Canberra Times (ACT : 1926 - 1995), Thursday 30 September 1954, page 6

Angled Asked To


Breeding Areas

The Canberra Anglers' Asso-ciation plans to ask fishing authorities to keep a close watch on breeding and other prohibited areas in district streams.

Reports have been received of fish being netted recently in spawning grounds.

The fishing season does not open until Saturday.

As usual, keen anglers will camp at the Cotter on Friday night to get away to an early


A trophy is being given for the best fish taken during the week and opening the season.

The association has appealed to A.C.T. anglers to support the creel census of the N.S.W Fisheries department.

During the past year the presi-dent and secretary of the asso-ciation conferred with the De-

partment of the Interior on problems associated with breed

ing and releasing trout in A.C.T. streams.

The establishment of a hatch-

ry in the A.C.T. was also urged.

The election of office-bearers at the annual meeting of the assoclation resulted: President,

Mr. R. Prowse; vice-presidents Messrs. R. Siggins, A. Spencer, S. Cornick; treasurer, Mr. E. Keage; secretary, Mr. S. E. Aus-tin; assistant secretary, Mr. H. Kendall; council, Messrs. W. Elphick, E. Dunshea, F. El-worthy, O. Woodger, P. Roberts P. Roberts, H. Angus; publicity officer, Mr. H. Kendall; auditor, Mr. W. Bradley.

Trout releases in the past year in Tidbindbilla Creek, Gudgenby River, Gibraltar Creek, Uriarra Creek, Paddy's River, Cotter River, Murrumbidgee River, and the Molonglo River totalled 24,000 fish.