Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954), Wednesday 16 June 1926, page 9




Most people would like to sec Ihómaélvéa as othver» seo theih. Borne go along, to the photographer and ' smile pjotSÄtttl?, or look impressive, ad thiy. th lat best, and in duo cour«o they axé äSUi to Sob t_6o_etn~ aa tho camera fccVUieiü» with, perhaps, a judicious touch hero ana thbre by tho cam urti man, according âj his artis-tic khówlodge-aid' pôâsiîiry his biiiinMs acninea-might euggeat. _ Oompaía-tlyerí

low may noe themselves is the wtiHkliöß, ' analytic eye St thc caricaturist behold-1 thom, for hbo true aftai' ecöka out hil

own subjects, and deälo willi them hon-1 featly. H sometimes a'little humeroorty.

Mr. Aler, Gurney', the yoting Tasman-1 ian cmîcAuriàt and caWoöttiät, whose book, "Tasmanians To-day, has just been pkieod on tiro market, is a very happy artist. When, he thinks it necosfary he tenrpcíB justice with a, little mercy, and when, aa a'Caricaturist; he overdraws lits subjctrtB, he invariably contrives to brmg into bohl relief their outstanding .characteristics in a lïumorous light. Mr (iuntcy'a bock ig composed of 00 large pages, each containing caricatures or car-toons af people prominent in the publit "ind commercial life of Tasmania, and

lulppily. nearly all thc tnlbjeeta are per-sons wno are wáí known to tho man in bte street. Without a doubt the craft* inauHlqp Mr. Gmuey display» Ss admirable. The figures which look out front the pages Seem to Irre. The arfciat has presented his subjects in bold strokes, some tn atti-tudes mich as thc puMiu mimi nrigiit ex-pect them to aasomc, others aa they real-ly appetuv 60?eral hate befen ássocia**d, ir» tic sketehee, with indication» of their callings. Sir Henry Jone», for eiample, ha« been comfflortabiy perched upon the iop of a hiKo jam tm. and Mr. Outiis. the ciriof of tho Hydro-Eieetric Depart-ment, lias been lodged in a «rbîil moro tirecarious position on thc top of lt «tteel transmission tower among the power mies.

Thc selection open» with the Governor (Sir James O'Grady), and «ribraco» th« fields of political, eivíe, coTnmêrcàal, sport-

ing, and professional 13*. A gfaneo through the book shows clearly th*t th« artist knows personally many of his *ubjects, for in «¡eva«! insta need he hutt boen able to impart, aubtty but mróiistakably, a suggestion of characteristics that do not appear on tho surface. A few good jokes have been ihterej^rScd, andi one in par-ticular, in. which a Minister of the Crown St thé victim, wiU find a wide appreei*bon. Urief word sketches, couched most-ly in liçhter vein, are giroi with the


Tho book ha» been niibtirfrrf by MMM*. Davies Bros. at '*The Mercury" and "lunaOuted Trennaman MaÜ" Office. Mr. Gur-ner rt work, by Ike woy, has been

ralnent in the pages of the "J(h»tr»t*d Jaamaniau, Mail" for some thne.