South Australian Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1858 - 1889), Monday 5 August 1872, page 3


[From the Daily News Special Correspondent] Paris, June 9.

Nothing was needed but reasonably fine weather to assure the great race at Longchamps a success, at least equal to that of any previous anniversary, and this, in despite of somewhat

unfavorable symptoms in the early part of the day, was not denied it. From an early hoar in the day a string of carriages threaded their way to the Oaf£ de la Cascade, where the occupanta settled down to their dije&ntr with the comforting reflection that, no matter what might be the block as the how set for the first race drew nigh, they at least had bat to 1 stroll across the plain of Longchampj to be upon the immediate scene of action. The first race was aet for 2 o'clock, and was, as always happens upon great days, decided amidst almost general indifference. The winner's number had scarcely been hoisted when a movement was perceptible in the neighborhood «f the ant Imperial Tribune, which had been prepared for the reception of the President of the ficpnblic, who had officially announced his intention of honoring the scene with his presence. Madame Thiers, who was accompanied by Mdlle. Dosne, her sister, took her place upon the balcsuy that commands ao excellent view of the whole course, and was joined by the Countess Appoayi, the Princess Orloff, and several other ladier. M. Thiers himself, who is believed to take no interest in racing, and who perhapsneverassisted at sueh a gathering before, was not visible for some time afterwards, and remained in the interior of the stand, conversing with Marslul MacMahon. Generals Clinohant and Ladmirault, M. de Uiemusat, Caaimir P6rier, and Admiral Pothuan. While the Grand 7rix was being ran he paid aome little attention to the proceedings, but It most have been a great relief to him when the time came for leaving the ground. He was received upon his arrival, aa upon hu departure, with evident marks of respect; but the racing public is not demonstiative in regard to political events, and reserves its enthusiasm for the equine hero of the day. Whatever falling off there may have been in the attendance, there can l« no question as to the interest which the race created in sporting circles, and as to its success as a test between the pick of the English aod French three-yearolds. When this nice was established in 1863, the object in view was to afford the best animals of each country an opportunity of competing upon even terms. The credit of its foundation is due to the Dae de Moray, who induced the five great Railway Companies of France to subscribe 50,000 francs, and the City of Parii to allot a. like Bum, for a, prize open to thoroughbreds of all countries, without either penalty or allowance of any kind. Before this time the Wngii.Ti horses had no opportunity of running on French soil, sive in a few unimportant races, [as tile principal events were, and still are, confined to animals born in the country. Moreover, the belief in tbf superiority of English over foreign thoroughbreds was so strong, that a rule was still in existence by which the hitter earned 7 lbs. less weight when running in England. It was to secure this advantage that Mr. Merry sent his mares over to fold in France; but so evident an abnse of the spirit of the law, and a marked improvement in the quality of French ratehorses, brought about its abolition, nevertheless it was expected that tiie newly-instituted prize would almost invariably fall to our share, and that the onTy benefit which our neighbors could gain by it would be the arrival in the Frecch capital of a class of visitors peculiarly prone to expenditure. And upon its first anniversary, The Kanger achieved a triumph for Hr. Sivile, who waa a second time victorious yesterday; but he had great difficulty in heating LaToncqaes, who in her turn defeated Lord Clifden, believed to be the best three-year-old of the Reason. The contest of 1864 bore a striking resemblance to that of yesterday, as Blair Athol, Fillede rAir.and Bob ttoouel had between them secured the Knglish Derby and Oaks, as well as their equivalents at Chantilly, just as Oreniorne, Keine, Blvigny, and little Agnes had done this year. There is, however, this material difference, that whereas Cremoine has confirmed the trnth of previous running, so far at least as he is concerned, Blair Athol was upon that occasion defeated, not by one of the animalw from whom danger waa apprehended, but by a stable companion of Hois fi .ussel, whose name, Vermont, was a. few hours before unknown to all save thu most dili?Fnt followers of the sport. This fiasco opened our eyes to the fact that a horse which has probably taken part in a severe content a few duys before, and has had to undorgo the risks and fatigues consequent upon a long journey anil a change of air and of water—for slight circumstances such as these affect the racehorse, sometimes more sometimes less, according to his constitution— counter-balanced ajiy real or imaginary superiority, and that we most be quite content if we could hold our own with our adversaries. Gladiateur secured another triumph for France in 1865, but in the following year the victory of Ceylon equalised matters. There was a dead heat between Fervacques and Patrician, ultimately decided in favor of the former, in 1807, when the Exhibition in the Champs de Mars, wheie the Paris races formerly took place, caused the assemblage to

be greater eni more brilliant than it his ever been either before or Bince. The easy victory of The Karl io 1868 w.ts followed by two reverrci for the Kngliah horses, as Ul&mur a.ud SotWiU^ wcrfttlitt wiuoer*. It will thus \tv sren llinl<"it of the niuer&cra, we hav£ ouly ?-«en sace*.-fl->ful upon four occ i&ions, inclusive of yesterday, aud that of the four winner* Cremome is the so!o animal that his carried off the Engliih Derby ai well. Gladiateur had been victorious at Kpsom. but he wig, nominally at least. French, and Lord Clifduu and lilair Athol were decisively beiten, as I have mentioned above. There it no need to explain why the race did not take place last Jane, and one may content oneself with expressing a hope that no like came for i'l suipe?sion may ever oocur again, anil that the g'vers of the price may continue their grants, as it is one of the most interesting events of the season, and encourages tile French, breeders to predate something capable of "avenging Waterloo," as the Figaro and other patriotic prints termed the victory of Vermont in 1864. In regard to the race decided yesterday afternoon, it is difficult to speak at great length, for it may be summed np in the proverbial words, " Kclipse first and the rest nowhere." If Cremorne did not, like Somette, make all the running, and win without having once been headed, he at any rate maintained a forward position throughout, and, a? they rounded the bend into the straight, camo away from nil hones, and left them as if they were standing still. Thete were bat nine runners, of whom three—Barbillon, Little Agnes, and Bir-le-Dnc—belonged to the Duke of Hamilton, the first of the tcio carrying the proper eoLora, as well as the hopes of the stable. Madjza was sent to make the running for Oremome, and Faublas must have been started for the honor and glory of the thing, and it is a pity that he was not kept in bis stable, as his antics at the post caused two false starts, and ultunatelr led to his being left in the rear when Count Greffulhe gave the signal for the flag to drop. Berryer and Beriguy, though both trained by Henry Jennings, represent entirely different interests, and ran independently of each other, honestly and upon their merits. This pair, with Reins, winner^of the KnglishQaks, and the selected of the DuVe of Hamilton's trio, were, therefoie, the only "serious" rivals of Cremome; judged by their recent running they were a very formidable quartette, even far ths winner of the Derby, especially as Mr. Savile's colt was thought to be better at a mile or a mile and a half than over longer courses. He nevertheless increased in Cavor towards the close of the week, and it was impossible to back his chance without laying a shade of odds upon him. His journey from Newmarket was effected under the most favorable conditions, and Beriguy, the winner of the French Derby, was, as I telegraphed on Thursday night, unexpectedly beaten by little Agnes. Then again, both ef these last mentioned animals bad been in continuous work since April, while Cremome had only run twice during the season, and Berryer, though he had done less than his stable companion, had still been m> hardly pressed upon one occasion that doubts were entertained as to his being as fresh as might be desired. AU these circumstances told in favor of Mr. Savile'a colt, causing a consequent depreciation in the market position of his rivals. It was believed that Beine was to be the heroine of a surprise such as the Grand Prix is famous for, and Barbillon had run so well over a long course ou Sunday week, that he was with justice deemed to be the best place investment. When Oremome came away from all of these at the last turn, there was a momentary struggle between Berryer, Keine, and Barbulon, but the first -was soon settled, and Heine had no chance with the other in the last hundred yards. The Judge's fiat was " won by two length*, three between second and third;" Berryer was fourth, be&en two lengths from Seine, with Hevigoy fifth, and the remainder coming in at wide intervals and far in the rear. The value of the prize to the winner is very nearly 140,000 francs. There is a sum of 10 000 francs for the second, and 5,000 francs for the third, m> that each of the three first places is worth struggling for. This fact makes me disinclined to coincide in the opinion which I have heard expressed, that Berryer might, if persevered with, have been second. He appeared to me thoroughly beaten for want of stamina, and Eevigny was clearly out of all form, tail decline since Ghaatilj having been as rapid as was bis rise at Longchamps in the spring. It only shorn the folly of keeping horses continually in training, no animal being able to remain at the apogee of condition for more than a certain length of time together. Many people hurried away as soon as the Grand Prix had been decided in order to tike up j a position in the Champs Blyte'dS and wit-1 ness the return of the great body of the spectators, and I noticed that there were a great number of carriages drawn op in the avenues that intersect the Bois. whose occupants had manifestly not been to the races at all, but had come to see the returning pilgriss. Those, however, who believe in coincidences must hive been converted to a faith in Cremorne by the victory of Son Carlos, whose colors are Hpnti'-*1 with those borne by the favorite. This was in the Piix des Pavilions, and was gollowed by the triumph of Fleur de Peche (who won the French Gesarewitch last autumn) in the Handicap de la Vflle de Paris —a name so «?tnil?r to the Grand Prix de la Yiile de Paris as to create a fine opening for the enterprising welaher who is beginning to become a painful reality on French racecourses. Blaidment rode Cremome with singular tact and coolness, Custanoe got the last ounce out of Barbulon, and Fordhun was entrusted with the l....aiii, g of Beine, so that "the English jockeys." a* it is the custom to term those who habitually ride in W"c*«"^ <■? «nmfa?Ji«t.nntim. to their compatriots permanently employed in France, were first, second, and third. I may mention, in conclusion, that though Henry Jenning's training establishment near Compi6 jue is one of the largest in France, and that although the stable generally stands first or second in the list «f winning owners at the end of the season, none «f those whose horses are trained there have been able to securs a Oiand Prix, though they have, more than once, had * great favorite for it.