib.; colonial jam, 7d. per lb.; flowers, 2d. to Bd. per bunch; rabbits, Is. 6d. per pair; pigeons, la. 6d. per pair. and demand. Vegetables—Beetroottla.tols. 6<JL per dosen; cabbages, la. to 4s. per docen: do. (Savoy). 2s. to 3s. per docen; cabbage plants, la. per 100; carrots, la. 6d. to Ss. per doc. bunches; cauUflowera,ls6dto4s.pecdozea^oelery, 3s. 6d. to ss. per dozt>nheads;chilies. ls.Sd.per lb.; horseradish, Bd. per lb.; garlic, 4d. per lb.; leeks, Ss. to 3s. per dosen; lettuces. 9d. to Is. 6d. per docen ; marjoram, 6d. to Bd. per dosen bunches; mint, 6d. per dosen bunches ; onions, 20s. per ewt. ; do. (green), 6d. to 9d. per doz. bunches; parsnips, 2s. to 2s. 6d. per docen buncbes ; potatoes. 7a. per ewt.; do. (new), 10s. to lls. per ewt.; radishes, 6d. to Sd. per doses bunches; do. (turnip), Od. to Bd. per docen bunches; rhubarb, Ss. to 4s. per dozen lb.; ■ Bd. par dosen bunches: ehalots. 4d.perlb.; thyme,6d. to Bd. per docen bunches; trombones. 3s. to ss. per dozen; turnips, la. 3d. per docen bunches; vegetable marrows. 2s. to 4s. per docen; watorcrew. 61. per doxen bunches Fruit—Almond* (hard shell), 2d. per lb.: do. (soft ahell), 64. per lb.; do. (cracked), 7d. to Sd. par lb.; apples, 4s. per bushel; citrons, Ss. per doaen lbs; lemons. 9a. to Is. 6d. per dosen; oranges, 6d. to 2s. per doaen: pears, 3s. to Ss. per bushel; raisins (colonial), 7d. perlb. Dairy Produce— Bacon. lOd. per lb.; do. (green). Sd. per lb; batter (fresh). Is. 3d. to Is. 4d. per lb.; ebeese (English). Is. 6d. to lE.9d.perlb.;do.(colonisl), Bd. to lOd. perlb.; dairy pork, Sd. tofld. per Ib.;dnda,ss.per pair: eggs, ls.Bd. to la. lOd. perdozen; fowls, 2s. Od. to 4s. per pair; geese, Mes!£-Beef,4d.to7d.perlb.; do.(salt), 3d. to 6d.perlb.; calves'head, 2s. each; calves'feeti Is. per set; Lamb (fare-quarter), Is. 6d. each; do. (hind-quarter), 2s. «£ each ; Mutton, (forequarter), Ud. to Sd.; do.(faind^narter). 2M. to 3d. per ft.; sausages, 4d. per lb.; veal, «d. to 6d.per lb. Misnellaneon?-Beeswax, Is. to Is. 3d. perlb.; colonial jam, 7d. toSd. per Ib.; flowers, Bd. toOdLperbonch; honey,Bl to7d. per Ib.; rabbit?,b.6d. per pair; pigeons, Is. 4d. ! per pair; bares, Ss.6d. to 3s. each. '

HViimff MaBKET. Messrs. 8. Batoard&Oo. (sport, on July 36; aa follows:—« The business of the past week bas been chiefly confined to sales of cart stal

lions, heavy mares, and geldings. The fanner have not been in very great request, owing possibly to the quality not being tip-top, but for brood mares and geldings a large trade has been done at prices showing considerable advance on previous quotations. At a sale this day of imported bones on account of Messrs. Derham & Stephens, the noted importers of draught stock, we sold die following horses:—Geldings, £72. £71. £18, £11, £60, £50. £50, £S0; mares and fillies, £100, £89, £53, £48. £00; two-year old filly, £65 ; medium draughts, £35, £37 10s. The stallions Surprise and Conqueror passed the hammer. Independent of a great demand for cart stock there are«trong enquiries for the following descriptions:—Carriage and buggy pairs, cab, coach, and waggonette horses, hacks and thorough good Ringleharuess horses, for all of which we report a particularly firm market." Labor Mabkkt. Mr. W. R. Hunt reports on July 25 as follows: —** A great improvement exists in our labor market. A large number of shearers have been hired for sheds in the North, Nortb-But, Port Lincoln, and Darling districts, and mote are now wanted. The following have also bean engaged: — Knockabout bands, woolprassers, fleeceroUere, shearers' cooks, woolpickers, mirried boundary riders, station and farm couples, grooms and coachmen, baker, blacksmiths, bush carpenters, bulloekdrivers, ploughmen and general farm laborers, teamsters, hntkeepar, I market gardtnera, grabbers, youths ax groom* for I doctors, shepherd boys, ostler* and boots for hotels, and a few others. AUCTION BALKS. STATIOM PBOPKSTISSs. On Friday, July 26. Mr. J. H. Parr with Messrs. Listen, Shakes, & Co. held an important sale at 'White's Booms of station properties, freehold and leasehold, by order of the executors andexecutrixof the late John and Alfred HJallett. ! TheWinninie?an.situateaboutlOUmilesnorth- ' cast of Kooringa, containing about 385 square miles, held under lease for 21 yeans from Ist January. 1868, in ClaasC, and carrying 22,939 sheep, more or less, was sold with all improvements to Messrs. Horn &. Stirling, at £1 7s. 6d. per bead. The Mutoorjo Run, containing about 531 square miles— situate about 70 miles east of Winnuue. on tbe Barrier Bange, on the South Aostnliaa side of tbe boundary of this colony and New South Wales, and comprisad in three leases, numbered respectively 2289, commencing 30th Jane, 1873; 2386. 31st December. 1674; 2387, 3lst December, 1874; each for 21 rears in Class C: and a lease. No. 59. of Government Well No. 4. for 14 years, from Ist April, 1873, was purchased by Mr. B.Barr Smith, with the improvements, for £11 s*. per square mile, without sheep. The Wandillah Estate, a freehold property, containing about 14,146 acres, and situated about five miles north of Kooringa, was purchased by Mr. Edmund Bowman, at £3 la. per ana, with improvements, without sheep. Tbe Caroona Ban eomprinng tbe part of tan leases, and containing about 150 aqu?e mOes of good psstonl country, situate near KMringa and immediately north of Baldina. the teases expiring in 1881 and 1688, Class B. was sold with improvements at 14s. per bead for 23JK7 plmd, more or less. Mr.B. Ilarr Smith also parebaaed for another account, feaae No. 3214, daas C, Mntooroo, containing 107 aqoace miles, for £I^7o. stock asm lajtd. Mc«ars. F. W«* k Co. sold at Wilmington on Jnly I<S, for Mr. J. J. Swinden and others, at satisfactory prices, 150 store cattle, boms, working bullocks, sheep, and land. NEW SOUTH WALES CORN MARKET. Mr. J. Eridge, in his circular dated Sydney, uly 19. says:—•* Flour.—A coutinued downward tendency exists, and no bonnes* in being one. Prices—£lllos. to £12 for best brands? KFWSOCTH WALES PRODUCE MARKET. Mr. J. Bridge, in his circular dated Sydney, Jnly 19, say*-.—- Wool and SWpdrins.—Therr was ao sales held in Sydney this weak, bat the market is likely to remain very firm for some ime. I quote •Boured LSd. to 2ld. Tallow.— I antkapaie a firmer market for this commodity, MrrJculariy for shipping parods. I quote mutton, £33 to £54 lUs ;W. £28 to £32 per ton. Bidesaie«erydaU.beatbeavie«hetns;worth from 3Jd. to <|d.; medium weight,;jd. to 3M.; light «nd dry range from 2d. to 4d.; yearling and calfskins low. Leather.—l haresold a good deal this *eek at following price*.:—Sole, 7d. to 9d.; harness, U|d. to 16d.; kip. 13d. to 1M ; bridle, 10s. 6d. to 15a.; bag, Us. to 145.; calf, 16d.t028d.; bastls.4s.6J.toBs.6d." OALLB. East Moonta Minim Company ... ... ... £9 0 9 July SO. Gfcnelg and Sooth Coast Tramway Company ... 010 0 Aug. L. Adelaide. Uoley, and MitehaoiTrainwayComnany... 0 2 6 Aug.SS. KKPOBTS OF COLONIAL PBODUCB. Betom of all wheat, flour, and grain, the prodnee of South Australia, exported daring SU week ended Saturday, July 2?:— Port Adelaide— Wheat - 7,668 bushels. Hoar ... ._ ... 1,029 tons. Part Pine--Wbeat ... 5J507 buheb. Glanda— Wheat „ K^bnsheU. Ttrraxa. Wbeat _ U^SSboshek. Flour 1,045,; tons. STAPLE PBODCCB BXPOBXS. Betnm of staple prodnee of South Australia exported daring the week ended Batarday, July 30 :— Animalfi, living 6in number £120 0 0 Eiggs, 14 pkg«. 112 0 0 Fruit, fresh. 74 do. ... ... 37 0 0 Do- dried, 120 lbs 3 0 0 Grain and Flour— Wheat, 13,235 bash. ... 3.411 0 0 Flour. UMS,-, tons 15.373 0 0 Ores—Capper, 485 ton* ... 1,9*0 0 0 Skins and hides, 88 pkgs. ... 890 ? o Wine. 662 gaU 236 0 0 Unennmented, 40 pkgs. .„ 250 0 0 £19,401 0 0 CUSTOMS BETUBNB. Abttnct retam of Oustoaunoiipti far th« week ended July 30 :— Port Adelaide— Spirits £493 10 8 Tobaceoandcigara.^ _ 279 10 11 Misoelbuteous — Fixed duties ... ... 1,442 17 5 AdTaloramdo 1,268 10 0 Distillation Ucencea ... 60 0 0 Ontoorts — Port Caroline 33 10 8 PoHGlendg 534 11 8 Port MacDonneU ... ... 12c 19 U Port Babe 31 18 0 Pott Victor S 14 0 Adflaidnff*— "* ... ... 2^28 3 11 Total ... £SJS?t 7 2 WEEKLY BKTOEN OF BONDED GOODS Deliveries. | i w ta i Spirits, gala. viz. Brandy, in hoik 396 369 — 23,110 Do, incase...! 129 86 37S 13,«*t Bum — 131 15 UJ97B Geneva — 8B S 3.702 Gin, in bulk ... — — — 175 Do., in case... — — — Ll?7 Whisky, in bulk C 5 31 155 10,412 Do, incase — 40 — 8.836 Of Wine ... — — — U7S Cordials.. ... 99 SO — 3,344 Perfomed ... - 37 - 15? Unennmemted. — 100 — 823 Wine, balk, gU. 164 57 — 12,739 Do,qits,doz. — 86 — I^o7 Beer, porter, ale, andcider.gals. — — S£so IMB6 Do,qrta,doc 245 165 — LjSBS Tobacco, lbs — Mannfactared LjB42 42 12^576 Unmuiafact'd^ — — — 43U Cigars — 343 653 72,560 Bnnff — 4? — 1.717 Tea, lbs 21^64 — 195.154 Coffee, lbs. ...15,59c; 3^67 — 53^54 Sugar, cwt?. ... — 196 — 3,345 Drapery, value £ — £87 — 3^98 g. A. HO WELL. WaMbouaakeeper. naao?AnoN akd mniBAXHiK. Betpwof wanmnn inwards and ontwawfairt Fort Adelaide for the week ended Sasarday. JnlySO^-IHW«BOB.-Vale adnlbj.49; female •dolta, lSdgmab cfaildran. 3; inmalewhiMren.l?. Oanu?iw.-Male adolta. 65; femaleedalfaj, ai;mal e cfafldren,2;f{fnalechiMre flt 4.

SHARE LIST. BANKS. Company. I No. of f jPd.ap!aeUra.| Im*. IShares. H, | Sale*. I ££«.£«. £«. Adelaide 100,000 s*o — « 81 Australasia ' 30,<*?0*<)«0 0 — S4 v Commercial I «M?0 5 — — — E. 8. and A. Chartered1 *)S0 O — 86 I? g^-^^l; j 187,500 5 j 4 O - 6 « New Sooth Wales ... SoW?, — — — South AmtoalMO ... 20.000 ?'* O — 49 • Union I fiMttKS.S 0 — 61 « HlinKG —HOLD. Alma 8,000! 10 8 — — Do_newnaae ... - l-\ — — — Lady Alice ... ... 6,000 lj 1 0 — — Do.newiame ... «,000 Ii I 0 — — Do^Sndneviarae .. 12,000 10 18 — — 1 I | HIKING COPPER. j Hamtey ! ?,«W 12 5 0 — 710 Mooota iSiOOO — nil — 10 i Paramatta, ' 5,«? I 2 O lii — — Poooa 6,000 !5 2 17$ — — INSCHAWCC j Adelaide LUe l SojOOOl* 010 —io I* Adelaide Marine .. ; SV*? 53 13 -,I l" Equitable Fire ..J 600 St 0 - Il> Mercantile Marine ...I 60.000, 510 —I a • National Marine ...' 50.000W, 15 —jo* Anatolian ...I 60,00010; 10,- | 1 l« MaCBtXAnODS Adelaide Steam C0....UMM0 MH o| — 9 « Bmne bland Qoaao..! 10J999 SIS— 014 Goal lWWOjl'wlO; — ISJ Commercial Boot <V 6.000 —# 7J — — Comm. Wharf Own 4,000 1010 01 - — New lame 1,000 10 — 1 — — Coast Stem Co. ... 450 1010 0 i — — Bat-End Mario* ...! 8.000 5210 i — 4 0 EaroBteanaUpOs.... I IS^MU<3 — i — — Qteaebr?attunrCo.... 6,000 110— — HoUfxt?ay?lwy ...11<VM? 3 - ' — — Gleneh?Baan<r - 4.400 5 5 0 — IS a Do.neviaaue 4.4W 5 10'— 35 Lobetfaal W.iT. Co.| — — — — — MoontaGaaCo. ...! MM I 1 0 ! - — Port Adelaide Wharf.. *? 10 e0 , — U 2 Port Land i 4*o 10 HO A> — 90 « Port Dork SMK? 5 — 1 — — Port Pirie Wharf Ex*.) 600 1013 O| — — rort Ferry i ?*? 1 —j — — « A-C*rrria«jCo. . JOOOO I 1 I; - 18 Do 10/ MO * 0 U i' — t 4 B.AntralinOa ... llflOO S6 0| - tft Do^new I*ooo 6C 0 — « o SA. Jockey Ctafe ...j 4*5 10 - —| -WineaadetorttCa.... a^aoo — 1 0 -i 0W Ad. ic Sob. itaunmj-ilO/MO 5 « « —141 Hooth Coaat BI«T- ... 10,000 8 — — — St«untnar Comnnr .1 IOvOUO 5 4 0 — 4 4 fl P wn'i()«tfAaJot.lt9Wls «— — — i i ; ' DtVTDEXO OOKTAHIES. n?fctom« md?l«tJ?a?J, pail by tke te."! *?sr ;ai Burn. IC a. *.' ■ * Adelaide (new) ...0 • 0 Feb. 10, Unm.ftir. Do. (old! 0 4 OFeb.tO.lB7onU.Wfr AoainlaaU *10 OUcc. lt>. I<CTHf nir. Katiooal 0 5 8 Kar *, 1«? Hf ntr. Cbmd * I) O J«lr 6. 187h Bf .Jliy. Icsruvcx On. ' AdWdf. FnvatManse O 1 «Feb. 1, tVH Hf.ntr AddaideLde « I >A«f.l, 1577 Tearir.' BqoitaUe O I «'Feb. IS. 187?Hf .jAr Do. (ne?l 0 0 ?PA. IS.IVtBr.TTiT Ka?antaeManoe .. 0 S OFA 1, IB7v Hf-rlr Kational Marine . « 1 OFA. 4, l«5 SoaHi AnstEalian ... 0 a OFeb. lu.lShOf.jrfr. BamleV 0 S OJ«M?,|g7« Monnta 010 OApJ «,l«j77' Vatasutta 0 10 oS?ylJ,lt;.i W«lUmo 100 0 OM?rl'>. 1*"!' Lady Alice ... .02 « Aar 1«. I«7V Do. ;m «w) .. « 1 3A.ugW.IHTo1 KnK-EM.a>r.<n-?. CaoamereialWharf ... 0 5 OKavSS.UCC East-EndKacfcet .. 0 X «.Vu*l.l,— Ulenete Baihray . o l<? 0 M?y 10, IW-Hf yriy. Do. (on awl ... 0 3 OMarlo.lMVHf.nlr 8. Avtnlian Ooal .00 « Ktf 12,1-WHf rrlr 6 Amtnlun Uu ..0 5 OFeb. Ij.ltC~Hf.rrlT Do. (new ahara) .. 0 s « Feb. U. IWD Hf nir. Portland 10 OJoaeT. tsr-Ortir Port Wbarf 0 10 OJulr MWnlEir. Wine and Spirit ..At 0 War. SI.IST« Hf.nlr ! r 1 VEATHaS BUIXBTDT. Fftoai OaacavATioaa Banun at rmm Abcuxbs OMaiITDM AT t *Ji^ JCT.V 2S. tSS. } , tn.^ Wind. Rmj*. «**«• } I i.l 1 *. ti:iS? I 'as a, a3 fB!^-1. Part Darwin... «-9?«'«! B.E. T! s. alwp6pnnei-■ *}-oi*;m e.E. i « S. Perth.. _.' ._ ... ... 1 ... j .. ; 4. K. Oeoge'aS ~..!...' ... i 5. Buda 39T0 46 iff Calm. < 0 friH 6. Cape?orOa ... ?« iS6 ;46 '8.8.W. M «*♦ 7. y-i—~*- ... a*-7« ... 1... Hs.w. v oih c. trtriiwu _. ay-s* «b t? w.s.w n «-o? ?. Stoathalbrn ... *?-?« ... w 8. ? «ti 10. Ooofan ... St*-76 ...'... : K.W. iIH o-U U. Babe ?t? ...:... W.S.W 2? : O-U tt. Mt. Gaabier... ?51 ... 18 B.W. ! ? 04? 13. Podaad ... ?-41 «7 <2 : BJB.W.' 40 044 14. OapeOtwv ... 3?-41 « *.< K.W. .ss 0-22 15. Ibthxmx! ... 2?40«<5« N. : c O IS ICWiban'a rto- ! monttay ... 2S 33 « «1 WJC.W ? : 041 17. Gate Hand .„ ?« «AS KK.E. h : 0(M 16. Eden— _. ?iS «SO 6.W. jti IK Jerna?ar _. ?^5 as 57 jr. 40 ' "' ?. fi4«Ber - ?70 « M W.K.W 6 I. Kewaartto ... «C 73 7* ?> *"Jf.W 6 , . n. PtMaanurie... 2?Sa S8 M W. !«, SS. Bnabane m *MJ4 S.W. j._ j ~ H. DenOiqata ... 3*^7 6? SO K.W. 6 t IS. WVilf mth ... «i?<H 61 tt .. ' o ! o-iK 1. dear, Hue, vans; aeaamaota. *. (lear.onr. 5. Cloudy, One. 6. Heavy equalla; aea rough. 7. aoudV.diJl. «<. Hoe. tew cloud*. •. Fewdondi. 10. doudr, dull. 11. Dull, •howerj-. 12. Khoweiy. 13. Squally; aea ■Booth. K. CtMOtr. ttraateninff; aea auderate. IS. Tlut>>Uniii«. 11. Olaoinr; «ea«aaatb. is. Tlm«ti-amg: Msamootb. IX. Onr.ltof; «ea amoodi. 90. CHoumy ; sea tmooth. 21. Clear, One ; •eaemo.jth. St. Oloomr; «ua nmooth. *i. rogeT. 2«. Clear, fine. 25. awwery. Ben>*p?iore.Jnly 2S. ?p.m.-Wial K.W^daadr: a«a «UaJt- Hjgh w«l«*. I 0.«? ?ju. J«l r ?«. • am.-Wiad. 8.W., doudy; •« rough. I«nrv«t«r before dayUght. Braortn. Kea?y run* over the northern agriealiml Ana*, and general over ooliiny, with thuoientaraki. The Uumneter shorn* f?«at atawMphene diirfialiaai a. hannf riapn neailv 4-loth* of an inch at Bnda, and fallen «-10tks at an aaeh at Wilno'i Pnawactarr b?™? a gradient from w«t to «aat. laSoaJh Anatnlia. wet of the Uumy. tt atanb taa aaau M-ariy a. j«t«day Urt to tte«aa<>rw« asd in Vietoria.aa*dl aa i?l«ad at Dadig?ia. it frilf_ the dip being greatmt about Me?tawrne. where~|l lum fallen nearly half an in*. *-'—■*-*-ir rnia ililil up to BUaautn, bat very light, and the airy v e«er> eaat and weather nuas ar lew thrnaTnnini aa far north aa Charlotte Water*, with otnag B.W. cde. Theoce to Port Darwin ttne: wind, g\E. atTuM B.W. t« WJf.W. gale on aouth eeaat, raaad to J«r*« lWy. an cast eoaat, where the wiad i* hea\ 7 fram north. f!l?W?Mmm.ft?—m^ t j. MErBOBOLOGICA[.-Ji;LV 20-48. fitatwamt, of the atmospheric pnaMte. teaspet*. tore, rainfall, and Mate of the weather tagjatamd at the Adelaide Olwemtory daihaf the bat aevea can at the boon utdicated :— Pate, i 8- L* M>tMfaM*:-l' B*£i w^->i^. ! japM^Uxppnjllmiaani ?•««■ ! I ioaa.i«b4. t "" "~" Sa. aoSS^ltie-S 67*5 49 4bt?s K.W,h\.eUrnne. 8. eiW^Ol*** 64 4 48 5 - N.amLo^kthr. M. 2T29-75124 -tl 64*4 «7 oio^MO McK.aud.clr.te. Tw.. a«t?,llS7 W«^ M« — BTa£,h.el«r.WTau W. Mwreits*' ««« Ms|o«i? B TJ[.w.b^,g aL Tk. 25WHlltt« «!■«: S4«kr«A CbaaV.£e, Lat. F. tasytajijaT? 6«-«i «?-ifre?a WjAat^aawy. Men.—thelii iiaiteriaeoireetea aad gaoaaat to «• Fahreaheit. —-- ?—■ ■- ■'■- — * -ifcrfj v, for the 24 hownpceeeaWue toao at wajas?attam. Tbe Mwo??«a^eoha?are?VtaatatheegaaMaaia<Hha watfaeratthetaae«febaer«atiaaaahj.