Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931), Monday 6 August 1928, page 19



A Grade. Korth Adelaide, ? goals; East Torrens, 0 goal?. West Torrens, 6 goals; XJnivensitv, 1 goals. Goodwood, 8 goals; Sturt. i goals. B Grade. Port Adelaide, 25 pulp; West Torrent, tin. Veal Adult. * pails; Unirersity, 1 goal. Sturt, 8 goals; East Torrens, 7 goals. North Adelaide, IS goals; Goodw-jod, 4 goaj>.. C Grade. , UniveKity, 20 goals; East Torrene, 2 goals. I North Adelaide, 27 goals; l'ort Adelaide, 4 , goals tioodwood, S2 goals; Xorlh Adelaide 11.. 2 I goals. I SOBTH ADELArDETS CLOSE CMJU. Korth Adelaide ciotinoad their ran of wins by defeating Eost Torrens on Saturday. The difference oi one goal gives a good indication ol the p'.ay. East Torrens were without th* services of Pearce. Tbe play opened np in favor of East Torrens, -whose centre field were eariv on the aggressive. Peake <Sorth) relieved, and the Sorth forward line obtained possession. Some quick passes in front of gual pave Lawrence his opportunity, and he snapped up a oi? one. PJay went -iff well in favor of Sorth. and Flavel secured, but his chance was spoiled by ftoyco nbo cleared to Davis. A nice pass to Hall was spoiled by_ Glover (Sonb), and in the rush Thomson (Ttftrens) secured. nig try was turned aside by Lee. Brisk play characterised the opening of the second term, but the das!i diminished somewhat on both side*. Torreus were the faster, ai.d SJiulz received a nice pass from Tillcman, which he quickly siat on io XidlL An excellent scries of body movements secured a goal for this player. His goal was replied to by a brace of aoale by Flavel <his only faring shots). T!iey vrere well tried for, and came a? the result of 6ne farcing tactics. Bovce allowed himself on these occasions to be pwhed too far back into goal. iMe remedied this immed iatply, and thereafter kopt F^vel out more, and insdentally kept that player from scoring. Hall snapped another nice goal for Ton-f ne, and was playing nelL S?e fine tossles were goinf: on round the centre, i but the p!?«rs -were fjirly evenly matched. San<Jery (Sorth) «rentiuUjr broke througa with a laioe fibt run, and registered bis side's fourth • ?oal. East TorT«ns had the measure at the northerners in the third term- Tlieir fonrart i ane was closely checked. Uyfle came tfjwK;h early and netted a nice sllot Thomson (Torrens) coon followed with a hard eliot, which beat t'w goalie. Another viffotous attack liy the K-irth centre-SeliJ pave Lawrence possession, but his shot misrtd, and Watt then took a hand. Hig shot was slapped by TilJ?man, who passed to Sdralz. to Thomson. who rlever'y dodged Brjtk, and scored hie ses'jhd, an-1 the siot's fourth. so?L Wi.h the Mores 5 to 4 afraircst tlwtfi, Turreno infused more vijror iuto their frame-. Their faulty cti^kwork !o«t them several good opportnn:ti« Ij woie in t!.e early part ot the last term. Ton ens looked to have a chance until Lawrence took a nice pass, when running across !li<- zvai. acci shot true. The lead of tiro sails jravc Nortl. tonic heart. avid tfcpy :-.2<i roust of Hie play tar a cor(sidtrablc time, until Clark cleared lo l>jvis. His paw to Thomson was opportune, arid tliat pJayrr «:th clever iKKiy work, 'wit Bmck, and threw liis iid?-E fifth goal. With only a ?na! tf:n~er«Mice. the earoe appeared to I>p in the balance for with Flavel safely held, the nof-I thernera were little superior t3 East Torrens. The latrer rook up the attack, and Tcionusjn found (he net with a n:« luck-hand flick. The call of time ?oon followed. Mr. C. A. M. West rnferi-e. N'wth AiJp!aide"i <JJa!s sere thrown by Vljvel a?<l Lawrenw (2). Hyfie. Keswll, and SowWv. They were !"est reprewnled by Ke«-Fel.. Watt" Po:ikei ">d Waddv. East Torrens"f goals wpn. thmv™ «y Tlomswii <4>. and C. Hall (2) their bet: players being Bnjce Forher'ngliam. Thomoin. Hall Shulz. and Tllleman. WEST TOBRESS SUCCEB?FI'L. University and West Torrens met on the park land 9 at Birton-terrace, North Adelaide, in?:e«d o! the University Oval, as advertised. Wot Torrens won by 6 goals to 2, after a good contost. The outftandinz feature oi tire came «s tlie performance of Tmnlili CTeat Toi-rens skipper), in throwing five of their six goals. University attacked from the start, and made the p.j<-e warm. Watson (Vnirerstty) I>roke t'irJitffJi and opined the scorins for bis tide. Torrens !ia'l not umpeT'.y ce'tlra'down. as they werf wlt!iiJetertninpd attack! by iluecke ans Idwntir-e were made, but were broken up by Tcrrens. v.ho were liestinnlu? to show criterion in their pl?y. Taru!tn tooft a hand, arid dominated the piay round I centre, adding « brace of goals fur bi« strle in sood style. Determination marked Uie cfiort! «f the s:B<ieut? tn break thrjosh, bat the backmeu, rieass. Bettisoa, and Tlarrisjn, were fire, and the term closed without addition to MtMei score. The hard rjsture of Ihe srroiwJ was havitis '•:* upon tltp coalkpfpcr's diancv of t^top' p-ti- t:iTn hut Ilawkits <l: niwr*'ly) fliarpd rtpf>:i'...l -Sims. Th? >ra wa« fruiifni fnr Tv-,.|:«. ?> m.,,t-,1 ::-irry nisiv fr.j!-. Taml'n n!i-lira aii'l I!"bHi mic. The work 1-a'ilnE «y ■to llic*. K -.?U ?a« ?.■!'. «-xwut«l. tt'Kjd \m-ii ™iXll'i"i tias'clMli'.' .-.ii'ljiln «'n«p" In it aim 'O?k {Vn-vrrsity) was imttlTnc hard, and socurH utscfsion many" times, but vjj ucaifle to con

vert, as Bcttison had bis measure. Coot «atj useful is feeding other student players not to closely watched. In this manner he passed to LanTence. who shot ■ clever gJai. ; wxxe considerably heartened at this, and played better during the remainder of Ihe re.-m. The students were playing well together, at the start of tlie third quarter, and exhibited some nice movements from centre lield, but they were not able to sustain them past the forward line, where Harri«on on several occasions held up Uie advance. On bcin? transferred to the Torrent forward line, Tamlin, with a clean break through, !*ee:vea a. nice pass from tt'infon, aiic" registered his fifth, aud the side's sixth goal. Cook (University) battled hard to set beynnd Bettieon in lite/ last term, but Jhe big- Torrens defender was sure. Davis secured iar linivccsitv, but Jones cheeked, and got the lull, passing to Edjre, who was kept tJO far out to do much pond. An eieci'ent try by Boath. was turned aside by Dawkins (University) in goal. The last term was of a very even nature being fan! throogJiout. The pace sf the match had been well maintained. Xo additions to the score tnok place in this quarter, although the students were applying- the pressure Tjrrens were able to withstand the shock, McGregor (torrene eoalkeeper) making: some spectacular saves. Torrras nude some nice centre field drives, Wakeficls belay conspicuous but Boykctt, tanking (2), and Cornish, with B. Davis on deirnee, wore equally sure Torrens were best represent! by Tamiin. WakefleJd, Janes. Mcfireeor, HarrWm. and Itettiron, and their coals were thrown by Tamlin (5) aim Boatii. University was li*( rei.resentel by A. Dawkins, J. navis. Cook, and LanTen-c, their poals br>in? thrown by Watson and Lawrence. Mr. H. Uori-ftg- refereej fiie matcli. GOODWOOD RU\'SEHS-l-"I'. Uy defeating Stur on Saiw.iav at SVayviilp GcotJivoud retained aioir Imsitijn "as runnersap. lliey wt-re without the Eenis™ of C<x-kf whose place was takcu by Babble, who opened his fii<-'eTe sooriicr account after about 20 miautcp1 play. A pass by F.. Phillina was wr.ll taken and well tried for by this iilay.T. bturt mite some bold dashes from centre Cpii, and p*vc Hie Goodwood defenders, Uauson. Matthews, and Bailey, soms anxious nionien:s. Alivthins: Iooh;, hevvever,.was turned aside !>>■ MrKenzie <?oal), who was Hire. in t!ie second term Bal>'iu^e a?aid openeti the s?orin?T by oulpacin; Daniels, who seemed a little off "his game. StiiM* (Sturt) secured secured from tlie face-off ntid quickly transferee! to Kestc'., who was running in. H? was. however, unable to get past Martin, acd sen* the ball on to B?U, whose shut just nr.seed the net. A clean pick up and try lij McCormack was turned atftlv asivi* by McKenzie, and W. Phillips secured. Uis jiass to E. i'h:ilip= bo the run was a good out aud the latter piayer, with st lust a vaid to nare on Ilili, took the ball clearly aui'rfiot ?-<-JI over J).ir:in'i 6hculdw, allini; Oooiwnod's third goal. Stwr'.'s play brightenca up, an.l Kinsman iccowd soun after the fai!-3fr. Scltli was too n-atrhful ami prevented him dom?: any poml. Tlie ball was woll c-l^red by Mait:n r'goal), v.lio came out ?i:h rare Ju-^pni. Brooks ol>:a!nod pn^ess:on. and wjlh a nioe !?ft-liand'!i motion found the not and opened Siurt'e score Again Slubbs s?cureJ, hut Bailey olfored s pass meant in-M=Cormack, nnj Jsrf>iiiifT indulged in * n:-pioc" of hodywerk uhli-h beat -\. ilar:;:i. ai..i ran ml! into t!i' eoai 3ion:li and flint truo. Tcis roi-'.e t!ii> ior=l i.w aoals -.0 one :n «001 wooj's favor. W. Piiillipe ff-urM from th" fo^e-off. au<i \va« leadins a strong Goortwood atiioi at lialf-time. Stun lvi the better of the pa? in t!v tbivr: ;ime, and drove ro;iwpII strppcriM by Brooks an-J Ptublis. wti« scored :n that or.'er. <:o3(J?-ood iiaj lost mutii of their dash. A i-->ntro fipld drive headed by Bronnor aun E. Pbillip- failed \v!i..ii they mt?t the Ftart defence linp, i\Ji;r-h tranpf pitpA 1* to Bell, whose try went inrlies out on'.y. The term ended without scores to Ooaiwood. Tit last quar:er was v:g,] r nu>lv coni.tle.!. in ejii'iof tiie handy l^d W.d >>r tlw !,<.m<> *ide Thomas let i:p on W. fli-Uips. sn.i in a short .'Pftfe of time iht1 Ifltrer had add"-: .1 Va:-r o! cove hiai his first, and a ci'n.-erti1'! mmoiner.t ins up. Kmsrrun <St\i"i) fort; a'hantaav of h:s opponent's ov*.il,al:iucina. and w:th « lone slvr? found the net. V. Phillips eof tlie draw oii an:! pa**l (o IM-Dnwr. Uut MnrtiTi cl<-?red tc Kettel. to Beli. 7iie pliol was turned ssid< br Sl^Rpn?ip Ba'inaee ol.talnnd |«svs<™. and with sttne r.iw body an-3 ?'i?l: wort, ail?d b; p:sh-h sria). A <ir.f> ?l!.-:t «n"n al'f-v save Siubiis l? rt?'Jir*s-on wltfii Snhin-J '.'op nit. His l.a^F >^ye' the top wa= wrll ;!m.-:. an! M-Grnnark hi=a) MrKfnr-'o w):h it. TV rail of lime win aftn l'3Und the f?nre< unrhanped. firpt,Jun'>-i*s j.^l.: M?rp tl.iown hv KibhjCT (?.), W P!iil!:p- 12). V, Pliillii". K:ns3iau. mid (Iranrr. Thtir best pluyprs wr f W. Phillii*. Harvey. I" l'iiiliil*, Babbace, VrKeni!^, Mattliows. St-.irt's c"alf were (drown liv Krnok? («). ftuiiu*. ani Me-Cnrmack. Tneir t>c=t rlay. rs «n? P.. nnd A. Msnin. Urocik^ nil. K<M.I. Mr P. 11. Ai:!c was i>-f"rf<>. rt cradt: final isorsi) c«is?'i.i:nf.i?. '!'■'■'";' r-'iu-li •• • "av-.' ■■■:•!' '->-: 'li' ■'■•■*•'. «a■i'.:.?..i 7\ x Iri. f.dly -iiirit. J?.-«i Au,h ■.•••.■ ocll held -i. tin- I".'. lira, snl "j,-li ,-:.)" ~,-.irr | in; crMitpSlv. V^'inTi™ I':e 11-af tvJTii'1; M'-^rf uztli tits Li^t term, duv^a ;o t*u-cc Thl

lift term ■>>' much livening up on :lie part o: lite mutes, who adicd live goals, the Tnaicn fiaisliin-r S :o 1 in :luir favor. The b.~-t pluycis lor !>""af Adult *c:f Uockiuj, Junckcn, and I'oy?ter, and tlicir gja'.s «eie llirov.u hy I'oy:iter (<), Janokcn (3), and Uorkiag. Uaiverelt.Vs poa! was tJu-ov.ii by IMiiun. Tli.?:r bes: jilajers w:e Chapman, Botiniii. aud Jdck. Korth Adelaide «trc too frong for Goodwood, aad ran oat winasrs by IS s«l« lv 4. The winners combined better, and gave a pood vxhibilion of rt:ck work. Adelaide were bttt represented by Bcres{;ril, McUit, ilello*sliip, and Cane, ani tiieir goals were thrown I V Bcreslard (7), llii.oks (6). Urllowdiip, and] Wasner (2), snd Cauc. A.l llic GoodKioii team played well, iut tlieir oppoaents oere i too good on -.lie day. Port Adelaide (25 coaU) taiiiy accounted for West Torre.ii c? SafJrJay. TJ.e game was fast, but l'ort sli?ed eui-crior tactics aad sticktLrown by Glover (9), D. Humify "V*)t siM«y (S). L. "Darb (3), Brinford. Tlismjrnn, and Connolly. Tiieir best players -.vck Ulover, Burnley, Branlord, and Sibley. West Tortviis were liJst ti-.reseated Senior, Wlcslaniey, Sinister. a«d Paul. East Torrens confoaud^i crimes by bein^ l-eaten on Saturday !«• SiTirt. East Tnrrons were uuavoidably flior^ The liaal scores were 8 to 1 In Siurt's'tav.jr. C GItADE. Port Adelaide played m :!i>liill Iclit acains: llio strojic; Sortli Adelaide I. >Ide on Saturday. They were unab> :■> clii'.k Hie rutlies niaje, particahrly !'y We?ton, who srored 17 of Hit 27 goals ecorod. I'ort Adelaide only managed tr> ei'ore f->ar poalt frum butlietlaud anJ li. Burnley (•> each). Univcreitv lud a comfnilaiile win (20 coal=l t? &rt Torroiis (2 psb). The match was 3 £noi one. titles *-bo;vfn^ pvrmii>c. Kas: Tttrrpns Fivnied uuaMe ta PC^rc. lljs'am <<il. Ruwt'll and TvTitin (1), Pwl^r (H). tox, Iteerworth. a:id L'jxmore wore t!ie s".ial-!hrowtir?- for ilin sttidMi.f, wlij were J«t v^prr^Mi'od by lla=lam. Tonkin, BcTivorili. Vast Toncns's" pals <!ie:r best plsyrrs, in adiliiion to Marvcv. Gnodviood defiifltcd Ncrth Ad>:a:de 11. by 32 goals to 2