Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931), Saturday 4 November 1899, page 9


SNAPSHOTS AND SANGFROID. (From our Special Correspondent.) London, September 22. 1899.

The Prince and Princess of Hohenlohe-Langenburg whilst, on route to pay a visit to their illustrious grandmama at Balmoral experienced a novel, but fortunately not

dangerous sensation in the shape of a railway accident at Perth stationi on Tuesday niorniug. Tlie circumstances were us follow*. Shortly before 0 o'clock on Tuesday moininjr the Scotch express, leaving Ixmdon at 8 tbe previous cvoniiip.l reached Perth, and was drawn up. as is customary. al the mail) platform between the bookstall .md the fruit stall, This train had not lon? arrived when a Olaspow train alto entered the rtaiioii, and through t-ome cause not ret explained it went on and collided with the war of the Scotch impress. Tlie Glaspow train liad fortunately Mowed down somewhat before tbe collision, but it had sutricient force to cause considerable damage io tlie Ijondon train. Among the vassengers were the hereditary Prince and Princess of Hohenlohe-Lanceuburg, who occupied the rear carriage, next to the lugpage van. The Glasgow train saiadied into this van, which was in turn telescoped into the saloon carriage occupied by the Prince and Princess. The end of the ta-Jnon was completely destroyed, bat luckily that poition was almost entirely filled v/ith luggacc, and this saved their Royal Ilichncsscs from serious injury. The Prince and Princess, who were on their way to Balmoral on a visit lo the Queen, wore very much alarmed, but they were fortunately unhurt. Both displayed great coolness and presence of mind, and the Prinoe before departing took n-vcral snapshots of the scene of the disaster. Many persons-- in both trains were bruised and shaken, but, so far as is known, jui one received serious injury. Splinters, of wood and pieces of slass were tl.r ?n over the platform, and .several |iers<?n.s standing near had narrow escapes from injury. It wa* observed that on arrive! at Aberdeen the Princess limped slightly. Another telegram say* that when the*accident occurred the Prince was Kitting in the fore part of the saloon, the Princess being in bed in the centre part of the train. The concussion turned the l>ed on end, and the Princess lia<i to be rescued through a hole knocked in the side of the saloon by the collision, the door having been blocked up. The Pi-mess is the eldest daughter of the Duke of Edinburgh (Saio Coburj*. I should say), and met her husband w" 'n he was an attache at the German Embassy. They arc not rich, which accounts for their taking the tourist and not the mail train.