Courier (Hobart, Tas. : 1840 - 1859), Wednesday 2 June 1852, page 2



Muy »-Arrived the bris Emma, 139 toni, Browne, from Sydney I7tli ultimo. With general cargo. Cabin Mi« toiler, Air. and Al ra. Cook and female leriant, Miu Sulivan, Kin. Charon and three children, Mr. Kadish ; 12 in the «tarage ; . female child bom on lb«


29-Arrived tbt schooner Moscheto, 86 toni, Nichol ?on, from-Victoria, in ballast.

29- Arrived iha schooner Pilot, 90 toni, Shepherd, ' from Victoria !9th ultimo, with tall beef. 'Cabin-Messrs.

Brown, Sargeant, and Col Iyer ; six in the steerage.

29- Arrived the schooner'Eucalyptus, 194 tom, Smith,, from Victorin 22nd ultimo, with 46 head cattle. Cabin, Airs Smith, Mils M. Smith, Min A. Smith, Mn. John ion ; 4 in the steerage. . .

31 - Sailed the schooner Swordfish, 196 tons, Clinch, from Melbourne 24th ult., with 39 head cattle. Cabin, Messrs. Brown, Trundle, Berkeley, Miss Connor, Mrs. Hedges; 30 in the steerage.

30- Arrived the brig Dart, 134 toni, Sansom, from ' Geelong 24th ultimo, with general cargo. Cabin-Mr Tlios. llounan ; 5 in the steerage.

June I-Arrived the schooner Free Trader, 143 tons, Adams, from Port Phillip 25th May, with slicep-skim. 'Cabin-Messrs Chamberlain, Axford and English.

1- Arrived the colonial whaling brig Johanna, 241 ?tons, Chamberlain, from the South Sens, with 30 tuns sperm oil.' Spoke the Aladdin on 1st May, nilli 42

tuns of oil.

1-Arrived the brig Cosmopolite, 145 tons, Marr, from fort Albert 29lh ult., «Uli 63 he-id cattle, 140 sheep. .,' .

1 - Arrived the schooner Flying Squirrel, 87 tons, May-bee, from Victoria 19th May, with sheep-skins and hides. Cabin-James Franklin, Geo. Hooper, Charles Clarke, James Vygors; 3 in the steerage.

I-Arrived the barque William Melville, 220 tons, lluymond, from Victoria 24th May, in bal hit. Four

passengers in the steerage.

I -Arrived illa brig Melbourne, 150 tons, Johnson, from Victoria May 26, with 34 head cattle. Cabin Messrs. Boyes, Blackman, Stainfoilb, Millerjun, Mrs.


May 28- Sailed the schooner Ann Lloyd, 30 tons, Lloyd, Tor Melbourne, in ballast.

28-S died the ship President, 554 tons. Thomas, for Melbourne, willi sundries. Passengers in last Courier.

29-Sailed the schooner Triad, 74 tons, Hutchinson, for Victoria, with sundries.

30-Sailed the schooner Gold-seeker, 166 tons, G rant, fur Melbourne. Passengers-Doctors Paul & Bynoe, Messrs. A. King, Lascelles, Buckler, Brown, Hodgson, 1). Bush, A. Kerr, ltobertson, Smiles, Harris Mrs. Bell ; 47 in steerage.

A barque, supposed lobe the Thalia, from Victoria* ?wai signalized yesterday forenoon.


Per Pilot, from Melbourne-28 tierces beef, 3 cases

starch, Urder.

'Per Dart, from Geelong-8000 feet timber, 533 hides, 38 bales 46 bundles sheepskin!, 67 hides, Order.


Per Gold-seeker, for Melbourne-Transhipped from Turenne 335 bags sugar, O. Tondeur; cargo shipped 10 hhdsrum,9 i tierces tobacco, 40 cases geneva, 62 casks resin, 10 bags potatoes, i8dooats, 1 case boots, 49 doten buckets, 25 nests tubs, 3 cases couee,*30 dozen brooms, 155 deals. 7 casks oil, 4000 shingles, 100011 timber, 4 ton coals, 14 horses, 2 carts and drays, 2 cases a carriage, G. Wilson ; 40 cases geneva, W. ltobertson ; I case boots, 6 casks potatoes, 2 do onions, C. Ward; 2 cases drapery, 1 bale rugs, J. Guthrie ; 70 boxes onions. Miming Brothers; I cask hollow-ware, 1 do combs, &c-,\V. Cohen; 14 boxes onions, 19 boxes 13 casks apples and pears, T. Giblin ; 1 case congreves, 1 bale clothing, 1 case firearms, 1 do slops, J. Solomon; 4 bales canvas, C. M. Maxwell ; 2 cases boots, Sargeant.


May 27-Arrived the brig Louis and Miriam, 127 ton», Griffiths, fiom Sydney. Passengers-Mr. J. Peters, Mrs. Peter«, .Muster Peters, Mr. Uohinson.

27-Arrived (be schooner Jane and Elizihcih, 22 ton«, Boskell, from Geelong, via the River Foi iii.

27- Arrived the barque Helen S. Page, 226 tons, Coffey, from Melbourne. Passengers-Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Connelly ; and twelve in the steerage.

28-Arrived the barque Favour i le, 198 tons» Murtimer, tfrom Melbourne. Passengers-.Messrs Mortimer; J. Heath, E Mee«, T. Wilkins, Boothmum Williams, Anderson, sJuhnsoii, Mr. and Mrs. Page

t nd child.

29-Anived the se'noucr Tamar, 109 tons, Black-

lock, from Circnlar Head. I

29-Arrived the tchooner Sea Wi<«u, 216 tons, Pryde,f'orh Melbourne. Passengers-Mr. and Mrs. WV O'Ktefe, Mr. I.ongrcchaie, Mr. and Mrs, Pirt lind three children, Miss Pearce, Mr. W. Smith ; and twenty in the steerage.

May 28- Sailed the barquo Launceston, 327 ton«, Thom, for Melbourne. Passengers - Mr. Peter Cunningham, Miss Coulson, Messrs. Henry Clajton, J. Wilson, J. M'Neal, Edward Ilaipur, William Harpur, Mr. and Mrs. Shanklin, Mr. C. Shanklin, Air. Laurence Shanklin, Miss Shanklin, Miss E. Cullen, Miss L. Cullen, Mrs. A. Cullen, Mrs Alcock, Min Hunt, Messrs. Wm. Field, David Uieliardsou ;

.nd thirty in the iteerage.

CAPTAIN OGILVIE-The following well-deserved expression of esteem by the passengers per Flying Fish was accompanied by the presentation of a handsome

Silver Snuff-box : -

" Flying Fish," Geelong, 17th May

DEAR Sir,-We, the cabin passengers of the schooner Flying Fish, at this the close of our voyage, »beg your acceptance of the accompanying Testimonial as a mark of our esteem, and a return for your kind and courteous behaviour to us while on board, to which we beg to add our best wishes for the prosperity of yourself and family.

We remain, Dear Sir,

Yours most faithfully, 'John Brown M. Cook

J. T. Carver J. E. Calder J. H. Lazarus James Sadler

C. Sadler John Thomson J. Blackwell Rose Carver

Jas A. Thomson Geo. Shadwick Captain Ogilvie,

Schooner Flying Fish.

"Flying Fish," I8th May, 1852. Captain Ogilvie,

SIR,-We cannot leave your vessel without con-veying to you our thanks for your kind and liberal treatment to us while on board, which we beg now to do, and also to wish you success and health in your present and future undertakings.

We are, Sir,

Yours respectfully, Alex. McKay Wm. Horton

John Charlesworth Joseph Horton Joseph Wright John Horton

Joseph Fluerty Samuel Downs

Richard Schofield John Wholaghan

John Schofield Geo. Peach Samuel Miller W.Lucas

Robert Henshaw Geo. Seal

James Cacheyne Richard Giles

Samuel Boost Thomas Bennett J. Edmonds Patrick Nowlan D. Eustiss Joseph Hogg

William Scott James Cotton. Geo. Hislap

The steamer City of Melbourne entered the Heads Ibis morning., The Waratah bas not been signalled.-« 'Examiner, May 29.

TU Waroto*.-The brig William Hill has reported -that the Waratah «at seen going into Melbourne on Sunday last.- Chronicle, May '.'0.

H.M. brigantina Pandora arrived on Wednesday -aQernoon from Kalpara, having completed her turvey of that harbour as far wai possible for a sailing «easel to do. 'Ona of her officers, Mr. Oakes, and a boat's crew bave remained to complete the survey of thetOtaurnatu river. The Pandora sailed from her anchorage at Kaipaia on Saturday «vening, and a fier beating with but a light wind against the tetiing-in tide, the cleared the Lu rica te navigation of the channel ?«s night let in.-New Zeafander, May I.

English Shipping. -TUa Anna Mary and Duculion, -from Sydney,, arrived at Gravesend on the I Gili January. The Italpb Thompson, from Sydney, and Auriga, from Hobart Town, arrited at Gravesend on lite 18 th January. - Tua Phoenician arrived at Ply mouth on the 3rd, and .the May Queen, at Gravesend, on lb« 8th February, from Sydney. The Salacia, from Liverpool, and Mary Bannatyne,from Plymouth, «cr« lo tail about 10th February fur Sydney. The Carolina Agnes, for Adelaide, tailed from Plymouth 18th January. The Waterlily tailed from Liverpool .n the 10th, and the Swift, from Guernsey, on the 11th January, for Adelaide. The Achilles and Euphrates, for Sydney, Success, for Geelong, Jane Catherine, for Hobart Town, Duke of Cornwall, for Adelaide, and Merope, for Swan River, tailed from Otal 18th January. Tha Anglw, for Adelaide, tailed

on tha 18th, and Inchhiiian, for New Zealand, on the 14th January, from Gravesend. The Calphuruia, for Port Phillip, tailed on 21 it January from Gravesend. The Surge, for Adelaide, left Gravesend on 25th January. The. Colombus, .for Hobart Town, sailed fiom Deal 5th' February. Ttie Diana, for Fort Phillip, left Torbay on 6th February. The Glen Huntley for Adelaide put back to Portsmouth on 6th February. The Clarence ateamef lind not tailed from Liverpool 'for Sydney up to the 27th January. The following thipt ara laid on for the -colonie»:-For Sydney: Asialie, 954, Ferffuioii, lal j Mary Ann, 600. Drake, 5lh ; Petrel, 1400, Taylor, ( Liver-pool), and Phoenician, 521, Sproal, Killi March; Fleetwood and Francas with despatch. For Port Phillip and Sydney t Surrey, 1000, from Bristol in February. For Melbourne: Duilius, 329, Maxton, Killi ; Fortitude-, 640, Heyward, ICtli ; Mariner, 683. Harland, 31st; and Chowinghec, S93, Brown, 23rd<Ftbruary ; Monarch,551, Duncannon ; Mermnid, 600, Anderson; Cheapside, 621, Lewis; Ayrshire, 751, Dewar; Collector, Clunslow-with despatch: Mount Stuart Elphinstone, 780, Louey, lOtb ; and Tilomas Lowry, 900, Fletcher, 25th March ; Falcon, ' 1000, Jameson, from Liverpool, 20th April. For Gee-

long: London, r¡llmun,20th February. For Adelaide: Barbara Gordon, 500, Lilley, loth ; and Chatham, 529, (willi emigrants), ou 28lh February; Ed«ard, Whitei, to sail Irom Swansea in March ; Itoyul Shepherdess, 406, Bell; Henry Tanner, 388, Light-foot; and Dreadnought, 500. Lourie-with despatch. For Adelaide and ¿'ort Phillip : Orpheus, 700, Petrie, 26th February; Bengal Merchant, 850, to s.til from Plymouth I Sill March; Mary Harrison, 1000, Mackintosh, willi despatch. For Hobart Town : Sylph, 344, 'thompson. For Launceston: Lady Bute, 341, M'Kenly; and Ralph Thompson, 385, Atkinson, with despatch. Fur Porlluml Bay : Emma Eugen in, 366, 3rd March. For Swan Uiver: Knleigh, 401, Vnluln, and Eglegton,426, Lorh), willi despatch. ', For New Zealand : 1'crsia, 800, liruadfoot, 10th, and Creswell, BOO, William«, 15th February; Stately, SOO, G ¡oder, in March ; Sir Edward Paget, 800, Harelay, April. For Moleton Bay : Maria Somes, 786, with emigrants, 25th February.

The Thames Police Magistrate pul one of the pro-visions of the Mercantile Muline Act in force, for the first time, last Saturday- William Seaborne shipped at New York in the Ellen Simpson under a false name, with the object, apparently, of avoiding the discovery lint he had deserted fiom another ship. The new law nuise« a penalty of £5 for tho offence, to be paid to the Board of Trade from wages due to the seamen. Mr. Ingram inflicted the fine.- Speclutor.

The schooner Eclair, Captain Uigby, which sailed hence for Port Phillip on the 6th instant, returned to port on Wednesday last. She encountered very heavy weather, shipping seas incessantly, and lost her jib boom, mninsail, &c. The weather continued sobad it wns thought prudent, rather than attempt to continue the voyage, lo bear up for Auckland. Her cargo is lo be transhipped to the Glencoe, laid on for Melbourne, and she ii to proceed to Taranaki and Wellington.-A'etp Zailander, April 24.

Freights from Loudon to Sydney.-A. case of some interest was unusually taken into I bo Sheriff's Court on the 16th instant, and reported in the Daily Kens of the 20th. Messrs. Hay, Glaisler, and Co. brought au action against J. B. Towsc lu recover n sum of money for breach of contract. In September last, the plaintiffs agreed with the brokers of defendant, F. Green & Co., to ship 50 tons of goods to Sydney, at ii certain piicc per tan, by tho lloyal Stuart. After the contract was made, the news arrived from Australia of the gold mania, which considerably advanced the freightage of goods to Sydney, and the defendant, after some negotiation, refused lo ship the whole of the goods at the rate agreed, and the vessel eventually left upwards of 20 lons of jdaiutiftV goods behind out of the 50 tons. The plaintiff* bad to pity a higher rate of freightage than agreed on, and the action was brought lo lecovcr the difference. The Judge stated he entertained no doubt of plaintiff-/ right to recover, and awarded ihcm the amount claimed, with costs. Economist, January 24

Hie Melbourne Trade. - Notice was given that no gooda would be received hy the Australasian Steam Navigation Company fur shipment to Melbourne by the Waratah until nine o'clock yesterday morning. On Monday afternoon drays began to arme at the wharf, and hy nine o'clock in the evening there were nearly forty drays closely covered with tarpaulins, and ready for a night's rain. By four o'clock yesterday morning some of the e.iily birds were moving down to the whaif, determined to be in time; but when they arrived they found that iii ey were too late, and wo believe that enough goods were waiting for delivery the night before to load the vessel. Ibis will give some idea of the anxiety which exists to stock the Melbourne market before the arrival of the numerous

ships which would leave England for Port Phillip in February and March.-Sydney Herald, May l8.

After the Water Police clearing boat had left the ship Johnstone, from Sydney for London, one of the seamen, named James Thompson, who had just been released from gaol, where he hid served a short term of imprison-ment for insubordination, jumped overboard and swam towards a small ketch which was leaving the Heads. The alarm was given, and Mr. Inspector Birrel pulled back, and secured the man just as he was about to board the ketch. Upon being taken back to the Johnstone he acted so violently that Captain Harrison, who, we are informed, had been struck by him before he jumped overboard, thought it the better course to let him go, and on his being brought to the Water Police office he

was discharged.

The Galvanic Battery applied to the Screw.- The

Lords of the Admiralty, Sir F. Baring, Admiral Dundas, Captain Mile, Captain Hamilton,Colonel Greene, Ad-miral Berkely, Mr. Cowper, &c., arrived at the dock yard at II o'clock, and, arcomponicd by the Admiral'! superintendent, Captain Mould, K. J3., Mr. Fincham, Mr, Murray, and Mr. Lambert, proceeded to the chymical department to inspect the model invented by Mr. Hay (lor auxiliary screw vessels) to supersede steam. As the' motive power (the galvanic battery) ii to supply the place of the boiler, the machinery will be very much less cumbersome, orcupy very much less space, und be much less complicated than the ordinary steam engine; great space will be obtained l'or pro-visions, &c, now occupied by the coal bunkers, steam funnel, and cosing, &c. Their lordships felt very much

interested, and remained a considerable time inspecting j

the arrangement!, and paid much attention to the obser valions made by Air. liny, who merely asked their lord-ships' permission Tor trifling alterations to be made in the fly-wheel and beam, mid stated that nothing more would be north while doing until the economical battery he had nt present under .trial bad succeeded; that all battery arrangements brought under his notice had been carefully tested Tor this purpose, und any others pro-posed he would willingly submit to the test to ascertain their value as applied to give motive power, which would be attended with very little cost by his power-testing mucliine. lu the battery this morning used, the chief consumption «as in the seuwater infused as ona of the elements of the battery arrangements. They next In-spected the regulating and temporary galvanic protectors far ship's copper, which, although upon the principle of the late Sir H. Davy, by certain improved modifications get rid of the most formidable difficulty that occurred in the use of protectors-the fouling of the ship's sheathing, which on Mr. Hay's modification is avoided* Some ex-periments illustrutive ol' the decay in copper sheutbing were exhibited lo their lordships.- Times.

'I'lie Salopian ami the Triton from Launceston, and .the Spy. from Hobart Town, arrived at Melbourne on ?the 20th tilt. The Timbo hence arrived on the 22ud.

'the City of Melbourne, the Go-it-head, and the Ariel from Launceston, and the Emma Prescott hence, ar-

rived on the 25th. ?

The Fairlie, for Hobart Town, Is reported by a Port Phillip journal to huve cleared out at London for this port on the Itiih January.

The Madras Spectator publishes a report of a case tried in the Madras Small Cause Court, before Sir W. Bur-ton, which has. we should think, settled the question ns to the legality of the sport common -on board ships in crossing the line. A passenger on board the True Briton brought an action ugainsuhe Captain for assault, on the plea that be had been lathered and ducked by the sailors, and the Captain refused to assist him. The Judge gave a decision for the plaintiff willi Us. 100 damages. In another case of the same nature, damages were given against the commander for this tomfoolery to the extent of 300 Its-S. A. Register.

Australian Woods for Ship-building Purposes. - The Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury having been pleased by their order of the 29th ultimo to autho-rise the admission of stringy bark wood, and red and blue gum wood, imported for the purposes of ship-building, the collectors and comptroller! and other principal officers of the Customs at the several ports throughout the United Kingdom, as well ai at the port of London, have received a notification of the same, with directions to govern themselves in future accord Ingly- Morning .Advertiser, January 3.

'Hie Hunter uiver Steam Navigation Company have purchased the hull of the Argyle for the sum of ¿t'450, and intend mooring her in the bay as a coal depot, anil to prevent delay the sieamers Waratah und -Shamrock .re 40 discbarge cargo into lier, so that henceforth neither of the steamers alluded to will come up lo the Queen's Wharf.-Melbourne paper.

The whaling barque Pet, of this port, is reported at Howe's Island on the 4th April, three months out, with 500 barrels sperm.

The Halcyon and ' the Sen Belle, from Launceston, arrived at Melbourne on the 26th ult. The steamer Waratah and the Will-o'-the-WUp were to tail for Launceston on that da/. The Go-a-Head was to leave

for Hobart Town on the lit In«. Hw Helen, from Launceston, arrived at Geelong on the 25th ultimo.

The Wuratah experienced a beaty gale of wind on Friday evening, and proved herself in every respect n first-rate sea.boat. The Conside left Sydney previous lo the Waratah, and may be hourly expected. U.M.8. Calliope cleared the Port Phillip Heads al the Waratah was entering. The first vessel from Eng. land for some lime past arrived nu Saturday, via. the Diana, from London, commanded by Capt. H. Luke, Jaie of the Thomas Lowry. She experienced much rough and contrary weather, both at the commence-ment and termination of lier voyage, whieh rattler tended to lengthen it, but on the whole it proved very fair aud comfortable- Melbourne Argus, i?5ih May.

It is probable we may hear of some accidents in the Straits in the course of a few da>s, the weather on Friday being boisterous beyond description. The Swan and Mercury brigs were compelled to return inside the Heads for safety, where several oihere were still lying ; the Minerva, schooner, anchored outside, about three miles to the westward of Point Lonsdulc, on Friday evening, and although she rode out the night willi two anchois down, still remained in a vety piecuiious posi-tion on Saturday morning, being on a Ice shore.-AfW

bourne Herald. USlh May.

Stormy.-The Colina, when nearly abreast of Port-land Ha), was driven back lo Kangaroo Island by the seventy of the gale she esperieiiced. The captain states lie never saw so high a sea running as during the gale.-Portland Guardian.



(From the South African Advertiser, February 28.)

AN attack on the slave-traders of LOROS wai made on the 25th ol' November last by the combined erena of a squadron of cruisers, which included the officers- seamen, and marines of the Philomel, 8, Communier Forties; the Harlequin, 12, Commander Wilmot; the Volcano, steam-vessel, Commander Coote; the Niger, 14.screw sloop, Commander Heath ; and the Waterwitch, 8, Commander Gardner ; the force consisted of 23 boats, with 260 officers mid m'en, under the command of the senior officer, Commander F. G. Forbes, of the


The King of Lasos, Corgloco by name, had forbidden the men-of-war boats coming from up the river io Lagos ; but previously Mr. Beecrolt, the consul at Fernando Po, nilli the commanders of the Harlequin and Water-witch, and Lieutenant Patey, the coininuniler of the Bloodhound stcam-iehder, had beeu received by the King with every demonstration of respect. They, how-ever, failed in their object to engage the King to promise, on the part of himself and subjects, not lo favour the slave trade. Mr. Beecroft determined on seeking another interview willi the King, and in order to show his sable Majesty the hopelessness of any suc-cessful persistence in carrying on the inhuman trudle, arranged that the armed boats of the squadron should accompany him up the river under a flag of truce.

Accordingly, a course over the bar having been sur-veyed, I ho Bloodhound steamer, with a white flag, and the following boats of the squadron, Air. Beecroft in Commander Wilmot'« gig sturting 100 yards n-heud, proceeded at daylight of the 25th of November towards

the river:

Philomel.-Commander Forbes in the whale-boat j Lieutenant Williams in the pinnace, with 12-pouuder

cannonade, mid with cutter and whaleboat.

Harlequin.-Commander Wilmot in the gig; Lieu-tenant Uoughtey in the pinnace, with cutter and two


Volcano.-Commander Coote in whaleboat; Lieu-tenant Beeves ¡npaddlebox-bout; Lieutenant Uobinson in paddlebox.boat, with cutter.

Niger.-Commander Heath in the gig ; Lieutenant Dunn in tile pinnace, willi three cutters and whale-


Waterwitch.-Commander Gardner in whaleboat, Lieutenant Graham in pinnace, with cutter and whale-


As the force crossed the bar, and about four miles distant from the point, a heavy fire of musketry was directed towards it- No notice, however, was taken of this ineffectual show of opposition to the progress of the boats, mid thefligs of truce were kept flying. When within about a mile mid a half of the town the Blood-hound grounded ; and, us she could not be got off, the boats lormcd line mid proceeded up the river, and kept on, with the flag of truce flying, until they received a heavy fire from Some guns and musketry on shore. The fire was harmless on account of tile distance; but now the boats opened their fire willi sharpucll shells mid round shot, the Niger al the sume lime throwing a shell or two on the point near the mouth of the river. After exchanging a continuous fire for nearly an hour with n beach lined for more than u milo with bodies of men, the boat dashed at the shore and effected a landing simul-taneously at one spot, and then, leaving a sufficient guard al the boals, about 160 officers and men fought their way into the town. They were met, however, with most determined resistance on the part of the natives, who disputed every inch of the narrow streets intersecting each other, and when beaten out of one street run round by the back ways and showed front again at the end of the other streets. After some gal. laut fighting in this way against an increasing enemy, who amounted to at least 5000, and having two officers killed and six men wounded, Captain Forbes fired the houses in the neighbourhood, und retreated in good order, and having re-embarked proceeded to the Blood-hound, got her ufloat the same night, and the next morning re-crossed the bar ; the force having sustained the following loss, comparatively small when the number of the enemy is taken into account, and when ii is considered that, in addition to their force of half-a dozen large guns, and as many swivels, which were constantly served, iilmoit every bouse was a forti-

fication :

Killed.-Mr. Dyer, mate of Niger; Mr. Hall, mate

of ditto.

Wounded_Charles Hancock, sergeant, U. M. A., of the Niger, seriously ; John Gouldlng, gunner, U.M.A., of the Niger, dangerously ; Urbane Collett, bombardier, It.M.A , of the Niger, severely; William Hall, sea-man, of the Niger, severely t John M'Curly, seamen, of the Niger, severely ; Richard Gomctt, seaman, of the Niger, severely: J. Todhuuter, A.B., of the Niger, severely; nquartermaster of the Philomel) two men of the Volcano, severely. In addition to the above, others received hurts from spent balls.

The Niger look the Hounded to Sierra Leone, and proceeded iii search of the Commodore, and it was un der stood that Commodore Bruce had proceeded to Lagos to organise such a force tit would compel the King of Lagot to submission ; the Harlequin in the meantime, by her presence off the coast, preventing the King of Lagos from forming any new expedition against the missionary establishment at Budagry.


Tu« Thomas King barque, Captain J. H. Walker, suiled from Sjdney, bound for Manila, on the 7lh April last. On the I7ib Captain Walker consi deied himself to be about 17 miles to the eastward of Cato's reef, which lays about 180 miles to the north-ward of Sandy Point, bulas the wind was veering from E. loE.S.E. willi dark hazy weather, the ship was kept under easy sail; at half-past 3 a.m. while the second mate was walking the quarter deck and the captain reading in his cabin, the vessel struck ; the helm was immediately put down and the yards braced round for the purpose of canting her off, but without effect, and tshe came with her port broadside on to the reef, heeling over with the heavy sea breaking on board, which in a few moments carried away the port quarter boat. Captain Walker finding it impossible to get her off, ordered the other boats to be cleared away; two hands then got into the gig, but in lowering the sea swept it away, together with the men in her; the long boat, after great difficulty, was then hoisted out, and with three hands was dropped astern by a hawser, for fear the vessel should go to pieces. At this time Mr. Orton, the mate,1 on getting on tho weather rail, observed that the ship's bottom bad parted ; the mnsts were then cut away and she righted a little. The crew then endeavoured to haul up ihe longboat (astbedeckt were breaking up and the sea making a clean wash fore and aft through tho hold), but unfortunately the heavy surf filled her, and her bows coming out the three men were left adrift, but eventually reached the reef, (where they found the two men who had been washed away in the gig), where they had to remain till day*

light with the tea breaking over them, the remaining' | crew on hoard being huddled together ou the quarter gallery. In the morning the men on the reef having lound the boat which bud'been washed away, lying bottom up, they lucceeded in righting her and launch, ing lier into deep water on the inside of the reef, but bating no oars the captain and carpenter twam ashore willi one apiece from the wreck, and having gained the boat, which had been blown adrift, succeeded in reach-ing a small sandbank about a mile from the reef; after landing four of the crew they returned to the wreck, and eventually rescued the remainder of the oiew, who were all »afely- landed. On the second day n case of wine, some blandy, and four casks of bread were obtained, but no water, although seveial attempt« were made to sink for some in the sand. The nest day the carpenter and third mate got on board the wreck by means of the mast lodging on the reef at low water, aud saved from the cabin a chronometer, charl, and lestant ; and the jolly boat having been repaired as well as circumstances would permit, Captain Walker, Dr. Alsop, the second male, and four hands started fur the main, taking three days' provisions, in hope» of getting some water and relieving the remainder of the crew ; but they har* nut tinea been- baird of. Previously to

leaving. Captain Walker desired the mate to remain len days, if possible, but after that period, should no relief come, to do the best be could. The survivors remained fourteen days after the boat left, subsisting on such things as were from time to time washed ashore ; but being without water they suffered severely, and were rapidly sinking, when providentially the Lady Blackwood, whaler, hove in sight on the 3rd May, being the 17th day from the time of the wreck, and seeing their signals of distress sent two whaleboats which found a passage through the reef and carried them all on board, when Captain Evans finding the deplorable state they were in deemed it advisable to bear up for Moreton Bay, which was reached on Thursday last, and as the Eagle steamer was on the point of coming out, they were placed on board and reached Sydney yesterday morning. At the time of leaving the wreck the poop and two sides had come on shore. An unfortunate occident occurred on board the Lady Blackwood the day after leaving the wreck: one of the survivors, named James Hayes, went aloft for the purpose of assisting in reefing topsails, when be fell from the fut lock shrouds and struck the deck before the windlass, which fractured his skull, and, although every assistance was shown him, be died in about an hour. The rescued men all speak in grateful terms of the kindness and attention evinced towards them by Captain Evans while on board the Ladv Blackwood, he having supplied them with clothes from his own stock, and contributed to their comfort in every possible way. The mate succeeded in saving some letters from one of the mail bags, which have been forwarded to the Post Office.

The Pelham.-Alesander Duncan, the carpenter of this ship, was brought up on remand from the previous duy, charged hy Captain Andcrsin with desertion under the following peculiar circumstance* :-The Pelham, after a voyage from Loudon via Lisbon, anchored in San Francisco on the 9ih of November last.; her sails were scarcely furled, and Captain Ander-son bad retired to his cabin'to dress to go on shore, when he was called on deck hy his chief officer, in con-sequence of extinordiuary proceedings taking place on board. Ile found to bis surprise that four Goaty were alongside the ship, the crews of which, armed to the teeth with revolvers and bowie-knives, were assisting the crew of the Pelh-tm to remove their chest«, Ac , and that part of tho crew were already in the boals. Captain Anderson demanded the reason of this out-rageous proceeding, and was told by the leader of the boatmen that his crew desired lo leave the ship and go on shote- that California being a free Slate of the Union, no mau could he constrained to remain on board against his will in an American port ; and, finally, that if any resistance were offered to the crew going on shore in tbelfoats, be, Captain Walker, must incur the responsibility which he chose to lake upon bil own bend : and thereupon the ruffian produced a revolver, and threatened to shoot the first officer who dared to prevent the men from landing. The Government Revenue Officer being on board, Captain Anderson appealed to him for protection ngaun>l this monstrous proceeding. 'I hat functionary said that he would not interfere willi the taking the crew ii way from the ship, but that he would warn the boatmen thai they bud no right to take away any chests or other property. The spokesman of the boatmen bearing ibis, called ibo officer lo the gangway, and by the significant produc-tion of his revolver, and pointing to the water, gave bim to understand that any interference in the matter would be followed by fatal consequences. The officer, at once, told Captain Anderson that he would not risk his life by interfering ; mid getting into his boat, left the vessel. In lets than ten minutes after the suits had been furled, every seaman of the Pelham, together willi his luggage, had deserted her ; and Captain Anderson was left alone with his officers. All attempts to seek redress from the legal authorities at San Francisco were useless ; and with great difficulty another crew was obtained at advanced wages, and the Pelham contrived to come on to Sydney. The prisoner Duncan, who was one of the deserters, shipped afterwards in a vessel bound from San Francisco to Manila ; and from the latter port be took a passage as passenger, and arrived in Sydney n short lime ago. His old ship the Pelham was lying in Port Jacksjn, and, lo Captain Anderson's extreme surprise, Duncan walked on board on Wednes-day lost, and told the Captain that *' he wits glad to meet with the old hooker again, and that as he heard that hands wera wanted for London, ho bud no objec-tion to give the Captnin the preference, and to ship at 91. per month." " To ibis cool offer," biiid Captain Anderson, " I made an equally cool reply, by giving bim into custody us a deserter." The prisoner did not deny any part of the above statement, but expressed his belief that having been taken on shore in the way desciibed in lim free city of Sail Francisco, be was quite released from his agreement signed in London. Mr. Brenan sentenced bim to bo imprisoned for five weeks, and kept to hard labour; and he uUo look occasion to state, that very muuy runaway teamen hav-ing arrived here as passengers from California and neighbouring ports, and, ¡II their assumed capacity, having obtained permission to ship as seamen in vessels sailing from this port, he lind come to the determina-tion not to allow any soi-disant paste'nger to employ himself us a seaman unless lie was prepared to give a full and satisfactory account of himself.-Sydney Herald, May 14.



Thames Police Office, November 20.

Thomas Hutton, master of the Gipsy Queen, appear-ed to summonsei, iisued at the instance of William Furris, Edward Wicke, and another seaman, to show cause why he neglected to pay them a balance of 9t

Mr. Pelham stated that the voyage was to Adelaide, Port Phillip,und Callao. The men signed in London for 21. 15s. per month. On arriving at Hobson's Bay, the Captain, in consequence of most of-the crew having deserted, put au end to the original contract by the consent of nil parties, and a new one «vas entered into. The captain agreed that if the crew remained by bim be would give them the wages that he shipped the greater part of the crew for at Peri Phillip. A magis-trate was brought on board, and they received a docu-ment each, purporting to be a discharge by the consent of all parties, nnd signed B. H, Bunbury, J. P.

.Mr. Ellis, for the defendant, contended thut the men signed articles in London to go an outward and home-ward voyage, and in face ot that contract they could not be a party to nny other contract

Mr. Ingham : Do you mean to say that it ii not pos sible that they could put an end to one agreement, and

make a fresh one?

Mr. Ellis; I will not go to that length, but I will ihow you that the captain adopted these mensures for the safety of the ship, and in discharge of his duty to the owner. The stale of things then existing in that place compelled bim to enter into this new contract. There was such a duress on the captain al induced him not to wait for open rebellion or desertion, which would only jeopardise his owner's property. Unless lhere were strong motives it is not likely the captain would take upon himself (nor could he bind the owner if he did) to euler into a new agreement when he knew that the law compelled the men to fulfil their contract. Whether owing to some gold discovery, or the high state of wages which existed in the colonies, he could not say ; but these cases were of frequent occurrence, and masters had to use the utmost vigilance and take on themselves extrcinu power to find men lo bring home their cargoes to their destination. In the case of ?' Slilke v. Merrick" (2 Campbell) it was distinctly laid down by Lord Ellenborough thal a man who entered into an agreement for a particular voyage could not enter into a Iresli agreement, rr, if he did, the fresh agreement would be void. It was n roost shameful case, mid a kind of one that ought to be sent out ot the court i altogether. If captain! in foreign ports were obliged to [ yield to their men they should be punished rather than


Mr. Ingram sold: In this cale it really appears to me that the substance of this transaction is precisely the same as in Stilke and Merrick. Certain men bave deserted. The captain was anxious in thil cale, ai in that of Stilke and Merrick, to prevent desertion; and, in order to induce the men to stand by the ship, he in substance proposed that be would take them to London at an Increased rate of wages. The captain, in order ro make the men believe thul it would be a valid engage-ment, cloaked it up under ihe colour of a discharge from the old articles; but 1 must not look at the appearance the iriinsnclion is made to bear. The real character and substance of the transaction between the partiel was, that in order to keep the men on board, the captain agreed to give them an increased rate of wages If the master hsd entered into an agreement to discharge these men, and gone through a proper form by having an indorsement signed on the back of the articles, and after an interval of time proposed to take them at a different rate of wages, tiiat might be different, but here it is lill one iruuiHclion. 'Al to the paper put before me, although it is executed by a mun who writes J.P. after his name (which 1 presume means justice ol'the peace), it does not alter the case at all. It is merely u «ele-ment that the captain discharged the men by his own hands. The law says these men cannot hate an addi-tional rate of wages, «nd the summonses are dismissed.

M A It K E T S.


Wheat remaint film at 7s per bushel ; English barley sells readily al 6s, and higher quotations havo bren

reported i oatt ara at from 6s to 6s 3d per bushel { Cape barley 5s lo 5s 3d. Flour £20 per ton. Potato«* are worth about £4 5s per ton ; onioni JE IO to £12 per ditto; apples 6s to 10s per bushel; fowls 8s 6d per couple ; eggs 2s 6d to 3s per dozen ; potted butter, retail, Is 8d to 2s per lb.


Fine flour is at from £16 to £16 10s per ton ; wheat is at from 5s 9d to 6s ; oats from 5s 3d lo 5s 6d per bushel ; English barley 5s ; Cape ditto 5i ; pressed bay £0 per ton ; potatoes £4 ; bett bread lOd par

4 Hu loaf.-Examiner.

INSOLVENT COURT, 3rd inst., 11 a.m -Thos. Townsend first meeting of creditors, Mark Smythson Pulleys adjourned ditto and for discharge, and John Barrett further adjourned ditto and meeting for discharge.