A Football Match will take place on the North Park Lauds, this afternoon, commencing at two o'clock. The Government decline to entertain

the petition of Mr. Green and the Hoonta Directors, therefore legal proceedings will take their course. On Her Majesty's birthday Mr. Hines will give his subscription ball at the Assembly Booms. Mr. Wivell will be in attendance three days during the week, according to advertisement, to give private lessons in several new dances. There was a limited attendance at White's Booms on Friday evening to witness Mr. Bachelder's Mfltonian Panorama of Paradise Lost, which is certainly worth seeing. There will be a midday exhibition this afternoon, at half-past 2 o'clock, for the convenience of schools and children, as also this evening. At tie close of the entertainment it was announced that the exhibition would open every evening next week at million prices. ! We have been informed thai the promoters of the Masonic Hall, LC, intend to consecrate and dedicate that portion of the building now complete on Thursday next, the 23rd inaL at 3 p.m., and Oat invitations have been issued to the Provincial Grand Masters, Chaplains, and Worshipful Masters of the sister Constitutions for the ceremony. The present space being limited, the Committee were unable to invite the whole Craft, but intend doing so on the completion of the large hall, which will be in about six months.

Mr. Bastard, the knee of the City Baths, baa succeeded in farming ■eranl rowing dubs tor die Biver Torres*, the mcaabtj? of which are now engaged i* iraapi salt Am for the Quart Birthday.' "■Hie School for Sandal" was repeated at the Victoria Theatre on Friday evea■gtoi foil bouae with the greatest suriviu. Hie present company more thu realise the mmt ««ngMin<. anticipations, and will, without doubt, have a great ran. The «ide-qplitting farce of Founded on Fact" kept tbe audience fa continiious roan of laughter. The pieces (or to-«iglitare "The Jewess," to be followed by the farce of "Tbe Handsome Husband." Dr. Can- gave die second of bis entertainments in tbe Town Hall, on Friday evening, when tke attendance was even larger ttai on the previous occasion. The Rev. Wat Haras presided, and tbe doctor delivered a. veiy instructive and entertaining lecture on " Purpose and Ambition. 7' As a phrenologist and eketrobiokpttbe wmu *tomdu*ga*i Mamas* as ewer, and tbe ndienee left highly dihj.htid with what they had seen and heard. We may add that several of tbe person* lui-STiiiml were perfect strangers to tbe lecturer. The great mystery with which, oat of mnmnrm especially, (sovenuaesta endeavor to enshroud their actions, frequently has tbe caTect of stiimilsting enquiry, instead of ensuring eon -eealment. The railway secret aeems to tare leaked oat, and the "Paterm k C 0.." ■I fmllii mi 11 ll jian I ii ailmiiiaal n ibi carrying trade on oar lines of railroad, arc at bat known. We bear that the " Patenea" of tbe new fi^u the Commercial Editor of tbe Melboarne Argnt, and tbe Co., is Mr. P. R. Fox. of this city, better knownby his cooaeetioa wiUi tbe Aerated Bread Coaapasr. We liwlniUiMl also that the aaretie* for tbe due performance of the contact —j *~*-niri 'litui fat Adelaide. Mi rVi ii nni il In hi.i kit by tbe Aiding* Car Melbourne yesterday. The Criminal Sittings of tbe Supreme Court were continued on Friday. In tbe case of Palgulta, an aborigmal, charged with manslaughter, there was no interpreter present, and as tbe prisoner eoold not understand Bagttah be was discharged, the CkowaSdkita not tWattnc that the cJrenaatinwi of the ease warranted bintinapjplyingforana?aadtill next aillinfci. and patting the eountif to no anebexnenae. James Oikien was found gautt* of ««—atfax a rape npon alary A. Wataon, bat iriit—rr w deferred. In Che case of Wm. Howard, chained with larany, tbe prooecntor was not mijuil, aiid tbe prisoner was diacbarged. Henry Stone, charged with anon, was also found not gaOty and discharged. Tbe Oonrt ndjawmel tifi Tuesday next, when the cans for trial are— William Wilson, bestiality; Joseph SeUgmanu, larceny; Henry gtiiibLns. fabe puJUmnm; James Qmri ScOar.Ube pretences; Wi?iam Stark, false pretences ; and several others which bare been sent in ainee, and are not m the calendar. The anniversary of the Bible Christian Chapel, Mttcbam, was beU on Sunday and Itonday, May 12 and 13. ITn flnndtr mnrnjni tbere was a sermon by tbe Ber. J. Way, of k&t&nfte., aad in the afternoon and evening there were sermons by the Ber. 1. Btoyet, « Brompton. Tbe irtrralnm was mod and collections irberaL On the iaUewiag day the annual tea was beUL Tbe tahlea woe gratmtoasly and bountifully aoppued by tbe ladies of tbe Church, and were patronised by a a«mimn and respectable company. At the pabnenkeeting «*i* followed Mr. GoaUU of Bawden, was nnanimocsly voted to tbe chair, and in a of tbe meeting. Tbe Ber. i. Aabtaai was tbea caved on to read the financial statement far the year, which showed that after meeting enrent expenses, a tenth of tbe debt <on the premises had been paid. The meeting was anbaeqne?tfy addressed by Messrs. HoOaod and Ford, and tbe Beys. J. Ashton, J. Stoyel. and J. Way. A Foteoftfcanki! was presented to the ladies, the Chairman, and tbe singers. ?%e total proceeds amounted to £2L Tiie objects of tbe deputation of nerchant? and others, who, a few days ago, waited on tbe Treasurer respecting tbe obstmeaons thrown in the way of the Murray trade by the New Sooth Wales Custom-House oficers have been gained ; the Sydney Government tmtMimf oars in tbe most friendly and obugmg spirit. Instead of compelling ships to aakad at WentworUi, that the packages may be marked S.A., they propose that we abonU name officers; that they will create New Sooth Wales Cnstom-Ho?se officers to overlook and mark tbe cargoes at tbe first port of shipment. The captain or •npercUfD will then produce the certificate of one of these officials at Wentworth, and the steamer wfll be allowed to pass. The New South Wales Government have expressed the utmost desire to do all in their power to fafTrfr-rtf the river traffic. Tbe whole of the negotiation has been carried on of course by telegrams, and owanthoritieshave telegraphed die selection of fhefoOowingofficeis, whose appointment they ask tie New South Wales Government to aanounee by telegrams :—Captain Douglas, Port Adelaide; Mr. Taylor, Ports Victor, Elliot, and Goolwa; and Mr. Wooiley, at Ports BUnchetown and Maanum. The third lecture of the preaeat aeries was delivered in the reading-roam of the South Australian Institute on Friday evening, by tbe Bey. Canon Basse!!, who had chosen as bis subject " Mary Qoeen of Scot*." There was s. very good attendance, considering the counterattractions elsewhere. Mr. N. Btyth, M.P., presided, and in a few samrapriale remarks introduced tbe lecturer. The rev. gentleman commenced by speaking of tbe uaefnlneaaof a knowledge of history, and remarked that the reason why he had chosen the subject be bad was, because in the history of Mary Queen of Scots tbere was much of tbe romantic, and it was also a critical period in tbe history of the country. He then proceeded to give an interesting though necessarily brief account of tbe life of Mary, down to the mmner of her aeeoud husband, remarking that what .happened after that would more properly come under tbe captivity of Mary, aad which wotdd perhaps form the subject of another lecture. The lecture, which occupied an hour in its delivery was atteutivdy listened to, aad at ita done a hearty vote of thanks was accorded to the Bey. Mr. Borneo. The Chairman having animumd the time aad subject of die next lectare, the audience dispersed. Tbe first annual tea and public meeting in connection with the South Adelaide Total Abstinence Society was held in Mr. Hosking's Schoolroom, Gouger-street, on Friday evening. Tbe attendance at the tea was not very large, but increased very much at the public meeting. Mr. J. M. Dowie, President of the Society. presided, and after making a few appropriate re-marks, called upon tbe Secretary to read the report. It stated that the Society had been in existence only one year, but during that period it had been successful in its efforts to dis-seminate the principles of total abstinence, and although the means placed in the hands of the Committee had not been large, yet they were sufficient to enable the Committee to give publicity to tbe Society's meetings, and in one instance to pay for a lecturer. The Committee had mainly relied on the members of the Society, for and in propagating its principles, and they were glad to state that tbe carrying out of the principles recognised by rule three, viz., that of paid membership, bad been to some extent aueceasful,and that as the members of the Society increased, funds would be forthcoming to enable tbe Society to bold their meetings more frequently Una once a month. It was * matter of regret that a Band of Hope had not been organised, although provision had been aaade for doing ao, as by that means mack might be done to spread the principles of total abstinence. The Committee hoped that as tbe numbers of the Society increased they would be able to advocate tenipmnce principles on political grounds, as they were of vital importance and required the action of the [yegisUtare. From the balance-sheet presented it appeared that the Society ha* the ram of £3 Us. to its credit. There were also several onturinding subscriptions. The Society was in a perfectly solvent elate, and the Committee hoped that great success might crown tbe labors of ihnar who would be wefact/id to fill tbe various ofioes of the Society for the ensuing year, and that as a. consequence of their efforts drunkenness might cease and peace, happiness, and prosperity prevail throughout the land. list of officers for 1867-8 .-—President—Mr. J. M. Dowie; Vice-Presidents-Revs. J. G. Wright, J. Maughan, J. Way, and Mr. W. Owen; Treasurer—Mr. J. Hosking ; Secretary — Mr. T. Borgan; Committee—Messrs. G. P. Doolette, J. McEwin, J. Lloyd, Kessell, Langsford, Stanford, H. Thomson, Tasker, S Pickering, J. A. Dowie, M. H. Madge, W. G. Coombs, and W. O. Ashton. Mr. W. O. Ashton was then called npon to move tbe adoption of the report. He was pleased to listen to the Secretary's report, but he should have liked to have heard the number of members on the roIL He trusted they would stand as well numerically as they had financially, ?ut he thought they might have been much better had the members been still more energetic Tfce report was seconded by Mr. J. McEwin. Serml interesting aidrette* were deifaered during tfce evening bf Mean- W. O. Asfaton, J. McEwin, J. Pickering, M.P., and Bey. JT. G. Wright Votes of thanks to the Committee and ladies having been gnnen, the proceedings were brought to a dose by the Bey. J. G. Wright pronouncing tive benediction. Several persons went up to the platform and attached their names to the roll of total abstainers. Unless operations are at once commenced by thcCentnl?oad Board,the southern portion of the Clare-road wBl, during the next winter be in a. deplorable state, the roadway being all cut up and fuDofboiea; and the cutting at Taylor's Gap still wmahiing iinfiiiiam. iL That portion of the road within the Corporate bounds also needs the expenditure of a very large amount to render it at all safe or comfortable for travelling—and this portion has the better daiio for a special grant, inaniiath as no expenditure has at any time been incurred out of Government food* in its improvement,— Kapnnda Herald.