Camperdown Chronicle (Vic. : 1875 - 1954), Friday 25 July 1879, page 3

Special Ad?ertiwmento. DR. PETTIGREW, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, AND PUBLIC VACCINATOR, CHURCH STREET, CAMPERDOWN. Home for Consultation—Morning, from 9to 10.30; Evening, from 6to 8 epical wim DR. PETTIGREW CAN BE CONSULTED MRS. SMITH'S COMMERCIAL HOTEL TERANG, Every MONDAY, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m Camperdown, November 7th, 187 MEDICAL NOTICE. DR. M'LEAN can be CONSULTED every TUESDAY, from 12 till 2 I o'clock, at MRS. JOHNSTON'S Hampden ; Hotel. . DB. ¥. P. IC'LEAff, [The only qualified physician practising in Terang and Camperdown districts.] PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, AND I PUBLIC VACCINATOR, Notice. MR. PICKEN, Solicitor, Camperdown attends at TERANG on the usual Court days, and can" be consulted at the Commercial, Hotol, Terang* *. W. TAIT, ACCOUNTANT, &c. MANIFOLD STREET, CAMPEK D 0 W N. t. HANCOCK, Solicitor, Proctor, aafi Conveyancer, MUERAY-STKEET, COLAC. Attendance on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. School District of North Siding, Shin of Sampdsa. rpHKEE VACANCIES - having occurred JL in the BOARD OF ADVICE for the above School District, notice, is hereby given that an ELECTION will be held on FRIDAY, the Bth of AUGUST next, and that Thursday, the 7th August, has been fixed as the day of Nomination. Nomination papers | must be delivered to me at Tit an 3a, lismore, S before 4 o'clock p.m., on the 7th August i next. ALEX. BUCHANAN, Titanga, Returning Officer. Lismore, 21s!; July, 1879. TENDERS. SPENDERS will be received by the under-J. signed, until the 31st inst., for the CONSTRUCTION of a TANK in Leura Paddock, for Messrs. 0. and A. Finlay. Plans and specifications to be seen at Messrs. T. aud W. Down's. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. ALEX. HAMILTON, Colac, loth July, 1879-THREE POUNDS REWARD. LOST, eighty-seven crossbred ewes in lamb branded Bon side. These sheep were bought at Mr. R. Armstrong's s*le on 17th April last, and will havelamus by this time. Anyone giving information leading to the recovery of the above, ■will reeeive one pound, or three pounds on delivery to the undersigned; R. W. BARLOW, Naroghid. $50 REWARD THE above REWARD will be given by the undersigned for such INFORMATION as irill lead to the CONVICTION of * YOUNG MAN who stole 20 HEAD of CATTLE from my Pirron Yalloak Estate on the night of 10th inst. WM. ARMSTRONG, Camperdown. On Sale. HAY, CHAFF, OATS, BRLEI MAIZE (whole and crashed), PEAS BRAN, POLLARD, RYE GRAS SEED and POTATOES. \ 1 & W. DOWN, Produce Dealers and General Storekeepers :\ Z:.::i^R;:SALr;,; ';, FIRST-CLASS BRICKS always on hand at SELBY'S, Mackinnon's Bridge. Notice. HAVING had a number of FAT CATTLE lamed in our water trough, NIELS and WIRRITGAL paddocks, by people going in with dogs coursing on Sundays, I am compelled to lay POISON in all these paddocks. HENRY M. MATSON, Purrnmbete, July 2nd, 1879. ... NOTICE. MR. H. C. NEILSON begs to announce that, in consequence of the bad weather having prevented the resident* of the neighborhood visiting the town, he has determined t-> continue his GREAT SALE for ANOTHER MONTH, hoping that ham* cess hitherto will be Increased. j •:■-;"■: : ";r; r-';;'CJ?IIIWf. ,'.'."■;, ■ '".■■.-HAVING been a heavy loser in Bottles for the last four yetis, and knowing that: moat, if not all the Soda Water and Leawwade Bottles all out here; are mine, I have sufficient Raton for believing that a pilftring t?de baa been carried on in these article*, and I, therefore, jive notice that any one fond, after this date, baying or selling, giving away or detaining aayofaj Bottle* will be proeecnted. ' 3 JAMEB JACKSON. Camperdown Brewerr, Jfily 19. 1879. '

it ALES BY AUCTIOW. lyAaetio?,attke CorfewUem Yalta, lallarat, O. TTJEBPAT, mt JULY, l?t, T?ISKEN mi GIBSON hare bsan favored T wJUJMtrWienafwMr.J.Tyw, toeeUbyatdMasaWr^ i ?oB?Uoeka l 4,t,ae4<y??itU,geed cobnvvt?Maii itimUa fcr These C*tth attdir*sshmnth? breeder, an for ataolaftt tale, alid wtrthy the attention rfbeysrs. WILLIAM SCtTT, ACcnoNm, Stock, Mitta, Mafct And GENERAL COMMISSION AGEfT, Arbitrator and Vahator Office* : Mawfald-straet, Campsrdown. I JOES' THOWfTOJf . Aiettof?r,C?uriMlMAfeit falutok%4U^4Uw MANIFOLD STREET, CAMPESDOWS Next to Messk T. and W. Om'i aton. Offici Haras, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. STUD DOG. i "VICTOR," By Wellington ont of Phantem, fall brother : to Lupin, Whitefoot, and leura, WILL STAND AT EEYEUK, Terms, £3 3s. VICTOR ran up for Mortlake All-ace Stake (21 dogs), divided Mortlake Cnp (20 dogs) with hi* sister Lupin; waa in last four for the Ballarat Champion (32 dog*), and in last four for Dundus Cup (16 don) on last two occasions, only just beaten by Western Princess. ALEX. DENNIS, Jun. rpHE WESTERN MEAT PRESERVING 1 COMPANY, Colac, arc now giviaf sd. per pair for RABBITS at the Factory. Parties is the Camperdown district oh for* ward daily by the Company'* cartan. C. M. FARRINGTON, Manager. , WALLS' PittttClothwWMhiaflOciiM JOHN WALLS, I Having perfected and patented his Clothe* Washing Machine, desires to draw tht attention of the public to the following advantages which he claims on its behalf, viz., THE UTMOST SIMPLICITY OF ACTIOH AND DURABILITY OF CONSTRUCTION. In its efficiency it i* a* well raited to cleanse the finest fabrics as the coarsest wearing apparel, blankets, quilta, 4c. A peculiarity of its construction is that ths clothes are kept continually taming over and in a partially floating condition, •<> that all parts are brought under its cleansing operation. Thejtime necessary to keep the machine in motion, say for half a doeen ihirta or their equivalent in other articles, i* from twote three minute* according to the speed at which it is driven, and the soiled eoaditioai of the article* subjected. The power necessary to drive this machine is reduced to a minimum so that a girl of 15 is quite competent to perform the work. It is confidently asserted that washing* can be performed in the moat efficient manner in one third of the ordinary time, and with much less wear to the clothes than by the ordinary process of hand-washing. Price, XB. With a First-class WRINGER attached, £9 15s. THOMAS FIELDER, BOOT AID SHOE MAKER, LEURA STREIu', a'-VPKRDOWW (Near the Commercia Hi;:'.) Orders reasonably executed with *r Repairs for caahonly. I Xew BlMksmltfcing Esteb lishmeit, MANIFOLD-STREET CAMPERDOWN j L. GRANT LATELY in the employ of J. KIRK, i blacksmith, has much pleasure in an mmncing that he has . STARTED BUSI j NESS on hi* own account, in the PREMISES LATELY OCCUPIED by Mr. ROBERT SPENCE, and hopes by strict attentien to business and REASONABLE CHARGES, tn merit a fair share of support from the public and his friends in general. All kind* of Jobbing and Woodwork Executed. Carpeidelt S?w Mill. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. - ■ 1 Tand J. ANSON brg to intimate that • they have inat erected new and powerfuISAWMILL MACHINERY on their landinthepariahoft'arpendeit.inthecentreef an almost unlimiUd supply of sound and healthy timber of the best quality, which they are prepared to supply in q^antitai at the lowest current rate*. Orders cut for any quantity, and fee •ires, and delivered either at tht mill wry portion of the district, at matagreed. A large quantity of excellent Immmr bow •m hand o select from. ' A & MORRIS, GENERAL BLACKSMITH, ACT* HORSE SHOER, BEGS to thank hi* pttreaa for past favors, and hopes, by strict attentjoa to bnainese, c^mhined with geod workmanship and moderate charges, to still merit their favor*. * HORSES carefully auc. veil SHOD, mi specialattention paid to dinatii or defermed IMIL J. S. MORRIS, Camperdown, JAMES JACI SON ALB ABB MBSfIB ttSWSBi JXATID WATERS AND COSDU MANUFACTUIDL Aftnt far FaDta'a Tiaaa* Muvaj It Wbmb. mHsmmmmsmml mmV 'mam% smmmrnVrnM. _^^smntMsm^UM|_> • Bs^mm?tHsy *W VsmV 4Www%i^

T.IW.DOM ABE NOW BHOWING A uia* irurflf übco? ; ':. ROCK ' ;/ !r; or WINTER GOODS, IN ALL DEPARTMENTS, Which for ratae will compare favorably with anything I yet shtWM by them. A NICE ASSORTMENT WILL Bl FOUND IK THE FOLLOW. I ING LINES :lrmM-—French Merinoes, Cash mm, Wool plaids, Russell Cords and Faacy dreaa Staffs in all the most Faahio?able Colors. Wi?Ceyi ttqr an doing very cheap, and for variety and quality can strongly reccomneod them, Manchester.—ln this departmen the values are very good. Particular attention is called to White and Grey Calicoes and Sheetings > Tickings, Forfar, Ac. Some excellent lines in Flannels, Lambskin and Serge. BlaaitetS.—A fine lot, ration makes and sizes, Imported and Colonial MUUaery*—A nice selection of Ladies Winter Hats; the latest shapes in Btmr aid Ftk, really cheap. Also a niee lot of Feathera, Flowers, &c. i Silka, SatlMg, Tehrets, Collars ai4CaIB,MMGI?TeB KibWas asid Frioge^. A Spenlendid Assortment of XsUiii Silk Squni a&d Scarfs, \ln all the Newest Shades and Desigas TAILORING-In this Department, we are now showing a large Stock of TWXXDS ▲ D COATINGS. Consisting of West of England, Scotch German, and Colonial. Some splendid Overcoatings, Irish Frieze, Nap, Pilot and Melton. All Tweeds thoroughly shrunk and it guaranteed. ' La4les Ulsters and Mantles Made to order in Latest Styles at very easonable rates. Beaithan Clothing. CMs, Vests, Trrasers, &c in all the Newest Styles, and good qualities. BOOTS tad SSOIS, Isipoited and Celonitl, of which all care is exerciaed in adectinf aone but good ralnet, aad raitablt to the require: mtmta of the dirtricti. wfieoiM.Tim, ibA OUmwi ftwti, AUefbtsti|waitiet. IRONMONGERY, TIHWARE, PAINTS OILS, PAPERHANGINGS, luikawiif til Crlmwirt, A wj largtatcck. i ■■ " ■ ■ •■ ■■ ■. STATIONERY, BOOKS, |FANCY GOODS Will U foud fmUy aapplied. Statiaa Keqiiaitea always on haad. j Ageatt for Singer't Sewing Machine*. (8m tkctr advertisement in the Chronicle.) Nortken Assuaace Gonpaay, Argut, Daily Tekfrmpk, te. T. tad W. DOWN, OENEIRAL STOREKEEPERS, CAMFBBDOWN.

GIGANTIC CLEAKING flail of Bnpayiad Clotting. EXTENSIVE ALTERATIONS mod Addition to Premises bsS <J tetnplated,- SO™GEOCHEGAN ?t BYRXE Have. determined to offer the whole of their Magnificent Stock, amounting to 418,000, at men a reduction of prices ai will speedily effect a clearance. To accomplish thi? their itock has been carefully gone through, and all good* marked at such Low Bates as most ensure a great success. THE SALE IS NOW ON, And will be continued during the Season. Each Department is thoroughly stacked, so that customers may rely upon getting the NEWEST and most FASHIONABLE GOODS procurable. Dims Department. In this Department the Job lines are laid out and arranged according to prices, and hundreds of excellent Dresses are turned out daily at less than one-fifth their value. Several lots of Fancy Dress Stuffs at 2sd, 3|d, 4Jd, 6d, 7H 9d, are well worthy of inspection, as they are in most instances folly worth fire times the amount asked. Good Shades of PLAIN DRESS STUFFS •-'"111 HI, reduced from 9^d. Matk' tad Colored Satin Cloth, all wool, ' Hi 1* Former price, Is 3d, Is 6d. Gahrti Oahmeres, Is 9d. Keduced from J _■ * BLACK LUSTBES (A Manrifieent stock) all reduced to less than wholesale pnces-4|d, 6d, M, Is. Usual prices,9d,ls,ls4d,ls9d. BLACK CASHMERE AND FRENCH MERINO, 2s 3d, Worth 3s lid. Super IViU Winceys, 2d, 3d, 4d, 9d, Is. Reduced from 4d, 6d, Bd, Is 2d, Is Gd. Check Winceys, great bargains, 41d. Usual price, B|d. BLACK SILKS, lsll? 2s 6d, 3s 6d-the lowest of which is fully worth 60s the dress. Millinery Department-Special attention is iuvited to the Large and Well-assorted Stock in this Department. 1000 Ladies' and Maids' STRAW BATS, 6d, usual price Is. 500 Ladies' and Maids' Black Satia Velvet, Olivia Langley and Beefeater shapes, from 4s. 6d. A job lot of Ladies' Felt Hats, in Navy, Bronze, and Black, at Is 6d. Reduced from 4s 6d. A special line of Plush and Velvet Bonnets, all colors. A splendid lot of Woollen Shawls, Capes, 4c. Very low. A special line of Hand-knitted Shawls—Colonial make—Extraordinarily Cheap. LADIES' MANTLES, in all the NEW SHAPES TO BE CLEARED AT ANY SACRIFICE! Ladies' Shawls, 4s lid, reduced from 7s 6d. Ladies' Ulsters, 9s 6d, reduced from 15s 6d. Several Hundreds of Pairs of Stays at Very Low Rates. Hosiery Department Considerable concessions will be made to buyers, as, owing to heavy stock ii? this department, we have determined to re-mark all Goods at so low a figure that attention has only to be drawn to the prices to effect a sale. WOMEN'S STRIPED HOSE, 4di, Gd, 9d. Reduced from 7W, lOd, Is. 3d. WOMEN'S COLORED HOSE, sd. Reduced from IOJd. GIRL'S COLORED HOSE, 6d. Reduced from lOid. MEN'S STRIPED HALF-HOSE, 6d, Sd. Reduced from 9d, Is. Gloves-Our Paris Agent having very advantageously purchased a large and varied stock of Deut's Kid Gloves, enables us to lay before cur customers an assortment rarely equalled iu the Colony, at remarkably Low Prices. Ladies' 1 Button Kid Gloves (all colors), Is Id; worth 2s 6d. Ladies' 2 Button Kid Gloves (all colors), la 6d, wsrth 2s lid. Ladies' 4 Button Kid Glove*, {all culi>r?), a* lid; worth3s lid. Ladies' 6 Button Kid Gloves, (all colors), 3s lid; worthss 6d. Ladies' 8 Button Kid Gloves (all colors), 4s '6d; worth 6s 6d. The Fancy Department-As it is our inteution to make this one of the most recheree in the colony, we ate determined to clear off the whole of our present stock, so as to enable us to show (after the contemplated alterations arc made) an entirely new assortment of Novelties. A large lot of Ribbons, 2d, 3d, worth Gd. 9d. Three large lots of Ribbons (all colors), reduced from 9d and Is to 3d and 6'd. Ladies' Scarves and Squares in all the latest styles; every novelty of the season reduced expressly for this sale. Novelties in Seaweed and other Collarets, from Is lid each. A splendid assortment of black and gold Rufflings and Nets, really cheap. Silk Buttons and Silk Fringes, all colors. Manchester Department. This Department having to be re-arranged, we would especially draw attention to the absurdly Low Prices as quoted below:— Wet Wove Calicoes, 3s Gd and 3s lid per doz. yards. Usual price 4s lid aud 5s lid. Grey calicoes, Is lid. 2s lid, 3s lid, 4s lid per dozen yards ; reduced from 2s lid, 3s ' lid, 5s fed. 6s 6d. 72-inch White Twill Sheeting, 10?d; worth Is 4Jd. 72-in. Grey Twill Sheeting, SJd; worth Is 3d. 72-inch Grey Twill Sheeting, 6Jd; worth 9d. 72-inch White Croydon Sheeting, 9|d; worth Is 3d. Heavy all-wool Flannel, Del, 10£d and Is; reduced from Is 2d, Is 4d, Is Gd. Colonial Flannel, Is; usual price Is Gd. Scarlet Flannel, Is, Is 3d ; usual price, Is 4d, lsSd. White Blankets, 4s lid, 5s lid, Gs lid, 7s lid ; reduced from 7s lid, 9s 6d, 11s 6d, 12s lid. White Blankets—extra large size—los 6d, 12s 6d ; usual price, 15s 6d, 19s 6d. Crimean Shirting, 10$d, 15d; worth li 3d, Is9d. Cotton Tick, 3id, 4sd; worth 6d, Bd. 20V dozen White Unbleached Huckaback Towels, 4£d; reduced from Sd. Clothing Dtptrtmtat-The business of this department having increased so rapidly renders it necessary that considerablt alterations should be made, and with that view we hate decided to reduce our present very large stock, previous to removing the department to another portion of our premises; and the public may rely, not only on the quality, but that j the price has been brought down to the | lowest figure possible. 100 heavy Trousers and Vests 14s 6d; reduced from 19s 6d. 250 heavy Geelong Trousers and vesta 17s 6d reduced from 22s 6d. 79 Men's Blue Cloth Sacs, 13s 6d; reduced from 19s Gd. 100 Men's Tweed Reefers, 15s 6d; reduced from 22s 6d. 75 Men's President Sacs, 14s 6d; reduced from from 20s. 10 doz. Men's All wool Crimean Shirts,4s fid; usual price, 6s 6d. 15 doz. Men's All wool Crimean Shirts, 6s lid; usual price, 10s 6d. 21 doz. Men's Union Shirts, 3s lid; usual piice 4a lid. 13 doz. Men's Cotton Shirts, Is 3d ; usual price 2s. 50 doz. Men's Felt Hats, 2s lid; usual prior SsftL 20 doz. Men's French Felt Hats,4s lid; usual price 7s 6d. ■ 23 doz. Boys' felt Hats, Is lid; nsual price 2? 64. 10 doz. Boys' Fancy Felt Hats,ls lid; asual price, 2s 6d. 400yds Tweed, Is lid ; former price, 2s 6d. 250 yds. TwWd, 2s 6d; former price, 3s 6d. 750 yds. Geelong Tweed, 4s lid; former :i price, ?s6d. } SPECIAL LINE—ISO Boys 1 President Sac Coats, 7s 6d.; worth 12s 6d. Tailoring Diptttmiat. \ All ordsrs given will be turned out i? the oust approved Manner. , tJOftiioAiTXirs it?jti ?6- MOORABOOL STREET, GEELONG. ,

tvtiutt JciiffE GIASS TREE SAW MILLS. ICCBIA aTFULLABTOZr BEG leave respectfnlly to thank thab customers for past favers; and also ta intimate to those requiring hardwood timber that they have removed their sawmill plan to the Scott's Creek bridge oh the Princetown road, where there is a good supply of first-class timber. Orders of any length and scantling wil receive their prompt attention, and delivered at any part of the district, at lowest currant rates. ■ BQBSBT LIE, ENGINEER, SEWING and GENERAL MACHINIST, GUNSMITH, LOCKSMITH, 4c. Pumps and Pump Work, Piping and Pipe {screwing of all B izes and descriptions. Wind Mills of improved construction and Mlf adjusting. Apply, J. S. Morris, Camperdown, M. MEV E R, WtfCSXAXn ittS JEVELLSIL MAMFOL?-STREET, CAMPERDOWU respectfully invites inspection of his LARGE AND WELL'ASSORTED STOCK o? Watches, Clocks, and Jewe lery. TEMPERANCE HOTEL AND COFFEE ROOMS, TERANG. MISS JENKINS begs to intimate that she will cow carry on the above business in her own name, and trusts, by attention to the requirements of her customers, to still merit a continuance of the support accorded to her predecessor in the past. A want that has always been felt since commencing as above has now been supplied io the shape of Commodious Stabling. Every attention given to Horses. Note address.—Just below Commercial Hotel, Cobb and Co.'s Booking Office. Meals and Beds Is each, equal to any you pay 2s 6d for. (Patronised by H? Royal Highness Prino Alfred, Duk? of Edinburgh.) W. FIELD CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, (registered pharmaceutical chemist.) Mauifold Street, Casiferdowit, Teeth Extracted With or without Ether Spray. FINE MURRAY LEECHES. Established 1865. AH prescriptions prepared by the prin apa) ivith th purest drugs. Patent and proprietary medicines eol town prices REGISTRY OFFICE: MRS. GEDDES begs to inform the public of Camperdown and District that a REGISTRY OFFICE for Servant* is now open at her residence Manifold St. Charges Moderate. WINTER FASHIONS, 1819. A. PXTON IS JNUW SHOWING Dresses Dresses! Wool Beiges, 9d, Is, Is 6d, per yard Cashmere?, new colors, Is lid, 2s 6d, 3s 6d per yard Satin Cloths, all shades, Hid, Is Sd, Is 6d, 18 9d, 2s per yard jletallasse Cloths, all wool,ls lid per yard. Wool Poplins, Is 6d, 2s, 2s b'd per yard. Fancy Dress Stuff, 4id, 6Jd, Sid per yard. Winceys, not to be surpassed in the trade, at 4sd, GJd, 9Jd per yard. The Millinery DEPARTMENT contains all the latest novelties in Straw Goods, Satin Velvet, Beefeaters, Langtree and Jcckey Club Hats, Chip Bats and Bonnets. Choice Millinery, Flowers, Feathers, and Ornaments. Kufli ings in White, Black, and Gold Edge Choice lots of Trimmed Hats 7s 6d, Ss 6d, 10s 6d, 12s 6d. Hantles and Ulsters: Ladies and Childrens, newest styles. Ladies' Jackets, very chocie, from 14s 6d to 355. Blankets and Flannels. The very best value imported. All wool Flannels, 10$d, Is 2d, Is 4d, Is 6d, Is 9d, 2s per yard Scarlet Flannels, IOJd, Is 4d, Is 6d, Is Sd, Is lOd, per yard English, Scotch, and Colonial Blankets from 7s lid large sired, heavy make, 13s lid, 16s lid, 18s lid, 21s. Twilled Sheeting, 72 inch, splendid value llfd. A liberal discount allowed on all cash purchases on LI. A. PATOtf, DEPORTER, & FAMILY DRAPER BABXLT BOVBI, MOORABOOL STREET, MARKET SQUARE. JFirst Draper's Shop from Franks' Corner, i Malop Street,) GEELOyO. l::.;:-:r MUR*I\4JS FAMILY MOURNINGS receive special Barely Houst Every description of Mourning Dress Requirement! kept in Stock. Orden executed on the shortest notice by experienced Dressmakers and < Milliners. Ladies patronising : Birkly Houst may confidently depend upon the Fashionabli Style, Tasteful Finish, and Moderate Charges of all orders. RICH BLACK SILKS. 2s 9d, 3s lid, 4s 6d, 5s 6d, 6s Sd, 7s 6d, 8s 6d per yard. Hie Cheapest and Best Valne in the Trade. BLACK RUSSELL CORDS, Is, Is 6d. 2s per yard BLACK PERSIAN CORDS It, Is 3d, Is 6d, Is 9d, 2s, 2s 6d Jjerytrd. ' BLACK FRENCH TWILL Is, li6d per yard. ' BLACK BAfiATHENS, 2s, 2s M per yard. BLACK AUSTRALUN CRAPES, Si, 2s Cd per y?d. BLACK ALPACAS; SpeeMlauAe. Silk iFuutk -HlOid, Is, 1,3d, Is6d,ls9d, ■■■'..■ 2§,2? 6d, , ~.- ; i: •■■' BLACK FRENCH CASHMERES.3s6d.4s 6d.BLACK BLACK FRENCH MERIKOES Is lid, 2s 6d, 3s 6d, 4s td, S? Ai. BLACK MILLUTKBY BOXKETS,IOsto2Sfc ▲ pirojr, ■ BAUiV IOVBE, J_ Moorabwl mmi, Gwkng. ,