Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954), Thursday 2 September 1926, page 9


The Work of Filming , Heavy Undertaking

"Wc hare corto OTCI herc to get thc true atmosphere," "-raid Slr. W. A. Gib-son, OÍJJ3. (managing director of Aus-tralasian Firnis Ltd., who went from Ho-bart to l'ort Arthur yestcrda) to super-vise the filming arrangements for Miss Eva Novak, the American actress, and the company which is.producing Jit. Marcus Clarke's story, "For the Term of Hlh

Natural Life."

Mr. Gibson said that "for several week« tho company had been working at high pressure at the Bondi Junction Btudio

I The production had entailed an enormous

amount of work, ia ordei to secure an absolutely correct representation of all the settings and various scenes throughout the story. Only those who had' actually visit-ed the studio in Sydney and made an in-spection of its technical departments, could appreciate the immensity of the scheme; and it was gratifying that all the money had been raised in Australia. In comparison with amounts expended on pre-vious productions, the £40,000 being ab-sorbed in filming "For the Term of His Natural Life", represented a tremendous financial undertaking for an Australian organisation, but one which they felt was fully justified if Australia ivas to take any place of importance in the film market. Miss Novak and thc company had been encouraged by the.personal, interest..which was being evinced in thc progress of the production in Sydney. The success of this film meant-much'-to Australians. During the second week- over 120 propio were working ou, ono cet,' and some of the bigger scenes yet to be taken would call for the employment of another 300 or 400 players. This meant that there would ¡bc 500 players actually employed for screen work alone, in.addition too thc.technicians and others who ivould be mdirectly employed.

. Mr., Gibson said he considered that tthe story ' by~ Marens Clarke had been wisely

chosen. . It had been translated into twelve languages, and in Australia it was familiar in almost every home. . Ad-ditional interest was lent to the. film by tho fact that-Misj Marion Marcus Clarke, a daughter of the author, had prepared thc scenario for the picture. The scenario had been altered snjchtly from the story, so as lo make rt more acceptable tc audiences in 'Apstralia and elsewhere, without its too-griiesomo effects .being made a feature. A strong love theme would add to its appeal. Miss Eva Novak would play the heroine, Slyvia. Others of the cast included Mrs. Catherine Dawn, playing Mrs. Vic-kers; Mr. Mayne Lynton, playing Rev. North, Mips Marion Marcus Clarke, play-ing Lady Devine; Mr. Dunstan Webb, nlayin-j Lieutenant Frere; Mr. Arthur Tauchert, -playing Warder Troke; Mr. Compton Coutts, playing Rev. Maaldn; Miss Jessica Harcourt, flaying Sarah Purfoy; and Mr. Arthur McLaren, playing Gabbett: The length of the stay herc would be governed,a great deal by weather conditions, and if these were favourable, they would, it was hoped, complete theil task in about three weekB.