Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931), Tuesday 13 December 1898, page 9


Mr. Andrew Tennant, who has just been elected to fill the vacancy created in the Legislative Council by the death of Dr. Camp- bell, is not new to parliamentary life, as he

represented the district of Flinders in the Lower House during the Parliaments of 1880-6. Mr. Tennant was born at Hawick, in Scotland, on June 20, 1835. With his parents he arrived in South Australia in the ship Duchess of Sutherland in 1839. Sir John Colton was a fellow passenger. From the time that he completed his educational course at the schools of Mr. James Disher and Mr. E. W. Wickes, Mr. Tennant has been ideutil'itt! <!osoly wi'.ii t!m iiaitorai and farming iuduttritsof Australia, ac<) is looked ujv? a;. .-iQ authority in tln'b« umncL-tious. That ha can v.itli cx;icrii;ncu is shown hy the fact that at one time Mr. IVnnaot lieM ianu from tb<- liiver Crioper, in tbe ceatre of Australia, right (in*n to Su>-aky li.iy. At the present tir-e Mr. T«nnatit is interested in sheep otatioua ac<i farms in various parts ol tiie colony, and states that th-; liiat fouryeare of drought and v.rmin arc tbe worst civr <x[ipricneud in the history of the colony. Now Zealand lias hfeu attract^ Sir. Toanant'a iiDuee, as with Mr. .!olm Tcnnant, bis eldest son, who has bpe:i res; Jii:s there for the last IS years, be took hj> "Jj.wO acres of pantornl land. ]Mr. IVtmaitt was a nicmrjer of the Ta&toral Co:nmit&iun, ivhnbo reixjrt is uvvr ip'iore tim House. I>uriu^ bis career lie bas iieen actively ai«oc;atrd with eport, and in adiiition to ou-ning raceiiunxa has occupied tbe positions of committeem&a and steward of tteb.A-J.a