South Australian Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1858 - 1889), Friday 2 January 1874, page 5



ST. PETER'S COLLEGIATE SCHOOL. The distribution of price, at St. Peter's. College took place on Thursday afternoon, De-<*> camber 18. There was a large attendance of

the parents and friends of tto scaelara Tbe

wdb of the room were covered srith samples of the boys' work, drawings, maps, Ac Hb Lord ship'the Bishop of Adelaide presided, and in Opening the proceedings, said that Hit Excel lency the Governor would have been- present bnt for the fact that Parliament was being and there were such a large n*_n_b_r of Bills to be dealt sri h that he was obliged to be absent. He sras happy to cay tbit- hs bail re ceived a telegram from M-lbourne, seating that their new Second Master, the Rev. Hay Sharpe, had arrived, and that he let tbat day per steamer PenoU. As a gratifying instanc3 of the interest the old boys felt iv the school, he read a letter, joust received from one of them, off snug a prize every Christmas for. elocution, aud one every June for an essay or narrative on aay given subject, and he expressed hb hi?h sense of the good feeling which auirasted the old sohclars of that institu.ion. It would be satisfactory to those present to know that their old friend, M. Marvel, was returning to the colony, end that they would again have his assistance. In parting from Herr von Schleinitz, their German master, he could say that they wished him every success, and that he and his future life would be worthy his high connections in the Prussian Empire. (Applause.) He then distributed the honote acti prizes as given below. The Rev. CaNON F__SB,M. A. (HeadUaVer), said that it rem-tined to him simply to men-ion one or two matters of general interest. Co had Wt very much gratified to find the letter tbat had been reid by His Lordship the Bishop lying- on hb desk jast before he entered the schoolroom. It was one of the great pleasures of a rchoolmaeter's life to find that he lived a part of his lifeoveragainintheboydthatwentout from the school, returning to the-n with feelings of gratitude, and it was one of the ple_s_r-.teet parts of the work to welcome b ick those who had been pupUs, and wbo brought tokens of the work they had done. He had again tbe pls&sure of telling them of the success of one of their oil boys. He bad heard oa'y the pre vious day that Bobert Moore, an old scholar at the College, had taken an English pasty priz? at Trinity College. Cambridge -, and daring the hilf-yeu- tbeir old schoolfellow Verco . bad further distinguished himself, and would shortly return as a medical man, res-iy to lop off an arm or dose them with -aedicine in the most approved fashion. Then there had jest re turned to the colony one of their old boys, who was then present, and who had distinguished himself. There were many others there, and he felt a pleasure in thus welcoming those whom he had known in their days of boyhood. It was with regret that he, that they, parted with one of tbeir old masters, but it was a satisfaction to know that on parting with Herr von Schleinitz they got another good man in his place. Mr. Jung had been for the last year intimately connected with the School as one of the Assistant Masters, and he had gained upon the affections of the boys by joining in their amusements. (Applause.) It was almost use-less to speak of the good conduct of tbe boys ; to speak of that would be to tell an oft-told tale. His labors had been very much lightened by their personal kindness to him. He returned his thanks to the prefects and to tiie boys for it. He was sorry that the writing in the school was not what it might be, but he hoped they would improve in the future. Hb LobdsbiF said that it might be recol lected that the Satiety for Promoting Christian Knowledge had advanced them £2,500 to start the College. That Society had now given three Exhibitions of £30 each to assist those who wished to study for the clergy in the colony, and he trusted that parents would think of qualifying their sons for the ministry, and not only for the professions of law and physic. Some of their South Australian friends hai given np their professions to enter npon tbe ministry. One .esse he had b-fore lii m atth* present time, and he hoped to present to the Church in the colony, in a short time, a com petent theologbn as well as a devout clergy man. (Appbuse.) Daring the afternoon several recitations were given in Englbh, French, and German, in a very creditable manner, and two or three pieces of music were song by the boys. The assemblage dbpersed after tbe tubal rounds of cheers.