South Australian Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1858 - 1889), Thursday 10 September 1874, page 5



The August Show was held on Thursday, at the Exhibition Bandings and Grounds, and afforded an opportunity of inspecting some of the finest stock ever seen in this colony, and

perhaps we should not he exaggerating if we asid in thb hemisphere. The weather was vary unfavorable, first threatening, then tanta lbmg witt an appwarsniro of obariag-aod at 2 o'clock there came a storm of wind with a veiy heavy shower, followed by a steady rain I whbh continued at intarvab for the rest of the day. Underfoot all was water ar mod. flw bones were brought nnder tiw open pert of tiw bonding, and most of tiw spectators took refuge bride,' tiie poultry thus -aanopaUring the , -Liustui portion of poMto attention. A oanri dsnUen-ii?bsrof penons bad gathered before tiw downpour came, but of oeorse there wen few additions daring tiw rest of tiw day, and tta departures ware eadler and more rapid ttaa asosl.* Hb Bx-tsUsaoy, Bin. *^*?*i Ua Muapave, and suite n-msbied for several hoan oattepo*md,and, sttended by the President |cf tte Society (Ur. 8. Davenport), inspected tta e-xVbits la sll departments. The Show was efave-7 practical character, tiw grounds and baQdings bring in beautiful order, without aay tfabtg Qke' e-cooadvs adornment. We psr* tisulady noticed tiw exosQent amngemsnti for lodging theTmwn. eaoh cbss having a eird-i of Its own, so tint then was no oonioslon, and vbitan farad tt so much easier and mon into* I ial In) Ihsn si f nrmnr lrrtilWHinii to view tiie dn-a-artdMe-dptls?S, which wan kepi separate from each other, instead of being mon or bm nixed aa on previous ortsisloni. In tiw cantos of each eirda waa a board, on which was stated to large letters the oba of hone for Which tbat portion of tiw enclosure wm aat apart. "Witt respect toother animab we did not see a-moh change from tiumtns adopted last year. Ths different hreeds of oattie were separate, bat the animab of tha •aaieabaSaere not slways kspt in adjoining psas^ so that oomparbon was thai rendered •nendifleajt Witt tte sheep tba arrsnge awnt was better ia ttb respect, bat Intanstfiig information lespecUng the breeds thst might, without -amah trouble, be given on cuds sffixsd totta pens,'was, as nsnsl, ttonting. For in* stease, tbe breeds of the price long-woo?ed abeep are'not ateted, yet experienced sqostton in thb country would be glad to learn tiw dif* fsnooebetweeaali-dooeter, anda Lincoln, but •saw onttbto to do bo at these Shears. Then in tte esse ef pigs, it wonld be worth whfle to Bwation tba breed. If they are of any breed a* sU, exMbitinns might be made men MtMttft aad attrMtirTpyalttHa aHtn^Q

to these matters; hut this is a subject to which attention has often been called in vain. The Judgesgotthrough their work more quickly than at thb time last year, though at rimes there task wss one of some difficulty. We now give the details of the Exhibition. SHBBP AHD GOATS. There was a magnificent show of Merinos, both ewes and rams. It will be observed that Mr. John Murray took most of the prizes for sheep of this breed fed on natural grasses, Messrs. Saunders. James, ft 00. coming next in suooessful exhibition, Mr. O. B. Fisher winning several prizes, and Mrs. Baker one. We under stand that Mr. Murray was offered £250 for his champion ram. In the stall-fed sheep Mr. Fisher ahowed the best combing Merino ram, and won aU the priz*o for ewes; Messrs. Saunders, James, ft Co., ot Oanowie, showiag the best three rams, whose frames and wool attracted much admiration fronvconnolssenra. Of long*woolled sheep the exhibits were not numerous, but of rare quality; their grand forms and heavy fleeces, the great size of the atiim^u, their little heads snd Imtpw— breadth of baok, all affording subjects of comparison with the smaller and more llghtly-woolled Merino. The principal prize-taker in these classes was Hr. O. B. Fisher, Mr. Angas taking two first and several second prizes, and Mr. Roonievell a first prize. Mx?itro Shcip. Judges for ewes—Mesne. J. Anderson, .Wm. Bowman, John Noble, and Jos, Keynes. Judges for rams—Messrs. W. L. Merchant, A. McFarlane, and G. BlddocK SHKSF GBAZtHO AT lieUtQ? OH OHCOLTIVATED L&HDS. Beit combing merino ram not exhibited in any other class, £210 a, John Morray. "Ex ceedingly good Sheep, very even, long, and dense." Three other entries. Beat pen of three oombing merino rams, four tooth or over, first, £5, Saunders, James, ft Co. " Very strong well-grown sheep. Good even wool." Seoond, £2, John Morray. "Very good sheep, little light below." Five otiier entries. Best pen of three combing Merino rams, two* tooth or under, first, £5, John Morray. " Very good even aheep; good character and quality." Second, £2, Saunders, Jsmes, fcOo, "Vary good large framed sheep; great quantity of wool, rather strong." Third, £1, Saunders, James, ft 00. " Good large-framed sheep, long strong wool." Nine other entries. Best combing Merino ewe, not exhibited in any other class, £2 10s., John Morray. "O. B. Fisher's and John Murray's very good." Ten otiier entries. Best pen of three oombing Merino ewes, foots tooth or over, first, £2 10s., John Murray; second, £1 10s., John Murray; third, Mrs. Baker. Nine otiier entries. Best pen of three combing Merino ewes, two tooth or under, first, £2 10a, John Murray; seoond,£llos., Joha Murray; third, £1, O. B. Fisher. Twelve other entries. SEED OB STAUrPSd SHEEP, OB SHEEP aBSSOia OH CULTIVATED LAHDB. Bert oombing Merino ram, not exhibited in any other clsss, £210i.,0.8. Usher. "Luge aheep, very fine wool, good character." One •ther entry. Best pen of three combing Merino rams, four-tooth or over, first, £6, Saunders, Tames, and'Oo. "Very good, large sheep, with even heavy fleece; extra good." eSeoend, £2, Saun ders, James, ft 00. **' Verr good, large Sheep, <rith even heavy fleece. 1* Three other entriea Combing Merino ewe, not exhibited In any other class, £2 10a, O. a Fisher. "No. 3 (O. B. Fisher) very fine wool, but too short." Two other entries. Best pen of three oombing Merino ewes, four* tooth or over, first, £2 10s., O. B. Fisher; seoond, £1 10a., O. B. Fisher. One other entry. Best pen of three oombing Merino ewes, two tooth or -011017, first, £2 10s., O. B. Fisher. "Thtaipen exceedingly good." Seoond, £110s., O. B. Staher. itOso-woxut-CD snip (sot keriso), Jodges—Messrs. W. Fowler, James Bankine, T. Graham, and W. Bids-way. Best long-wooUed r-un(not Merino),' not exfal* bttedtn aay ether eiass, £210 a., O. B. Fisher. "J.H. Angas's highly oemmended." One other entry. Bsst pea ef three long-wooQed rams (not Merino (four-tooth or over), first, £6, O. B. Fisher; eeoond, £2, J. S3. Angss. Best pen of three long-wooUed rams (not Merino), two-tooth or under, first, £5, J. H. Angas. "No competition." Bait long-wooUed ewe (aot Merino), not exhibited In any other class, first, £210 a.. J. H. Angss. "No. 2, W. B. BounseTeU—The Judges Woold have given a seoond prize to tills sheep had it been allowed." Best pen of three long-woolled ewss (not Merino), four-tooth cor over, first, £2 10a., W. B. Bounsevell: seoond. £1, J. H. Angss. Best pen of three long-wooUed ewes (not Merino), two-tooth ot nnder, first, £2 10*., 3. H. Angai. " Well worthy." No oompetltion. Angon ram, £2, Hon. T. Elder. Three otiier entries. Angora ewe, £2, Hon. T. Elder. Three other entries. HOESKB. Some vary grand draught horses ware ahown. In the all-aged class the first arize wss awszded to Mr. P. Kelly's Lord Bedeedale, which last year was deoided fay tiie Jodges to bs the best three-year on the ground. That he shoald now snatch the) honors from Bantin BoUn, a £1,200 horse, that carried away a number ef fint-class prises in Scotland, •earned to staggsr some people; bnt we do not see tbat Wa ought to take It for granted that, though breeding from the best stock, we are never to prodaoe a horse that is to be acknow ledged aa superior to an imported one. It hi asked what is the use of importing hones if we can prodaoe better here; bat the French do not duoontiaae baying Engliih thorough breds because they have reared and raced a Qladlateur. We have at present a larger choice In the old country, bat the day may oome when we shall send sires there, in return for those ers have taken away. Bantin Bobin Is a very grand bone, and in some points superior to his suo oessful rival. The Marquis of Lome is slso a splendid animal to breed from. Mr. Sarin, den's eaesnot entire is a fine powerful beast, with large bone and strong roomy qa?c-teta. Five three-yaar-olds were shown, most of them excellent oolts. In blood stock the exhibits were few. Mr. O. & Fisher's Angler, by Fisherman out of Marchloasm, Is a very model of a raoer, with s hnnfls-rmthriad. a magnificent forehand, fine sweeping quartan, with the hooks well let down- snd good bone and feet. There was no trouble fn deciding to give him first award, Mr. Maddam's Zaoga taking seoond honors. Of ths other entries, Mr. Holland's Biuegown was Inoompanbly the best. Heia very wall made, andnolng-looking, though rather small. There were five entries in the roadster stock. We have alwaya thoaght that oar horse Judges have hardly settled in their own minds what a roadster is, bnt we prefer the suooessful exhibits of Thursday to the horses that have generally taken prises in this class. Usually they have been some thing between sa oversized cob and a powerful oazriage hone, bnt on this ooaaalon they were more like useful and good-looking basks, tl whiah we should rather prefer tiie roan which took the seoond prize, though the bay which scored highest honors showed mors strength, aad would be a capital beast for light boggy wort Two beautiful little ponies wan ex* bJMtod, and both ware oonridersd worthy of a prise. DBAUOHrBTOOK. Jodges—Messrs. B. BsnkJne, E. Aitahesotx, £*anes Donosn, and J. -Ol*!**-! For the best entire of any age. first; £10, P. Kelly's Lord Bedesdale; second, £6, O. B. Fisher's Bantin Bobin. *'Vecay-craperiorsnl?isL" Third, £4, O. B. FUhefi Maiqois et'Lorne: "Good horse." Three otiier entries. . , . For the best three-year-old entire, first, £6, W. Orossmaa'a Oorniahman. "A vwyfine colt." Second, £3, T, Oowan's Bob Boy. Ttaee other entries. BLOOD STOOK. Jodges—Messrs. J. Formby, J. Chambers, J. Harvey, A. S. S. Murray, J. J. Swindon. For the best entire of any age, first, £11% O. B. Fisher's Angler; second, £5, W. Mad-tan's Zinged Five otiier entries. For the best three-yesr-old entire, two entries. Jodges report not worthy. BOABSTEB STOCK. Judges aame as for blood stock. For the best entire of any ego, first, £6, Francis lindsay; second, £2, B. 8. Orabb. Three other entries. Forthe best peny entire, IS bands or under, fiat, £2, Hen. T. Elder's Tom Sayers ; seoond, £1, Bowlaad Gwynne'a Monksr. OATTLE. Theexhlbltlo?of stud cattle has naver ban surpaased at any previous Show in Sonth Aus tralia, The Hereford! were excellent, displaying rare size and quality. Their depth of barrel and ahonlder, large quarters, and breadth across'-HhS hips, were the lubjeot of favorable oommsMt among graders snd while suoh stock of tab breed sre reared, tiie rivalry between them sail the shorthorns will not speedily die out, Mr. Charles Brioe sustained the reputation of his herd, (and Mr. J. H. Angas proved himself a most snooessfnl breeder of these oattie. Mr. Holland took first priss. for a foll grewn bull, and a number of otiier prises, ths only otiier saaeessful - exhibi tors of Hessferds being Messrs. ytrHrTH*? Brae Of the Durhams the great attraction was Mr. J. H. Angas's two year old ball Oom* modore Bootii, just imported bom Melbourne, aiiiplettdidyoung beast wai adjudged tobetfcs best of its dais, an «™<>li..nt animal' of Mr. WnHsnd's oomlng next. Borne fine young bu?s ware srii?dted, and as good a lot of cows as one could wish to ace. There were very few Devons, sad fewer Aldsrneya. Jadgea—Hen. J. Oresier, Mesne. E. M* B«ot,G.Dunn,T.P. Jones, a?eattle. Bpedsl prize of £5 65., added to a sweep* stakes of £56k, best bull, any breed, 20montti old or trader, age to bs certified, Oharles Pries. Two otter entries. DUBHA)[B, Jadgn—Same as for special prize. Ind], three yesrs old or over, £6, Joseph Dann. BaU, twe and nnder three yesrs old, first, *5, J. H. Angaa'i Commodore Booth ; eeoond, «3, B, Hollsad, " Both] good boDs; ths

Jodges had difficulty to decide." One other entry. Bull, one and under two yesrs old, first, £5, W. la. Msrohant; aeoond, £3, J. H. Angas's Premier. " Bather ooane bull." Three other entries. Bail, under one year old, first £1, J. H. Angas's Oobden ; second, £2, 3. H. Angas's Bright. " Color considered bad." Two other entries. Oow, visibly in calf or in milk, first, £4, J. H. Angas's Snowdrop. "A fine cow." Second, £2, B. Holland. "Bather small." One other entry. Two oowa for breeding purposes, visibly in calf or in milk, first, £4, J. H. Angas's Lady Mary and Lady Louisa. "Useful cows." Sesond, £2, B. Holland. *'Considered doubtful If one of the two is in oslf." One other entry. Two heuers, over one and under two years, £2, B. Holland. No other entry. hbbbfokds. Judges—Messrs. K. M. Bagot, T. P. Jones, W. G. Maldment, B. Smith, and H. Best-tie. Bull, three years old or over, first, £6, B, Holland. " Very fine anii-wl, bnt out of con dition." Second, S3, 3. H. Angas's Brace, im ported. Ball, two and under three yesrs old. Brat, SS, J. H. Angas's May Dnke; seoond, £3, W. J. Maldment. "A superior ball, though small" Ball, one and under two'years old, first, £5, Ohaa. Price; second, £3, J. H. Angas's Lord May. Three other entries. Bull, under one year old, first, £3, J. H. Angas's Bob Boy. 'â–  Very superior." Second, £2, B. Holland. One other entry. Cow, visibly in calf or in milk, first, £4, J. H. Angas's Stately; second, £2, Brothers. One other entry. Two cows for breeding purposes, visibly in calf or in milk, first, St Charles Pries. "Very superior." Second, £2, J. H. Anas. Three other entries. Two helfen nnder three and over two years, first, £4, p. Pries;seoond, £2,0. Price. Two hetfsm, over one and nnder two years, first, £2,O.Price; aeoond,£l,O.Price. "J. H. Angas would have been seoond, had one not been infertoi," Jadm—Messrs. B. M. Begot, T. P. Jones, and W. G. Maldment. BeitbnlL One entry. Not worthy. Two cows for breeding, in calf or in milk, £4, B. Holland One other entry. ALDEBHETS. Judges—Same as for Devons. Best bull, £4, W. Crossman. Two other entries. PIGS. There was a moderate collection of pigs, lazy fat porkers, and lively bustling specimens of tiie elaaa, all of which were carefully examined by those who take an Interest la bacon feeding. One or two fins boars claimed attention, and though aot portitmlariy handsome or graceful animate, the merits shay did possess were not overlooked. Mr. Uriwin's boar was a fine beast, and the fat pig ahown by Hr. Pears* -wall •aedtodt?Adlstiastionofaprise. The Judges made thto awards as f oDowi :— Jodges—Messrs. John Frame, W. GUA, H. E. Bright, Jan., aai J. S. Vndaraown. 808 BAOOH. Boar, first, SA, William VAarln, "Fine fdg weU worthy of a prize;" seoond, £2, James Outer. Bow, first, £4 James Carter; second, £2, O. Pearce. ro&KBBB. Boar, first, £4, A. D. Wilson; seoond, £2, O. Pearoe. Sow, first, £4, O. Pearoe; ascend, £2, O. Pearce. FatPig,£4,O.Peafee. DOGS. The dog show was hardly up to ths shows of some previous years, and the classes in some in-stances were not so well represented as they might have been. The mastiffs, especially one not shown for competition, were good dogs, while the bull terrier was of excellent breed and well deserved the award it gained. There was only one bloodhound, and the pure breed of this animal was very question-able, in fact, it was suspected that the owner of the animal, in entering it for competition, was simply intending to chaff the Judges. In the terrier class there was but a meagre show, and though one or two of the dogs claimed notice, we have seen better. One fine setter received much attention, being handsome and useful-looking. There were some excellent cattle dogs and collies. The greyhound class also was but poorly represented, and there did not appear to be any kangaroo dogs. A very pretty pair of smooth-haired terrier puppies, which attracted considerable notice, were shown, but they were not for oompetltion. A handsome Italian greyhound deserved the prize it received. There were several deerhounds one of which received a prize. There were on the ground two of this breed—a magnificent, dog and a promising young slut, both bred by, the Marquis of Lorne, and imported by the Hon. Thomas Elder, per City of Adelaide, but unfortunately they arrived too late to be entered for competition. Looking at the dog, one cannot avoid being struck with its simi-larity to our best kangaroo dogs, and for the latter breed we are no doubt indebted very much to the deerhound. Judges Hon, A. B. Murray, A. MoXsnrie, G. Hamilton, J. Ohristopher. Mssti^lSa^ JobnPrimross. Otiierentaia?— Him. T. Xlder, John Hart. "Bntries good ; Mr. O. B. Tonne of WalkervOle, exhibited a magnlfisent dog not for oompetitioo." 801 l terrier; 15a., M. MeManna. "No oom* petition." Bloodhound. Oalyoaeentiy. 8"Not worthy." Skye terrrier, 165., Hen. T. Elder. Other Entry—A. S. Bennett. Scotch terrier, amoetfc. Only one entry. "Not worthy." Ssstsh terrier,' rough. Only one entry. "Not worthy." *>t*g}tA terrier, smooth. Only one -entry. "Not srorthy. Two small puppies exhibited not for competition ; srell bred end handsome." Sattor, lb*,, 3. I*. Stirling, Other entries— W. Wllien, O. Pearoe. Betriever. Two entries. "Not worthy." Water snaaiel, 15a., G. D. Gardner. Other entry—G. D. Gardner. Gallia, Us.. John Dennlaon. Other entries —Prise Maarioe,W. Oro-amsn, A. & Bennett (2). "AH good." Oattie dog, IPs., J. J. Gsmean. Other esibj Greyhoand, 16a, Erw3ariok West Other antrias—Obsries Downer.- (2), John Hart (2), W.Wilton. Italian greyhoancUlSri., A. a Bennett Olhm entry A. 8. Bennett. Deerhoand, 155., J*. W. Bakewell, who also exhllnted twe oth-sm. The Hon. T. Elder showed two not for «empetitlon. POOLTBT, BZBD9, AND GAME. - There was a very fsir eollestion of poultey, faii-as, and games, tlie show of poultry baring q-dte equal in point «f merit to that of former •mars. Thttt *r*^**atm •-«--•? «uinnmi*iiidat?iii on benohss inside the- bulldiag.aiid throogheot the day kept viritors, pretty alive to their vosal powers. AafanpTovsmeat -imon the «ild*fsshlmisd ooopa, and extern poriaed cages of boxes with lathe nailed on, v fere aome arell-made large airy bexas,witii light baa of iron wire. The inride of each of these waa painted la apamprAta oolcs-^sadaltagstVsriii-vw?nnrotaMuioedto be mash supetior -to as orflnaiy ooops. Amongit the pemltoy slbbs tha visitor sroald perhapa. be first stoaek. Ay the a-MsUant adlserton. of game birds.: W-Urhont dowbt thla yeatM sh?ow ot -them was anperior to many previous aod dhiMoatr, and aoms ot tiiS t-fa*ds,*degaslandst--«^ < «-midnot£ailtoestah ths ey?of even the most waahsscv-u-* -risttsr, Tbe*3aAA?M**wmA- vary goad, aad ao alao wars tiie Brahtnapootora, *RistB wss •aat a large shew of the pretty Hamburga, bnt thoss arbJah iwsivei the first n dnmaritodlt* The?snaun ohwswssnot well a-epresonted, and there was a coa-psxatively rneogre erhlWtion of Guinea fowls. The sUor-egest point in tiie ahow of birds was nnqneiH oniMy game .fosrls, seme of sAsflhs?naparfset pistarsa. AeoUeotionof fine geem, fated trn:imp-cxted«-?byMt. X. T. Embm, wan M^d y ooa*anondsd, sndapsssoek sad lua, shown kwHr. Jack-on; were fitly de-BBwWd as "Isasidaome hirds." The docks eeoandwortiii^'wsidlon.biit the ahswof rab litawHtathea-rlisleowtiist of tamer wimilisn Shstssxt In ike cedar of tiie pris?list were pigjfttis, bb? . thanks tosaras eatsrpririir-g am*.* ta-eWbrasder^, ihsrn isnsaallyagoead snffsuttos of fratslh,. ss?faws, peuawL Hunt, Jaophlai, and ao oiu. Oshfrined are the awaaasa— Judges--irlea-a. W. H. Sdwar, fl. W. D. Bvmifnd,, iT. Jackson, H. Benhtel, aad J. * OBomatoiie. -,'Doikfa-C'Osok and two kens, first, 165., Mia Bogers; sa oond, 6i„ J. K. Hawthorne. Two otter exhlt .its. Doriring white ceck and two hens, 10s., 3. A. Hawtito mv. Brahms- mota oock and two hens, first, 10s,, A. McEen riej; seoond, 65., J. J. Gameau. Twe other entt lei. Spanish oook and two hens. "None exfcl* bfted for oompetltion, but oook aad two hens shown by F. Bedman highly oommended." Hsmbmrg oock and two tons, first, 10a, 3.3. Gaawan. One ether enby. Game «oek and two hens, first, 10s., J. *& Ba-riHe; second, 65., J. K. SavOle. Otiier entries—i?. Dawkins, M. MoMauus (21, 3. S. SaviUoM S F. Bedman (6), G. W. Aldridge (6). "No. SA, exhibited by F. Bedman, WgWy oom. msndan, -and recoimnanded far' a prise.* ' Any «*jk>ar breed, oock aad two hens, first, 10s.. P. B?-jnnui; eeoond, 65., F. Redman. Bast aaaa, oook and two hens,ibst, Wt'.-G.' Gecde-i; aaoand, Sa., G. Gooden. Otiier ec triaH- 9. Sa-ridns. GoJ-jMa fowl, oock aad two hens, first, 10s., J.J. aamssa.; aecoad, 55., J. J. Gameau. Pfeaooek sad Ben, 10k,, J. Jsokson, "Vary hsn&t-oms fab-da." T'csAey cook and nan, white, 10s. V. Bed* msrv C lander aad two geese, first, 10s,, E. T. ' Bm Ith; seoond, 65., K.T. Smith. 1 >rake and pair of ducks, Aylesbury,' 65., Ml ss Bogers, "Not worthy of first prize." Do. do., Rouen, first, 10s., Mm Bogen; at oond, 5a., Miss Bogers. Do., do., oommnn, first, 10s.; J. J. Gaaasaib m **XftLd,3ohaYamAf. Otiw-jstiy—Cf,Geodsii,

BABBITS. French back and doe, first, 10]., George Gooden. Any other fanoy breed, 10s., G. Gooden. PIOBONS. Almond tumblers, cock and hen, first, 7s. Cd., F. Dawklna; second, 5j., F. Dawkdoa. Other entries—Ashmeade ft Green (3). Carriers, cock and hen, firat, 7s. CI., F. Dawkins; second, 55., Ashmeade & Green, No other entries. Pouters, cock and hen, first, 7s. 6tL, Ash meade tt Green; second, 5a., Ashmeade and Green. Other exhiblton—F. Dawklns (2). Faatalls, cook and ben, first, 7s. 6d., Ash meade tt Green; second, 5a., F. Dawkins. Nans, cock and hen, first, 7a. Ci,, F. Daw* Una; aeoond, 55., Ashmeade tc Green. Jacobins, cock and hen, first, 7s. Si., V. DawMns ; second, 65., Ashmeade tt Green. Three other entries. Feather-leg tumblers, cock and hen, first, 7s. Ad., Ashmeade ft Green ; aeoond, 65., Ash meade ft Green. Other entries—F. Daw* kins (I). Mottled tumblers, cook and hen, first, 7s. fid., Ashmeade ft Green ; sesond, 65., F. Dawklns. Two other entries. Bald-heads, cook nnd hen, first, 7a fid., F. Dawklns ; second, 55., Ashmeade ft Green. Three other entries. Bubs, cock and hen, first, 7s. 61, F. Daw* kiss; second, 65., Ashmeade ft Green Three other entries; Trumpeters, cock and hen, first, 7s. 6d., Ashmeade ft Green; second, 55., F. Dawkins. Two other entries. Turbota, cock snd hen, first, 7s. 6d., F. Daw* Has; sesond, 6a, F. Dawktua, Other entries —Ashmeade ft Green (3). MMOKLLANBOUeS. Under this heading there wss not muoh shown of vary great Interest to an outsider, the only thing likely to catch Us attention bring a fine collection ef eordiala exhibited by Messrs. Bickford; ther also ahowed the gold medal reoeived at a late atehlMtion for the same manufactures. There ware a few mowing, msehlnes, ploughs, harrows, and other imple ments. In the boOding were soma trasses of bay, fee, pressed by Mr. W. H. Formby'a ri-r-^y-ooaitrnt-ted sarew-prsss, af which we gave a description some time ago. Two of these trusses were entirely hay, one straw, and two had each • bag of bran squeesed in the centre. The following are the weights :— First, 130 lbs. bay, l?Olbs. bran, total 880 lbs.; second, 136 lbs. h*y,64lbs. teas, total 190 lbs.: third, 231 lbs. bay ; fourth, 218 Iba. hay ; fifth, 89 lbs. straw. Mot one of these trusses was much larger than an ordinary 56 lbs. trail cat and bound in ths aiwd manner. The annual Ploughing Mstoh In oooneotion with the Boyal Agricultural and Horticultural Society took place on Friday, Angnst 28. on the grounds of the Hon. W. Srsrsrd (Oommls sloner of Grown Lands), near the Bay-road. Tbe locality was perhaps the most ooavenieat ens that could be seleoted t or tiie event, visitors being aide to^go down by the Glenelg Bailway, andbyeros-dag a feiioaieaohtiM local ia qua. Trains ran every hour, bringing down pas sengers, aad ths whole of tha nflway amags* meats were perfect. Subjoined am tM awards whioh wan made:— rxooosnra. Jadtei—Mean*. T. P. Jones, James Duncan. Thos. Barrett, M. Bankine, and M. KaOaUum. Match witii doobls farrow or anltfale ploughs—Flntpriss, £10, A. O^eaiy. "Well pboged, but rather 1st;" sssond, £5, A. Biggs; third, £3, A. March. Otimrentry—G. Blythman. Men** matoh with single plough—First prise, filO, G. Edwards. " Well -ploughed, bat In different crown ;" aeeond, £6, Wm. Alexander. "Geodmwwn but not straight;" third, £3, O. TSBar. Other entries—B. MoHogh, G. TOler, Hy. Blfaborougb, Washington Lewis, Thomas Fewlis, T. Oallaby, Jan., J. Oracknell, J. Flgg, A. Farmer. Match te youths -under 17 years of age-First prise, £4, F. Hsisllton. "'Vary good, batter than most men;" second, £3, J. Blyth* man. No other entries, For best turnout competing in the plough* ing matches—First prise, £8, A. Farmer (Mr. Joseph Orobard's taaa-i; asasnd, £1, W. <B'?"-i*? (Mb, 3. Vzatptfa test). sfadkwobk. Judges-Heesrs. J. Oobbledick, J. T. Passes, sad John Harvey. Two rods—time sad quality oonrfdared. First prise, £3, 3. Hobbs; aeoond, £1, W. Oas; third, 10a., H. MoOrostie. Otfasr com petitors—G. Pitt aad W. Treoeuth. Bemadcs. —"The digging on the whole re* markaUy good aad competition Tory keen. The Judges had great difficulty is deriding on third prise, and would strongly zseomosad No. 2 (W. Trenowth), for a fourth prise, as they con sider it almost equal to No. 3 (H. MoOrostie)."