South Australian Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1858 - 1889), Friday 4 October 1878, page 4


Advertiser and Chronicle Offices, Thursday evening, October 3.

Gunt Market. Bosinesa eontinuee extremely dull; 4s. Ud. at Port mills is best price obtainable, sad there are but few buyers at this. Flour, nothing doing. Freightto KagUnd—lngoing wool ships, which a short time ago ware offering at 25«_ have advanced to 305., mnd with good harvest prospects aw likely to advance still more. Eiports—soss tons. 4SO bags flour. OOCVTBX COBM BtABKBTS. The foUowingqnotatlauaia tan the looal papecs and other aonrcesr— Auburn, September SO.—Wheat. 4a. fld. to 4?. 7d. per bushel; floor, £1110s. per ton. Bum, September IB — Wheat, 4a. sd. per bushel; floor,<Uparton. Caltowie, September 2S.—Wheat, 4s. 3d. per butheL Glare, Seriember 30.—Wheat, 4s. sd. par boihel; tour, 212105. par ton. Crystal Brock. September 27.—Wheat, 4s. 7|d. to 4a. Md. per bushel. Qawte, September 27.—Wheat, 4s. Sd. per .bushel; floor, aH2 «c. par tat, 30*. per hag. Georgetown and Laura, September 27.— Wheat. 4?. 3d. to 4a. 4d. per bushel. Gladstone, October 2.-Wheat, 4s. 4d. per bushel; floor. £U 10s. to £12 per ton. Jamestown, September 25—Wheat, 4a. Sd. to4s.4d.psrwasbel; floor, £12 IjOi.per ton. Kadina. September 24.—Wheat, fe. per bushel. Kaprmda, September 30.—Wheat, «a. Si. pear boabel: floor. fiLl 15a. per ton. Kamcoorte, September 23.—Wheat, 4a. 3d. perboahel; floor.£l3 per ton. Port Ptrie. September 27.—Wheat, 4a. 9d. to 4?.10d. per bushel. iPCoant Gambier. October 2.—Wheat. 4a. to 4s. 3d. per bushel; floor, {U to £11 10a. per ton, £1 Ss. to £17a. per has;. Wallaroo. September 24.—Wheat; 4c. Ud. to se. and ss. Id. per bushel. Fasu tsrn Daibt Fbordck. Wholesale, October 3.—The supply of fresh butter is quite eqnal to the ■^■n^niV Eggs are very plentiful, and are lower in price. New •cheese is in food supply. Prime bacon and hams are enquired for. New honey is coming in very freely. Onion* and new potatoes are very saaroe.atooks of imported are light, and prices firm. Wholesale baying prieee are— Batter, fresh, Sd. ;do, salted, 10d.; eheeae, new, Sd. to 6<1.; bacon, 7d. to Bd.; hams, Sd.; eggs, 7d.; lard, fid. to 7d.; gam, 225.; beeswax. Is.; lioney,42s.;onionB,imported,B6B.; potatoes, new 165.t0185.; Warrnambool.£S ISa.; MacDonnell Bay, £510s. to £5 liw. BeUil selling prices are —Butter, fresh, 9d. to lOd.; cheese, Bd-; baoon, 10d.;faams, U.; eggs, ?d.; lard. 9(1.; honey, 6d.; potatoes, new, 3d.; old, 6s. Od. per cwt. HaT. Bs?t-EndMarket,September 28.—Bestwheaten hay, £5 per ton ; good mixed do., £i ss. to £1 l?.;*iiferioreort*,do.,£3lo*, to£4. A good supply and City Hay market, September 28.—Wheaten hay, £4 Ise. to £5 per ton; mixed do., £1 Sa. to £4 10s. per ton ; Cape oaten do., £410s. per too; wild oaten do., £3 10s. per ton. A dul sale. Fecit, Vegetables, amd Gewbbai. Fbodccb. Kast-End Market, September 28.—The supply was large, with a brisk demand. Vegetables Asparagus, 2s. to 4s. per 100; beans (broad), ss. to Ss.6d.fer bushel; beetroot, 2s. to 2s.6d.per dozen; broooii, 2s. to 12a. per dozen; cabbages, Is. to 4s. per dozen; do. (Savoy), Ss. to 4a. per docen; capsicums, is. to Is. 3d. per lb.; cairot?, 2s. to 3s. per dozen bunches; cauliflowers, 2s. to 12s. per dozen; celery, is. to 6s. per docen heads; chiliea, la. to Ib. 3d. perlh.; horseradish, 6d. to 10<L per Ib.; garlic, 3d. to 4d. per lb.; leeks, 2s. to 4s. per dozen : lettuces, 6d. to Is. per doses); marjoram, 6d.to6d. per dosen bunches; mint. 6d. |per dozen bunches; onions, 325. to 365. per cwt.; do. (green), Is. to Is. «d. perdoz. bunches; psrantps,2s. to 3s.per dosenbunches; peas, Ss. to 6s. per bushel; potatoes, 7s. to7s.6d. per cwt.; do. (new), 16s. to 17s. per cwt.; do. (Wemumbool),7e. to 7s. 6d. perewt; radiihes, «d-toBd.perdo?enbunche«| do. (turnip), 6d. to

Bd. per docen bunches;' rhubarb, 3s. to 4*. per dozen lbs.; sage. iSA.toBi. per dozen bundles; ebalote, 3d. to 44. per lb.; thyme, 6d. to Bd. per dozen bunches; turnips. 3s. to 3a. per doeen bunches; watercress, od. per dozen bunches. Froit—Almonds (hard shell). 2.1. per lb.; 40. (soft shell), 6d. per lb.; do. (cracked), Bd. to lOd. per lb. ; apples, 7a. to 10s. per bushel; barcelona&uta, 7s. 6d. per doaen lljp-; citrons, 2s. to 3s. per do*.; figs dried, 7^d per lb.'; lemons, Od. to Is. fid. peraozen; loquats, sa. to 7s. i*t lb.: oranges, ad. to Is. 6d. per dosen; do n Sydney, It. to Is. 6d. per dozen; shaddocks. 2s. to 3?. per Aoz.; walnuts, 6d. to 74. per doz. Ibn. Dairy Produce.—Bacon, Bd.' to Bd. per lb.; do.(groen),ed.to6d.perlb.; butter(frosh), 7d. to9d. perlb.; dieese(Eaglub), Is. 6d. jto ls.Bd. pCTlb4do.(ookMual){6d.*ia Bd. perjb.; dairy pork. «d. to Bd. par lb.; duoks,4s. 6d. to Sa. per pair; eggn, 9d. -per doses;.fowls, 3s. «i. to 4s. per pair; geese. 4s. to ss. each; hams, 9d. to lid. per lb.t lard, fld.per lb.; turkeya, 3s.Cd. to Bs. each. Hatchers' Heat—Beef. 4d. to fid. par lb.; •do.(salt), 4d. to «d. per lb.; calves' head. 2s. Cd. each;'calves'fvet,l«. 4i. per set; lamb (forcqaartar). Js, Ss.eaciijdo. (hind-quarter), 3s. to 3s. 6d. eaoh; mutton(fore-quarter), 2d_ per lb ; do.(hiud-quarter), 3d. per lb.; sausages, 4d. perlb.; veal, SJ. to <ki. per lb. MiscoUaneouc—Beeswax. Is. ,to Is. 2d. per lb.; colonial wine, 2s. to 6s. per gallon; colonial jam, 7d. to Bd. per lb.; Sowers, 3d. to Is. per bunch; honey, 325. per cwt.; rabbits. Is. per pair; pigeana. Is. 3d. per pair. City Central market, Saturday, September 28.—Vegetable.—Beetroot. 2s. 6d. per dosen; cabbages, 4s. per dosen; do.(Savoy), 2m. to 3s. per dosen; carrots, 2a. per dosen bunches; cauliflowers. Is. 6d. to 6%. per doxen ; celery, 2s. 6d. to 5?. per doioo heads; ehilies. Is. 3a. per lb.; horseradish, od.per lb.; garlic, 4d.per lb.; teok?,2s. to Su. ptr docoB; lettuoea. 4d. to Is. per dos.; marjoram, 6d. to Bd. per doi. bunches; mint, od. to Bd. per dosen bunches; onions, 345. per cwt.; do. (green). If. 44. per dozen bunches; parsnips, 2s. Bd. per dosen bunches; peas, 6s. per bushel: potatoes. 7s. Bd. per cwt.; do. (new), 15s. per cwt. ; caduhes, 6d. to 6d. per doaen bunches: do. (turnip)," Od. to Sd. per dosen bunches; rhubarb, 'As. 6d. to 4s.per dozen lbs.; cage. 6<i. to Bd. per dozen bunches; shalots. 4d. per lb.; thyme, fld. to 6d. per dox bunches; tumipa. 2a. to 2s. 6d. per dosen bunches: wateroress. 6d. per dosen bunches. Fruit—Almonds (hard shell), 3d. per lb.; do. (soft shall), 7d. per lb.; do. (cracked), Bd. per lb.; apples, «s. to 8?. per butbel; citrons, 2s. to 3s. per dosen; lemons,4d. to Is Od. per dox.; oranges. 4d. to la. 6d. per down; raisins (colonial), 7d. par lb. dairy Prodnee—Bacon, M. to lOd. per lb.; do. (green). 9d. per lb.; butter (fresb).Bd. to lOd. per lb.; cheese (English). I*. Od. to Is. Bd. per lb.; do. (colonial), fid. to lOd. ver lb.; dairy pork. Sd. to Bd. perlb.; dncks,ss. per pair; eggs, lOd. to lid. per dos.; fon-U. 3s. to 4s. per pair; gtmt. 4s tofis. each; hami, lOd. to Is. per*lb.; lard, 9d. per lb.; turkeys. 4a. to 7s. eaon. Buteoers 1 Mart-Beof, 3d. to7d, par lb.; do.(salt), 3d. to 6d. per lb.; «alves'head ; 2s. each; calves' feet. Is. per set; lamb, 3s. per side; mutton, (fore-quarter), lsd. to 2d. per 11?.; At>. (hinri-4jnarte«). 2W. to 3d. per lb.; raussges, 4d. per lb.; veal, 4d. to Od. per lb Miscellaneous—Colonial jam. 7d. to Bd. per lb.; flowers, 3d. to 9d. per bunch ; boney, 6d. to 7d. per lb. ; rabbite. Is. to 1«.6d. per pair; pigeons. Is. 44. per pair: hares. Ss. 3«. each. A good supply and demand. Stock. Mxnurr. Mr. Wm. Dean, in his report dated October S. say*:—"Fat Sheep—The market this week was a brisk one, and was supplied with a large number ; several flocks, however, being in only store oondition, thew were sold to gnuien. A small ■prinkliDC of fat shorn sheep wenyarded, ahowinc (hat we must not rxpect supplies of waoUiv sheep to continue for many weeks longer. Quotations — Beat crossbred wethers 17s. to 18s.: second quality, 14*. to 155.; do. ewes, 12?.t01i5., bust merino wethers, 12s. to l.ts. Od.: others, 10s. to lls ; do.ewes, best, fl*. to 10s.; otneo,6«. 6d. to 7".; shorn wether*, best, Bs. to ih.; others, C>. to 7s. Bd.; ewes, os. to Tr. Fat Lambi.—Toe market was well supplied as regards numbers, bu*. in most of ttie lots qnality was wanted to be able to command a high price. Kearly all were cleared. Quotations —llest, fl?. to I'Js.; second quality, 7s. to Bs.: others at lea. Fat Cattle—The supply this week has been but modi-rat*-, consequently prices and the demand were batter than for sometime. Quotations:—Best beef from S5?. to 335. 6d. per 100 lb*.; second qnality, 20s. to 235. Od. per 100 lbs. Store Btock.—All kinds are in demand, especially young ewes and fair aged bullocks in good condition for fattening. I have sold some large lota at good prices.'' Messrs. G. and H. Bennett report on October 3, the market for fat stock as follows:—" There has been only a moderate supply of cattle yarded, and prices hare advanced a little in consequence; good beef has sold up to 30s. per cwt. Sheep.—A number of good mi-rino wetters have come to ban<i; best have up to ISs.; other* from lls. to 135.; a few shoru merino wether* have been yarded of good quality, and made up tofis. fid. Lambs.—The market has been well supplied; prices range from 7s. to 10s. Our sales have been:—Cattle.—For T. Dodd, 10 extra prime bullocks at £16; for E. Chapman. 59 bullocks, good quality, medinm weights, at £9 155.4 d.; 10cow(i,goodquality,lightweights,at£7 10a.2ofrotherowners,114bullocka,at£87s.; for O. B. Fisher, 820 store cowf, at £4 7s. Sheep.— For various owners, 1,411 wethers, good, at from 13s. to Ms.; ?8 shorn wethers, good, at 9s. dd.; 256 ewes, medium quality, in the wool, at from Bs. to 10s. Lambs.—3ss at from 7s. to 10s.; also a number of calves and pigs at fair prices. Store Sheep.—We have sold for J. M. U&klater 2,673c955s and wethers mixed.*' Mmsts. E. Lnnghton A Co, in their circular dated Octobers say:— "FatOattie—About an average number arrived forHh* week's supply, and almost all wen good. Sales went off briskly but drooped towards tiwcloee. Price* have latterly been hardening and are from Ss. 6d. to ss. per 100 lbs. higher than the low rates recently ruling. They have touched 30t. per 100 lbs. and range from 20s. per 100 lbs, upwards. We have sold 19J well-bred cattle, mixed sexes, but principally bullocks, from medium to prime, many being light weights, for Messrs. J. ft J. Phelps, from their Alhemarle Bun. River Darling, up to £13 155.; the bullocks averaging £10 Is., the cows £7 10s. 6d. Sixtaen bead for various owners. Fat Sheep—Yesterday's market was well supplied with several flocks of woolled sheep aad a moderate number shorn. The A*m*nA (or both trade and grating purposes was satire, but it was given almost entirely to sheep in the wool. We hare sold 1,360 good merino wethers ror Mr. B. Butler, jun., at 14s. to 14s. 6d4 98 shorn wethers, part crossbred, for Mr. H. J. Biggs.atlls.3d.; 1,250 medium merino wethers, in the « 001. for various owners, at ISs. to 13s. Fat Lambs—A full supply arrived, and. except for best quality, prices were weaker. We have sold 452 for Mr. Sheriff, Mr. Clark, Mr. Uhlman, Mr. Bartleet, Mr. Bowe, Mr. Bidgway, Mr. Davu, and Meters. Matters Jt W*rk, at from ss. to lls. Pio ?-in> Calf Maskkt. Mr. George Laughton reports on October 2, as follows:—"Pigs.—The supply was again an unusually large one, filling all available pens, but principally composed of stores. There was a large attendance of buyers, and prices were fair considering the large supply. Porkers of quality were not in large numbers, any really prime being ia brisk demand, but inferior were a little easier in price. Bacon Pigs—Therp was a better suppy this week in point of numbers, Irat not many of superior quality. I sold a few from 535. to £3 17s. Od. Stores.—An unusaUy large supply, many being vary small. Prices were much lower, more especially for email and inferior. Calves.—The largest supply for a length of time. The market was dull throughout, excepting for a few of extra prime quality. Inferior were only saleable at very low prices. I sold inferior from -Ba. 6d. to 905., end medium from 21s. to 305., and up to 475. for very prime." Wool a>ii Pbodcce Mabkkt. Messrs. K. B. Priestly tt Co. report on October 3as follows.—A few unimportant lots of greasy wool have been offered this week, and realised from 7td. to 6§d. per lb. Pieces have reached Od., and looks 2j4. Sheepskins am in good request, and ruling a trifle over last week's rates. l!est fresh butchers'are at Sa.2d. to ss. Sd., and second up to 3s. 6d. Lambs* from Is. to ls.Sd. Good dry merino skins, if free from seed and clean, are worth up to 6£d., and ordinary sorts are realising fi|d.; inferior to medium,2d.to4d.perlb. Hides are still receding in value. We were obliged to withdraw a consignment of SOOat our last sale in consequenceof owners'limite notbeingreacbed;«ubsaquently, however, we cleared the lot at 4|d. per lb. Unless shipments of hides from the other colonies cease for a time we cannot hope for any improvement in price, as the market is at present completely glutted. Tallow is not in much request, and last week's rates are barely Obtainable now. Kangaroo Island wallaby are very dull of sale, only choice parcels realising up to 305.; SSSs. per dosen is now about an average value. Kangaroo dons of gsod growth and siie are wanted at up to 405." HIDB AVD'SinX MaBKET. Messrs, E. Laughton k Co, in their report of October 3 says: -Wool—Not much of this season's clip has yet come to hand; the few small pareel? forward this week have cold at satisfactory rates. Sheepskins—A large supply of butchers' green have been offered at our sates during thepast week, and competition has been

keen, the price for the large lot of butchers' best teaching at our sale to-day, Ss. 6d, Country dry have been in moderate supply, all to blind have been cold at full market rates, llutcbers' best, Ss. to ss. 5d.; medium, 3s. 9d. to 4b. 10d.; lower qualities. 3s. to 3s. 6d.; crossbreds, Ss. to Od.; country dry. 3s. <M. to ss. 5d.; do. per II)., 4(1. to Sjd.; lambskins, Is. 3d. to 2i. Id. Hides. —Large importations of light and medium woighte from the other colonies have had the effect of completely glutting this marker, and prices ruling at our sales during tlic week were much lower than for some time past. We quote prices as under—-Best ox, 20s to 305., a few higher; inferior to medium. 10*. (id. to 19s. «d.; cowhides, 10s. Od. to 16i.; country, salted, 9s. to 305.; calfskins, Is. to ss. Mr. George Laughton reports on September 3 asfoUowg:—''Wool—A few odd lots continue to arrive. I have sold small parcels greasy up to B£d. per lb. Sheepskins—A large supply of full-wool Rkins cannot be expected to last much longer, as pelts ara beginning to make their n|>}H>araucc more freely. Competition continues brisk, and prices axe firm. I sold butchers' best green skins (merino) up to ss. 59.; medium, to 4s. Cd.; inferior, from 3s. to 3s. Bd.; lambskins, from Is. 3d. to Is. 5d.; country skins, -2s. lOd. -to -ss. 2d.; dry and station skins, to sjd. Hides—The supply of butchers' green hides was about an average one, mostly bi-iiig light and inferior. A large number of salted hides have been in the market this week, many beiug importvd, and as numbers were light weights and inferior the market is much depressed, and some time must elapse before it recovers its tone, there being more on land than can possibly be. consumed for some considerable time. Quotations —Best ox, from 20s. to 305., a few very superior higher; inferior to medium, 10s. 6d. to s. <W.; cowhides, 10s. <Jd. to 16?.; country salted, 9s. to 305., a few higher; calfskins. Is. to s*. Kangaroo skins are in good demand, more especially large sises. Quotations—From Ss. for email to about 40s. for largest sizes. Tallow does not improve materially in price. Quotations—From 2s. 6d. to 31s. 6d. per cwt. MEETnro OF CRBDITOBS. A meeting of creditors in the estate of T. O'Brien, of Waymouth-street, confectioner, was held at the offices of Mr. W.H. Wadoy, solicitor, en Thursdoy, October 3. It was determined by those present that the estate should be assigned to Mr.C. It. Williams (of Messrs. Fanning and Co.) for the benefit of the creditors. The liabilities are £1.101 19a. 7J-, and the probable assets £1,357 AUCTION SALES. WOOL AND PBODCCE. Messrs. Luxmoore & Co. report having field their usual sale of abeepskins, hides, tallow, *c., on Thursday, October a :—Wool—Nothing of any importance has taken place in this market si?ce our last, which will be the case until the rales of the new clip open. All lota of greasy and scoured are held over for our nest sale, which will take place on the 10th inst., if the clij? now en route arrive in time. Sheepskins continue to be in brisk demand, especially good clean merino skins, for which as high as Gid1. per lb. was paid. The huge supply offered realised from 4j<l. to Cjfi. perlb.; short-woolk-d and inferior sorts from 2d. to 4d. per lb. Kangaroo Skins.—None offering this meek. The demand is good. L?*t week's quotations are from ss. to 49*. per dozes. X X. Wallaby.—This market is not improved, and the 14 cases catalogued sold at reduced rates. Prices rangrd from 90s. to 30s. per^dozen. Hides.— We submitted a laijje quantity, the bulk being imjwrted hides, heavy and in good condition, which realised from23s. to29s.each; light and inferior sorts from ss. to 16s. each. Tallow remain* about the same as last quoted, viz., frr-m 24k. to 30s. percwt.fatup to 3d.perlb. She.:p?kinsic.—HS. 2 bales locks, 2Jd. per lb.; K. 2 do. pieces, 4]-d.; D. 6 bdls. skins, s|d., lot fl<l>elU<,2id.; lO,6l>dls. skins, 6|d.; HS, 10 <io., .'.A,!.; K. 10 do., 4id..- MIL, 2 bdl«. do., 5d.; It. 1 <10. do., 4J.1. ; X", 4 do. pieces skins, 3fd.; Al\ 5 fkiu*. -Sid.; CMPW, 1 bdl. do., 4|d.; CWL, 2 do. do.. 3j|d.; AL, quantity do., 4£<l. L. do. dv.. sA<l. quantity t>kins and pelts : 4.; AL over T McC. 1 bdl. skins, s|d. VTMrI, 1 do. do, 4|d.; Petra, quantity skins, 4.1.; do. do, pelts, 2gd.; WH over H. 2 bdls. skins, 4 Id., 1 do. do., pelts. 2Jd.; BP. 3 do. ?kins, s£d.; Gum Flat, lot do, s|d, do. do.. Twite, 2jd.; Oil, do. skins, sjd., do. do. and j *lts. 3d.; X, 30 dons, s|d.; L, lot do. and pieces, 2jd.; FC over X-, quantity skins, 4|d., do. do. and pelts, 3d.; WVVorer \V, quantity skin*, M.; EKAD. 2 bdls. do, 3*d, 1 do. do, pelts, ljd.; PB, 3 skins, sjd. Kangaroo Island wallaby skins—Willson over KI,I box wallaby, 25«. per doi.; QZ over XI, ti 3,1 do .do., 80s.; £ 2.1 do. do, 28a.; S 1,1 do. do .31* ; WToverKl,; WiUaonover Kl. 1 do do., 245.; Buck over XI, 1 do. do, 225.; l:D over KI,I do. do, 26s.8tL; JFM over XI. 1 do. do.. 205.: ACBorerKl, 1 do. do, 235.; 1 do. do, 2;!5.; AB over XI.l do. do, 28s. ;DSover KZ,ldo. do..2Ts.;LMoirerKl, Hides.— JK over H, 1 hide,ss.; 10, 1 do, 125.6 d.; X, 1 do, Bs.: L. I do., 125.; TS. 1 do. Us.; MIL, 1 d 0,95.; C, 12 do., 16s.each; E, 3 do, 125.; Gippsland, 50 do, 29a.; 39, do., 295.; 47 do, 23?.; X, 2 do., 10s. fid. LUTD. Messrs. Townsend, Botting & C0. sold at their mart, on Thursday, October 3, under instructions from the official assignee in the estate of Charles Robin, insolvent, those two valuable Sections of land, Nos. 1132 and 1133, containing 18 acres, situated near Port Adelaide and close to the proposed new dock, for £1,025. The competition for these Sections being very keen. The same firm also sold under other instructions, 12 allotments in Port Augusta, being subdivision of Section No. 111, at the fallowing prices .—Lots No. 1, 2, and 3, 30s. per foot.; lots 4, 5, and 6 32s.; lots 7 and 11, 23s.6d.; lots 8, 9. and 10, 21s.; and lot 12, 21s. 6d. per foot