Canberra Times (ACT : 1926 - 1995), Saturday 31 January 1953, page 1



LONDON, Friday.

Sir Bernard Docker, millionaire Industrialist, yesterday announ-ced that he had resigned his dir-

ectorship of the Midland Bank.

Sir Bernard had stated a few days ago that he intended to fight a move toy the Bank's Board

of Directors to remove him from the Board. He refused to resign

when approached privately by the Board.

Sir Bernard had asked share-holders in a circular letter this week to send him proxy papers empowering him to vote on their behalf when the matter came be-fore the annual meeting of the shareholders on February 17.

At a Press conference yester-day he said he was still fighting but he-handed in his resignation with immediate effect.

Sir Bernard said: "The other day I was informed that at re-port was rife in Fleet Street that I was possibly to be charged for some currency offence. I am in-nocent and I will fight to prove it if and when I am charged."