Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954), Tuesday 27 April 1926, page 4


.ï . . THE SÚX. 'V

y-, ." Riseâ .Éctfl. r 'May^l .. _ u .. - 9.4. ../5,11 r.»^MKO:.. u<... í-7-ld 5.1

. May SH.';. .. 7.2 4.46

^ .1 ; ? THE MOON. ..

« i' May IST-ÍÉOSI auàrtcr. 1.13 p.m. ... May Í2-New moon. 8.55 ajm. J: May 20-First quarter. 3.48 a-m.

May 25 .. .. ¿.7.27 .. 4.4«


.» '., High water: 0 a.m. and «¿0. p.m.

Low water: Midnight and noon.

. . .'- IMPORTS.-April 26.

'.'". .Lutana, s.o., from Melbourne-31 drni-i

C. . Irlcphono cable, 1 ?. cs machinery. Rx.; 1 i Ferndale, from Liverpool-16 pliss tcle

nhone annuances from London, ex Jcr

.' - . vis Bar. . ??

'.' .,;^.Ex Nfjatoro, s.s., from Brisbane-10'

pkgs merchandise: Ferguson and Co.

? Ex Lutana, s.s., from' Melbourne-CS ', pkBa mcrcliandisei: ' Ferguson 'aria1 Co.

, Ex Lutana, s.s., from Melbourne-171 j ' pkjrs merdiandlse: Burgess Bros. 'Pty.

; Ltd.. ' . 1

AIIRIV13D.-April 2G.

Ngatoro, s.s., 1,140 tons, T. B. Robert- j

v wu, from Newcastle.

Lutana, s.s., 010 tons, M. J. Phillips, , from Melbourne.

M : SAILED-April 2«.

( Berrima, s.s. (P. and O. branch line), . 11,202 (ons. Captain Townshend, for J; London. Passengers for London. Mr. " Farmer; for Durban, Mr. Dean. Agents:

.? C. PICKNO and Co.'

: Sueylc, s.a. (Whit* Star Line), 32,08« .. to/ft. ,Captain Musgrave, for Liverpool.

Passenger: ' MesdamOK E. Hàddow/ W. ; Hali; .Misses J. A. Galt. J I. J. I'arsmore; . Messrs. Hall and F. E. Taylor. Agents: , i' AV. Crosby and Co.


. Lutana, s.s. (in port), froni Melbourne, I

*; Prince's wharf.

Ngatoro, s.s. (sailing to-day), King's I

» Pier.

Kanoa, s.s. (sailing to-morrow). Ris-


Atholl; s.s. (in port), Pr'nce's wharf.

Riverina, s.s. (due Friday),' King's '.' pier. ' '.


', Era? s.s., ls expected to clear Risdon '? to-dáy with residues for Port Pirie.

X Ngatoro, s.s., arrived from Newcastle .; at 3 o'clock yesterday morning with coal.

; She loads fruit and general cargo from j

, Hobart and Huon ports,'sailing from Ho-' ?: bart to-day, and from the Huon to-raor

row for Brisbane dlroct.

'.'.J . Watkouaiti, s.s., is duo at Hobart on I

May 3 from Sydney, to take timber for|

Now Zealand.

Kanna. s.s., is to movn up to Risdon j ,,-to-day to load zinc, and after this

; completed, she will return to Hobart lo j ; finish outward loading. Sho will sall | ? from Hobart at noon to-morrow for Syd?S ney and Newcastle, via Electrona and '¿ Huon portsJ

Poonbar, s.s., leaves Molbourno to-day - for Strahan, being due there on Thurs-' ' day. She will load calcines at Strahan

for Rbtdon, coming to Hobart on May 2,

' and taking general cargo for tho return I

trip, sailing again for Strahan on the , following day.

; Lutana, s.s., roadhed Hobart shortly * after 1 am. yesterday from Melbourne: , She Ia expected to get away on Thurs

day on the return trip with timber and

general cargo.

Alma Doepel, topsail sch., reached Ho' bart yesterday from Recherche, where : Mio hos been unloading a quantity of ^ machinery from Melbourne. She is to i take timber for tho return trip . to Mel

'*- bourne.

* Kowhai, s.s., roached Melbourne carly . yesterday morning from Hobart. She - took Umber and general cargo from this I port. '. .

- Kittawa, s.s., left Marla Island on Sun* day for Adelaide, and ls due at ', with Umber and general cargo on* Thurs-

day. She should reach Hobart again

'< carly next. week.

/ Evaleeta,' kt.,'was sighted by Mount ? Nielson last ovenlng, and wns expected 1 to reach port during Uie night.

; Atholl, s.s., which brought a quantity i » of oil from New York, is expected to' get ¡ " away from Hobart for Beauty Point to, morrow morning.

« West Islip, s.s., ls expected to reach '[ Hobart on Friday. Owing to tho wirc- less operators' strike, sho does not carry

' an operator, and so no-advice .has been'i *. received from her as to her exact date | '¡ of arrival. Sho brings Umber and gene:" ral cargo from San Francisco. ' FRUIT STEAMERS.

.. BERRIMA AND SUE VIC SAIL."., . " Berrima, s.s., left Hobart at 4,45 p.m.

' yesterday with about SS.000 casos of | "< frult for London.., Sho. took two pas',r sanpers from Hobart.

Suevlc, s.s., got away about 0.30 p.m.,

" carrying 48,OOO cases of apples for Liv-J

êrp"pol. She also took several passen

.gers for England.

, Moldavia. B.M.S.. (16,436 tons), which

left , Hotxirt on Saturday night, took | 40,168 cases of :i]yplos for London.

Mooltan. R.M.S., .20.847. tons, whlph .I.s.I 'VtlW-n«Xt P. and O. Royal mail steamer |

, listed to call at .Hobart, is duo hero on , Thursday week.

Barrabool, s.s., 13,148 tons, which is to call at Hobart for fruit, will not . now ' reach this port until May 7, having been

. delayed.

Orama, R.M.S.. 19,777 toms, is the next | ; fruit steamer listed to call at Hobart, , and is due hero on Friday nexL Sho ' ls expected', to get away on Saturday , ovenlng for London.


Messrs. 'Ward and Co:, local agents for |

- the Australian. CJommorrwealtli line

'".steamers, advise tho following movements |

"of steamers of that lino:

Jervis Bay, s.s., ia at present at Brls

i.bane, and ls duo at Hobart on May G. I úSho will carry intcr-Stato passengers

¡'between Hobart and tho mainland, and J

ls listed to sall on May b. She is expected > td tako 78,000 cases of apples from Ho,' bart. Passengers may book for Mel

- bourne, Adelaide, Fremantle, Colombo, I ' Port Said, Hull, and London.

* Esperancé Bay, s.s., is duo at London |

* to-day.

. ' Hobson's Bay, s.s., is due at Fremantle |

¡'on Thursday.

; Moreton Bay, s.o., railed from Fro" ntantlo on Thursday for Hull and Lon

" don.


, The following vessels are due at Ho. bart on tho undermentioned dates. AU * oates, however, aro subject to altcra

'tlon:-. .

: ? April VT est Islip, from Now York

'v .(about) 30

* Orama. RJM.S. (Orient Line), from

Sydney. 30


Diogenes, s.s. (Aberdeen Lino),

from Sydney. 3 Mooltan. K.M.S. (P, and O. Line),

from Sydngy. G Jervis Bay. s.s. (Australian Com

morrwealtb Lino), from Sydney ' 61 ? 'henean, s.a. (Blue Funnel Line).

from Sydney. 6 "?Barrabool. s.a. ' (P. and O. Branch

"Linc), frtom Sydney. 7 OrmiB, R3LS. (Orient Line), from

Sydney ..1. 14 Anchlsels, s.s. (Bluo Funnel Line),

from Sydney. 14 Port Wellington (C. and D. Lino),

from London .20 -Chltra!, R-M.S. (P. and O. Linc).

from Sydney. 21 j


lt is anticipated that the following ves- I

eels tvyi bo in communication with tho undermentioned radio stations to-day:

Hobart. - Nairana, Oonab. Sucvic, Manuka, Berrima, Karachi Maru.

Melbourne-Haurakl, Faxon, Anchises, Benalla, City of Winchester, Leitrim, ; Barrabool.. Hyson, Macedon, Aldinga, Manuka, Wonganclla, Cooma, Mathcran,

Ormuz.-Port Wellington, Suva, Hamburg, i Malabar, Nairana, Oonah, Kooyong,' Moldavia, Sucvic, Port Nicholson.

Sydney. - Aachen, Arafura, Burma Maru.. Donau, Ormuz, Sierra, Talabot, Karachi Maru. City of Delhi, Easterner, Hanau. Tasman, Dimboola. Niagara. Thalatta, Tahiti^


"ly SAILED-April 2fi.

Nairana, ts., 3.00S tons, G. B. Batns, for Melbourne. Passengers:-Saloon: Mesdames. Richmond, Lattin, Gage, Rhins.-Gore, Chapman, Pitman, Munro, Farmer, Donkin, Cook, Helot. Bowra,

JIarrbV Caron, Desailly. Drury, Rule,' Whitney, Rule, West. Steedman, Ruff, Halton. Dunn, Shepherd. McLaughlin (2). Dunn. Grave, Fletcher. Johnston, Bradley, Costello, Thompson. Brvant; JOastbrook. Cleaver, Holyman. Toohig, Byron. (Turner. Rolph, Dickinson. Borg

mus. Ij^kln, Kelly, Newman. Rund, Pot-'

ter. Groves, Adams, Aullck, Jolley. Jones, , Stephens. Nielson, Montieth, Rowland, Jock, Robinson, Curtis; Misses Page (") Scott. Abrahams, Hogarth, Ingles (2), Bourke; Brady, Holyman, Acres, Mc-

iver. Dumphy. Wills. Richardson, How- I Ml. Cawthen. Cummings. S>Tnonds, Jones, Cahill. Newton, Huches. Maguire, Sex-

ton (2>; King, Desailly. Loft. Urie. Job-I son. Clarke. Nelson. NossVer, Stone; Nossiter. Chapman, Henning, Campbell,

Abbott,; Shepherd (2), Muir. Cunnalne, 1 Clarke, MacWhltter, Rohs. Potter (2), , Thompson, Cowls. Sapwell (2), Hill, WU- i Itins. McCoroudale; Messrs. Whitton,

Shields, Slr Watter Lee, Mcphee, i Slilelds, Ogilvie. Pitt, Senator Ogden, ! Hhlnd. Taylor. Seward, Slr Alfred Ash- j bolt. Strutt, Lyons, Quinn. Rhlnd, Gore, I l'armer. Thompson, Chapman, Harding, I

Cook, Butterworth, Bclot.- "Whitney,

Tomllnson, McWhereton, Brown, Mo IntoKh, Hardey. "Packer, Power, "West, Wagstaff. Morris, .?'?Brown, Williams, Battye, Drury C2). Res,. Poid, Murdock,

' Dimn,* Bauld, Barnetts, ' Keritz, . Losoby,Haye«. " Hampton, Keighley, Milligan, Taylor, Seaward. - Hudson, Davidson, Grave." Colquhoun,' Spencer,' Gibbs,'Per-rin. Shee. Musciunp. Toohlg. Reid, Love, Laltln. Thompson. Emery, Brady. Cleav-er. .Bourke, ¡ Westbrook.. MacLeod, Pierce, Woodroff, Fletcher. Baddlcy, Kltchlnc, Hynes. Lakln. Kelly. Newman, Monteith, Rowland. J¡ick, Undy (2), Hoatlcy, Biggs. Moore, Coates. Johnson,

Hopo. . Lcuic, i Farcutt. ? Sidobottom, Brown. Harrison, Munro; Keefe. Stingnkcr, Kalling."' Winckle, Fryer. Richards, I Dooley, Curtis; 30 steerage.

IMPORTS-April 20.

Koranui, sys., from Sydney-10 ess powder, 5 ess vinegar, 20 csa stout. 10 CBS lager, 250 bgs eoke.'IO bite» sall, 10 bgs bran bags, 20 ess whisky, 55 ess sauce, M bgs paper bags, 90 sks linseed meal,, 77- tess", -oil.. .40 cai wlne.v 28 '-pkga candies, 17 pkgs foodstuff, 12 bis paper bags. 3,000 bps sugar, 12 rls paper felt, 0 bgs bacon, 1.03 ess biscuits; 24 pltgs grain, 52 bxs margarine, 14 ess acids, 33 pkgs paints,. 30 ess . firewoods, 26 pkgs tea, 50 ess tobacco. IS solid tyres, 60 coils wire, 550 rolls wire notting, 2

horses. '

EXPORTS-April 26.

Nairana, t.s., for Melbourne-4 cars, " horses, 24 ingots Un, 301 ess apples, 18 bis rabbit skins, 20 csks mutton birds, 41 ess fish.

Colliboi, s.s., is expected back from Flinders and'" adjacent Islands during

thc week.

Kooringa, s.s., will lpavc Melbourne to-day for Launceston. She Is due on Thursday, and will call on return again on Saturday.

Laranah.' s.s., ' will leave. Adelaide on Thursday. .She is due to arrive in the Tamar on Sunday evening.

Linda, kt., is at present on. a trip to st ni lu Islands. ?

Wareatca,. s.s., will leave to-day for


Nairana, ts., leif yesterday afternoon for Melbourne with ;»6 tons of general cargo, and a large booking of passen-


Koranui, s.s., arrived at King's wharf shortly after noon yesterday with a quantity of cargo from Sydney and New-


Port'Nicholson, s.s., is expected to leave Beauty Point this morning after unloading a quantity of general cargo.


(By Cable.)


Arrived.-April 26: Moldavia, R.M.S., frort Hobart: Canadian Constructor, s.s., ?from Halifax; Kooringa, s.s., from Laun-ceston; Kowhal, s.s., from Hobart;'Port Wellington, s.s., from London; Freiburg,

from Hamburg; Anchlses, s.s1., from Liverpool.

? Sailed.-April 26: Oonah, s.s., for Bur-nie; Cordelia, tanker, for San Pedro.


! Arrived.-April 26: Orrauz, R.M.S., from London; Laranah, s.s., from," Laun-ceston. *


(By Cable.)

LONDON, April 25.

Arrivals.-At London: Seattle, s.s., from Australia. At Falmouth: Bradburn, s.s., from Australia. At Cardiff: Tresillian, s.s., from Australia. At Hull: Asphallon. s.s., from Australia. At Suez: Clan Morrison, s.s.. from Austra-lia: Comorin, R.M.S.. from Australia. At Colombo: Orsova, R.M.S., from London.

Departures.-From Honolulu: Aorangi, m.s." for Vancouver. From Liverpool: Carina, s.s., for Australia; Zealandla, H.S., for Australia; Trowvn. s.s., for Aus-tralia. From Portland: Cnstlemoor. s.s., for Australia. Prom Manila: Aki Maru, 1 s.s., for Australia. From Southampton: Arawa, sjj" for New Zealand. From Liverpool: Hertford, s.s., for Australia. Passed Gibraltar: Port. Kembla, s.s., from Australia for United.Kingdom and Con-
