Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954), Thursday 13 February 1930, page 11


Mr. TAL ÓRDELL A Versatile Artist

5fr. TAI Ordelí, who ts taking the leadInsr part in "The Carson Case'' at the Theatre Royal, ls'a-Victorlan. . He ls a

born artist; arid for >'oar.s -found ex-pression in oil painting, charcoal, and black - andwhite- sketches.Later Later he was drawn to literature, and has written many paragraphs and verses for the "Bulletin" and other periodicals. He drifted into stagework through Wil-liam Holman, who ' later became Promlcr of N.S.W. Holman Introduced

him to lils father, a teacher of elocution, and at that time manager of the Globe Theatre. ? Mr. Ordell was - trained in slock drama? had a'foUr years'-engage-ment with J. - C. Williamson, Ltd., and played for-á season with'Allan Wilkie. He appeared in all the Potash and Perlmutter and many other-American plays; and acted for 12 months with Marie Tempest. ' He was the original Dave in "On Our. Selection." He played with Henry Lawson, arid wàs.with him ii fort-night before Lawson died.' Mr, Ordell did three years-with his own sketches on one of,the Tivoli circuits, and then took the part of Ginger Mick ¡In"' "The Sentimental Bloke" during'a run of 18 months. . He wrote his own play, "KanKaroo Flat," which ran to-packed houses at the Athenaeum Theatre, Melbourne. Unable to flnd'a theatre In Australia for . a company too big to take on tour, he

turned to" pictures, and made "The Kid Stakes," a story of kids and goats. Tho film was made in Sydney", and completed In Rockhampton; wliére the big goat races are. held. The Ulm had a good run throughout1 Australasia, and last year Mr. Ordell sold the English rights. Ho hus now been "approached to make a talkie ot tho; film/

Mr. Ordell has toured with lils own company, ann.has appeared at one time or another in every theatre tri Australia,

except those built last year. He is now in negotiation with C. J. Dennis, author ot "The Sentimental Bloke," to go to Elstree to'ma' e a talkie of the book and to takeîhls old part of Ginger Mick, and act as associate producer. .' -

"The Australian actor and author," Slr. Ordell said yesterday, "ls forced to go to England, and everyone who cari raise the fare is starting out. The posi-tion of the legitimate drama ls better In England. The reaction against tho talkies has already set in there. The same thing will happen here, but it will take longer. With the huge over-head costs and tho Interest on money the film renters cannot hope to carry on. There will be the biggest backset ever seen. In the meantime .tho American talkies \Y,111 break the legitimate stage In Australia, and then the people will squeal."

NOTES Two Young Australians.

A feature of the production of Somer-set Maugham's play, "The Land of Promise," at the Comedy Theatre,

Melbourne, is Hie fact that the whole of. . the cast associated with Leon Gordon ls Australian. "It is one of tho best all-round companies I have eyer known,'.' said Mr. Gordon. "Their acting of the roles could not be Improved upon, and their team work and enthusiasm all through rehearsals were remarkable." "The Land ot Promise" has given two ot these young Australian artists their big chance. Theso ure Mary MacGregor and Dulció Cherry. 1 .. . ?

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"Follow Through."

Following tho season ot "Turned Up" at tho Theatre Royal. Melbourne. J. C. Williamson Ltd. aro giving for the flrst time . in Australia the latest American musical comedy success, "Follow Through." This ls at present running In New York and London. "Follow Through" should be equally popular in Australia, for it lias a sporting atmos-phere, including a thrilling golf match contested by Nora Mooro (Molly Fisher) and Ruth Van Horn (Madge Aubrey) td win a sweetheart. The cast includes the Tasmanian actress, Molly Fisher, GUS Bluett, Cecil Kelleway, Madge Aubrey, Edwin Brett, George Moon, Michael Cole, Frances Ogilvy, Nora McManus, Mary Lawson, Juck Dunno, and Jahn Harper, together with a special ballet, Frederick Blackman ls the producer. .

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"Jew Suss."

News has been received of the great success .of the American production of "Jew Suss," which ls being presented by J. C. Williamson Ltd. In conjunction with the New York management of Charles B. Dllllngham. A flrst per-formance was given at Newark, Now,

Jersey, and was a great success. Maurice. Mosco'vltch In the title role has won. a triumph. The cast, which comprises English artists, includes the'young : Aus-tralian, Byrl Walkley. , 1

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"Love Lies." . ? ?;'.- . ;

Rehearsals have begun in Melbourne for the London, Gaiety musical comedy; success, "Love Lies," with which the young Australian lirm of' White and Edgleywlll make their entry " Into theatrical management,' Tho English artists arriving this week are Rita Mc-Lean, Betty Eley, Bobby Gordon, Peter Lane, and other members of tho com-pany are Clem Dawe, Dan Agar, Les White, Dorothy White, Marie ? Eaton,' Paul Plunkett, Douglas Calder-wood, and Sheila. Shannon, to-gether with a charming young ballet ot tap dancers, who will set a new standard, lt ls promised, lu ballet work. Mean-while,, "Love Lies," with Madge Elliott, and Cyril Rltchard In the leading roles, has reached almost the end of i Its ii rsi year at the Gaiety Thoutre, London.

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Shakespeare in London.

Mr, Robert Atkins's scheme for pre-senting Shakespeare plays for a London season ls approaching realisation. He ls negotiating for a theatre, and expects to conclude arrangc'-ieuta in good time to launch his project by the end. of Feb-ruary or the beginning of March. In the meantime, he has definitely allied himself with an important co-adjutor in Robert Loraine. "The Life of King Henry V." has been chosen as the open-ing, piece, and Colonel Loraine is to play the King. Mr. Atkins does nit.expect to take part himself In this play, but will appear in other later ones;-he is likely, for instance, to be seen as Slr Toby Belch In "Twelfth Night."