Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931), Monday 24 February 1930, page 17



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?«AS?A ttr2? tive folder has been Issued «L W£ £**%?$. S e company which ?P«"*es the East-West air mail from Adelaide to Perth. It gives full information as to times and fares. Copies are obtainable free from Elder. Smith and Co. and Thus. Cook & Sons. Ladies' Turkish Baths are advertised to be open this evening. "HSBENSIDE MANSIONS" SOU) This magnificent block of 10 selfcontained flats was for many years well-known as the home of the Tennan* family. "Essenside Mansions^iare situated in a commanding position on Uie comer of Moseley and College sheets. CHenelg.fa^ W^ortedto be amongst the largest bufldingT of flats in the metropolitan area The S^JS^ by Maelor-Jones and 80^- «* Steamship Buildings, CMTte-sfareet, AdetaUeTspeciausteto Glenelg properties. (Advfc) MICBOSCOPES AND ACCESSORIES &£?■£*&.* t^S^ Tt Messrs. I^ubman & Pant&fentific *£_™« Department^, r2 ??«*? objectives, attachable me-SATISFACTORY AUCTION RESULTS PROPERTIES AT GLENELG VALTJED AT £16580 SOLD Following Maelor-Jones & Pater son's report of the sale of "Essenside Mansira^ Moseley-street GlSTat * satisfactory figure, it is underrtcod that iqal estate .at Glenelg tf TtaSS value V £16380 has n%£ teen aS posed of by them as a direct result of their auction held in the Wool Ex change, on 12th February. Ke?n inquiry is being shown b7 Westers *£ Glenelg real estate, and esperia? attention is directed to the realisation sales of Glenelg properties <ta the estate of the late W. A. a. West) which hSJSLh?O^ "2 s «>mP^ during the month of March, (Advt)