South Australian Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1858 - 1889), Wednesday 8 April 1874, page 2


The Yorke's Peninsula Advertiser gives very full reports of the meetings of the Moonts M[?] on Saturday and Monday. The report of the first meeting we [?] slightly ab-

breviated, and of the second we can 0017 give the most notable addresses of those speakera who had not taken put in the first gathering :— On Saturday moraine a ring meeting of the Hoouta Mines employe* mi held on the lOnea Flat to consider the reduction in wages jolt made. There were nearly 1,500 nil npi raiini. betides* host of Uds. Mr. John Priak was elected to preaHe. The CHAIBK4B, having thanked the meeting for electing trim to the portion, amid he hoped the proceedings would bs emdottet in an orderly manner. The ndoslion of wage* would not only affect them v minecs, üboners, and raeotmnira. but ft would attest the Peninsula «t Ursa (Haw, hear.l The people ia the township would feel it to a very great extent. (Bete) The refaction ia wages which had been decided vpoa. by the Directors would make a difference Inpaymental of ao leu than £360 per week, There would be that loss on the amount of nonej cirenUted In the neighborhood of Uoonta. Not only in Hoonta would the wage* be reduced, but at Wallaroo and the adjacent mine*, as weU as at the Buna, for aU the * little mines would be governed by the leading mines; ao thmt the effect of the teduetioD at HoonU vodd be ft retortion of wages thronghout the colony of Sonth Australia. (Hew.) Another thing be wonU remtk was, t&at there was not tne least naoui-Bity-P<radepplause)-ferthiiraduotion. (Hear, and cheers.) There was bo nuinnnsTiiiiiii— in the step which tiie Direeton bad taksn ia connection with the reduction. They said it was owing to the low price of copper. -True, Che price m lower Una tt bad been, but it was not a low price : ft was realising at the present time a fair price. (Hear, hear.) There were a forward tendency in the price of tttmner-Qieu, oear)-?uu tt wmi Mtkcr ~ Inebnedto go onwards than otherwise. (Heat, hear.) Aa far as the high price of materials waa concerned, he thought they might aak Chenselves the question, why waa it that Iron, and coal and steel were dear? Simslr because of the combination of the laboring daaasa, whs were resolved not to ba impoaed nMo ai heretofore. (Loud cheers.) All they wanted wss« fair day's pay for a fair dayV work. (Oheeral Bat the materials ware daw far tba warUav ~ men also, and they suffered Iron Che aaaae cause, and the redaction in wages would aate " the working men suffer morn several*. (ITsai 1 .■ At far ai be himself was mmiwimd tt wMll ' X not affect him much; bat there waa ft Urn * . when a redaction of • shilling • day f«J| distress both himself and his "family, tMtt: would affect ■evenly those who had five** aix children unable to work (Applaasej The reduction of wages at Hooata weald, . as he had «a!d. affect the colony at large, aai if it shonU be carried into effect, nswoulnaDt be anrprised to see children 1 mining abont the -streets without ehoea to their feet. (Hear, ? hear.) He repeated there waa no reason far' the reduction of wages with the present ptan . of copper—(cheers)—they we?e working hwi. ,' and employing their labor and aMB totsao? " the fortunes of people UviaK *■ AsUMhi (Hear.) The qneition was, lAioaUtiielrarwia be reduced or not? (bml orietof "N0.M.1 The next question waa, how ware tbeytollfav -vent it? ("Stop altogether;" "Hot fain* bargain.*) Were they aU iwaubneus in agreeing to demand formfr wag«L ("Yo«, yea.*) Heehouldliketo?eeit dedded, aadhewsatt pnt it to the meeting thU way—all tticee ttajt were in favor of the reduction would dgmtylha same by holding up their right hand. Mo hands ware held ap-a remit which waa greeted with laughter. the Chushas then called far ft abew «f hands from those who ware undecided in the matter. Ho handi were heM op. The CbWOUji—Vow then, all those ilmaia decided never to work fat the mine again at Cha redooed wagea hold op their hands. This was responded to by • nimrtmoni «b?w of hands and tremendouaeneermg. -v TheOHMBMAK— a we are AectSed fiart?~~ " work attheredmeed rate of bml ajseae atems most be taken to ootnmimtnato ?M the IHiaetor*. and we must inform them that we am decided never to take • bargain <tnk« am realise former wages. Perhaps ■cmc one *■ propose that a telegram be sent to the DmMton, aaying that we will not work unleaaaft former wagea, and that we await ft repV. • (AppUnse.) Mr. Kodd* eqtreandhU vOlificneaito «c 111 In saj anjlhhij. fnr Inn arnlftKi iiMlmilalisaa on Yorke's Penttmda. (nwera.) They weae -brought there that day through the notion of i their Director*. TherhadosdaredftAivideaal payable, end then stated that Unaware «obK toredo^ttelrwageathreu^thefamaeostw! ' materiab. He wmsvery•ofrytiiaSthegeaSMMi " of Adelaide did not know hetter. (■eai', iMsa). . They must, however, take apifcJUmafiiii iWilh their flesh and blood had takan «p at koM. (Oheers.) They had fought and won the vickary —Ceheeral—and they mnatsmt alma Ihaawiliw * : below them. (Heu). He did •«* think tt* ' any of them had lost any of their tMttla% «onangaUteentlM>aa?ndmnaia«?o? the water. •, (Oheers). in? fonaer strike the Wreoaowls?i a good deal to >aybeoM?tiiey«lid?otCyto them in tiie first inatanos. NowhewonUprepose that they ask for what Oey waatoTa* onoe—that they eomnmainsto with the Otneton and toU them what resolution they laal come to, «nd kindly invite them to Che ring a? that the men might hear what they had toav in the present ertsia. (ippUiae.) . Here were cries of "fiensen Om," and ' wuiter^riM of "Let W« «la-*-The OEaiBiUBT said that tt was teayosat ago when they had ft strike, and had to protest acsinat their captains, and decided not to ws«fc Sidwttem on>iooonk of their farivfllt/aad • wiongs to tha men, but tt was act ao today. He Wieved that tte ntmort foe* fcelh? odsted between tta ofltars ttd the miaem. -(Hear, hear.) He did iiotknowef anyimantn the riaoe who had any oamplahit againatthe Hau^nV on aooonut of hi. treatment of th. men on the mine. fHear.) Tha onejttw W . almpty • question of wages, and he baliMal -•^A 62^1!S l!^2s *£. Mr. BBBB* weald salmntaar to odd -m -§mr word.. What *W la* *«? ««r.??? aU awaie et; *hey had alt heU •? Iheir hands to work no more unless their wagec were Hie same aa formerly. It looked to him that they ware all pranwad enough to work, hecanae^erewijjnob?dy|i?. pareltowoondthepropos^JtteAdeWfc , Directors would see «hat tt.V *?J ™*?j"?"fr enough, e«d were alltjmgt-l?ejff^rteA ll> BLSia«xaeeondedthemw?«?Wo«. a* w« not in fay« of taring «"£•>*£ iSearl He hoped ttey would net work «nffl „ A^[d«^aa?ti?(drend. He for one aranU h^ toia?aUtl?>c>«* *? theplaaaosrere they worked teal*. (lsm* UngaierT When be rj^hbhanaheartua?ymeantlt. He had fOhoenA. pl T^ rC l Ul?iC4if-H ha* been sropowd ud seconded fliatnoniote work be dono nskei we resliae the iormer wages, and that weooms?a ' Soste with the Cireeton la the tnstbx.Msl iwaU their reply. HfiaMelthftttUresoia^M l^lndufenoto!^!^!!*^!*, baVaW«ff the laborers and mechanics; and tt must fea nnderatood that those who were present ftt that' , . meettng would oae their Uflaenoe In ■toppicothers. Tkey must ooaaider that not • atogls man on the aurfaee or underground went to work «ntO they were fully Informed aa to whether their wagea were to be the aame aa MrTTHOHas Ourr. blackimtih, oempbjna& that not one of the mechanics had the moral '. courage to come forward. There ware wsvenfl mechanics working on ooatract, and the preaacft orbia would not affect them for MM thne to £m! He would lite to how «?« mtoen ; would request them to leave off work? Ha " besced to differ a. Uttle from what b« haft heSdi>dvac*ed,notbutwh.t«S| , . but ke begged to differ with respect to the step* p^oaed^taken. IftthjngiitttwMlh* ? da^to^emorialiaej^TOwetoriHb^^^asl them to reeonaider what the* bad done. They said that materials were dearer, hettbay wwialMdearerfor the wot*. •**£?*£*>" take ft man two yews to enable htmtobftQd* honse for bis f *nuly. Those things ought to be oonsiAered aa wall as the Directors' welfare, Man* bad come on the sntaea whs ha* ha* to To U idebt for their building materials, tad be W^ay?oaaUer'a baoks wonldahew that iwas owed some nve or ai« thonaand poaaas. StfU ha was for going on with the wora^ajaih. foroneenmldbegtotwwa«ai?a«dm-*«s« they memorialise the IMreotow, and£•"*■* they would do ; end If *** •*?wZ t £^fJZ nnfavorahlc, tnw.^ft^f^i^^uV^' no. and «^f«rf?>^^^ d t f w orirfaiisSrof Ifeonta. HedidaotwantenybadyVl?va<,bnt Director, had tte purse «nd the men the aloH and manual labor.

Mr. Jams Ceabbi said th« men could not live for the wages offered, and 'pay their way. If the miners stopped work, the mechanics when their eontraote were ended woulJ be in the same fix as themselves. (4ear) The Directors never memorialised them to know V they could live on the wages offered. (Hear.) Let them atop the mine aad have their rights before they went to work. (Cheer*.) Mr. Abthokt said he would support As former proposition, although he quit* agreed fa tome things with the meohanio who had spoken; bat thsy should go on the principle of the greatest good to the greatest number. (Cheers.) If the mine was stopped there would be many tributors in the same position as the mechanics. Many of the tributors had been working eight or nine weeks, and their ore was underground, where it would remain until the mine went to work again ; and the tributors in the meantime would be kept eat of their money. Many of them had been four weeks preparing their pitches, and fear more breaking down their ore ; and they would have to cease from labor. and get no pay for what they had done until the mine went to work, ss that the mechanics would be no worse off than the tributors. Let them aa lovers of men aad lovers of their eeattry stick eat to a man for their wages. .(Cheers.) He thought It was necessary, however, that throe or four men should be emplayed to keep the stUbgetag, as many of them depended upon the stills for their water, and be weald, therefore, move that the preposition be modified so as to allow of the stills being kept at work. (Cheers,) The CftaiaaU?T—The amendment has not Mr. OUrr would like to have something t? say if he were allowed. If be had £500 to spend in building a store, did they think he would petition any man to take the contract? The feast obstacle would probably overthrow his arrangements. Let them, then, petition the Direotors in a civil, maaiy i>n«n? to reoonailsr the question ef wages, 73 he had £500 to spend woold he petition any storekeeper where to spend it? (" Question,"aiid confusion.) He had seen the evils of the last strike. To have their bosks fall of debts to the tradesmen would not be very nice; but let two or three months pats away without work, and there would be hundre&tadabttMid wfcat would they say tbea t He bagged of taemsareaonsidertfts affair. To strike would be the worst thing they coold do. (" Pat him out," and confusion.) Mr. R. Bnmm asked if they knew bow mush per tent, the redaction in their wages wwald amount toT It was 20 per oent, whilst the reduction in the pries of copper was only 10 per cent, and eeareely that upon the average price that bad rabd fer a long time. The OKaiasuaj—l will now pat tho proposition, and it aatoaats to this—that neither miners, laborers, nor mechanist shall work on this mine agate until we are assured of oar farmer late ef wages. All who are In favor of It hold e? year hands. Aitreetafjaadswasheld up, amid the most A TaMP-Yea forget the water. ("Never ■rind tis? water—it will be rain to-morrow.") fjMghJafc) The OkamtasT—Semebody said I had forgotten the water. I don't think any one would object to the mea being employed at the stills. ("WO KeU up year hands again, and I kctw yea wUUeee ik all sincerity. The enow ef bands was repeated, a«arly every one at the meeting joining in the demon-Mr. OUFr-^Many have held up their hands for the leseteMea who win net carry It oat. (arcana.) Mr. BumMM-I woold like Mr. Clift to eoeMin and prove what he hat taid. He lisa said that many have held ap their hands for the resolution that want tarry It oak I want to know bow be tan prove this. (Oheera.) I say we are not going to work unless we get the former wages, tarn not going to work anises I get paid f«tt. "^ Mr. Ourr-l woaU lite to ask one question —bow many ehildnn hat he got not able to work? ("Shut ap about theehddrea.") Are the majerity fnapathlon to stand three months without work f or eaa they get credit for that timer ryvddt to you about the credit." Me ftOBD*. aJutlhat In order to carry out a strike in a legal manner there mast be perfect order en every ride. (Hear.) Ho man should be hooted. (Cheers ) That was not the way to bring the minority ever to the majority. Let them bear the men en the other aide quietly. Mr. Clot claimed a hearing. He considered the eteeting had treated him very wrongly, aad he warned them that they were taking a very Important step. Mr. HeaWOOD, contractor In the fitting shop, regretted Me ImWn the meeting had corns to before writing to the Directors. The step they has taken was tantamount, he believed, to a direst strike, which they thould by all mean* avoid. He eontioered that the result they had arrived at wee k hasty one, and was not treating the Directors fairly. In bis own ease he should expert to have a reasonable time given hbn by his mea if they wanted to stop work; be shoaUact expect them to drop their tools aad put him to a loss by leaving without notice. He thought it was desirable that a petition should be presented to the Director* before the miners decided to stop work. There were the mechanics to be considered. The miners eooght for a continuation of wages, bat the mechanics continued to repairs their former wages, and being ea contract, the Directors had no power to take it from them ; but the misers by their actions sought to ooeree the mechanics, and to give them what they had already got Besides, the stopping of the works would entail a vary nerkmt teas en the Company, and cause all aorta of naoloaasnt feelings, and do far worn harm than otherwise. If a protest were seat to the Directors through the Manager, stating Oat it was not their intention to -take an the survey and not to resume operations uta they had received aa answer, he believed that In two or three days, or perhaps a week, aa answer would be received, aad then they could oall another meeting to tee whether they woold strike or not. Many were not aware ef the evils resulting from the strike, for at the end of it they might be 50 times worse ell than they were now, aad perhaps out ef work. (" Beak.") He hopedthey would reeeatider the matter; resotad the resolutions they had arrived ait, aad act In a conciliatory ■nirU. He thought that what they had done was rash in the extxeme, and likely to do more harm tiuu good. He wanted them not to take rath stops; he believed the object they sought ■tight be obtained In a more conciliatory manner. Mr. Boao-BS said that Mr. Horwood had warned them not to take a wrong step end not to act on the spar of the moment in what they were doing, but ell the notice whish the Directors gave them in cutting their wages was to etn4 a tettcra!^^ they had received no intimation ef it until their wages had been actually redaosd. They had given the men no time to consider the matter. H they had given them lay two aaoatht toeoasiderit therweaU haveknown what to do. (rXear.hear.) Hemaiatainod thata mlaergettiagenlyS**. oouUnotbetupportodand debit work properly; with the present price of provisions tlte amount was net enough for a man, let his home be ever «o eareroily managed. There was another thing he wanted to speak a word or two about. When he read the article ta the r«rfa*? PtKamU Admrtam ef the orevloasday ho was very **U pleased, and be tbMight the Editor deterred the thaaki of tile ■ string. [trwmd of hearty eheen and dapping^Wh waa * eaes given fer thegentie-Mr. Bunas* said that the Editor took up the utusKuu promptly, for he did not know ftew *be?mon weie going to take it up, and Me vton had met with their approval. He (Mr. Beacest) lud been woridsgh> the Moonta Mtae and •there In the neighborhood for bottJOMi twelve and thirteen yean, aad he m a man ef Brinaipb-(*«*t)-M>d he liked to be (treated as a man ef principle; and If every man was like him they would demand jwttoa, {Obeera) They wanted twtfctaa-saom. He wm one of thorn whewent on strike for ten weeks, and they had justice. (Cheers.) When the Manager set them a pitch he gave them a prise for theorem sight. They might be lucky. Lke ftnOon, aad get two or three hundred poaaoV for their take; but because one man mad-jWgh -start," was it right that such ex•s^tional amounts should be put into the general average to the disadvantage of the rest of the KlnecsT The more they got the better <&c adtentmere were paid ; and every employer of labor to have himself well eerred should pay weUU?seetf. (Applam«.) ™ Mr. AITHOHT said (hU Mr. Horwood had told them they had acted hastily, but they mart fe^tttUehamon the DiiMton. Here was a aotiee not pahUshed until the 2nd of April of c redaction which had takta effort on 5s Ist,-an thatthey were given no time far I—MsTitiiTi nf till —r~ ft was tot the sateen of Moonta, but the Dineeton in Adelaide wke had taken hasty stops. It was their Pkaevat sum Interested In the welfare of their meafflet aad the eoteny at Urge, to take the etepstherhad taken. (Cheers.) ft wes here stated by tome one that Mr. Horwsod hast seesoded Mr. CUffe amendment. The CHiTamur said it was neoetaary that theyafcMdd asset a Committee, aad a preliminary Stop matt be the eppointment of * Score-Mr. Buaossa osasentsd to act as Secretary. A Committee was then appointed at follows : -Mr. John Anthony miner; Mr. T. Kodda, miner; Mr. John Priak, miner; Mr. Joseph Massard. blacksmith ; Mr. W. 'iL?ankuie eupeater. The election of the Committee occupied con-siderable time, and it was with difficulty that-a representative of the carpenters could be induced to act as a Committeeman. Mr. CLIFT said they were willing enough to hold up their hands, but not one of them was game enough to come forward—not one of them had a heart as big as a bee's knee. Mr. Bbvocu said that the miners had to flfht the battles of tin workmen continually, aid if the tradesmen, aad the mechanics, and laborers held bask, they would let ths thing A Mans said that the mechanics worked ■Iketrir all through, the last strike, and had (heir wajet raited. Beferenee had been made

to the latt strike, and the injury it had done the Poninsula, bat he maintained that it was the bait thing that erer happened to the Pentnsals. In reply to a remark from Mr. Horwood, Mr. BDBOBS3 said that tho Directors had decided that the wages throughout the mine should be redaeed, whish would affect mechanics as well at miners. Mr. Hobwood said the wages of mechanics who wen under cettrut waoM not be rednoed. Mr. Bcno?sa contended that Me Horwooi's contract men would be affected in the suno way as the little survey men. After some further eonreoation, Mr. Bodda counselled moderation in their discussions. The question had been asked, how the mechanics weald be affected by the nuaen ceasing work. If the minsrt stopped the carpenters weald very soon have done with their planet, and that weald be the effect ef having their wages reduced to 345. a week, and the Direetora would very aooo stop tsJdng their dividends. No man could work in the hard elvan of the Moonta Mines and support himself as he ought to be supported apon 34a, a week. The Chubxui said that a few shOliags would be required to pay fer the telegram to the Directots, and far other itwM.y?ii:«l cxpei^ and t? solicited mtribationi. Simultaneously from all aides of the ring, ooppers and silver were thrown into the centre to the amount of £2145. Id. A resolution was then carried that the meeting adjourn until 10 o'clock on the following Monday. The Committee arranged to prepare a telegram for transmisswn to the Direetora, aad to communicate to Captain Hancock the result of the meeting. The Chairman taid he supposed they all understood that there was to be no survey that day; he supposed, however, they would attend for their subsist. (Laughter.) Mr. &AXXnn proposed a vote of thanks to the Editor of the Yor&t Peninsula Advertiser. (Cheers.) He wee well worthy of their warmest thanks for the leading artiste in the paper, and for sending a representative ef the press to the meeting. Mr. Mus&a?D seconded. Canted with aecUttution. Mr. DrusgTObt thought it would be nonecessary to do more than to thank them, and he trusted that the outcome of the movement would be satisfactory alike to the mea and the Direotors. (Cheers). A vote of thanks to the Chairman concluded the meeting. The Ooauaittoe then proceeded to the Mines Institute and drew up the following memo., addressed to Captain Hancock-" We\ the undersigned Committee, appointed by tho public meeting of the employes of the Moonta Mines, have the painful duty of informing yon that owing to the redaction of wages, alt work will cease today on the Moonta Mine, pending a reply from the Board of Directors." *"""""? The Committee next watted ou the Manager, aedtaerondtof the interview was, we are Inforaed, somewhat at fellow*:—After reoeivtag the memo., the Manager said that it was with great regret he had received the resolution, but be pointed outtothem that if they carried out the plan mentioned in the resolution he believed they would encounter from the Directors prolonged resistance, and that they would shut up the work lather than yield. He counseled them to attend the survey aad receive it oa its merite, and see If the priens were satisfactory, and if they thought they could not make wages they could refuse the bargains and then memorialise the Direetora, aad that their memorial would receive full coasideratien. If they had any eonfideeee in him they would accept hit advice, for he assured them distinctly that, la hn opinion, their doing so would be better for them andaUaoaceraed. He did not thiak any other plan would succeed. After getting aa answer to tits memorial they weald be la a better position to tike farther itept in the matte. What I they had to consider was the best way to accomplish the object they had in view; and he impressed BBon them that the plan hereaomatended would be the best in every reapest. and indeed tile only on. Out wouUei«er^ The Committee then thanked the Manager and Withdrew. saauapsr Meanwhile the men had gath red in front of the Mines OAeea, and having formed themselves into a ring, Mr. Pbim read the memo, which had been presented to Captain Hancock. They watted, taod Mr. Frisk, very petientir far bit reply, which was that it would be a better way for the mea to take at on former ocoaaions. aad those who thought the prices would do, sat them accept them, and those who did net think so, let them refuse ; end that thsy memorialise the Directors, aad wait to see what they would do afterwards—wait their reply, and eontinne to work. The Committee told him they were seat simply to make a statement, and it was for the meeting to cay whether they would set apon Ins suggestions. He would put it to the meeting and let them act ooasdentioasly—all those that were not willing to esmply with the suggestion ef Captain HaaoacL. hold op their haade. An haadsWere held ap. * The Ohaxuuh—On the contrary. There was no oga of dissent. The Chaimuit said he would farther uf era thnm that ftsptain Tlsnnoos lisd lull Uix-l tl—t tfthey wijhed tt hjwoald .peak wwTtW from the "setting" box. The men intimated that they would like to hear the manager, and in the course of a few minutes he mounted the rostrum In front of the office. Captain Haboook said he had been advised of their proceedings that day by the Committee, and he recommended then? to draw ap a memorial to the Directors, stating their grievano?, and they would donbtiecs give it full aad due consideration. He should be moat happy to do what was right in the matter; but he distinctly informed them that any other step wouU be absolutely fruitless; that the Directors woaid never yield whilst the men were on strike; and that the wisest policy of the men would be to do aa be had reoom mended. That was the surest course, he assured them, they could adopt. He would point oat that he had no authority from the Board to say any-A sum said that the Company bad taken advantage ef them by giving them aaaoties. Captain HABOOCK—WeU, I wish just to express to you these statement*, and I hope yon will weigh them over very carefully in the interest of yoorselvea, year wives and tmmiKmm and of all oonoeraed. Ido not knewexaetiy tiie way in which the Directors wOl look at the matter, bat I think their feelings will be as I have expressed them. They will not enbmit under these drenaatanota. A MnnE?—lf they ere going to turn us out of employ they can work the mine themselves. Captain HaBOOCK said if the person who spoke took a reasonable view of the matter he would no* make sash a statement, unless he thought they could be hired for 7a. a day. (Laughter.) A Mam-Suppose we take no bargains— would ear pay be made op ? Captain BajioooK was andecstood to say no, net until the bargains were oosapleted. Two or three questions were here put at the same time. Captain Hajkmgk said he came out there to offer them his beat advice, and the questions which had been asked were upon other points. He was there to advise them aa to the best means of aneomnlisning the object tW had in view, and the only sesmble way wat~Ss eoe he had already poiatod oat. He Mt eonidont the Directors would not yield tmder the terms ottered by the workmen, whereas they might give way under such terms as be had 'i-tittstnl to the Committee just now. A Mora asked if Captain TTintsst would vouchsafe bis opinion on their behalf? Hit advioe was very good, but he did not think they would gain their end unless they acted with manliness one with another to prevent this iron strew. (Cheers aad laughter.) He meant to say the Directors had no cause to work upon ; it was most unreasonable that they theuM seek to reduce their wages. The Moonta was one of the best speculations in the world, and it was ttareasonaMe to cat their srages. It was neither jtat to themtelvet nor to their children, and it was only an attempt to place them under the thumb of the Company ; aad If they did not jrish to be ptteed under their thumb, they should stand up one with another for justice. Captain HaKMCK said they were going from the point, which was—the best way to accomplish the object they had in view, and which was not to be accomplished by flights of eloquence, bat by common tense. He bad. given them his advice, which if they took, they would not regret it, but hereafter would be thankful they had done so—he was confident of that. If they adopted My other plan they woald regret it deeply, and he really trembled for tiie eonsequenees that might ensue. The subsist would now be paid, and immediately after the subsist he would offer tiie pitches In the umul way, aad he hoped the remarks he had made would hare their due effect, for he felt aalioned that tiie course be hadreeem. mended would bethe best for them In the leaf run. ) The misers then attended at the emeetoiet paid their subsist, and in the inrhae the wages question war keenly ilisusssud bsmuiil them. After the emkaJtHu ho«.«JrrydU paid a ring was spun farmed, and the Ooaibhah (Mr. Prisr)infaraii?l the taeetiag that the setting of the pitches at the TTamliaj Sfinr, which wm *? hem take pies* that day, had keen poetpoaed, pinlia?ftfc«aaUol the meeting at saoenta Mtoee. Tho meeting would be,, in mind that they would meet again on Itonnar morning, which weald give them fail ther time to think about the matter. As soon i at the subsist was paid they would go home. Ho would pat that to the mooting. ' The propaaitw? that the mem ahrald go home without attonUng the eurvey was pot to the meeting and carried unanlaioutly, and the as. semblage disputed.

On Monday the aiaera met at 10 e'ekok «f , the Mine* Hat. The Meeata Knee Band,, which came upon the craaad jut bafaca tka I otmmenoement of pnweadiat^ were neeivad with n.neh eheerinf, and hsring tikea «p ttair podtioaiiuids the rise pUyad a few «pitited Mr. Prlik vu again chosen Chairman, and I daring hi* opening uUreu, itUed th*t he be-, Uevad the eogioe-drlTw* were at work thrao«fa

tome misunderstanding. He further said should they do as some had suggested—and he did not think it would be abtd plan-to ram. man all the women who were able-bodied to come out with their sweeping; brushes —(Unghter) ami sweep the engine houses. (Hear, and laughter.) Those who were etever at home would be clever abroad, bat he would not tell them what they would sweep oat. (Laughter.) There was one thing he might inform them—that if they only stopped the wade of die mine for three months or perhaps lea, but no longer, the mine would change hands, and they might expect fresh masters, or the mine would become forfeited to the Government. (Tremendous cheers.) Par hit own part he would give the shareholders a ?-?H~fl time to consider their position in referenoe to the miners, and If they would not come to terms the miner* weald hold oat for three saonths and a day and whose would the mine be? (" Ours, oars.") If the Directors would not come to terms when they were wanted, the miners |wonld refuse .when the Directors should want them In an emergeaey. That information was quite sufficient to assure them of their ultimate success. He urged the miners to abstain from threatening language and violence, and to exercise selfdenial for the sake of supporting the strike. (Cheers). Mr. J. Tbkmbith said although he had not been a witness to a strike before, he knew a little about strikes from those who had had a hand in them. He would propose thai they start on the principle that the men started on In tlu North of England and in Victoria. That principle was, to stop all work on the mine—tie down the handles of the engines—(cheers)—and in the second place stop all men from working on the mine. By doing these things he thought they would be able to maintain their rights—for they are their rights—and if they, as an intelligent community, did not act op for their rights, they deserved to be oppressed. (Cheers.) He would further propose that if those who took an active part in that movement should be "spotted" by the proprietors—in case they came to their proposals, and thrown out of their bread, should such a ease oeour—that they strike one and alt (Great cheering.) That was the point, became he might be the man, or any of them might be the man, and therefore he would offer the proposition to the meeting. The proposition was put to the meeting by the Chairman, and carried unanimously. The CeaibmAH said a telegram had been sent on Saturday to the Wallaroo men, informing them of the strike, but that before receipt'of the telegrams, they had attended survey and taken their pitches, though there was a good deal of grumbling. Mr. BOBOBS3 confirmed this statement. It was carried, on the motion of Mr. MtJSSABD, that the men should march to the township, and hear what the tradespeople had to say to the strike. Mr. Johbt Peters, a Wallaroo miner, also stated that the telegram referred to arrived at the Wallaroo Mines too late, and further said, it was affixed to the shop-dsor jast as the survey was over, but Captain Anthony's boy palled it down. He was not authorised to speak for the Wallaroo men, but he believed they would join the Meosta miners. The miners then formed in processional order four abreast, and, preceded fey the members of the Committee and the band, marched to the township, the band playing*' The MarseUaise" and othar inspiriting music. The procession proceeded down Ryan-street, turned into Mienatreet, and thence ap George-street, and having proceeded to the groundCoppoaite the Terrace, •gain formed into a circle with the band in the middle, together with Stasey'a omnibus, which served as a platform for the speakers and reporters. The number of people present at this time was estimated at between two and three thousand. The Chairman again addressed the meeting. The Rev. & Knight, on being asked to address the meeting, mounted the buss. He said they had promised a patient bearing (''And foa will get it") He loved that people as weU as any one, and had tried to work for Moonta I Mines in bis sphere, and he was vary sorry that he should have to go away just as they were getting into trouble; he would like to sUy with them, because after a time of trial there would be a great reaction and great spiritual movement among the hearts of the people. If he hid twenty thousand pounds, aad were rich enough, be would give it them to hold out. gnthusiastio eheen.) Let them not do that, because they would go the other way directly. Bat instead of twenty thousand pounds lie would put them in the way of getting eleven thousand pounds, (bond cheers.) Let them not be in too great a hurry. Let them go down to die office and like men and brothers take those settings. If they thought their wages would be Bs. leas a week they were wrong; he was not speaking without book when he said Oat the redaction would be only St. per week, and in two months tine Wallaroo minors would be able to join them, and when united they had done their best with the Directors, they would ba backed by the whole colour. He was afraid thatthey ware going to be a little rash. But they were all sometimes apt to be a little rash. Lettiugnbequiet, and patient, aad firm. He did not want them to be underpaid, but bedid think Oat they would be sating rashly to enter into contention with the Directors, who were independent of them and of the whole colony. They bad sheepruns all over the whole oolony at their back, and the miners were not prepared to fight them. The stopping of the mine would not make the difference of one glass of champagne to those Directors, and yet it was to be a matter of bread to tan miners, of damage to their families and to the community, aad be was afraid it might bring diagram upon them. He had been proud to live among them, and be shouid be sorry to see them disgrace. Oe supposed the Directors wanted a little information respecting the people of the Peninsula. Persons from the Peninsula were aecusto-ned to go to town and brag of the district, and assume an air, aad perhaps had the right to do so. farther paid cash for their goods, and exaggerated their power of expenditure and iwpsmtirt and all the restef it. He believed the Direotorseughtto know that the difference between the working men of the Peninsula and those of Adelaide was, as far as bis acquaintance went—and he hoped he might be excused if be was wrong—that the working men of Alelaide spent somewhere about 12s. a week io baer; and as far as he knew, if X were net for the travellers some of the few pnMuMtouaes in the township of Moonta would be shut up. That was 12s. to their advantage. (" It dont go into our pockets') They were so much the richer for their sobriety. What he wanted to say was that the Directors thought they were in a bettor portion than they were because they dressed better, **, bat tine reason was that they were more sober and economical, and it should be made known that sum was the ease. The Wallaroo Mines could not afford to spend more than they were earning, nor could the Doora, and If those two mines reduced their wages they might expect other mines to follow. They would betas, better position at the end of two moetfasby accenting hn advice, and getting £11,000 in their pockets; and then, if they made a fair representation of the ease, they would get die ■?Bport of the whole colony. ("No, no, we •Wt want it," and other expresrimtf of dissent.) Well, he was very aorry that he was not abb to go with their present action, for they would be all the better at the end of two months With. £11,000 in their pockets. The Cuil?MiHsaid be believed Mr. Knight was anxious to be their friend, but he was ftkely to be mistaken with regard to the question before the meeting. With respect to the Wallaroo Mines being poor, tiiat was a mistake, for it was only the other day they paid a dividend of £20.000. Again, Mr. Knight told them thattheredactionwasonlyss.aweek. He would like for him to tell the meeting ho* he knew that, or who authorised him to say so ? The Directots had informed them that tutwork men should raoeive Mi., who before had 4i*., and he would like to know by what figures that could be made to be a reduction of only Ss. a week. (Laughter.) Another thing he would like to refer to. The resolution arrived at at the meeting of Directors in AdriaMn was seat to the mine tiuve or four days before they heard of it, and their wages were actually reduced Is. a day before they had heard anything about it. They were working at the reduced rate of wages then, at a time wheat they were nneoaseums thai their wages were reduced. He would ask them was that fair? (No, no.) Again, it had been aaid that they should have memorialised; but the Directors gave them no time to do so. The pitches were priced, and they were close upon survey-day before they knew anything about the redaction of wage*. After a brief address from Mr. Anthohy, a resolution was carried to the effect that the men pledge themselves not to accept work unless at the former rates of wages. The ChaWUH, in another speech, addressed himself specially to the storekeepers, and concluded as follows :—ls there not one among you having sufficient interest in his business to come forth and defend labor? Another pause. Then I would rather walk all the way to ir~«Ji«« for a loaf of bread than buy one in Moonta. (Cheers.) At thif paint Mr. Better, shoemaker, and Mr. Drew, storekeeper, came forward amidst cheers. Me Buttib came there in response to the call. He taid as far as he knew the storekeepers and business people of Moonta, he believed the miners had their sympathy, bee .use they hai justice en their side. They all knew what Shakespeare had said—The nan who fought in a jast cause was thrloe armed. (Applause.) Whilst the miners had his sympathy he would advise them to be moderate; and now having taken a stand, let them be firm. (Sear. The business people of Moonta would feel! this .strike, so also would the business men in Adelaide, for if the miners were not earning money all these most suffer. He believed, as • far v he knew, th« business people felt that the I miners bad Justine on their side, sad would stand for then. The Directors bad said the price of material bad advanced, and so they were nlactantly obliged to reduce wage*. Had they all taken into consideration tho fast that

the necessaries of life had advanced veiy considerably ? ( applause.) Mr. Cua?. DBEW (Hestn. Drew Brothers) said fas bad jttit been in the colony twenty years, and he looked upon that gathering as <he mast pitiful sight be had beheld daring tiie whole of that tint*. He had very few words to say ; but he believed the majority of them would give him credit for being a man of common sense. (Applause.) One of the speakers had just now said, " Uon't make it too hot. 1* That was advice which he fully endorsed ; aad that was not to much for bis {tiie speaker's) own sake as for the Bake of the miners themselves. He did not know what they would do with the resolution that had been proposed; bat bis advice was that they should at any rate wait for a reply from the Directors, and then let them act as circumstances warranted. (Applause.) But above all things let them be united in thnir action, and work well together. (Cheers.) He believed they would get the sympathy of the colony to a very great extent, bat they me «t not make it " too hot." (Laughter.) He advised them to be very careful: they did not know what was before them, and the miseries which might arise from a want of due care in tiie steps they were now taking. He gave them that advice from his heart, lor he felt that their welfare was his welfare, their success was bis success, their rein was his. and tike ruin of the majority of the people of Moonta. (Cheers.) Again he urged them to await tile reply of the Directors, and then take action as circumstances might warrant. Mr. L. U FOBSEB (Mayor of Moonta) said it wvnld be ten years ego on the morrow since he had stood in the midst of a similar ring on tiie Moonta mines on an occasion similar to that. He then spoke on behalf of the tradesmen of Moonta, and taid their sympathies were with tiie miners and that they would stand by them to the last He was there to tell them the same tiling now—(lend applause)—and that they woald do all in their power to assist thendneis in carrying out their present movement. He considered that if they had justice on their side on that occasion—and he believed they had—then certainly they had justice with them now. (Cheers.) When he saw in the paper that tile wages were to be reduced Ba. per week, and in the same paper a 10a. dividend declared, he regarded it as adding insult to injury; it was a tiling unparalleled in the history of labor and capital. He thoroughly sympathised with the miners, and believed that they had the sympathy of she whole community. On the last occasion the tradesmen of Mooata did their best to give the miners net only a moral bat another equally necessary kind ef support, and he expected the same sympathy would be evinced on this occasion. He hoped that this strike would not be «o calamitous as the last; it nearly rained him (the speaker), and it went very hard with some of the miners themselves. He sincerely trusted that an amicable arrangement would be arrived at. He advised them to wait until they had received tiie reply of the Directors —not at once place themselves in an antagonistic position. When the Directors saw the determination the miners manifested, they woald probably be prepared to come to some terms. The miners bad taken such steps as would show tiie power was on their aide, and they might now await the Directors'reply. He only regretted that the occation had arisen for those proceedings. (Cheers.) Mr. Wat, of Adelaide, came forward amidst loud applau?P. He said he quite agreed with Mr. Drew, when he said this was one of the mostpitif ol spectacles he had witnessed inSouth Australia, Bat he also thought U was a noble spectaclr, to Bee a ring formed of from 1,500 to 2,000 men aroused to a sense of a great injustice done to them, andjyet following the advice ef his friend, the £cv. Me Knight, to do nothing excepting by the power of moral suasion. (Applause.) ft was honorable to the Peninsula and honorable to South Australia, aad be followed that rev, gentleman in the advice he had given. He quite agreed with him that when they had been subjected to injory and injustice they should have recourse to moral suasion, but his idea ef moral suasion was different to that entertained by Mr. Knight. It was not best illustrated by that kind of feeling with which slaves would yield to oppression, but rather by a man, when asked to submit to an injustice, standing forward and saying—" I will not submit to it" (Oheera.) It might be that tiie Directors of the Moonta Mines had the right to | tay what wages they woald give, but even that admitted of a question. He believed the time was coming when the respective rights of labor and capital would have to be adjusted. (Cheers ) Up to this time capital bat been having a gnat deal tiie best of it; but the time was arriving when labor woold have a larger share in the profits. (Applause) The most ardeat admirer of the action «f the Moonta Directors would not go farther than to admit their right to Bay they would give a certain amount of wages, but on the other hand the miners—and every one in the colony would agree with them—had a right to refuse to accept terms which they believed were inadequate to the work performed. (Applause.) He did not venture to offer advice In respect of the resolution before them ,- bat he woeUaay this, that nearly ell proteanaas or trades bad now their Trades Helena. Kven among lawyers there were means of proteetiea against naworthy members ef the profession. Miners had sorelythe same right as others to receive a fair remsmeratien for their labor, and to organise themselves in order to secure it. The present might net be the most prudent time for forming a Trades Union; on that he offered no opinion; but be concurred with those gentlemen mho had recommended that they should not give it " too hot" to the Directors. Those gentlemen were in the position of men who had made a mistake, and like all who were in that position they would natundly just now be very sensitive. Perhaps it weald be wise to have some regard to that sensitiveness. He weald not argue against their forming a Trades Union, but he thought ft might be well to postpone it vntil they had reosived the reply of the Directors, aad net exhibit any step that would aavue uf antagonism to them. (Applause.) Those gentlemen might be induced to reconsider their determbution,and thus tiie feai fnl state of affairs alluded to by the Rev. Mr. Knight might be avoided. In conclusion, be eompUmented them qa |he'#ia6erate ekMaftoh of vim he had 4>yT(C^eteT After sa vote «f thanks *c the Band,-the ClgAl?kAaT spoke ef the evident «omh?iatiaa ol Dtreaton of Jiff—ami* mines to reduce wages. Mr. W.TL Ituna?K wanted to know, tt the laonhsafci supported the miners, whether they in turn would support the mechanics? rYot.l Mr, J. D. Stbtehb a^ked if H was true that the mnehaaies were gains; to work as usual on the following day? Mr. Houcab was understood to say that the blacksmiths were going to work at F o'clock as usual. The Chatbvah said they generally looked for soldiers to rwanit the army from among the men. Mow it was possible to find good helpers among women, and he would not be snprised, should anything of that kind take place, if the women oame with their brooms and swept oat the shops. (T*nghter aad cheers, and " Sweep all tiie rubbish out. 11) Mr. Hgdda entered into some explanations respecting his relations to the movement, and protested his firm and hearty adherence to it. He alao drew a comparison between tile cost of provisions at the present time and on the occasion of the former strike, showing that then mutton was l^i. Ib., and now was 4d. and Sd. ; beef 3}i- and 4d^ and now 7d-—(A Voice—Bd.) n our £1, aad now 3*a. (Applause.) The Chaiemah annonatind that the Committee speotaUy requested the miners to meet in front of the workshops on t the following morning at half-put 6 o'olosk, eertsinly not much later, as he humorously described it, ** to pick op any specimen! that might be.moving about"—a suggestion readily understood and greatly relished by his andienoe. Kr. Akthoby moved the best thanks oT the meeting to the press, to Mr. Way, to the tradesmen who bad oome forward on that occasion, and to Mr. tJtacey for the loan of his omnibus aa a rostrum. Mr. BCBQESS seconded. The Chairman before putting the resolution, said that a contribution of Ms. had been forwarded by tiie fishermen towards expenses, and the intimation anoompanlwd it, that so long as the strike lasted they would supply fish to the miners at half price. (Great cheering.) He then pat the motion, including these donors, in the resolution. Carried with enthusiasm. Mr. Ukkeihqton replied on behalf of the Yorke1* Peninsula Aimiiter. Mr. Wat, Q. 0.. suitably responded, adding that he hoped before reaching Adelaide the dispute would be settled ; but if not he should be happy if he could in anyway render service as a mediator between ths miners and the Directors, (rhis announcement was followed by throe cheers.) The CHAibMAN said he had j<ut been informed that the mechanics would not goto work. (Applause.) A vote of thanks to the Chairman was conveyed with a hearty round of three cheers. The Bey. J. Thobnk was invited to address tiie meeting. He remarked that he was happy to be able to cay that all he had seen that day—all that had transpired before, shewed that they were qnite' able to' conduct their own business. The step they had taken was the right one, so fsi as he could judge, A pcevisns speaker had said that that was a pitiful spectacle; to it was in one aspect, bat in other aspeots it was a noble eight. The Key. Mr. Knight had made a reference to the temperate habits of the people. He was pleased to recognise thit fast—it was a tiling , which woald assist them very materially \ towards a sucoessful termination of the; struggle. With such habits they could pro- ' long tiie contest until they succeeded. He ; was sorry they had not a strong Union at their hacks with a large capital which wcnld keep them in a position of independence as regarded tie Directors; bat so far aa Hie public was concerned tie believed they felt the miners were entitled to sympathy. The Directors had not made this redaction because the mine had not paid, but in anticipation of possible shortcomings which wt-re not likely to happen. The fact was they

wanted only to sqoetza a little more out of the mlue-8. They had had no difficulties— their work was simply drawing dividends on money which they bad never even advanced. It might happen that the soup might be hot, but that coaM not be helped. The Directors had co much the advantage in the bargain, they must bear it. He hoped thit out of this present difficulty and the miners' sufferings good results would accrue, and that uever again whilst mineral leases were issued in this colony would such ridiculous terms be made by the Government as bai been made with this Company. It was the people's property, and the peoole ought to receive fair value for it. To use a West Ccuntty phrase, the colony had been "condiddled" in the matter of these mineral leases. (Ap. plause.) On the general question of capital and labor, he would remind them great changes bad occurred. Th irty years ago it was a crime for a man to take up the cause of his feUowmen in a matter of this sort ; bat now tiie aspect of affairs had changed, and tiie question of the day was which was likely to wincapital or labor—in any struggle that might arise. In these times the rights of labor were being recognised, and all that remained for them was to do what waa right, adhere to their temperate habits, and it would go far towards guaranteeing their success. (Cheers). The Cuubm ah reminded the meeting of the arrangement for tiie following morning, saying an ounce of precaution was better than a pound of care; and then declared proceedings doted.